Loving Memories [MF] [sex robot] [ScFi] [rom]

Many people claimed to understand true love. Those same people might also claim they understand loss. Karina Stroman had encountered many of those people in the past three, four months, and nine days. That was how long it had been since her husband, Lieutenant Joseph A. Stroman died. Throughout that painful, heart-breaking stretch of time, she became convinced. They didn’t understand in the slightest.

Karina loved her husband. She loved him in ways few could appreciate. He was the only man she’d ever dated. He was the only man she’d ever slept with. He was the only man she wanted to marry. She had every intention of growing old and gray with him, having kids and building a life together. The idea of not being with him never crossed her mind.

Then, it happened.

Her husband, an aspiring pilot in the Air Force who aspired to fly planes, died in a terrible crash. They said it was an accident. They claimed there was nothing anyone could’ve done. That didn’t make it hurt any less. Her heart broke into a billion pieces that day. Nothing had been the same since.

“A part of me died with him,” Karina had told her friends and family. “I don’t think I can be whole without him.”

That was a common refrain in the days, weeks, and months after Joseph’s death. She received plenty of sympathy from others. She received metals, a folded flag, and personal condolences from her husband’s fellow soldiers and officers. She even received a letter of sympathy from the President. Karina appreciated the sentiment, but her heart remained broken.

More recently, the same friends and family who cried with her at Joseph’s funeral were urging her to move on. She was still young and beautiful. More than one man had asked her out since her husband’s death. More than one friend tried to set her up on a date. She refused at every turn.

“I’m not ready. I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready,” she often told them.

It had gotten to a point where she started to frustrate others. Even Joseph’s parents urged her to move forward with her life. Nobody wanted to see her alone and heartbroken until her dying days. A part of her didn’t want that, either. Another part of her loved Joseph too much to ever truly move on. It seemed like there was no way to escape her sorrow.

That all changed approximately five minutes ago when she received a large crate from a private military courier. She accepted it, not knowing what it was or who sent it. After reeling it into the living room of her modest suburban townhouse, she opened it to see a figure that made her heart skip a beat.

“Good evening, Karina Stroman. It’s great to finally meet you.”

She’d stumbled back and gasped, covering her mouth in disbelief. She was still in a state of shock. What she was looking at shouldn’t have been possible. She blinked several times, trying to wake up from what had to be a dream.

However, this was real. Within the large create, standing before her with perfect poise, was a figure that perfectly resembled Joseph Stroman. It looked like him, sounded like him, and even smiled like him. Everything from his slim muscular build to the small mole on the side of his neck was there. He wasn’t wearing much, either. He wore nothing but a pair of white boxers, not unlike the kind Joseph wore to bed.

That was impossible. It didn’t make sense until it – her he, if her eyes were working properly – explained everything.

“Forgive me,” he said as he stepped out of the crate, “I should probably clarify what you’re seeing.”

“That…would be helpful,” Karina said, still leaning against her couch for support.

“Firstly, I am not your late husband, Lieutenant Joseph Stroman. I simply look like him. I sincerely apologize for any distress my appearance has caused you. But there is a reason for my appearance and it’s a good one.”

“It damn well better be,” she said strongly.

“I may not be him, but I was built and configured to mirror him in every possible way.”

“Built and configured?” Karina questioned.

“Yes. For you see, I am a robot. Specifically, I am an android with a humanoid stature, mechanical inner workings, and synthetic flesh. My systems are calibrated to operate in a manner consistent with an ordinary human. While my form is entirely synthetic, my exterior was molded with the intent to be indistinguishable from that of humans…specifically, that of Joseph Stroman. If you want, you can touch me and see for yourself.”

Karina was still in shock. She needed a few extra moments to process seeing something/someone who looked exactly like her late husband. She needed even more to process the idea that she was looking at a robot.

To her knowledge, robots – or androids, if that made a difference – were pretty advanced, but not like this. She’d seen a few stories about some company creating a life-like, human-looking robot. She knew they existed and some where incredibly realistic. However, seeing it on TV or the internet was not the same as seeing one up close.

Eventually, she gathered herself enough to stand under her own power and reach over to touch the figures arm. To her continued amazement, it felt real. The skin, the hair, and the sweat all felt real. Even the unique texture of his flesh perfectly matched her memories of Joseph.

“Wow,” she said. “It feels so…human.”

“As I previously stated, that was the intention,” the figure replied with a smile that also matched Joseph’s.

“Whose intentions?” Karina asked while still marveling at the feel of his skin.

“I’m afraid I cannot divulge every detail of my creation. I can only state that my presence came at the direct order of a new military-sponsored support program. Under this program, the military has partnered with several advanced robotics companies and artificial intelligence researchers. The primary goal revolves around the creation, refinement, and development of human-like androids. While much of its progress is classified, I can confirm that the program achieved sufficient advances to pursue one of its many secondary goals.”

“And that includes…” she said distantly, trying to connect the dots.

“Providing special compensation the widowed spouses of fallen soldiers,” he said.

Karina stopped obsessing over how real his skin felt and gazed up into the figure’s eyes. The shock had worn off. Other feelings emerged as more realizations sank in.

She took a step closer to him. She reached out and caressed his face, which felt exactly like Joseph’s after he shaved. Every one of her senses told her the same thing. The figure before her looked, felt, and even smelled like Joseph. At the same time, she kept reminding herself that Joseph was dead. It left her conflicted, but deeply curious.

“What happened to your husband was a tragedy,” the figure told her, a distinct hint of emotion in his voice. “Lieutenant Joseph Stroman was a good, honorable man. He also loved you very much.”

“How can you know that?” Karina asked.

“Because I’ve had every byte of public and private data from his life uploaded into my brain,” he said. “The pictures he shared with loved ones…the videos you made together…the memories he recounted in his journals…his love for you was vast. Even though I’m configured to specialize in human emotional responses, even my systems cannot process the extent of your love. It is…powerful.”

Karina cracked a smile. It was one of the few smiles she’d freely expressed since her husband’s death. There was something comforting about hearing how deep Joseph’s love went for her. If even an advanced robot couldn’t process it, then it must have been special.

“Despite those limitations, I was sent to you as a possible means of compensation,” he continued. “While the United States military can never give you your husband back, it can make a concerted effort to provide intimate solace.”

“Well, this is a lot more concerted than I expected,” Karina said. “And here I was thinking they’d stop with a letter, a flag, and handful of meager benefits.”

“For what you lost, such compensation is insufficient. That’s why the program spent considerable resources to configure my physical and cognitive specifications to perfectly match that of Joseph Stroman. It also gave me a stated purpose.”

As she softly caressed his face, the figure that perfectly resembled her dead husband embraced her with his powerful arms. In an instant, the loving warmth that Karina thought she’d never feel again surrounded her. It further blurred the lines between artificial and human.

Her husband was still dead. Being embraced by a robot that looked just like him wasn’t exactly the same, but it felt pretty damn close. It was so close that it triggered within her other feelings she didn’t think she’d experience.

“Every one of my systems – from my synthetic flesh to my bodily operations to my artificial sentience – it’s all configured to convey love, comfort, and affection to the one Joseph Stroman loved most.”

“Configured?” Karina questioned, part of her still struggling to accept it.

“Call it what you will. I assure you these are not pre-programmed responses,” he said to her. “I think. I feel. I experience emotions…albeit not in the same manner as humans. The end results are still the same.”

“So you can actually experience love,” she said.

“Yes. I can.”

That seemed impossible. Then again, her standard for the impossible had changed considerably in the past half-hour.

Within the grasp of this figure – an artificial being, crafted to look, sound, and feel like her dead lover – Karina dared to experience emotions that she once took for granted. She pawed the figure’s chest. She trailed her fingers over the contours of his muscles. It all felt so real, right down to the gentle heat radiating from his body.

At the same time, she felt him explore her body with his hands. He did so with the same care and affection as Joseph. He demonstrated a keen knowledge of her intimate warmth, touching and caressing her just as her husband had done in their many romantic moments. It was jarring, but it also made a point.

When she felt his gestures, she experienced the same loving comfort that she had with Joseph. When she looked into his eyes, she didn’t just see a robot mimicking emotion. She saw a thinking, sentient being experiencing those emotions. It seemed like such a profound feat, but did it really matter whether emotions came from a human or robot brain?

Karina kept telling herself that the man/android embracing her wasn’t Joseph. At the same time, she couldn’t deny the feelings he evoked in her.

“Please note – and I am required to tell you this – you need not accept this,” he told her. “If my presence is too distressing or if, for whatever reason, you choose not to participate in this program, please say so.”

“But what’ll happen to you?” Karina asked.

“Nothing unpleasant, I assure you,” he said with a light smile. “I will simply signal my creators, return to my create, deactivate my systems, and await my retrieval. You need not worry. I won’t be offended. I won’t feel any discomfort, either.”

“But you’ll be destroyed,” she said.

“Not necessarily. I’ll likely be reformatted and reconfigured for another participant. I won’t even recall this discussion. But, as I stand before you this instant, I do not prefer that recourse. I would rather stay here with you in the form of Joseph Stroman. However, it is ultimately your choice, Karina. Whatever you choose, I will honor.”

It almost felt like a life-or-death decision, but the robotic figure did not appear concerned. He just kept smiling at her. He even showed some of that subtle charm that Joseph often displayed whenever he already knew what decision she was leaning towards.

That didn’t make the decision any less difficult. This thing – this robot built around the body, mind, and passions of her late husband – had just asked her to decide his fate. Even if he wasn’t technically alive, the course of his life was in her hands. As she contemplated that choice, she once again reached up and caressed his face.

“Joseph…” Karina found herself saying.

His smile widened, as though that name meant as much to him as it did to her. He also deepened his embrace, holding her closely and parting her hair behind her ear, as Joseph often did when he wanted to see the full extent of her beauty. In that moment, her broken heart skipped a beat. Painful memories of the man she lost boiled to the surface. When all those feelings converged, her choice became clear.

“I don’t want you to leave,” Karina said.

“I’m sorry. I need direct confirmation. Do you want me to stay?”

“Yes. Please stay…Joseph.”

Hearing her call him that must have triggered something because his demeanor became much less robotic. He seemed so human at that point that the difference was negligible. By almost every meaningful measure, she was standing in her husband’s arms.

“Please…kiss me,” she told him, as if to double down on her decision.

“As you wish…Karina.”

His voice gained a more emotional undertone, which counted as another sign that she wasn’t just interacting with a robot. When their lips touched and they shared a kiss, it became even clearer. Karina was sharing something deeper with this being…this man who carried in him her husband’s spirit.

His lips felt just like the man she remembered. Even his tongue felt as real as any other man. How that system worked was far beyond her expertise, but she didn’t care. As far as Karina was concerned, she was kissing Joseph again.

It was like reliving a memory in perfect detail. As soon as their lips touched, he kissed her with the same passion Joseph had on their wedding day. It was as though he’d studied every kiss they ever shared. Given his robotic hardware, that probably wasn’t too far from the truth.

“My God…it’s just like I remembered,” Karina said, already on the brink of tears.

“That feeling…exceeds the parameter’s programming,” the android said.

Just like that, she remembered he was still part robot. However, she found it more funny than jarring.

“You might want to re-think your choice of words moving forward,” she said with a humored chuckle.

“Understood,” he replied, mirroring her humored tone. “There are quite a few experiences to explore.”

“I’m sure there are. I have a lot of questions.”

“Well, I assume one in particular will come up eventually. So I might as well address it.”

He broke their embrace and took a step back. Karina, now as curious as she was impassioned, watched as he removed his boxers, the only article of clothing he had on. In doing so, he revealed that his hardware included more than just her lover’s charismatic smile.

“Oh my!” she gasped in mix of astonishment and intrigue. “Whoever molded you after my husband was very thorough.”

“Their stated goal was to copy every feature. That includes Joseph’s penis,” he said, laughing curtly at her reaction. “And yes, by the way. It works.”

“By that, you mean…” Karina said, probing for specifics.

“It does get hard. I can have sex with it. I even experience pleasure from it…if you define tactile date mimicking the male orgasm pleasure.”

“I won’t bother with technicalities. If it works, I’ll just have to take your word for it.”

“Hopefully, I’ll have a chance to convince you. While my creators stressed accuracy in terms of appearance and mannerisms, they also included a few supplemental features.”

Before Karina could ask for more details, he showed her in a way that once again affirmed his robotic status. While simply standing before her, neither touching her nor himself, his penis swelled and became fully erect.

It happened so fast and efficiently. Karina was a registered nurse. She knew male biology better than most. Even a healthy man with a healthy penis didn’t get aroused that quickly with no stimulation. For all she knew, his creators expected one of his primary functions to involve having sex with a lonely woman. Having not experienced any sexual intimacy in over three years, she couldn’t deny the appeal of such a function.

“Wow,” she said in amazement. “That’s just…wow.”

“You can touch it, if you wish,” he offered.

He approached the same way he had with embracing and kissing her, giving her every opportunity to take things slow. To this point, Karina appreciated that. It was a lot to take in. The military had sent her a perfect, flesh-covered robot of her dead husband to help compensate her for her loss. The concept alone carried so many overwhelming implications.

This time, however, she chose not to take things slow. After over three years of loneliness, heartache, and sorrow, Karina needed something more than that. In that fateful moment, she stopped trying to wrap her head around it all and embraced the experience.

“Actually…I’d like to do more than just touch it,” she told him.

This time, it was her turn to surprise him…although that assumed androids could be surprised.

While standing before him, she took off her clothes. She’d only been wearing a T-shirt, a dirty pair of sweatpants, and white panties with no bra. If she’d known she would get a visit from an intelligent android that looked like her dead husband, she would’ve put on something sexier. That didn’t stop him from appreciating the sight of her nude form.

“You’re beautiful, Karina,” he told her.

“I’d say that’s your programming talking,” Karina replied, “but that’s exactly what Joseph told me when saw me get naked in front of him…even in non-sexy situations.”

“And what of this particular situation? I may be an android, but I’m not optimized to surmise how sexual it may be.”

“Then, allow me to clear that up.”

Upon kicking her pants across the room, Karina re-entered his embrace and kissed him again. This time, she made sure her naked skin pressed up against his synthetic flesh. It both got her point across and evoked the desired response.

As they kissed, she further explored his masculine stature, pawing his flesh with the same sensual care she’d used with Joseph. He did the same, feeling up her feminine curves and grazing his fingers over her naked skin. He even put Joseph’s memories to good use, squeezing her butt and fondling her breasts in just the right ways. Her husband knew her body so well. He understood where and how to touch her in order to spark a deeper desire.

“Clear enough?” Karina whispered in between kisses.

“Yes…clear indeed,” he replied.

The kissing resumed. The touching intensified. This being – who she saw as a man as much as she saw a robot – wasn’t just consoling her after years of loneliness and celibacy. He was turning her on. She wanted this robot built around her late husband’s image. Between his affectionate gestures and erect penis, it was clear he wanted her too.

“Joseph,” she said, already short of breath, “I want you to make love to me.”

“I want that too. Man, machine, robot, or android…I want it so much.”

Those words had profound implications. The idea that a robot, even one built in the image of her loving husband, wanted to make love to her carried a great deal of weight. How much of that desire was programming? How much of it was real, genuine emotion?

Karina couldn’t hope to answer those questions. Men, robots, and memories aside, she was going to make love to Joseph. Whether he was man or robot was only a technicality.

“Come,” Karina said, latching onto his arm. “Let’s take this to our bedroom.”

“Our bedroom…yes.”

The fact that she referred to it as their bedroom was telling. It spoke to just how much she’d embraced the idea of having this robot embody the spirit of her husband.

With an energy she hadn’t shown in a long time, she led the masculine figure up the stairs, down the hall, and into the master bedroom. It was the same room she’d once shared with Joseph. The pictures, blankets, and décor were the same as they were the last time she made love to her husband. She swore he recognized it, even as he carried her to the king-sized bed, just as he did on their honeymoon.

“Relax, my darling. I’m going to get you nice and wet,” he told her as he laid her down in the center of the bed.

“You know, those are the exact words Joseph used on our wedding night,” Karina told him. “Same tone too. Just how detailed do your memories go?”

“They’re as detailed as they need to be. Perhaps this will help demonstrate that.”

Like the same considerate lover she remembered and mourned, he kissed her again and caressed her womanly figure with the utmost affection. Her heart raced. A powerful heat formed between her thighs. As she lay flat on her back, he steadily trailed his lips down her face, neck, breasts and torso.

It was the same path Joseph often followed, right down the part where he gave her right nipple an extra lick. As her state of arousal intensified, he lightly grasped her thighs and pushed her legs apart. Bit by bit, he worked his way down her abdomen until he reached the outer folds of her womanhood.

“Ooh, my God!” Karina gasped.

From there, he began giving her oral sex. His lips made contact with the tender folds of her outer genitalia. His tongue entered her folds, probing her hot depths. A sharp burst of sexual sensations followed. It was so intense she trembled, gasping and moaning in ways she hadn’t experienced since her wedding night.

“Are you okay, my love?” he asked her.

“I’m fine!” she assured him. “Please, don’t stop! It’s just…it’s been a while.”

That was just a polite way of saying she hadn’t had any kind of sex since her husband died. She still got horny. She still had desires. She just couldn’t bring herself to pursue intimacy after his death. The idea of any sharing such intimacy with any other man just didn’t sit well.

The current intimacy wasn’t just from any man, though. She was getting it from a robot with the body, memory, and passions of her lost love. Judging by how thorough he was with eating a woman out, he’d also been programmed with extensive knowledge of female anatomy.

“Yes! Ooh yes! It’s so good! That feels so…so good!” Karina gasped, writhing under the weight of the pleasure.

“Karina…you taste so good,” he replied, his voice muffled by her inner thighs.

“You…can taste too?”

“Yes,” he said, “and it’s delicious!”

Like a perfect blend of an impassioned man and a skilled robot, he licked, fingered, and fondled her womanhood to an extent that felt like uncharted territory for oral sex. It left her so aroused and impassioned that the unusual circumstances of this intimate moment stopped mattering.

She’d asked Joseph to make love to her. Whether dead or alive through a robot, the feeling was within her grasp.

“Joseph…my one and only love,” she said in her amorous daze. “Please…take me.”

He heeded her words with an urgency befitting of a dedicated lover. Having pleased her to the point of maximum arousal, he worked his way back up her naked body and positioned himself on top of her.

It was a moment straight out of her fondest memories. She and Joseph had been in the exact same position the first time they made love. It had been in her old bedroom. They’d made out, undressed one another, and laid in the center of the bed with him on top of her. In a perfect blend of instinct and passion, she hooked her legs around his waist while he aligned his still-erect manhood with her waiting entrance.

That memory set the tone for the many intimate moments they shared throughout their lives. She thought those moments would only be memories after Joseph died. Now, here he was in a new form, ready to turn memories into passion.

“Karina…” he said with the same loving tone as Joseph.

“Joseph…” Karina replied, caressing his face, just as she had in that fateful memory.

In a powerful act of shared intimacy, he entered her. Hard masculine flesh penetrated moist feminine depths. She let out a deep gasp while he remained intensely focused, caressing her hips and kissing down her neck.

Bodies started moving.

Pleasure started flowing.

In that moment, the line between past memories and present experiences disappeared.

“We’re really doing it. We’re making love!”

Saying it out loud brought tears to her eyes, but for the first time in over three years, they weren’t tears of sorrow. Joy…wonderous, blissful joy filled her body and soul. As Karina closed her eyes and raked her hands down her lover’s back, the joy of making love to her husband consumed her.

It played out better than any fond memory. In addition to a keen knowledge of giving women oral sex, he also knew how she and Joseph approached sex. They started off simple, going at it in a standard missionary position. He was slow and careful, working his body along hers and establishing a steady pace.

Then, the pace intensified.

They started kissing, teasing, and caressing one another. They rolled around on the bed, laughing and moaning in accord with the pleasure. One moment, he was top with her legs hitched over his shoulder. The next, she was on top, riding his dick while he fondled her breasts. In another, she was on her side while he spooned her from behind, reaching around to fondle her clitoris as their bodies moved together.

They were never in a rush. They were never too rough or fervent. She and Joseph had always enjoyed drawing out their sex, enjoying the intimacy and celebrating the act of expressing their love. This man – robot, android, or whatever he might have been – shared that same fondness. He never once lost focus. Like Joseph, he directed every bit of passionate energy onto her. By the time he got her to the brink of orgasm, it was almost a formality.

“Joseph…my love,” Karina said in a passionate daze. “I’m close…really close.”

“I am too, Karina,” he whispered to her. “This feeling…I want to share it too.”

It wasn’t lost on her that this was technically his first time. He might have had Joseph’s memories and knowledge, but having that data wasn’t the same as turning it into a physical act. She didn’t know how different his synthetic penis was to that of an ordinary man, but if it was as effective as her late husband’s, it would do plenty to complete the feeling.

When it arrived, it hit her body like a bolt of lightning. The escalating sensations reached a crescendo. A powerful, intense release of pleasure followed. It flowed through her body like a wave washing over a desolate landscape. As she took it all in, she cried out the name of the man she loved once more.

“Ohhh Joseph!”

As she shuddered under the weight of the orgasmic onslaught, he let out a deep grunt that perfectly mirrored that masculine strength her husband so perfectly embodied. She took his hand and hers, entwining their fingers, as she soaked in her climax while he got hers. Near as she could tell, he felt it too. She could even sense his manhood throbbing inside her inner folds. There was no fluid, as far as she could tell, but the ecstasy was very real.

Together, they gasped and panted in a culmination of passion. At one point, their bodies parted and they lay curled up together, facing one another within a naked embrace. She didn’t say a word and neither did he. She could see the love in his eyes…a love that she thought had died with him, but here it was looking right at her again. It might have been possible to mimic some acts of intimacy, but no amount of programming could mirror true, genuine love.

“I love you, Karina,” he said to her.

“I love you too, Joseph,” Karina said without hesitation. “I miss you so much. I know you’re gone. Yet here you are…with me…together.”

“Together,” he said before kissing her again.

Over three years ago, a wonderful man named Joseph Stroman died. He left behind a wife who loved him with all her heart. She loved him so much that she worried that her broken heart would never heal. Dead or alive…man or robot…Karina felt it in that moment. Her husband, Joseph, might have died, but in this figure before her, their love endured.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/d0u20p/loving_memories_mf_sex_robot_scfi_rom

1 comment

  1. Thank you for reading. This story was originally [posted on my website](https://jackfisherbooks.com/2019/09/07/loving-memories-a-sexy-short-story-featuring-sex-robots/) and is part of a new batch of stories I’m writing that involve sex robots. After my previous story featuring a sex robot was so well-received, I’m going to try and develop this genre even more. So please take the time to provide feedback or suggestions. I’d love to hear from you! Thanks again for reading.

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