A Story About A Threesome [FMF, Cheating, Oral, Anal, Creampie, Facial]

Tonight’s venue was small but Matthew preferred things that way. Small venues made it easier to feel the energy of the audience and that helped him feel connected to the performance, even if he wasn’t the one up on stage. He stood near the back of the small crowd and mixed in with the patrons who had showed up for his band’s latest gig.

Well, it wasn’t his band. Not exactly anyway. It was hardly even a band.

On the stage performed two of Matthew’s friends. Their names were Lauren and Stephanie and, Matthew hadn’t known them very long, the three had grown close over the last few months. They were part of a musical group back home, something they did as a hobby more than anything else. The two women had known each other since childhood and had been involved in music for almost two decades now. He had organized this little tour as a favor to them and it wasn’t like they had expected a career to magically spring forth because of it. It was a bit of fun. Perhaps just putting old dreams to rest.

Stephanie was blonde with shoulder-length hair and joyful eyes that lit up when she performed. Her hypnotic gaze was matched by the sincere smile that drew attention to her high cheekbones. She was dressed in a sleek, black dress that clung to her modest curves and stopped mid-thigh, just in time to show off less than one would think.

Lauren also wore black but her clothing was tighter, more form-fitting and expressive much like the streak of color she kept in her dark hair. She was of average height, only a bit shorter than Stephanie was, and it was clear that Lauren enjoyed the attention she gained from being on stage. This had not always been the case. In their younger years, or so Matthew had heard, Lauren had always been the more shy of the two. After putting the effort into losing the extra weight she had been carrying since childhood, she had a newfound streak of confidence that translated well into additional sex appeal.

By contrast, Matthew was rather plain looking. He could certainly be handsome if he tried to put in the effort but that just wasn’t the type of person Matthew was. In fact, his quiet aloofness was one of his best qualities. Alt least, that’s what he liked to think.

Tonight’s performance was just another in a series of gigs that Matthew had managed to secure. The trio had been travelling across the country for almost a month now and there was hardly a break in between performances, not with travel time and preparation being considered. Despite his “official” position being the group’s manager, Matthew felt more like a glorified assistant most of the time. He took care of most of the logistics and most of the legwork and most of the labor, but he didn’t complain at all. In his own way, he enjoyed the trip for what it was, and the extra money they were earning certainly wasn’t bad either.

Matthew tried not to let things like money bother him, though. He moved to the back of the crowd, towards where he could order another beer while he decided on whether the girl tending the bar tonight was his type or not. She wasn’t. Not really, but she was cute enough to warrant the added patronage, even if Matthew had downed enough beers already to have given him a slight buzz.

The final note of the duet’s last song played out and the crowd cheered. Matthew didn’t bother to turn around and simply remained where he sat as the rest of the patrons proceeded to enjoy the remainder of the night. By the time Lauren and Stephanie returned to meet up with him, the last of the crowd had filtered out quite a while ago.

Matthew had been flirting heavily with the bar girl when they approached. It wasn’t as though he was being serious about it, either. His charm was enough to warrant some pleasant conversation and he even got her number. It was all niceties as he was certain she had no intention of taking things any further; perhaps she was just being polite. It didn’t matter because by the following evening the trio would have already been on their way to the next town and their next show.

“Come on, loverboy,” Lauren said as she placed her hand on Matthew’s shoulder. She usually had a light touch but tonight there was a firmness to the way she took hold of him. When he turned to face her, he saw that both she and Stephanie had changed into more simple outfits consisting of just form-fitting t-shirts and a pair of jeans. “Time to go. It’s getting late.”

Stephanie waved to the bartender as Matthew protested. “Hey,” he said, “can’t you see I’m working over here?”

“We see that,” Lauren said, mischievously, “that’s why we’re intervening to make sure that you don’t get lucky tonight. We’re jealous.”

“And tired,” Stephanie added.

“That makes more sense,” Matthew muttered. He forced a half smile as his friends dragged him away from the bartender and out the front door. They were staying at a motel that was within walking distance and the three made their way down the quiet streets with Matthew bringing up the rear.

Lauren and Stephanie spoke at length about their performance while Matthew kept to himself and only spoke up to mutter about the cold. He had only gotten drunk tonight because, for the first time in weeks, their schedule would allow for him to sleep in. Their next performance was in the next town over, barely a two hour drive away. Despite it being only close to midnight, Matthew was already yawning as he looked forward to the coziness and warmth of his bed.

“Let’s get something to drink!” Stephanie chimed and it took a while for Matthew to realize she was talking to him. When he looked towards her, he saw that she was pointing excitedly towards a liquor store that stood on the corner opposite from their motel. A strategic location, he was sure.

“I thought you were tired,” Matthew grumbled. “Plus, I’ve already been drinking. Some people need to sleep because they’ll actually be driving tomorrow.”

“Come on…” Lauren said as she wrapped her arms around his torso and pushed him off the sidewalk in the direction of liquor store. “Get us something!”

“No,” Matthew groaned. “We just left a bar for crying out loud.” Every step he was forced to take towards the establishment made it seem more sketchy, especially with it being open in the middle of the night with absolutely no one in sight. Instead of letting the two know he was nervous to go in on his own, he decided to put on a stern tone of voice. “We’re all staying in the same room tonight and it’ll be hell trying to fall asleep with you two witches getting drunk and cackling at the top of your voices.”

Both Stephanie and Lauren looked at him. He had tried to put his foot down but it was clear that neither of the women were the least bit intimidated by him. “Go,” they said in unison and, before he knew what was happening, Matthew found himself buying a bottle of rum from the shady-looking guy behind the counter.


Once they got back to their motel room, things proceeded just as Matthew expected them to. Stephanie disappeared into the bathroom so she could call her husband while Lauren kicked her shoes off and sat on the edge of one of the beds.

While Stephanie had pursued this little adventure, her husband had remained home to take care of their child. He was on board with it and the two had a phone call after each of her performances. She would say it was to keep him updated so that he was sure she was safe after a show, but Matthew had a suspicion that her husband didn’t trust him around her. Lauren on the other hand, wasn’t as tied down. While Stephanie was busy keeping her husband briefed, the other woman poured herself half a cup from the bottle Matthew had gotten them.

There were two beds in the room, Stephanie and Lauren having to share one while Matthew took the other. He retired to his own bed and tried his best to fall asleep before the two girls got too loud. If he had any luck, he would be able to sleep through their drinking and they would go to bed early enough to be able to perform the following night.

He laid with his back turned to Lauren and stared at the bathroom door with no real purpose. He wasn’t uncomfortable around the two, especially after having spent a month on the road with them already, but he couldn’t bring himself to close his eyes. He was just about to force himself to when he felt weight shift his mattress.

Lauren had slipped into the bed and laid beside him. She was still fully dressed and had left her cup on the bedside table next to his lamp. “Hey,” she said. “Think she’s fooling around with her husband in there?”

“Fooling around like what?” Matthew asked. “Putting on a cam show from the motel bathroom?”

He laughed at the ridiculousness of his suggestion and turned towards Lauren only to find that there was no humor in her expression. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow before smacking him on the shoulder playfully.

Making herself comfortable, she laid on her back before reaching for her cup which she nursed between both hands as it rested on her stomach. “You know,” she said, “me and Stephanie were talking. She really misses being back home.”

Matthew wasn’t sure where this conversation was headed. If Stephanie wanted to cancel the trip early and head back because she was homesick, this would be the first indication he would be getting of it. “Y-yeah,” he said. “That makes sense. She’s got a little kid and stuff. Must be hard being away.”

Lauren let out a wry laugh and sipped her rum.

“What?” Matthew asked.


“No,” he said. “That little laugh. What’s that about?”

Lauren took another sip, leaving about half of the contents in the cup before she placed it on the nightstand again. Matthew was just about to repeat the question when she turned into him and placed her lips at the corner of his mouth.

He stopped mid-sentence and was unsure of how to proceed. Lauren, on the other hand, kissed him enthusiastically. “What the fuck are you doing?” he finally managed to ask. He wasn’t in any rush to stop her from kissing him and he certainly wasn’t opposed to it. He had always known Lauren was a more open, laid-back person and he had fantasized more than once about some kind of casual fling between the two of them.

“What do you mean?”

Lauren had draped one of her legs over Matthew’s hips. Even after losing the weight, her thighs remained thick and appealing. As she laid her leg over him, the curvature of her hips smoothly flowed into her waist where her t-shirt had ridden up just a little to show off a bit of her pale midriff. “I mean,” Matthew hissed, “why the fuck are you kissing me all of a sudden?”

He tried his best to keep his voice down so as to not disturb Stephanie’s phone call. The walls and even the doors in the motel were thin and offered very little in way of soundproofing.

In response, Lauren pulled away and seemed dejected, if only for a moment. Matthew could still taste the spice of the rum on his lips as she turned away. At the same time, his heart pounded in his chest. On some level, he was concerned that turning her down had ruined any chance that he had with ever hooking up with her. On the other hand, her kissing him so aggressively while Stephanie was in the other room was too forward, even for him.

Lauren didn’t respond to his question and Matthew was just about to push her further when she quickly removed her t-shirt. He was stunned and did nothing as she mounted him.

She wasn’t exactly light – not heavy, but a full-bodied woman who was now, for one reason or the other, very aggressive. She placed her hands upon Matthew’s chest as she straddled his hips and slid her weight over his crotch where his and her warmth mixed together pleasantly. She leaned down and kissed him again and this time Matthew didn’t resist. As their lips and tongues caressed each other, his hands gingerly touched her waist where the lining of her jeans led his fingers to the small of her back.

Lauren pulled away as he touched her and Matthew feared he had gone too far. “Why did you stop?” she asked.

“I…I don’t know,” Matthew stammered in response. “I don’t know what’s going on right now.”

Lauren leaned down and kissed him again. “Stephanie and I were talking,” she said, “about how she misses home.”

“Yeah,” Matthew managed to say in between the kisses that punctuated what Lauren was saying.

“It’s because she’s so fucking horny,” Lauren whispered after leaning close to Matthew’s ear.

He had been able to maintain his composure but something about the way her warm breath flowed over his earlobe, along with what she had said, made his cock swell almost immediately. He could tell Lauren noticed by the way she placed gentle but eager pressure on his growing bulge. Stephanie was nothing but kind, sweet and, for lack of a better term, reserved. Matthew had never once thought to think about her as the type to get so unbearably horny. “So what? We’re going to call this off because Stephanie wants to go home and get dicked down?”

Lauren laughed. Matthew couldn’t shake the feeling that she was laughing at him. “No,” she said. “We’re not going home. Stephanie is going to cheat on her husband.”

“She is? With who?”

Lauren moved her hands down Matthew’s chest and grabbed his belt. She fumbled with the buckle for a few seconds before it finally fell open, leaving his button and zipper free for her to slowly unfasten.

“Lauren?” Matthew asked.

“Hmm?” she said innocently. It was hard to process what she was saying while she was just about to peel the waistband of his boxers down.

“Who is she going to cheat on her husband with?”

Lauren laid forward and rest herself across Matthew’s torso. Despite losing weight, her breasts had retained their size. With her new, slimmer figure, it was as though her bust had grown and now they practically spilled out of her bra as she laid on him. “Well,” she said, “I don’t know. But she’s so horny that she might just go for the first cock she comes across.”

A smirk spread across her lips as she spoke and she kissed Matthew’s chin as realization finally dawned on him. “This is fucking crazy,” he said.

“Shh,” Lauren whispered. “Her husband is still on the phone. My job is just to make sure your cock is nice…and hard…”

As she spoke, Lauren slid down Matthew’s chest and he laid his head on the pillows. He looked at the ceiling as he felt her fingers pull the front of his boxers down. He was ashamed of how impressively erect the situation had left him. When Lauren’s fingers wrapped around the base of his shaft, there was almost no give in the rock hardness of his cock. She breathed on it, teasing him, and very lightly dragged her lips along the underside of his turgid manhood. When she finally kissed the tip of his crown before taking his cockhead in her mouth, Matthew mustered the strength to look down.

Lauren was laid between his parted legs with her knees bent and her legs crossed at the ankles. Her bare feet were pointed upwards as she focused on sucking his cock. Matthew gasped as her lips moved smoothly over the ridge of his swollen tip and within seconds they had wrapped around his shaft.

The entire time Lauren had kept her eyes closed but it was as though she sensed him looking at her. She looked up towards Matthew and was able to read the expression on his face, immediately becoming very pleased with herself. Her lips moved up and down as she slowly stroked him with her mouth. Every time her head bobbed in his crotch, she made sure to lick the underside of his prick until her tongue pressed against his frenulum and massaged it so intensely that his toes curled.

“Oh, fuck…” Matthew groaned when he could take no more. He immediately felt regret and looked towards the bathroom door only to find Stephanie standing there. She had a half-lidded expression on her face and bit her lower lip while she watched her friend suck him off.

When Stephanie noticed Matthew looking at her, she walked to the side of the bed. She managed to lose most of her clothes along the way and by the time she laid beside him, she was only in a pair of lacy panties with her bra left somewhere on the floor.

Stephanie’s breasts were smaller than Lauren’s but she had a set of puffy, pink nipples that she allowed Matthew to take into his mouth without a single word being spoken between the two. He breathed heavily as Stephanie cradled his head and he moved his hand to her hip as he pulled her into him. It was clear that she and Lauren had planned tonight at great length and the two women left little time for Matthew to think one way or another about what they were doing.

He felt Stephanie’s nipple grow firm in his mouth and he sucked hard until the peak of her breast was as firm and sensitive as it was going to get. Meanwhile, Lauren had grown more enthusiastic. She continued to take Matthew’s cock into her throat until her lips wrapped around the base of his shaft and the tip of her tongue could just barely touch his scrotum.

There was no way he could focus his attention on both women at once. It was as though Lauren was trying to distract him from Stephanie. Perhaps it was devilishness or maybe just some friendly rivalry but Matthew found himself on the edge of orgasm with the way she sucked on him. “Do you like the way she sucks your cock?” Stephanie asked. She had reached between her own legs and had her hand down the front of her panties where she was very obviously massaging her clit.

“Fuck yeah,” Matthew replied.

Stephanie reached over and pulled his t-shirt up so she could run her hands over his belly. Meanwhile Lauren stopped deepthroating him and had moved off the bottom of the bed. She was now pulling on his jeans so that she could strip him naked. Her efforts brought his boxers off along with them and now he remained totally naked from the waist down with his spit-shined cock glistening in the orange-yellow light.

While Lauren took her bra, jeans, and panties off, Stephanie moved down and straddled his waist. She grinded against his stiff prick as used it to massage herself. Her panties offered the only layer between the two and Matthew could feel the warmth and wetness that oozed from her center. “You’re going to keep this a secret, right?” she whispered. Even as she spoke her hand moved down. She brushed her fingertips against his aching cockhead and that alone sent waves of pleasure to Matthew’s brain.

“Y-yeah,” he said. He reached down and took her hips in his hands but she removed them. He was about to ask if there was a problem when Lauren returned to lay across his torso and once again take most of his attention.

While he and Lauren kissed passionately, Stephanie peeled her panties to the side and used Matthew’s cock to tease herself. She slid her body back and forth, using the stiffness to stimulate her wet slit while she watched the two kissing in front of her. She enjoyed teasing but looked down just in time to see a clear bead of precum form at the tip of Matthew’s cock before it flowed down to drip onto his skin. She gasped, not wanting to let his hardness go to waste, and raised herself up.

Matthew stopped kissing Lauren and attempted to look over her shoulder as Stephanie angled his tool towards her sex and slowly impaled herself on it. She was a snug fit. Warm, accommodating and absolutely soaking with sticky wetness, she allowed him to glide easily into her inviting cunt.

Stephanie shook pleasantly as her backside rest on Matthew’s hips. Lauren pulled his attention to her once more as she insisted without words that they continue kissing. As she held his face towards hers and pressed their mouths together, Stephanie slowly began rocking her hips back and forth.

Stephanie started with little movements. At first, she would only slide her hips forward before pulling them back again but, soon, Matthew found himself moaning openly into Lauren’s kisses as Stephanie fucked him in earnest. Every time she pushed herself back, Stephanie would relax the muscles around her inner walls and allow his cock to stab deep into her hole; when she slid forward, she would wrap tight, clenching on him so that his cockhead scrapped against her coiled flesh and massage her insides while she milked him. She managed to maintain both an impressive pace and rhythm until she gyrated against him so strongly that the bed creaked under their combined weight.

Lauren seemed thrilled at the way Stephanie was fucking Matthew. She studied his expressions and the reactions he had to what the other woman was doing until she started complimenting them with her kisses. When Stephanie would slow down to make sure that Matthew lasted long enough to satisfy her, Lauren would flood his senses by kissing him intensely. It wasn’t long before he was lost in blissful pleasure, torn between which woman would cause him to eventually stumble over the edge.

At some point Stephanie had leaned forward and Lauren had shifted aside just enough so that both women could kiss Matthew. Their tongues reached for his and he couldn’t decide who to dedicate more of his attention to. They were certainly competitive, with Stephanie kissing at the sides of their mouths as he and Lauren embraced each other, and with the other woman doing the same as she waited her turn.

When Matthew could take no more, he grabbed onto Stephanie’s hips and squeezed hard. She didn’t push him away this time and instead redoubled her movements until the sound of their sex filled the room. Her hips smacked against his, the sound of his stiff prick sliding into her dripping wetness emanated from between them until, finally, Stephanie stiffened and cried out. As she orgasmed, Lauren took the other woman’s head in her hands and kissed her while Matthew shot a load of thick, sticky cum that stained her walls.

“Mmm…” Stephanie moaned as she finally slowed down. A bead of sweat dripped from her neck and flowed between her breasts only to be licked up by Lauren whose lips continued down Stephanie’s flat stomach. With a gasp, she leaned back and slowly pulled herself off of Matthew who groaned loudly as his cock moved from Stephanie’s tight, wet cunt to once again being sucked on by Lauren’s hungry, slutty little mouth.

“Fuck!” Matthew basically shouted. “I just fucking came, give me a break.” He was half-laughing but the waves of pleasure that rocked his body caused several involuntary spasms as he thrusted his hips against Lauren’s face.

“I know,” she said after pulling his cock from between her lips. Whatever excess cum had remained in him had been sucked out and swallowed, along with most of the sticky juices that Stephanie had left slathered all over him. “I’m making sure you don’t get soft so you can give me mine, too.”

“You want some cock?” Matthew asked. His hand moved to the back of Lauren’s neck and he squeezed lightly as she muttered in the affirmative. Beside him, Stephanie laid down with a satisfied expression and the two kissed while Lauren allowed herself to be forced down onto Matthew’s cock.

After a few minutes, Matthew’s vitality was restored to the point where he was not only willing, but eager to scratch Lauren’s itch. She had left the bed that he and Stephanie shared and moved to the other, taking position on her hands and knees with her butt facing him.

At Stephanie’s urging, Matthew followed to take Lauren’s wide hips in his hands.

“What hole do you want?” Lauren asked.

Matthew, who was just about to guide his cockhead into Lauren’s pussy when she had spoken, paused. As though to answer for him, Stephanie took place beside where he stood and moved her hand to his crotch. She grabbed hold of his cock and directed the tip to Lauren’s asshole.

“She prefers it up the ass,” Stephanie explained, even as his prick encountered staunch resistance.

“It’s tight,” Matthew muttered. He had never had anal before but knew he had to be slow and gentle. Stephanie gave a helping hand by leaning forward and sucking on his cockhead Her blowjob was wet and sloppy and she made sure to leave his prick dripping with saliva. Afterwards she spit on Lauren’s puckered asshole before pressing the tip of his cockhead against it once more.

“Don’t worry,” Stephanie said. “She’s been taking it up the ass for years. She’s a big girl. Give her what she wants.”

Matthew looked down to Lauren who had laid on her chest and reached back with her arms. Her hands each grabbed a cheek of her sizable backside and she spread herself apart so that Matthew could have an easier time getting to her asshole.

Matthew took his t-shirt off and tossed it aside before taking hold of the base of his cock. He held firm and pressed steadily against Lauren’s asshole until he slowly forced the rim of her ass around his bulbous cockhead.

Stephanie as right and, despite the initial resistance, Lauren quickly relaxed and allowed her asshole to swallow Matthew’s cock. Her well-practiced ass provided a totally different sensation than Stephanie’s tight, wet cunt. Comparing the two, Stephanie’s pussy was clearly superior in feeling but the inherent vice in burying his length deep in Lauren’s guts took the experience beyond the physical sensation.

While fucking Stephanie’s pussy had elicited some gentle, high-pitched moans from her, assfucking Lauren was pretty much the opposite. Matthew deliberately and carefully shoved every inch of his cock into her ass until he was balls deep. Each time he would plunge into her, Lauren would release a deep, satisfied grunt that spurred him to thrust again.

His hips pressed against her ass before he pulled out. Then, on the next thrust, they smacked gently at the seat of her backside. With each thrust, his hips collided with her skin with more force until the sound of their bodies slapping together filled his ears. The skin on Lauren’s ass was now flushed pink from the repeated abuse but she didn’t protest. In fact, Matthew realized that she enjoyed the savagery of the way he fucked her.

He reached forward and grabbed a handful of Lauren’s hair. He pulled on it, yanking her head back and making her cry out in pained pleasure. “You like it up the ass, huh?”

Lauren didn’t respond and continued to moan, though when he asked the question, he had felt her spasm and clench on him. He slapped her ass, hard, and repeated himself. This time Lauren shook and squealed ‘yes!’ before thrusting her hips back on him.

Matthew intensified the pace at which he stabbed his meat into Lauren’s backside. Whether it was because he had just been in Stephanie’s pussy or because he had just cum only minutes before, he felt as though orgasm would be a far way off if he maintained his usual rhythm. As he pounded Lauren’s asshole, Stephanie stroked his body. She ran her hands over him, touching his muscles before holding onto his hips and guiding him into her close friend.

By the time he felt his orgasm once again bubble under the surface, Matthew’s body dripped with sweat. He continued driving his cock in and out of Lauren’s asshole but she had long been beaten into submission, with her backside no more than a loose, soft cocksleeve for him to use. When she sensed him getting close, she supported herself on her arms once more before shifting backwards until she could stand up and lean against his back. Matthew slowed down and wrapped his arms around her body so he could kiss her as she looked up at him.

“I want you to finish on my face,” she whispered as their lips parted.

Matthew grunted and squeezed her lips. “You want me to cum on your face?”

“Y-yeah,” she muttered.

“You’re such a nasty fuckin slut,” he said in response, feeling his cock throb with excitement.

He continued to fuck her for a few moments more, pounding her ass hard enough that she cried out and squealed in pain before he pulled out and forced her to her knees. Without being told, Stephanie got beside Lauren and both women looked up at him as he stroked himself.

Considering Lauren had asked for it, Matthew only found it fair to plaster her face with his jizz. His second load was large, but not as thick or sticky as the first. Several spurts of running cum shot from his prick and splashed all over Lauren’s forehead, cheeks, and lips. Stephanie took hold of her face and turned it towards her own while she licked the salty seed from her skin. By the time she was done, both Stephanie and Lauren kissed noisily as they knelt before Matthew. He breathed heavily as he watched them and took both of their heads in his hands – one in each. He turned them towards his cock and each woman took turns eagerly cleaning him up until they both leaned back and rested their elbows on the edge of the bed. One look at their faces was enough to let Matthew know that they were satisfied and that the rest of the trip was about to be significantly less thankless.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/d339il/a_story_about_a_threesome_fmf_cheating_oral_anal

1 comment

  1. This was my latest commission. It’s fun to sometimes write something that’s so vanilla. Sometimes. I’m more than open to write more fucked up stories, though. You all know how I roll.

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