Maria gets a reading lesson. Blind date takes on a whole new meaning for an innocent teen

The day started pretty much like any other Saturday. I was off on my usual week-end treasure hunting expedition. I packed my metal detector in the car together with my maps and a packed lunch, kissed my wife goodbye and headed out of town. Earlier that week I had found an area of land on an old map that looked to be a promising new hunting ground. It was the site of an old settlement that was very close to a disused gold mine. Now I was on my way to visit Mr Rogers the landowner, to ask permission to begin hunting on his land.

Mr Rogers was a veterinary surgeon, and he lived in a large, rambling farmhouse covered in clinging ivy. I pulled into the driveway, parked up and rang the bell. After a few moments the door opened and I was surprised to see in front of me a beautiful young woman aged about 19. She had long blonde hair, full lips and the most amazing sky blue eyes. She was dressed in a long, Victorian style light cotton nightdress which, because of the nature of the fabric and the sunlit window behind her, was virtually transparent. I could plainly see her full breasts, large nipples and the shadowy dark triangle between her thighs. Of all the things that could of greeted me when the door opened this was by far the most unexpected. She was absolutely stunning.

Still taken aback I stammered “Hi is Mr Rogers at home”

She looked straight at me, unblinking “No” She replied “He was called out to treat a sick dog but he shouldn’t be too long. I am his daughter Maria. Can I help you”

I explained the reason for my visit and she said “Why don’t you step inside and wait. I’m sure he will return soon”

I agreed and stepped through to a warm farmhouse style kitchen. Maria followed me inside and asked if I would like a coffee. I replied “Yes please. By the way my name is James”

I sat down beside a table covered in an untidy pile of large books. It took me a second or two to notice the books were all written in Braille. I looked across as Maria busied herself with the coffee, and it was obvious from her movements that she had lost her sight.

I said “I’m sorry Maria. I didn’t want to put you to any trouble. Would you prefer I call back another day?”

She turned to me and said “Oh! You must have seen my books. Don’t worry it’s no trouble. I manage quite well around the house”

She then bent to a cupboard to get the coffee cups and in doing so the neck of her nightdress fell open and I saw her beautiful breasts in all their glory. She was of course unaware that she was exposed in this way and I was disappointed when she stood once more.

I wondered where Mrs Rogers was so asked her “Perhaps I could have a word with Mrs Rogers if she is available?”

“ I’m afraid there is no Mrs Rogers” she replied “Mum died many years ago, just before I lost my sight”

“Oh I’m sorry” I said “I didn’t mean to pry. It’s just that everything is so tidy and cosy in here I assumed there was another woman in the house”

“No just me and my old Dad” She replied “I have been without my sight for many years, and only ever having lived here I manage to keep on top of things. I have a rare disorder that caused me to go blind when I was three, so I know what colors are, and what trees and grass look like so I count myself lucky in that respect”

I detected a real note of sadness in her voice. If her mother died when she was so young it must have been tough for both her and her father. I thought to leave and call again another day, but then remembered the coffee she had just made so decided against it.

She walked toward me holding my coffee in her outstretched arm and said “James, would you mind awfully if I asked if I could touch your face to give me an idea of how you look? We have so few visitors I don’t often get the chance. I will understand if you prefer not to”

“Of course you can” I said and she drew nearer. She sat beside me, bent forward, and reached toward me innocently revealing her breasts once more. As she traced her hand over my face I studied her breasts and large nipples, so close but so far away. I felt my cock stirring at this beautiful sight.

“Thank you” she said after a few moments “You are very kind. I’m sorry Dad hasn’t returned yet”

I told her it was no problem and I was enjoying her company, which was more than true! “You obviously enjoy your reading” I said surrounded by her books.

She replied “Yes I do and I have many books, all in braille of course. But my real treat is to have someone read to me. My father’s housekeeper Milly used to read to me before she died, mostly classic authors like Dickens, but I would always pester her for something more modern. I hear on the radio about all these new books, but they are rarely published in Braille so I tend to miss out. Some years ago a friend from school gave me a book she said was a romance. Milly read a little of it to me but then said it was not suitable. Then later I asked Dad to read it for me but he said the same. I didn’t understand as it was a book about love and romance, with kisses and roses and such so how could that not be suitable?”

I felt really sorry for her as her world consisted of entirely of what she was told by others. “Don’t you have a friend who could read to you?” I asked “What about your boyfriend?”

She gave a sigh as she replied “Most of my school friends have moved away, and as for a boyfriend I have never had one. Dad occasionally takes me out on his visits but for the most time I am alone with my books.”

I thought what a sad life. Isolated on this remote farm with very little social contact, and on the spur of the moment I replied “I would be happy to read to you if you wish?”

She looked a little startled at this offer and replied “Oh James. That is so kind of you, but I must ask my Father first. He spends a lot of time away on business and it would be quite likely that I would be here alone and I know he worries about me”

“No problem” I said “Perhaps you can ask him when he returns”

We chatted about this and that as we drank our coffee, and after half an hour or so the door opened and in came Mr. Rogers, who was an elderly gentleman of about 70. Maria immediately sensed it was her Father and said “Hi Dad, this is James. He is waiting to see you”

I rose from my chair to shake hands with him as he said quite sharply to Maria “Go upstairs and get dressed Maria. I will deal with this”

He didn’t say as much but I could tell he was clearly annoyed that his daughter had invited me in when she was so scantily dressed in her see through nightdress. He looked at me and said “I apologize for my daughter’s behavior James. She sometimes forgets that others can see how she is dressed”

“Please don’t apologize” I said “She was just being polite to invite me in to wait for you. The purpose of my visit is to ask if I might use my metal detector on your farm?”

“I don’t see why not” He replied “As long as you remember to shut the gates after you. I wouldn’t want the cattle escaping”

Just then Maria returned. She wore a summer top and skirt, and had tied her hair back. “Dad” She said “I was talking with James before you arrived and he has kindly offered to read to me. Would that be OK?”

“Well” replied her Father “As James is going to be visiting the farm with his metal detector occasionally I have no objection. I have to make another house call now but shouldn’t be more than an hour or two. Finish your coffee James and I will see you again when you next visit” and then he left.

As the door closed Maria turned to me with a cheeky grin. She explained that when she was upstairs dressing she managed to find the ‘unsuitable’ book that she had mentioned and handed it to me with a smile saying “My friend was so sure that I would enjoy it that I kept it just in case someone would eventually read it to me”

I glanced down and looked at the book. The cover read ‘Samantha’ and I inwardly groaned as it was a book I had read, and enjoyed. It told the story of the first sexual experiences of a young virgin girl. Now I realized why the housekeeper and her Father had been so reluctant to read it to her.

“Have I given you the right book James, I think it is called ‘Samantha’ Maria asked excitedly “Can you start reading now if you have time”

“I’m not sure I can Maria” I stuttered…

“Oh not you too James, you did say you would read to me didn’t you? Why won’t people tell me anything?” She said with a hint of frustration in her voice, and I could see she was close to tears. I tried to explain a little but I was totally out of my depth talking to a beautiful young lady (Who I was beginning to suspect had very little sex education) about sexual matters.

I had great sympathy for her and eventually decided to be absolutely honest with her. I said “You are right Maria, the book is called Samantha, and it’s about how she found out about sex”

“Oh is that all” She said “What a fuss over nothing! I know about that. Getting married and then you have to have sex to have a baby. I had some lessons at school. I understood it I think, but I remember there were some pictures that I couldn’t see. I think the man and women have to get together with kisses and then they make the baby”

I groaned inwardly. She clearly had no idea of either the mechanics or the pleasures of sex. I was going to have a tough time getting out of this.

“Well that’s partly true” I said “But it’s a little more complicated than that. Why don’t I read a little for you and we will see how it goes”

I was dreading it but thought someone owed it to her to read the book so I began. The first few pages went fine. Samantha was about the same age as Maria and found herself attracted to an older man who was a friend of the family. They had kissed and cuddled previously and now Samantha had agreed to visit his home where they started to kiss and cuddle some more.

I read on…‘They kissed deeply and his hand strayed to her breast’

“Why is he touching her breast” Maria asked. I decided to be honest once more “Because most women like their breasts to be touched, and find it very pleasurable” I said

“Oh OK” said Maria “I didn’t know that” I continued to the next line which read… ‘Samantha felt her nipple swell and harden in response to his touch. She had never felt so good”

Oh No, I thought to myself I can’t read that to her. I can’t tell her that. She’s just too innocent.

“Come on James. Why have you stopped?” said Maria “Does Samantha like her breast touched?”

I stammered “Yes, very much Maria” and I then read the line to her in full, enjoying her reactions to my words.

She sighed and said “Oh that’s good. I want her to be happy. Will he make her other nipple swell and harden do you think James?” You can imagine the effect this was having on me. My cock was swollen and getting bigger with every line I read.

I said “Why don’t we just read on and see what happens?” The book continued as Samantha’s partner removed her bra, and lowered his mouth to her tits sucking them slowly as Samantha moaned softly. I had obviously underestimated the effect my words were having on Maria as well as me, because Maria suddenly interrupted and said “James, I think my nipples are getting swollen and hard like Samantha’s”

I looked up from the book and it was obvious from the sharp twin peaks jutting under her light summer top that she was right.

Then she reached for my hand and said “Would you please look for me” and began to unbutton the front of her top. Her black lace bra was fastened at the front and she deftly undid it releasing her milky white untouched tits. They had long dark nipples and sure enough they were swollen and hard.

I said “Maria your nipples are swollen and hard exactly like Samantha’s so you must be enjoying the story”

“Good” said Maria “I want to be like Samantha because she said it felt so good. But I don’t have anyone kissing me or sucking my breasts so I don’t know how it would feel. Will you kiss me and touch and suck my breasts for me James then we can read some more”

It was about here that the guilt hit me. Here I was alone with a beautiful, innocent, blind virgin girl who was half my age, asking me to suck her tits. My head was saying walk away, right now, but my hard pulsating cock had other ideas so I said “Sure Maria. Shall we move to the Sofa”

I took her hand and guided her to the Sofa. She laid back and I began to fondle her breasts, twisting her nipples between my finger and thumb. She immediately began to moan and said “And suck them like Samantha’s please James” so I duly obliged bringing her to another level of pleasure.

“James that is so nice. Please read some more but keep touching my breasts. I want to know what happens next or have you finished the book now?”

I explained the book was only half read, and I would continue if she wanted me to. She said it was the best book she had ever had read to her. I already knew what inevitably happened in the next chapter is that Samantha’s panties are lowered and her lover licks and sucks her clit.

The passage in the book read ‘Samantha’s little white panties were soaking wet as he peeled them over her thighs. He gently parted her legs and lowered his head to her wonderful virgin cunt. After lapping up her virgin juices he proceeded to part her lips and work her clit with his tongue, and shortly afterwards he bought her to her first wonderful moaning orgasm’

When I had finished reading this passage I then had the inevitable rapid fire questions from Maria.

“Why has she got wet panties? Did she pee herself? Why did he take the panties off? What is a virgin cunt and a clit? Why did he lick her?” And then she said it “I think my panties are soaking wet too. Will you look for me James and if they are can I have a wonderful moaning orgasm like Samantha did? How will I get it?”

My day out was not panning out exactly has I planned but I was not complaining. My cock was well in charge now and I replied “Let me take a look Maria. I’m sure there is something I can do to help”

l laid her back on the sofa, lifted her skirt and exposed her little white panties and surprise, surprise they were dripping wet. I told Maria she was right and I gently pulled them away from her weeping cunt and rolled them down her thighs. Her cunt was covered in soft downy blond hair with contrasting pink lips oozing her virgin love juice.

I told her I was going to do to her what was happening to Samantha. I parted her legs and bent toward towards her beautiful virgin cunt. I probed with my tongue and found her small hard clit. She tasted wonderful as only a virgin’s juices can. By the moans and gasps from Maria I knew she was enjoying it so I risked a finger in her cunt and she surprised me by experiencing her first small shuddering orgasm.

I said to her “You just had a small orgasm Maria. That’s what we call it when you really enjoy sex”

Rather breathlessly she then said “Read me some more please James. My friend was right. I do love this book”

The next passage in the book involved Samantha holding and stroking her partners cock. It read ‘Samantha slid her hand inside his boxers and held his cock. She was surprised at how hard and large it felt. She began to stroke his cock up and down as he fingered her cunt as she felt her second orgasm building deep inside her’

Once more the questions came from Maria. “What is a cock James and why is it kept in his boxers. Why is Samantha surprised how big it is and why did she stroke it?

“Slow down Maria” I said “One thing at a time. Do you remember your school sex lesson?. Do you remember your teacher using the word Penis?”

“Yes” She said “But it’s all so confusing. All the girls were giggling at the pictures but I couldn’t see them”

Then I realized that being blind from an early age she had never seen a man’s cock and had certainly never held one. She had no idea of what it was or how it was used! This was an opportunity too good to miss.

“Maria” I said “If you let me I’m going to help you understand. Give me your hand” and with that I took her hand and guided it toward the zipper on my Jeans. I placed her hand on my thigh, unzipped, and took out my hard cock. Then I placed her hand on my throbbing cock and she instinctively curled he fingers around it and began to stroke. She stroked very slowly at first, and then more quickly.

I was in heaven. “You are holding my penis Maria” I told her “Most people call it a cock. I really enjoy it being stroked. Don’t stop, I’m going to kiss you now and finger your cunt and then you can have another orgasm just like Samantha did”

“Oh Yes James” She replied “Please do it again”

Maria experienced her second orgasm and it was more powerful than the first. I was thinking of getting her to suck my cock but I was too far gone for that. I had to fuck her right now. I said to her

“I know you like this Maria and I have to tell you I can make it feel way better for you. Instead of my finger I’m going to put my cock inside you. I guarantee you will love it just like Samantha will when she does the same. It may hurt just a little at first but then it will be wonderful. Lie back on the sofa and open your legs”

She did as she was told and I laid my pulsating cock at the entrance to her virgin cunt. She was soaking wet with the first slick love juices her virgin cunt had ever produced. I slowly slipped into this virgin heaven until I hit her hymen. She was becoming more excited as my cock rubbed across her clit. Her hips were rising to meet my cock and knowing she was ready I kissed her deeply, met her rising hips with a sharp hard thrust of my cock, and knew when she gave a groan in my mouth that I had taken her virginity.

I began to thrust more deeply as she moved her hips in unison with mine. Her cunt gripped my cock and I knew she was to have her first ever cock induced orgasm. Then she said “More in James…Make it more in… James. Oh…Oh…please. I just didn’t know how good this could be…push push now…. pleaaase…..” and she panted and screamed as her huge orgasm took over.

At the peak of her orgasm I unleashed my load into her which took her even higher into ecstasy. It took long minutes before her hips stopped bucking and eventually she said “Oh James. I had no idea of the wonderful things you have shown me. Can you come back and see me tomorrow. I want to do all this again. Do you have any other similar books you could bring and read to me? Is there anything else I should know? I want to learn everything there is.”

My mind was racing with the erotic thoughts of how I could please her the next time we met. The sexual book that I had now opened in her mind was full of blank pages just waiting to be filled in with wonderful new experiences. I vowed to myself that little by little, and page by page, I was going to complete this book.

I explained that I had work commitments until the next week-end but promised to return then. I also told her it wouldn’t be a good idea to say anything to her Father of our ‘reading’ session as he was unlikely to understand. During the next week I bought various books for Maria encompassing subjects ranging from female masturbation to anal sex, and over the months she and I happily enacted each and every one.

My visit to the farm had unearthed a hidden treasure even I could not have dreamed of finding, and my numerous visits to see Maria that summer were a wonderful sexual education for her. The next year her father died and she moved away, and I later heard she had married.

I sometimes feel a little guilty. Did I take advantage of a blind, innocent girl or did I give her the sexual knowledge and confidence to face the World on her own? I think you the reader must be the judge of that. i would welcome your comments…..



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