Can you do [M]e a [F]avor?

I know some people just enjoy reading about the sex, so if thats you, feel free to skip ahead to -THE SEX- I’m also fully aware that this may sound like the script of a bad porno, however it is 100% true

It was 6am, and I had just landed in Manila. I had flown a budget Asian airline leaving extremely late the night before. I was exhausted, having slept poorly on my flight. I made the transfer from my terminal to the Manila domestic terminal, as I was flying to one of the 7000 beautiful islands the Philippines has for the next part of my trip. However, I still had a few hours before my flight. I figured to kill the time, I’d open up Bumble, swipe for a little bit, and catch a quick nap before my flight. I figured I’d get a few matches, enjoy talking to some cute girls, and cure some boredom during the down time on my trip. After about 15 minutes of swiping I couldn’t fight the urge to sleep any more, so I put my phone down and enjoyed a quick nap. When I awoke, I had quite a few matches, but one stuck out in particular. Lisa was a few years older than me at 28, and honestly one of the most gorgeous girls I had ever seen. She was average height, with a killer body, shoulder length dark hair and a killer smile. On top of all that, her profile stated she was actually from the island I was visiting! I quickly struck up a conversation with her, excitedly telling her I was visiting her beautiful home. She was extremely anxious to talk about how her home is the most beautiful island in the world, and how she even owned a tour company on the island. I was shocked, not only was she gorgeous, she was a business woman. She then asked me when I was coming back to Manila, and if I was going to be staying a few extra days before flying to my next city. I told her that I would be back in a few days, and that yes, I would be staying in Manila before my next flight. At this point, I was just counting my blessings, thinking I was about to score a date with this incredibly hot Filipina girl. Then she hits me with a question that would completely change the trajectory of our conversation. “Hey Littlenath467, do you think you could bring back some of my business documents with you? I need them here in Manila :)”

Now, I was skeptical. Why was she in Manila without these documents? Why couldn’t she mail them from the island to Manila? What is going on here? She explained that she had just gotten back from a trip abroad and had been staying with her friend in Manila, as flights back and forth to her island were expensive. She had originally planned to go home after her trip, but at the last minute, had stayed in Manila with her friend. As for shipping; well it would take about 2 weeks with the Philippines Post Office and was really expensive. Besides, she said, she’d rather make it up to me when I was back in Manila than pay for the shipping. At this point I was ecstatic. Innuendo was flying and I was thinking with my little head. Besides, it was just some business permits. Papers. Receipts. No big deal. Its not like I’m going to transport drugs. Not only that, but they were her original documents. She was clearly putting a lot of trust in me. No way she’d have me transport illicit materials as well, right?

All goes well until I get to the island. She texts me asking if I can also bring her laptop and iPad too. I should have just stopped right there. This was getting to be too much. I was sure that something would go wrong. So naturally, I said yes. She gives me the number of one of her employees and tells me to meet her at a restaurant in town in one hour. Fine. I meet her employee, we exchange pleasantries and I get a backpack from her. This was relatively easy, although locals are staring at me, and I felt slightly uncomfortable. I’ve watched enough episodes of Locked Up Abroad to know that 1) being locked in a Filipino prison for drug smuggling is the last thing I want to happen and 2) people get in trouble all the time for carrying packages with ‘unknown’ contents. So like the smart guy I am, I rushed back to the hotel to tear this backpack apart. I looked in every nook and cranny, took apart the laptop backing, searched all the pockets, etc. You name it, I did it. Finally after about 10 minutes I was satisfied that there is only what she said would be there.

After my time on the island (which was lovely by the way, thanks for asking) I head back to the tiny island airport, which is no more than a single runway and an outdoor pagoda for a hangar. I was nervous, because even though I had checked the bag, you never know what could happen. When you go through airport security in the Philippines, you put both your checked bag and carry-on through an x-ray scanner (like the kind the TSA uses) before you can actually enter the airport. I put my bags through the scanner and I WAS STOPPED. I freak out internally. There was a police officer next to the airport security worker. This is it, I thought. I was going to jail, all because I wanted to get laid. The airport security agent then asks me the greatest question I could have heard in that moment; “The bottle in your bag, what is it, and is it sealed?” I breathe a sigh of relief, explaining it was a sealed bottle of whiskey. She waves me through, and I think “Jesus what have I gotten myself in to”. I text Lisa letting her know I was only an hour away from Manila and she replied that she was going with her friends to Batangas (a province south of Manila) for the night, and that I would have to hold on to her bag for another day, but that she would make it up to me. Great I thought, another day with this bag full of stuff for somebody I don’t know. If this doesn’t sound like the plot of an episode of Locked Up Abroad, I don’t know what does.

My flight to Manila goes off without a hitch, I land safely, and freely walk out of the airport, past all the drug sniffing dogs, and make it to my hotel. I was in the clear. She hadn’t been lying, and my, in retrospect, incredibly stupid decision to help her out was about to pay off big time.

We decide to meet the next evening in the hotel bar for a quick drink before heading to my room to show her the view from my patio overlooking the city, and for her to collect her belongings. She arrived right on time and was just as gorgeous in person. Her sparking eyes coupled with her tight black dress and coy smile told me that while she might have been thirsty for a beer, she was defiantly hungry for something. We made great small talk at the bar, and nothing seemed awkward or out of place. She even joked about how I probably thought I was being set up for a drug bust. I laughed and said it did cross my mind, and she thought it was the funniest thing she’d heard all day. Before long, we had finished our drinks and head up to my room.

When she entered the first thing she did was seductivly bend over and take her shoes off, leaving me a wonderful view of her cute butt. I gave her her bag and she then proceeded to check everything, remarking how excited she was that everything was delivered. She kissed me on the cheek and laid under the covers in my bed, turned on the TV, and said we should watch a movie. I was equal parts pleased that this was really going to happen, and that ‘watching a movie’ was a euphemism that had made its way to the Philippines.


As I slipped under the covers as well, she instinctively curled up against the left side of my body, her head under my chin. I didn’t want to go in too quickly, and decided to tease her for a bit. She was gently stroking my thigh through my shorts, while I could see through the corner of my eye that she was looking up at me intently with her big brown eyes. Finally I couldn’t take it anymore and looked down at her. I don’t recall who made the first move, but we were suddenly engaged in a ferocious make out session. I could feel all the built up sexual tension being released, and it was fantastic. Its not that she was an excellent kisser, or that her lips felt wonderful on mine. Rather, it was the climax of the story, the fact that this was really happening. It made it that much hotter than if I was hooking up with a girl I met at the bar.

She slipped the straps off the top of her dress leaving two small, yet perky tits for me to suckle. She had nice hard nipples that instantly found their way into my mouth. As soon as my tongue hit her nipple, she moaned loudly and pulled my hair. It was intoxicating. I couldn’t take it anymore and placed my hand on her crotch. She didn’t stop me. It was warm and damp. I played with her outside her panties, her riding my fingers like she was a virgin being touched for the very first time. Soon enough, she let me know she was ready for more as she took off her dress and panties, showing off her perfectly smooth and glistening pussy. I wanted to get down and taste her, but she told me ahead of time she doesn’t enjoy oral, so sadly I was confined to fingering her. It only took at few minutes for my sheets to become absolutely soaked and for my fingers to feel that oh so familiar feeling of contraction around them. Lisa was screaming now as her body shook around my hand. Then she said the thing I had been waiting for all night; “get a condom”.

I didn’t need to be told that twice. I reached over to the night stand, slid it on and prepared to enter her missionary. She was wet and tight, and it took a few seconds to get all of me inside her, but once I was in, it was unlike any pussy I have ever felt. I usually last a very long time, yet here I was less then 30 seconds in about to blow my load. I couldn’t take it anymore so I told her to get on all fours. Thankfully she smiled and did what she was told like a good girl. While Lisa has some small little tits, oh man does she have an ass. Not only that, but she was determined to bounce it on me like I’ve never seen before. I was in heaven fucking her from behind for what seemed like ages, but in reality it was probably only a few minutes. I let her know I was going to cum and she told me to finish on her back. I slid out of her, ripped off the condom and finished all over her back. I usually hate finishing on a girl’s back, but something about my milky white cum on her tan Filipina skin really got me. I was intoxicated by this girl. I got a towel and wiped her off, suggesting a round two, however she told me that she had best be getting home as it was getting late. Unfortunately for me, there would be no round two as my flight was leaving early the next day. I did, however, get her number to chat on WhatsApp, where she thanked me for all my help and a wonderful evening.


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