[mF] Happiest Place on Earth

So, this is the tale of my first sexual experience, and how I came to realize I was above average. I’m going to be posting more than a few stories from my past at the behest of someone in my life. Details can be found stickied on my profile

This origin story takes place in High School, senior year, on our yearly band trip to Disneyland. Bit of background on that first, our trips were Thursday to Sunday, Thursday and Sunday were 12 hour bus trips there and back, Friday was a clinic at a local college and a concert in the evening, and Saturday was Disney day (along with a clinic in the recording studios in the backlot, but most of the day was just us having fun and the conductor getting shitfaced in Downtown Disney). Also, I wasn’t one of the popular kids, far from it, I was clearly one of the nerds. Aside from band, my only other thing really at school was being part of the Smash Bros. club at lunch (the Chem teacher sponsored us, was a kickass Pikachu main, and when we were done with the AP tests even let us play in class). Enough of that, onto the story…

On the trip down, as would be expected, I had to take a leak, and us being a ways away from the half-way rest stop, went to use the small lavatory in the back. Unbeknownst to be, the lock on the door didn’t work, and when I was almost done, one of the more popular girls, Emily(1st chair flautist, blonde, 5’4’’, killer body, completely out of league) came back to use it too. She opened the door, and was surprised to see me, but then even more surprisingly didn’t close the door.

I looked over at her and asked, “What the hell are you looking at?”

“Clearly not nothing, that’s for damn sure” she replied as I zipped up and washed my hands.

I thought nothing of it (like I said, clueless nerd), but little did I know that she was staring at my flacid dick, surprised at how big it was. By the time we got to the hotel in LA, she had blabbed to all her friends, and them their friends, and so on, until they all knew the nerdy trumpet player had a big dick.

Friday was largely uneventful until the concert in the evening. Everyone was dressed up in nice formal wear, and we had a block of seats in the concert hall. My friends and I took a few seats in a row in back, and surprisingly Emily took the seat on my other side. Initially I didn’t think anything of it, the seats were getting filled up, and we were likely both glad we didn’t end up next to our conductor. Around half way through the performance she decided to speak up, and said she was sorry for just barging in the other day.

“Don’t worry about it, not your fault the lock was busted” I told her, wondering why she brought it up again.

“I’m also sorry for just standing there like a deer in the headlights, it’s just, well, you know…” she added.

“I know what?” I asked, puzzled.

“You’re just, well, not the type of guy I would have thought would have such a big dick, that’s what” she replied matter of factly.

If I had been drinking something, this would have been when I spit it out all over the person sitting in front of me.

“Uhhh… What?” was all i could get out.

“This, is what i’m talking about” she said playfully as she reached out and grabbed my dick through my dress pants.

“My my, seems bigger than I thought, and is it just me, or is it getting bigger?” she asked rhetorically, knowing the answer was yes because, well, she could feel it. I couldn’t think of anything to say back, this time I was the deer in the headlights, with a hot blonde grabbing its dick.

She squeezed it hard before leaning in and whispering in my ear “I wonder how much bigger it gets, can’t wait to find out” right as the concert breaks for intermission.

She got up and went out to stretch her legs in the lobby, but not before telling me she’d continue this “investigation tomorrow”. I of course spent the intermission in my seat, not wanting to get up with a dick hard enough to break marble. When the concert resumed Emily managed to sit with her friends, and they spent the rest of the night stealing the occasional glance back at me and giggling.

Saturday was Disney day, the main reason everyone went on this trip. The band I was in was one of the first to go back and have our clinic, and Emily’s was the second, so we both had basically from noon until closing to roam the parks. It wasn’t until a bit after lunch until Emily managed to find me in line on the Grizzly River Run ride in California Adventure. She didn’t acknowledge me until we got up to the ride, and since we were all in the single’s line, she “accidentally” got split from her friends and was sitting next to me on the raft. Throughout the ride she’d try and reach over and grab my dick again, but she had poor timing and always got jostled away before she could grab on. When we got off, all the water had given me a sudden urge to take a leak, so I went to the nearest restroom to relieve myself, not knowing that Emily was gonna follow me in. When she did, and realized she lucked out and no one else was in there, she grabbed me and pulled me into the handicap stall. “Now that we’re all alone, I wanna see that concealed weapon of yours up close, and personal” she told me as she got on her knees and undid my soaked through pants.

“Hmmm, doesn’t seem to be at full mast yet, guess I’ll have to do something about that.” she remarked as she spit on her hands and started to jack me off.

I couldn’t believe what was happening, if anyone had told me 3 days earlier that in 3 days, I’d have one of the hottest girls in school jacking me off in a bathroom stall, I’d think they were high off their ass, but here she was, doing just that, with a devilish hot smile on her face. I was lost in my thoughts, so when she stopped jacking me off and stuck the tip in her mouth, I snapped back to reality, and almost came right then. Emily just played with the tip for a bit, enjoying the agony she was causing me.

“Seems like you’re about to cum already, shame, I had plans for tonight, but if you’re this short of a fuse, i guess you’ll need some time to get some experience under your belt before that. For now though, I’m gonna get back to sucking this beast”

I just nodded as she went back to work. It didn’t take long before she had me on the cusp of cumming, I told her as much, and she just kept sucking, not wanting to make a mess that’d have to be cleaned up. If anyone was outside the stall, they’d know what was going on in there by the moans I was making as she proceeded to milk a few days worth of cum out of me. She seemed to struggle at first with how much there was (it had been a while since I had some time to jack off), but she managed to swallow every last drop. She playfully licked the underside of my shaft and cleaned my cock.

“Well, that was short, but damn, do you have potential. I’ve never seen one that thick before, my jaw is gonna be sore tomorrow” she said as she got up and started to clean herself up.

I just stood there, like an idiot, still not fully grasping what had happened, while she grabbed a drink out of her bag and gargled with it to get the taste of dick off her breath. Before Emily left she told me that she’d “be getting in touch when we got back home to continue what we started”. We exchanged numbers and before I went back into the stall to finally take a leak she popped around the corner and added “Oh ya, this should be a no brainer, but don’t tell anyone about this, Jack would probably kill you”

I stood there, quickly realizing the situation I was in, and that if her jealous jock boyfriend found out what just went down, he would kill me, and mount my head on a goalpost.

This was the beginning of a new path in my life, one that lead to plenty more encounters like this, with a lot of other women, but for now, that’s all you’ll get.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/d3j1wg/mf_happiest_place_on_earth