It’s a Small World (of Casual Sex) After All [MF] [True Story]

As published in [Dean’s Sexplorations:](

I haven’t blogged much about it yet, but one of my favorite things to do is attend sex clubs and parties. Groups are sort of my fetish and while I love one-on-one sex, there’s a different energy with a group that I find incredibly fun. Beside, it’s a huge taboo to watch other people have sex – and to have sex with other people watching – so that cranks up the fun factor even more as far as I’m concerned.

I have lost exact count of the number of times I’ve been to a sex club or party, but my closest approximation is 20 times or so. And every time I go, in the back of my head I wonder whether I’m going to run into a friend, or a colleague, or an ex girlfriend. Not that the idea of seeing someone I know bothers me tremendously. I figure there’s sort of a “mutual assured destruction” aspect to such an encounter. I won’t tell anyone in your world if you don’t tell anyone in mine. But time and time again I would attend an event, and never did come across anyone I recognized.

Until that one night at Club Kiss.

Club Kiss is a “heteronormative” sex club that meets a few times a year in the San Francisco Bay Area. By heteronormative I mean it’s mostly fairly mainstream heterosexual couples, swingers really, getting their freak on. My peeps. This particular event was one of the larger ones of the year, and was thrown at Danzhaus, a dance school by day that rents itself out to other activities at night. 

I went with my friend Pam, who is absolutely amazing – and alas, now with boyfriend, but at the time was one of my favorite casual sex regulars.  We started with a drink at a nearby bar, at which I told her what I considered to be a funny small world story – which I shall be blogging at some point down the line – about a woman named Regina who was one of my daughter’s friend’s mothers and who recognizing me as being part of the casual sex scene at a back to school event. Pam and I got a chuckle out of that. I had no idea that particular small-world story was about to be one-upped three-fold that very evening.

Finishing our drink, Pam and I went to Danzhaus, where people were mostly dancing and milling about at the bar; the sex part of the party had yet to get going. We migrated to the bar and got a drink, and I turned around only to see Regina – the mother of my daughter’s friend – in the flesh, there with her husband.

Regina saw me as well, and from her body language it was clear she wanted to keep as far as possible, or more likely, wanted to keep her husband as far from me as possible. I already knew they weren’t out to friends or family and it seems she hadn’t told him about this other middle school father in the casual sex scene.

But I was in the mood to cause trouble, so I walked right up to her, Pam in tow, and said “Hello, Regina, nice to see you here.“  Her husband looked at me, puzzled, and she had no choice but to introduce us. And of course I introduced Pam to them. We made small talk for a minute or two, after which Regina pointedly ushered the two of them away, not to be seen the rest of the evening. I later learned that she had to do some fancy explaining, but I’m pleased to say their marriage is fully intact. Meanwhile Pam and I were marveling at the coincidence of running into this woman who I was talking about not 20 minutes earlier, and the mother of my daughter’s friend no less.

What a small world, we thought.

All coincidences now safely behind us, we went upstairs to the dance floor, which had been turned into a giant play area adorned with wall-to-wall mattresses and sheets. Pam had to use the restroom, so I took up the standard date’s position just outside the ladies’ room door to wait dutifully for her.

As I stood, my gaze wandered to the couple on a couch directly across from me, and I was startled to recognize the client for a project I was working on – at that very point in time. Her gaze caught mine and she instantly jerked it away. It was clear that she recognized me – we had been seated across a conference room table a mere days before – and that she did not want her fiancé, whom she was there with, to know that a business colleague was standing a few feet away.

This time I respected her wishes, so I stood there, she awkwardly avoiding my gaze, I wearing a slight knowing smile, for a good three or four minutes before Pam emerged from the bathroom. Once the two of us were safely out of range I pointed out my colleague and told her the story.

Wow, we were thinking. Dean had run into not one but two people he knew at the club. My unblemished record of avoiding folks I knew was shattered. What an incredibly small world.

(And as a post-script to that part of the story, the next time I saw my client at a project read-out, we greeted each other breezily and matter-of-factly, as if nothing out of the ordinary had ever happened. It seems mutual assured destruction works after all…)

Had I been writing this story even a month ago, that would have been the punch line. But events of the past couple of weeks not only extended the story, but also bumped it up the queue just a tad, since there’s now a present-day component to it.

So here’s what happened next.

Pam and I finally made our way to the play space and started having fun. Pam is smart, interesting, and engaging, with a radiant smile. She has gorgeous blonde hair and an amazing body with ample hips and tits. In other words, she’s built like a woman, and she knew how to get my motor running.

Pam and I staked out a spot and began playing. We were one of the earlier couples to start, so it was fairly sparse at first, but eventually the space – a good 60 feet by 60 feet or thereabouts – was more or less packed wall-to-wall with people having sex.

I played with Pam for a good hour or so, and then, bless her heart, she couldn’t keep her eyes open and fell asleep. (Yes, in the middle of thirty or forty couples having sex!)  She had had a long week and a long day, and a couple of drinks didn’t help. I knew she needed the rest, so I made her as comfortable as I could and just took in the scene, her head nestled in my lap.

To my right was an attractive age appropriate couple (most of my FWBs are age appropriate) who was playing with a 29-year old woman there on her own. Since Pam was down for the count, I thought those three’s male/female balance could use a little adjustment and decided to see if they wanted to play.

I moved over and lightly touched the hip of the age-appropriate wife (whose name turned out to be Sofia). She put her hand on mine and pulled it further up her body, which I chose to interpret as “yes, let’s play.” I began to kiss her, she returned the kiss, and the two of us peeled off to form a dyad, her husband happily enmeshed with the 29-year old.

Sofia and I had great chemistry from the get-go. She was beautiful and intelligent, and had an incredible body. She was wearing a bustier and body stocking, which she said she didn’t want to remove because it was too much of a hassle, and which was laying on the floor 10 minutes later. She went down on me, I went down on her, but the best part was just this amazing simultaneous kissing and fucking. And conversation. While my cock was in her pussy. In fact, we introduced ourselves – exchanged names – while I was fucking her. Something I’ve done a handful of times and certainly one of my favorite ways to meet a woman.

Eventually we wound down, she reconnected with her husband, and Pam awakened (but not before I had my turn with the 29-year old). I logged that evening into the “pleasant memory” bank, and assumed I would never see Sofia again. After all, that’s pretty much the MO for sex clubs – especially when your encounter is with a married woman there with her husband. Pam and I packed up, went home, and got some sleep.

Fast forward several years to the erotic art show a few weeks ago – which I recently blogged about in the [Vibrator Torture story]( Attentive readers will recall that while Ruby was talking to the guy who watched the vibrator fall out of her pussy, I flirted and got contact info from a couple of other women, one of whom was married and with whom I subsequently set a lunch date.

Around the holidays she and I were texting in preparation for the date. I asked how long she and her husband had had an open marriage. She told me they started out by going to play parties a few years back. Then she said, “Hey, this may sound weird but I think I may have met you once at Danzhaus? Is that possible?”

Yes. My lunch date this week was with Sofia. It was amazing and we took up right where we left off. (Don’t ask why we didn’t do the 2+2 thing at the erotic art show. Better lighting? Only saw each other’s faces?)

That’s the sort of small world story I can get behind.

#SmallWorldofSex #SexClub #SexontheDanceFloor #DateFellAsleep #Pam #Sofia
