My Tinder Match [Incest]

I’ve been living back home for almost a year now. I’m fortunate enough to have a wonderful dad, always assuring me I could come back whenever and figure life out together. After a job didn’t pan out too well in the city, I took him up on it and grabbed my old room. I kind of hate it here. The change from living in a big city to a small town again has been a difficult adjustment. But living with dad hasn’t been too bad. He’s quiet, sweet, and mostly spends his time traveling for work or visiting our grandmother in upstate New York.

Feeling the loneliness a bit harder than usual, I decided to get on tinder to try to scope out the bachelors in our old town. All I found was mostly high school boys pretending to be older than they were, luckily none of them old enough to recognize me. I got a fair bit of matches, sure, but none that I was really interested in. Instead I chose to start lowering my standards, started even swiping on the older men that could even pass off as my dad based on age alone. (I might’ve even curiously swiped on an old teacher of mine, though I never matched with him so that sort of felt like a waste!)

Yesterday, I found my uncle on tinder. He had a silly picture of just his abs, cutting out his face, but I recognized the picture from a recent facebook post of his. I thought it would be funny/cute to match, if he happened to see me on there. Something we could laugh about on our own. Afew hours after swiping, I got the match notification. Clearly he had different intentions than I did, but I wasn’t at all complaining. I had been attracted to him for as long as I could remember. Below are some screenshots on how that all developed.

[My Uncle Jason](



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