Evil’s soft first touches. (Erotic with a little bit of horror themes thrown in)

Sup reader, this is a story for adults if you are not an adult then don’t bleeding read it.

Sorry if it’s too long.

::::::::Spoilers::::: the action in this one will be lesbian dom and sub stuff with some voyerisim. It’s a long one but you can skip to the action which picks up at the ———————— lines, enjoy yourself.

Part one

Sweat beaded on his forehead, his eyes glued to his phone screen. Rigel was undergoing his nightly ritual of beating his semi flaccid penis to a favored site of his. While most days he can ignore the manufactured moans and awkward positions to make for better viewing, Rigel was having a hard time of it today.

Or was it a soft time? His penis, in the state it was in, was much more flaccid than semi. Surely these actors must enjoy their work more than than it seemed, right? It’s not like people subject themselves to things they don’t enjoy *just* to survive.

Isn’t this supposed to be relaxing? When did it turn into a job? By the time he is done he is covered in sweat and needs to dry off, it’s just counter productive at this point. He stopped trying to choke his shrimp dick to death, it was dead already. He looks at the actors working their asses off to make a living.

“Somedays it just isn’t there, maybe tomorrow”, Rigel says to the screen and closes the window. He checked his messages, maybe Summer texted him back? She did reply. It was a simple and formal thank you for leaving the apartment while she moved her stuff out. He didn’t want to their last moments together to be a awkward thing to remember. A ex boyfriend angrily inspecting any and all things as she navigated the emotional minefeild of a break up, that’s just agonizing. Moving and break ups where hard enough by themselves, no need to make it worse, besides he still cared for her. If he could giver her what she wanted, even if that was his absence, he could giver her one last gift.

He shakes his head and slaps himself in the face, “Enough of that poor me shit”. He didn’t grow up in a pretty home full of loving family, so things like fear and pain are just an old friend coming home to visit. Especially fear, he knows that one well, even adapted to enjoy it, however unhealthy that may be. No reason to inflict those emotions on someone else if he knows how bad they are.

He thought that he might have depression, or maybe he has some other kind of problem? Maybe, but right now the problem is being in this pity party. He doesn’t know why he has waited but he’s going to find out just what that lady in the woods yesterday had in mind.

He thought back to yesterday evening during is daily evening walk. She really snuck up on him. Everyone in the area knew this woman, and her temper.

Her exact words where: “If you get sick of beating your dick into a unfeeling meat stick, I can sell you a connection, might make life more exciting, did for me.” It wasn’t a subtle sales pitch but he was still moping at the time, so he didn’t pay much attention. Rigel heard people talk about this woman here and her “hot deals”, and what happens if you don’t pay. Rigel didn’t want more problems.

Dark sparkling eyes looked him over, a strand of auburn hair softly traced its way around a shapely noes and plush lips, her expression indicated that she expected an answer to her proposal. He pretended he didn’t see her, even though there was a large amount of evidence to the contrary.

She might have been inviting him for a little adult fun. She was certainly attractive. A well as tall, which wasn’t something he really looked for in a woman but it was novel, standing just above his hight even though even though he was quite tall himself, her body was healthily filled out and her features well balanced. A dark green cloak billowed around her shoulders while she flung her arms waving about to get his attention. He would see that cloak flitting around the woods while he walked in the evenings many times in the past. Maybe she just tried to find customers out here? Maybe she sells illigal junk?

She did leave an strange impression on him, something mysterious about her, something the old him used to seek. The scent of burning fall leaves was wafting over from smoke in a distant clearing behind her. Despite any mystique the woman had, her opinion of him was no mystery as she sneered at him. Her full chest bounced and wobbled as she flipped him off for not even replying to her amazing sales pitch. Yea, that might have been a bit rude to just ignore her like that, he didn’t even offer an apathetic “no thank you”. He found out first hand about her temper as a fairly large stick tore through the air in his general direction. What a arm she had. There was no way a woman would be that interested in talking with him, unless something odd was intended, best play it safe.

“Hey you, blind motherfucker!” , She delicately called after him.

He ignored the other thrown objects and insults and ghosted her like a poltergeist. She didn’t seem to care for that that.

He also worried about seeming creepy for reading too much into her offer, or she was a working girl and he didn’t want to tell her he was too broke to even buy some hour ass. It could all just be a joke as well, there where just so many ways to overthink this ,and lately, he did that a lot. Her offer *was* a bit vague. He turned his back to her and quickly walked home before the sun set. Best play it safe, like always.

Now his thoughts returned to present. When did he let his let his personality die? He coveted the unknown, he was a explorer at heart. He wanted to go meet her but it would be dark soon, might be better to play it safe. Or he could do something that the old him would have done a day ago. He loved the scare, the adrenaline, why was he depriving himself of that?

He decided to go find her again before dark, he lived close to the woods and some of the sounds after dark outside are a bit much even for an adrenaline junkie like him, no hurry to find out exactly what caused them.

So he covered himself in a thick coat and walked out to follow the smell of distant burning of dead dry leaves.

The October air was beginning to chill as the sun sank to hide in the trees, playing with their shadows like toys before going to sleep. This is his favorite time of year to take evening walks into the woods, the thought of some unknown monster hulking through the woods made his heart race. Ah fear, nothing got his blood going like a good scare. Here in the dark holloween wood, his imagination began to generate images of all shapes eldritch horrors and goblins, dragging him screaming through the black woods. He tried chuckle at the irrational thoughts in his mind.

There where a few things that seemed to wait in the black after the sun went down. Some nights when he looked out in the woods at night from the safety of his house, figures would stand at the tree line, whatever they where they must be watching him too. He didn’t know what they where exactly but they stuck to the tree line and only appeared there well after dark. Of course a person cannot see that well in the dark so it could just be trees and little too much booze.

He quietly navigated his way deep into the folds of wood untill the desperate call of some animal bled through the trees, maybe a bear. Whatever it was the creature sounded in distress, and very close. What the hell is causing a bear to make a sound like that? There was no other sound after but the swell of wind and branches clawing at one another. He couldn’t see anything ahead but bush, dirt and trees and he began to think he wouldn’t make it to the woman in the woods.

If he goes back now nothing changes, more of the same, he had taken it easy and safe for a long while now and that lost him a wonderful relationship. If there was nothing but heart break ahead, at least he would find it before it found him this time.

Rigel continued to follow the smell of burning leaves. If she really had an offer wouldn’t she have a business card or something with a number on it? Out here, that’s a stupid idea. He had a feeling now that whatever this connection was, it might not be a good thing, and that made him push ahead, the curiosity of the unknown pulling him deeper. Besides, the true dangers never keep you out of the woods, they just don’t let you leave, he can worry about that later once he knew what he is dealing with. He walked forward still , being careful not to alert anything to his presence.

After some walking he made it to his destination unmolested, though his imagination had tried it’s best. The forest simply bent a tree line to make a clearing with a small house and smoke rising from it’s chimney. He rubbed his chilled fingers together at the sight of the rising smoke. The house appeared to be a four or more room domicile with warm fireborn shadows flickering in the windows. He hurried out of the wood. A path made of smooth river stone stretched with a serpent like suggestion under vined archways. Rigel wondered how they grew into such a shape unaided. The entire property was a botanical marvel as he examined the landscape. The surrounding gardens had a primal alchemy their design. Autum flowers and vegetables ripe for picking lined the walk meticulously cared for no doubt. With a few particularly menacing plants that seemed to follow his movement as he walked past, almost obscuring the path to the dark wooden house. He really didn’t want to walk through this area without some sturdy boots. They didn’t look acutely dangerous but at the same time he had no idea what these planted things where, he granted them a wide birth.

A dim sunbeam arced it’s way through the trees and caught him in the eye, a final reminder that soon it’s light would be unable to guide him if he lingered too long. He really didn’t want to find out if those shapes in the treeline at night had the capacity to move, or prevent him returning to the safety of his small home.

Seeing no doorbell he cleared his throat and quickly sounded his knuckles on the door .


“It’s open! Come on in,*whoever* you are”, came a woman’s voice.

He gave a moment of pause, why in the hell would you leave a door unlocked out here? His imagination chose that moment to answer, *if you set a trap why lock it up*? Or maybe she was a business woman and these where working hours?

Well she certainly wasn’t working, because she was actually stretched out spread eagle on a comfy plush couch, fully naked next to the fireplace and looking right at him with a knowing smile. All light was absent in the house save for the fire. He felt his member begin to swell, apparently not dead as it was earlier. He made sure to pull his thick coat down to prevent any potential embarrassment. Her smile faded with a pop from the fire as the cold air began to enter the warm home.

“In or out, dumbass, or I’ll poke your eyes out with my frozen nippples”, she barked at him while gesturing to her fire lit breats. He stepped through the open door and closed as ordered. Immediately Rigel felt the room begin to warm to the flame. The scent of burning fall leaves now filled his mind as well as a hint of something sweet.

He turned to her once again after closing the wooden door. The woman had her head leaning back with her eyes closed. Her full lips parted in a deep sigh, and he just now saw why. Covering her crotch was the head of what was a lass with jet black hair, noisily slurping and licking at the sitting woman’s sexual organ, she either did not know he was here because she was so engrossed in her cunnllingual duty, or she simply did not care. Her head was moving side to side with quite the hungry resolve. She was knelt down on the ground in front of the couch with her hands folded behind her back, apparently she either chose not to use them or couldn’t use them, it was certainly clear who was in control of the situation. The lady on the floor had her head moving quite erratically between the wide spread legs of the woman in the couch, the smacking noises continued this while they spoke.

“Take it easy, I’ll feed you soon enough,” the tall woman said giving the woman devouring her pussy a reassuring pat on the head, causing the sound of slurping and licking to fade somewhat. It seems she wished to continue the conversation while receiving head, looking him right in the eyes.

This scene was a bit more than Rigel was prepared to handle and his erection was fighting with whatever it had to poke a hole through his tough jeans. His mind was swimming with all kinds of ways to include himself in this erotic scenario. Rigel made an attempt to look away respectfully, he didn’t want to seem creepy.

“I-is this a bad time?”, He stammered.

She shot him a wink and a smile, “Not for me”.

She looked at him expectantly.

He continued, “My name is Rigel, you mentioned yesterday you could sell me some kind of connection? What did you mean by that exactly?”

Immediately the woman eating pussy made a concerned noise and made an attempt to pull her face away from the vagina and say something .She didn’t get far.

Before she could make a syllable the tall woman’s hand shot out almost too fast to see, pulling the dark haired woman’s head back to where it was with minimal effort. “Come now, finish your meal while I speak,” she growled to the other woman between her thighs.

With those words the small woman unclapsed her hands from behind her and dug her fingers into the taller woman’s thighs, she now redoubled her efforts after apparently being given the all clear to “finish her meal”. Rigel stood in awe at the voracious appetite for pussy the little woman had, she was lapping and slurping even louder now, the way she acted made her seem to be a starved dog being fed for the first time in a week. Her mouth producing wet tougning echos and smacking devoid of all self respect or dignity, she wanted to make the mistress cum on her face, all else was secondary. The one being serviced ,however, turned a business like look to him despite of the formidable assault on her genitalia, her piercing eyes did not waiver.

“My name is Abeth, and this hungry tounge twister is Kat ,what do I call you?”

Rigel forgot about his growing manhood and let his coat go, did she really just forget his name or is she fucking with him? Sure he was a little rude yesterday, but if she had something to sell yesterday it should be still available.

Something was off about this whole situation, it almost seemed as though someone wrote the whole thing down. Why was she cool with letting him watch, is she teasing him? How the hell can that woman down there make so much noise with her mouth without saying a word? Did Kat pay Abeth to let her eat her out? Abeth seemed content to smirk at him while the crotch gobbler plundered Abeth’s privates with her mouth. She was either going to make good on her offer earlier or she was bullshitting and he’s just going to watch other people have sex forever. The unknowns excited him.

“I said my name is Rigel, are you going to sell me something ,tell me to fuck off or make room because I am about to burst out of my pants.”, Probably the most honest thing he has said in a while.

She clapped her hands together pressing her breasts against each other as well , “right, the blind man!”

“You throw logs at blind men often?”

She narrowed her eyes smiled, then raised her head a little as if accepting a challenge. Damn.

“Speaking of logs”, her gaze fell to the outlined mass in his trousers, “looks like your eyes work just fine, so maybe you are … just an asshole.”

Kat let a laugh loose a chirping laugh into Abeth’s soaked pussy. Still plying her mouth to Abeth’s saliva covered sex during the entire time he had been standing here. The vagina fiend was actually laughing at him now. She can hardly tear her mouth away from that woman’s groin, but still took the time to laugh at him.

He wasn’t to keen to insult a woman in her own house, but he was on boner courage now (yea, that’s a thing). He also had a feeling that this was a test of some kind, he resolved himself to pass.

“Looks like you sling insults better than you throw logs, you actually hit me while I was standing still this time”.

She placed a hand on the back of Kat’s head and began to rock her hips grinding her clit into the greedy mouth, her breathing more heavy now. Kat’s mouth was starting to be more difficult to resist, or maybe Abeth was actually getting off by their small exchange of insults, maybe both?

“Listen to that “, she retorted in stride “he can speak as well. Even Kat can talk more than you did yesterday, and all she does is eat my pussy. What happened? Did you leave your balls at home and had to go get them?”

He took a step closer, “If you think-” was all he managed to say before Kat’s loving labor was brought to fruition in the form of a deep throated and gutteral howl from her mistress. Kat probably had trouble hearing this because there where two hands clasped firmly over her ears now, locking her head into place as the waves of pleasure had their way with Abeth’s spasming body. Kat braced herself like this was just the begginng, she apparently knew coming storm well and braced herself by keeping a hand and foot flat and firm on the now wet floor beneath her.

Abeth now standing, stood over the woman assailing her clitoris with every suck, scrub, pull and motion she could muster. Her pelvis was now furiously humping the mouth of Kat the wet squelching filling the house.

A certian man was now tearing at his belt, desperate to free the ache in his loins. He finally succeeded, the whole thing was a drooling mess and completely coated. He took his swollen member into his hand and stroked himself to the two women now oblivious to his existence. He would not last long like this.

Abeth eyes went wide her mouth agape and in a dry and husky voice and thrusting her sopping pussy with every syllable.





Then with that final howl her body froze and her breathing stopped for a long 30 seconds. The only sound was Kat’s wet workings, and of a certain guy stroking his swollen self about six feet away his knees shaking as his mind was overloaded with sensation. Was he crossing the line? Absolutely, today was about to be a day of crossing lines he never thought possible.

Abeth’s was either through the first wave or her body demanded oxygen because a strangled gasp sucked air back into her lungs.

She looked down at Kat, “Oh I’m not done! I AM NOT DONE!” , She called out, her voice shaking with pleasure.

Kat was thrown with her head resting back on the couch cushions still sitting in the collection of lady juice from the past pleasure making.

“Keep that mouth open, you keep that tounge moving”,she ordered breathing like a beast. She straddled Kat’s face and grabbed a hold of the back of the couch for leverage. Kat was about to get the full force of the mistresses next explosion, she grabbed onto whatever she could and held on for dear life.

Rigel could see Abeth’s shapely backside from here, and he could barely see the pink inner folds of her pussy as well as the voracious tounge darting around it, leaving nothing unstimulated. From his vantage point he could see Abeth’s asshole winking in rythm with the Kat’s tounge. Kat’s toes where curled in as tightly as possible. The woman didn’t speak much, but her skill was undeniable, some people like to use their mouth for speaking, this one will bring you to your knees without a word. The thought of that woman showing him such attentions made his knee give out, his focus wavered, the muscles he was using to hold his torrent at bay weakend. His manhood erupted sending line after line two meters across the room right next to the two women, barely missing them. Aw shit.

Abeth was not done, the whole time shouting “You hold that mouth wide. You keep it open, I’m gonna give you your reward”, now face fucking Kat.

The last wave did not come silently, Abeth ground her clit onto the face of the woman on the floor and let a final deep moan that faded into a soft and content sigh, the fire was out, her body satisfied.

End part one.

Help me improve my erocraft with some constructive criticism.

Or tell me what , if at all, you enjoyed about this encounter Rigel had with this woman who is totally not dangerous at all.

This was written on damn tablet so let me know if the formatting is unbearable.

See ya next time.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/d2q8gg/evils_soft_first_touches_erotic_with_a_little_bit

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