[F] Got mistaken for a high end prostitute at a convention…

I went to the 2016 Convention as a delegate for the state of Texas. I wasn’t a very political person before, but I was enthusiastic about the candidate and the message. But this isn’t about politics.

Things weren’t great at home. My husband has always been very passionate about politics and he donated to a different candidate from our state. It was a little contentious because we’re both stubborn, independent people. Two alphas.

So he didn’t go to Ohio with me. I was on my own with the group and kind of cut loose. But that part isn’t unusual for me. I’m over 40 now, but I’m a former pageant queen with a love for nice dresses, high heels, big hair, and big glasses of wine! I still have a gym body, even if I no longer have a high school cheerleader’s waist. (Pic on my profile!)

Obviously it was a rowdy atmosphere. There was a celebratory vibe. There was definitely a crowd that was high on life and old times religion, but that wasn’t my crowd! I tried to hit every party I could find!

That’s how I ended up three sheets to the wind in a hotel ballroom. I was wearing low cut red dress that showed off my legs and cleavage. It had long sleeves and kind of split the line between classy party dress and sexy. It definitely would not have been out of place at a country club party.

At some point late in the evening I go outside to see if I can bum a smoke. I don’t smoke regularly, but sometimes I crave it when I drink too much. I got one from a stranger waiting for an Uber and we talked for a minute or two and then she left.

So I was alone in a short red dress and red heels with big blond hair and big tits smoking a cigarette by myself outside a major hotel during a political convention with a lot of visitors. It’s no wonder he approached me!

He was definitely a wealthy donor! Nobody famous. He wasn’t a politician. Just some businessman who had money and believed in the cause.

He didn’t really make any small talk. He went right in saying he could use some company for the night!

I suggested he probably said that to all the girls!

Then he said something about me being high class and wondering how much a wan like me would even cost for a night.

I told him more than he could afford.

He dropped an outrageous number. Four figures for the whole night.

That’s when I finally realized he actually thought I was a prostitute!

I got a little thrill out of it. Bartered a little bit. Told him he’s half to buy me a drink or two first at the hotel bar so I knew he was a good guy. I was really just playing along to see how far it would go. But the more we talked, the more excited I got!

I went to his room—a big suite—still not thinking I’d go all the way. The he pulled out cocaine! So we both indulged, one thing led to another and we had sex. Then more blow and sex. Nothing too wild. In the morning I found that he’d stuck a stack of bills in my purse and he was nowhere to be found.

I thought about leaving the cash. After all, I’m not a sex worker. But what was the point? I took the money and left and have never told anyone!

TL;DR – Got mistaken for a high end call girl at a convention and just went with it

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/d2zs01/f_got_mistaken_for_a_high_end_prostitute_at_a


  1. This chick is hilarious…

    Check out her profile and previous posts to others on relationship advice and when you should be having sex etc…

    Such as her response to a post on ” What Is Your Ideal ‘Timeline’ For A Romantic Relationship?” – “Gross. High school children having sex when they are not in love and multiple partners before college have parents who failed them.”

    So High School kids having sex is “Gross”, but being married, cheating and having sex with someone for money is totally ok.

    Especially when you’re a paid-up member of a Conservative political party that espouses ‘Family Values’ and all that crap.

    Some MAJOR hypocrisy going on here.

  2. This story is a tidy Trump metaphor: we got fucked and the fucker is keeping the money

  3. “Got mistaken for a high end call girl”

    What was the mistake, exactly? The “high end” part?

  4. I’d like to hear more details about the night, as well as see more pictures. You are gorgeous

  5. Not long after I figured out which convention she went to, too many Republican stereotypes got confirmed:

    1) big haired “blonde” thinks she’s more attractive than she is, or that her story is anything but boner-killing sadness;
    2) complete and utter hypocrisy;
    3) an inability to spell or use proper grammar;
    4) a conflation of money with actual value;
    5) crowing that “I’m a libertarian, honey” absolves her from supporting the fascist tendencies of the Trump administration;
    6) a racist comment history (“They’re trying to breed us out!” on the quarantined r/ subforwhitepeopleonly).

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