Night lights (alien, healing, car crash, strong and conflicted emotions)

<< OK, things a getting out of hand. You were driving. You were merely driving in the night, you had an accident, and now, “of course”, an alien being is taking care of you. An alien lady is actually abducting you, strapped down on a levitating stretcher. Of course. OK. You will wake up. You need to wake up from this pathetic alien abduction delusion. >>

**WARNING. This story graphically and viscerally describes yourself being badly injured in a car crash. Also, it is not directly erotic, but it explores kinks (breathing mask, bondage, hypnosis, gentle Femdom, states of altered consciousness, among other things) and is written by an adult for adults.**

# Night lights

We all know how bad the world can be with us. Being human is about that: Beauty and horror, pleasure and pain, pain and relief. Pain, and healing. Healing. Healing feels so good, little one. Somebody taking care of you, because you are worth it. You are worth the time, little one. Yes, you are worth the time. You are worth the time, and it is what my story will be about today. A nice story about healing.

This is a beautiful story, but I need to warn you: healing means pain. You will be healed, but, there is something you will heal from. You need to know that. This story is a bumpy ride, little one, a big dip, and then a bigger rise. So, be ready: I’m about to bring you to the roller-coaster.

Do you feel ready? Good. Just read this and do as it says. It says: let yourself go. Let yourself calm down. Let your mind shed all the hassles of the day. Let your body shed all the tension of the day. All your body, limp and relaxed, and your mind, too. Your mind ready to follow me through my story. To follow me through that night. Just imagine, little one, just imagine: You, driving through the night, along that long, lonely road.

That straight road, through that flat expense. That deep, remote countryside you are driving through. That flat landscape, hidden in the night. The straight road, the trees. You’re driving along the road, between the road line, and the trees. A tree, another tree, and another tree… Yet another tree appearing in the lights, passing by, disappearing behind you. Another tree followed by yet another tree. And again, and again, as you drive along that road. Another tree, the road line on your left (and another tree), sometimes continuously flowing along the car (yet another tree), but also sometimes dashed, each dash passing by, like the trees. And it seems, more and more, that you’re not driving the car anymore. The car is driving you, between the road line and the trees. The road line, the trees. Another, another, and another… and a white flash of light!

Nothing to see but white light! And then wham! The tree! Shards of glass! Muscles tearing! Branches! Bones braking! Bits flying! Your body thrown, ragdolled! And then silence. Darkness. This was a car accident.

Something is coming, something you forgot. Something excruciating. Yes, of course, how could you forget? It is normal, all the broken… This is so horrible. Pain! Pain is here, pain is everywhere! Your ankles, your legs, crushed! Crushed! Your head resonating like a bell ringing with pain! Your elbow sprained, broken, crushed! And the worse, your back, the pain in your back! Shards! Your spine, broken in pieces! Shards of bone tearing your flesh! And glass shards, all around you, all over you, under you, wounding you each time you try to move! And blood, fuck it! Blood everywhere, sticky blood reddening your hands!

The tree, the trunk of the tree, is just in front of you. Stupidly, surreally close, just inches away from the broken windshield (There was a blinding white light, or?). All in silence, that eerie, weird silence. The car, totaled. The motor, dead (What was that light?). And you, lying in your own blood, all alone in that dark void, tortured by pain, and losing your blood. The pain of your crushed, broken body (It was not natural). In a second, everything broke into pieces. Your body is about to stop working; and you mind, you soul, trapped in it, is about to vanish.

When did you pass another car? Each movement, a torture. When did another car cross yours? Hours ago (There is a blue light now?). Nobody will notice you in here. In several hours, perhaps, people will start to wonder, to worry but, that will be too late (Flickering blue and red lights). You are about to die, bathing in your own blood, and nobody will come for you. Well, life was nice, but right now, it sucks. It sucks so badly, and it is about to end. And all the pain! The bone shards in your back (Somebody will take care of you).

But… there are lights, once again! Blue and red lights, behind you, illuminating the tree! And steps! Somebody is coming! Somebody is coming, for you. A face apprears, through the broken door window. A beautiful face, like an angel, looking at you, and a hand, in a blue surgical glove, reaching for your face. Her fingers, her palm, pressing themselves on your forehead. The warmth of her hand, and your eyes, looking again at her face, at her eyes.

Oh my god! Her eyes! Blue orbs of beauty, looking straight into you. Flickering gemstones of intelligence. And you, diving into them; and them, diving into your mind. Diving into your soul, pouring love into it. Crystal orbs, a deep, velvet blue carpet floating in them and, at the center of it, a well of darkness. Yes, little one. A well of darkness, and a mind at the bottom of it. All tensed, concentrated. Acutely concentrated on you. On doing the right thing for you. And then, the being owning these eyes speaks:

“– It’s OK, sir. It’s OK. I will take care of you.”

Her other blue gloved hand enters the cabin aimed at your face, too, but, holding something. A mask, one of those medical breathing masks, but, nicer in a way: crystal clear resin, but, thick and feeling solid. And around it, a soft seal. Black and shiny streamlined silicone aimed toward you. Pressing itself around your mouth and nose. It feels so soft, so comfortable, as if molded exactly to fit your face. But it is also totally, mercilessly airtight, forcing you to breathe whatever she wants you to. Knock-out gas, probably: that would be logical. Just envision this: The seal on your face, and the mask about to knock you out. Her beautiful eyes, and her mind behind them, and you will pass out, because she wants you to. How could you resist her? But she speaks again, her words oddly, unnaturally to the point:

“– It’s OK sir, You’ll stay awake. I want you to experience what will happen. just breathe.”

Whatever. You need to obey these eyes. You breathe in, and the fresh, pure gas invades your lungs. Pure oxygen, making your mind clear, more acute than ever. But there is also something else with it. Something taking care of you, of your pain. You feel it receding, retreating from your body: you still feel your wounds, what was broken, but there is no pain in it. Her eyes, a deep sea of calmness, gaze in you, as if inviting you to dive in them.

Who is she? What exactly is happening? Are you being taken care of by a medic? Her hands open your shirt, remove the seat belt. You can’t help, but look at them. She probably is a medic: her blue surgical gloves perfectly adjusted, she removes the glass shards from your body. But, her gloves, they don’t have this solid blue color they usually have. There are specks, like freckles on them. Some teal, other lavender, in this blue background. This rich deep blue color, and the fine texture they have… You never saw such gloves before. How perfectly they envelop her fingertips, her beautifully trimmed… but …No! Her nails?

Her hands remove the shards of glass covering you. Her beautiful, deep blue hands are saving you. Her blue arms, in front of you, and her beautiful, beautiful blue face smiling at you. A complete smile, but grave and foreboding.

“– Yes, human. But, it’s OK. I’ll take care of you. I need to erase this event.”

Once again, she locks he gaze into yours, and bellow her eyes, her mouth opens.

“– Let me act, human. I will put you out of this misery. I need to. You are worth this.”

She steps back, and then removes the door of the car, in a slow and smooth movement. Literally, she tears it apart from the car, as if it was a piece of paper.

“– Here human. Don’t move. I’ll lie you on this stretcher.”

Her hands reach to you again, these hands that just destroyed sheet steel as if it was soft fabric. Her arms wrap themselves around your body, your broken body, softly, gently lift it, and then bring it down, down into the stretcher. Each of her movements is fluid and gracious, even under the burden of your shredded self. You’re lying down, now, at last, your body contained in the stretcher. It strangely is hard, but at the same time conforms and sustains you in a way that is comfortable and soothing. And her face is above you, her eyes still inundating you, like a moonlight. Her beautiful, sensible, gentle blue face… Specks of lavender and teal here and there, giving it deepness and texture, her perfectly drawn lips… She’s a perfectly beautiful being. Alien, but, serene and understanding (Straps, on the stretcher, animating themselves). No hair on her head, but grooves atop her forehead (Straps locking themselves around your body). Grooves separating her skull into crests, running to the back, out of your sight (Straps locking you down, at her mercy). One of her hands, always pressing somewhere against your skin, reassuring.

“– It’s OK human, it’s like the mask. I’m here to heal. Remember this.”

You saw her before. You saw something like her (Your stretcher rising softly). Did you see her in a movie? It couldn’t be real life (And softly gliding along the road, as if in levitation). Was she in a commix? Or… Of course! Of course: she is an Asari. She is an Asari is an Asari is an Asari. Of course.

OK, things a getting out of hand. You were driving. You were merely driving in the night, you had an accident, and now, of course, an Asari is taking care of you. An asari from that game is actually abducting you, strapped down on a levitating stretcher. Of course. OK. You will wake up. You need to wake up. You have to wake up. You will wake up, but before you do, her face is still here and her eyes are still, still, so … blue lakes of sapience… How is it possible for such things to even be imagined? Plunging in them…

“– Calm down, human. Calm down. This is reality. Everything will be OK. You are awake. You are awake and I’m not from a video game. I’m for real. I’m for real, human, and I will take care of you. I’m for real and I’m not abducting you.”

Entering a place of light, her face above you, mesmerized by her eyes. The mask on your face. the oxygen in your lungs, and whatever, stopping the pain. Whatever thing she makes you breathe, allowing you to feel what happened in your body, but without the pain. What is she? Even more alien than an… Why is she doing this?

“You can call me whatever you want, it’s OK. I’m an asari if you want.” Soft white light all around you. Her hands on your chest, soft and warm. “Look into my eyes, human”

Her eyes… Deep blue velvet floating in a gemstone, and you, falling into its embrace. Her hands on your chest. Deep dark pupils, wells of ink, and a mind, an alien mind deep into it. Her hands on your chest, and thing worming out of them. Your mind contained, cuddled, strapped down, taken care of, like your body in the stretcher, like your breath in the mask. But, there is a strange thing happening, something painless but weird and disturbing, like worms are entering you. You need to look, you look down. Thousands of tiny blue worms are actually pouring out of her hands and are actually entering you. You look up in panic, but her eyes catch your sight and pour love into you again.

“It’s OK human, don’t look. You can’t comprehend what is happening if you look. Feel it. Feel it healing you. I want you to feel this. This is why I didn’t make you sleep.”

Her eyes. Her eyes pouring love into you. Worms entering you. Straps on your wrists, soft and warm. Straps on your wrists, holding you like hands. The mask on your face, kissing you. Kissing you, little one, giving you the kiss of life. Worms entering you. One of them, entering a wound, and the wound disappears. You feel it, closing down, forever, and with it, all the weirdness, the disgust at the idea of these worms in you disappears. The mask on your face, her hand on your chest, and those worms. What are they? You feel them, deep in your body. Near your broken shoulder. You feel them on the bone. Wriggling, pulling, pushing. And the bone, growing back. The cause of the pain disappearing. Your eyes watering, diving into hers. Her smile, the mask, and your eyes drowning into hers. The straps, worms in your legs, and the soft light. Bone growing, shards dissolving, and muscles healing. Yes, little one, healing.

Her face radiating with smile. Worms in your back, in your spine. The shards, god, these horrible bone shards, tearing your flesh. Contained, isolated from it, digested, vanishing, gone. Gosh you feel it. You feel it! Each movement of these thousands of things working within you! That piece of yourself, the vertebra, crushed. Crushed, but the worms around it, and it growing, growing back, back around the cord. The cord.

And something else. Something you forgot about. Your… God. Your legs, your feet, muscles, muscles moving. Your spine… Your cord, grown back! It was cut! It was dead! You were, paral… but how is it possible? It can’t, it just can’t be possible! Your ankles straining against the straps. Your feet moving, moving again, and her eyes! And the mask! And you, how is it possible? How?

But then, her face changes, the smile going away, and doubts clouding in her eyes. “I know it is not easy, human. I wanted you to feel that. Harm being erased. Harm disappearing”

She looks elsewhere now, for the first time. “We do not harm humans. This is rule number one.” Her hands seem nervous and tired. “We do not interact. We do not harm. Well, we did”

That white light blinding you.

“We did. We need to erase it. You went through this horror. I wanted you to feel it being undone.”

The tree. The tree, braking your life.

“I don’t know what you will remember.”

The car totaled by the tree.

“Your car is OK now. Keep it, it will last long. Very long. Like you.”

The poor tree, you killed it (what did she say, exactly?).

“You are a beautiful human. We had to erase everything. The tree is fine.”

Her smile comes back. You look at her eyes again, so deep and beautiful.

“Yes. You are a good human, sir.” and then, with a stroke on your forehead, “I need you to sleep now. You’ll be back in your car. Remember this: you have all my respect, sir.”

Something subtle changes in what you breathe, you don’t feel knocked out, but, it melts your thoughts, like it did with the pain. Meanwhile, you look at her, detailing her alien gracefulness, that you will never see again. Her face, her eyes, the grooves above them, the crests on her head, her blue hands, her eyes, the freckles of teal, her slender fingers, the mask, the freckles of lavender, your breathing, your sleepiness, her hands, the dark seal around the mask, her eyes, the soft white light, her smile, blue worms going out of you, in her hands, the seal on your lower face, the way it presses itself on the bridge of your nose, the pleasure of daydreaming, her hands, the mask, her face, an ink dark well with a soul in it, white light, your car, playing videogames in the night, trees in the night, the need to sleep in the night, you pulling your car out, the pleasure of a breathing mask, a motor turned off, the face of the asari people, the shade of a tree, keeping a good car, having a mask on your face, having a nap in your car, blue surgical gloves, reading sexy stories with aliens, hands around your wrists, holding them tight, dosing in the silent night, the moon in the windshield, the eyes of the asari people, the sleep, the deep sleep, and the pleasure, the comfort, the joy of healing.
