Part 1 The truth will set you free… Judy’s new roomer awakens her innermost thoughts…

I won’t bore you with all the details but suffice to say I am a 42 year old married woman named Judy. Average would adequately describe me, and also my husband. I have Average looks, average body, average everything really. We are just an average couple, living an average life.

Then Dave my husband lost his job in the financial crisis and suddenly things became very tight financially. With both our sons in College there were no more vacations or Spa trips. Every day we were just struggling to make ends meet, and things were not getting any better.

One evening as we waded through the latest bills to arrive I had an idea. “Why don’t we rent one of the kid’s rooms” I said to Dave. “The extra income from a roomer would be a godsend” Dave thought it was a great idea so the next day I placed an advert for the room in our local paper.

Within a few days I had a call regarding the room from a man named James. The call was very short. He simply said, in an English accent, “May I see the room” and asked for the address which I gave him. “I will be there in half an hour” he said and rang off. Half an hour later the doorbell rang and when I answered it I found a smartly dressed slim man of about 55 on the doorstep. He smiled but didn’t speak. Instead he handed me a plastic card which hung around his neck and then said “Please read this card before I talk with you” I was a little puzzled but took the card and began reading.

Printed on the card was the following –


**To whom it may concern.**

This is to certify that the bearer of this card, Mr. James Knight, suffers from a very rare form of Asperger’s Syndrome, and the card is provided to inform the reader of how it affects his conversation with others.

The main consequence of his condition is that it renders him incapable of lying. It is impossible for him to lie, and he will, without exception, always tell the truth even at times that may seem totally inappropriate in our modern world where lying is standard behavior.

Many people find his open and honest trait refreshing, but others may find it uncomfortable and even insulting. Each and every one of us have thoughts that ‘society’ deems we do not voice until it is appropriate to do so, and most of us would normally think twice before expressing those thoughts. This is not so with Mr. Knight as his condition compels him to voice his thoughts as they occur with honesty and candor. As an example if someone is a little overweight he may well tell them so. Other comments may be much more sexual in nature.

Please be aware that Mr. Knight understands his condition but has no control over it. He does not wish to cause offense, and is completely normal in all other aspects of his life.

Signed on this day April 6th 1999
Thomas Clarke, Consultant Psychologist
Harley Street, London, UK


I was a bit surprised and thought ‘What a strange condition’. How odd to be telling the truth all of the time, however a paying roomer is just what we needed so I wasn’t going to let this opportunity slide. I couldn’t see how this man James’s condition could in any way effect David and I, so I told him I understood and was happy for him to take the room. He thanked me, paid me a month’s rental in advance and said he hoped to move in that evening.

His parting comment was “How fortunate I am to be sharing the home of such a beautiful woman”

I blushed and was about to rebuke him when I remembered his condition, and although a little shocked I knew he didn’t mean to offend me. So I thanked him for the compliment. It had been a long time since I had been called ‘Beautiful’ and I must admit I was a little flattered. By most standards Dave and I had a happy marriage, but it wasn’t the most romantic in the world. We still had occasional sex and I didn’t think there could be more to be had from our sexual relationship.

When Dave came in a little later I told him all about James but I wasn’t sure I should tell him of the compliment so I kept quiet.

The rooming contract between James and us gave him the use of all the houses amenities including of course the only bathroom and the television lounge. We provided him with a key and he came and went as he pleased. He arrived with his belongings about 9pm and I introduced him to Dave. They shook hands and exchanged a few words. Dave asked if he could read the card that James carried and he said “Of course”

While Dave was reading I invited James into the lounge where he told me he had lived in the USA for 10 years or so. I asked if he was married and he said “I’ve been divorced for a few years, but have had a number or relationships since. By the way, you have the most beautiful tits!”

I stepped back, speechless, not believing what I had heard. “paarddon…” I spluttered. “You have the most beautiful tits” He repeated. I had no idea what to say. No-one, even Dave, my husband and only ever sexual partner had spoken to me in this way. At this point Dave came back into the room and said.

“Interesting condition you have James” He then looked at me and said “Are you OK Judy…you look a bit hot and flushed”

Flushed was an understatement…I was giddy with embarrassment……”I’m fine” I said breathlessly…. “Can we perhaps have a drink?” I asked.

“Sure” said Dave heading to the drinks cabinet “Perhaps James would like to join us?”

“Nooooo” I thought. If Dave learns what James said he’ll likely show him the door, and we can kiss goodbye to the rent.

Dave poured us each a drink and we sat and chatted for a while. All the time I was expecting James to say something totally inappropriate. I knew he couldn’t help it. It was as natural to him to tell the truth as it was to me to breathe, and as much as I wanted to be nice to him I was dreading any more comments.

All went well for twenty minutes or so until Dave turned on the TV and began channel hopping. First a news program, then a nature program, and then a love scene. The screen showed a naked man and women in bed. The woman was moaning softly. And then it happened….

James turned to me and said in a loud clear voice “Do you moan that loud when Dave fucks you Judy?”

I just wanted the ground to open and swallow me up. The language….in my own home…in front of my husband…!

I looked sheepishly across at Dave expecting him to explode out of the chair and take James by the throat. But he hadn’t moved…. he must be totally shocked too I thought…then after a moment or two he spoke.

“Why don’t you answer James Judy? After all he is being honest with you, so you should be honest with him”

Whaaat! This from my husband….James talking so dirty to me and he wants me to respond. How can I? This is as far outside my comfort zone as it gets. What has come over Dave? I couldn’t decide whether I should leave the room in disgust or stay a little longer and hope Dave came to his senses and threw James out. In the end I stayed but didn’t answer. I simply curled up in the chair and finished my drink. There followed a long silence…a silence in which I found myself strangely both upset and, unusually, a little excited.

I had heard these sorts of words before of course but not used about me! Eventually James rose, thanked us for the drinks, said goodnight and headed upstairs. Dave and I followed shortly after in silence. We didn’t speak further of James´s comments and went to bed. Soon Dave was fast asleep and snoring softly.

That night I could not get to sleep. I lay awake in bed beside Dave. He always slept like a log whereas I was a light sleeper. My mind tumbled through the events of the evening. Dave had obviously taken the words on James’s card very seriously, and was prepared to be very understanding and tolerant of his condition, and all that came with it.

A thought crept into my mind. A saying I had heard somewhere, “The truth will set you free” I knew it shouldn’t but remembering the words James used made me feel a little sexually aroused and I thought back to an incident that happened when I was younger.

I was taking a shower and when I was washing my vagina I felt a shiver of pleasure so I sat back in the bath, opened my legs and continued to wash myself there as it was so pleasurable. Then my mother opened the bathroom door and saw what I was doing. She was furious and said it was dirty and that she would tell my father. I pleaded with her not to tell him but to no avail. When my Father came home she related what I had been doing and he told me if it ever happened again he would take me to the Priest and make me confess what I had been doing.

From that day to this I had never touched myself again but, as I lay there thinking of the words James had said to me, I let my hand drift down between my legs and was surprised how wet I was. I didn’t usually get wet even when Dave and I had sex. It was usually a quick dry rub of his penis just inside my vagina.

I let my finger enter my vagina and began to slowly rub myself. I was so worried that Dave would feel what I was doing that I was very slow and gentle, just enjoying this long remembered feeling, but after a minute or two my fears got the better of me and I stopped. My last thoughts as I drifted off to sleep were that it felt as though there was an impenetrable door between me and my sexual fulfillment. But this door had now been nudged open by James and his comments. I had caught a glimpse of what lay on the other side, and I decided I wanted to know more….



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