Brother’s GF Extends His Stay

This weekend was supposed to be epic. Bars, clubs, booze. Lots and lots of booze. At least that’s what Hank had promised Buddy. He just had his 21st birthday and was first of his friends to be 21. Granted they’d all drank and had house parties and such but this time Buddy could go out and he wouldn’t have to worry about being caught with a fake ID.

Instead there he was eating a quiet dinner with his oldest brother Hank and his girlfriend, Lady. Hank’s head was buried in his iPad as they ate. Buddy just sat frustrated with the lack of action.

“So we going after dinner, Hank?” Buddy asked hopefully.

“I’m real sorry buddy. I know you were looking forward to this weekend and so was I but we just got slammed at work and the boss told me that if…”

Hank was cutoff by Buddy, “Yeah, yeah whatever. You know I could be doing a lot better shit back on campus than staying here.”

“Look. I said I’m sorry. I gotta go back to the office tonight. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow.”

Buddy said nothing just staring straight ahead at Lady [staring back at him playing with a strawberry between her lips.](

Hank’s eyes were still focused on his iPad as he got up and put his hand on Buddy’s shoulder. He looked down at him and said “I really am sorry but if things go right this could make my career.”

“Huh, what?” Buddy was broken from his trance and looked up at his brother wide eyed wondering if he saw what was going on. In fact Buddy wasn’t sure what was going on himself. “Did that really happen?” He thought.

Hank just slapped Buddy’s shoulder again and walked off. Buddy looked back at Lady but she was already standing and gathering the dishes from the table. He shook his head and grabbed his dirty dishes and walked them to the kitchen.

“Just leave them. I’ll take care of it.” Lady said as her hands brushed up against his taking the plate and cup from him. She gave him another smile and just as he turned licked her upper lip.

Buddy thought he saw something out of the corner of his eye and his head snapped back up but all he saw was Lady smiling a big grin back at him.

“What was going on? I’m fucking losing it.” Buddy wondered to himself as he walked off to take a shower.

In the shower Buddy just let the hot water sluice of his head. He closed his eyes, thoughts back to Lady. “I mean Hank does have great taste. Lady has got that light olive skin, luscious lips, those thick thighs, and juicy ass, you just imagine hearing drums beating in rhythm to her every step as stared at her walking away.”

The more he thought of Lady, the harder his cock got. Then as if on reflex his hand started rubbing his tip and stroking his cock.

His eyes snapped open and he berated himself. “What the fuck?! This is ain’t right. Yeah but if Hank just took me to Lush like he promised, I’d be with some hunny right now instead.”

“AHHHH!!!” He yelled, pissed about this whole ordeal.


After he was dried and dressed , he walked out to the living room to watch some TV, since what else was he supposed to do. He couldn’t call anyone or be online, or else his friends would know he was blowing smoke up their asses. He had told anyone who would listen that he’d be out here popping bottles with his big bro having the time of his life.

Lady turned back from the couch, hearing Buddy approaching. “You alright over there? Hope the water wasn’t too hot and burned your dick.” She laughed at the end of that last line.

“Ha. No I’m ok. Sorry. Just pissed at Hank for ruining my weekend.”

“I know how you feel. It’s been like this for months now. Quite frankly, I don’t know why he thought work would be different this weekend. He should’ve just been honest with you.”

Lady stood up and Buddy couldn’t help but stare which brought a smile to her face. The running shorts and tight black spaghetti strap had created her desired reaction.

[The black top coupled with the lowered A/C, may as well have been spinning spirals the way they hypnotized Buddy. Then there were the shorts. They were already short but she pulled them up higher so the bottom of her cheeks hung out.]( It was nice to be lusted after again, to be able to tease her prey and know he was putty in her hand.

It had been that way with Hank before but slowly his attention was diverted to work and then slowly their sex life became non-existent. She was on the verge of leaving Hank and then seeing how he had let down his own brother on what should’ve been a special weekend had got the wheels turning on a way to teach him a lesson.

And maybe have a bit of fun while she was at it.

Lady turned and crooked her finger behind her as she walked to the back door. She slid it open and said “Cmon it may not be what you had in mind but we can have a little fun this weekend.”

Buddy heart began to race and his thoughts immediately brought images of him and Lady naked and writhing bodies together. He gulped and stood frozen unsure of what he should do.

Lady looked back and saw Buddy standing there. She could imagine the smoke coming out of his ears as his brain worked in overtime trying to decide what to do. Her eyes traveled down to see Buddy’s cock rising, and she smiled. “Wow you lick a strawberry in front of a guy and he automatically thinks I’m going to jump his bones. This is going to be fun,” she thought to herself.

“Don’t worry it’s just some weed. You’ve smoked before right?” She said snapping Buddy out of his thoughts.

“Oh. Yeah a couple of times. Wait does my brother smoke?” Relief dropped through his body. He was just being dumb and horny. He was clinging on to hope she didn’t see him getting hard.

“Hank? No ways, but he doesn’t know I smoke here so let’s just keep that a secret between the two of us, ok?” She gave a wink and waved a hand beckoning him to follow.

Buddy followed and closed the door behind him.


Next thing Buddy knew, Lady had gotten up from the seat beside him and said something about a shower and round two.

She bent over in front of him and lifted his chin up. “My eyes are up here,” she said as she laughed at his stunned face.

Buddy’s throat was too dry and his brain to foggy to do anything but widen his eyes. She ran her hand up his cheek and back the side of his head through his hair. Instinctively he leaned he head into her hand and closed his eyes, every sensation intensified by the weed.

“I’ll be right back. Help yourself to anything in the house. And I do mean anything.” She all but whispered the last sentence as she grinned and walked away swaying her ass a bit more emphatically than she would normally.

Buddy nodded absentmindedly, licking his lips and staring as she left. “Did she mean what I think she meant? Couldn’t be, right? I’m just too fucking stoned right now. Can’t think straight. Best to just sit in this nice comfy couch.” He said aloud what he meant to be in his head but he didn’t seem to notice.

Lady had heard him though, thinking maybe she had gotten him too stoned. Now he’d be too lazy to act. In any case, she was still horny and had the means and will to take care of herself. After all this wasn’t much different than any other night when Hank had left her to her own devices.

She stripped down, threw on her sheer robe she had tried to entice Hank with a month or so back. Of course it hasn’t worked then but maybe tonight it would bring her better luck. She opened a drawer and pulled out Hank Sr. and walked to the bathroom.


“Oh fuck did I leave my porn on? Wait I didn’t even open my laptop tonight. This weed is really kicking my ass. Think I’m hearing shit.” Buddy was talking to himself aloud again but when he stopped and listened he could still hear moaning coming from somewhere in the house. He didn’t hear Hank come home but than again maybe he did and forgot.

“Is that Lady?” He wondered aloud again. His body moving of its own volition toward the moaning. He didn’t have to search long. The bathroom was only right down the hallway from the living room. He saw the door wide open and the lights were on.

He tried to be as quiet as he could, but he lost his balance a bit and hit a wall. He stopped checking to see if she had heard him. Nope, the moans were still going strong so he inched to the door. As he got to the bathroom, there was a perfect line of sight to the mirror.

Buddy just stood at the door, jaw dropped and eyes widened. From the mirror he saw Lady through the mirror with one foot on the edge of the tub, legs spread and ass out. [She was sliding her dildo in and out, moaning in pleasure. The shower was off but her inner thighs were slick with her gushings dripping down them.](

Buddy’s brain was malfunctioning at this point. He didn’t know what was real in this world anymore. He took a step in the entry way of the bathroom and immediately stopped right as he was about to take a second step.

“She’s Hank’s girlfriend. This is wrong. I shouldn’t even be watching this.” Again he said this out loud and covered him mouth instantly realizing what he had done. But his body didn’t move from that spot. Instead he watched to see if she had heard him. She just kept going, plunging the dildo deep into her and moaning in complete ecstasy.

Of course though, Lady had heard him stumbling through the hallway and talking to himself. It only made her smile and enjoy what she was doing all the more.

She yelled, “Oh god! Fuck yes!” Breathing hard and moans getting louder. She embellished the noises some to ensnare Buddy into her trap, but only a very little. She had never known the thrill of being watched like this and it had intensified the experience.

Satisfied that she hadn’t heard him, his hand began grabbing at his cock, rubbing the tip through his shorts, then sliding them under his boxers and started stroking slowly at first. This was a new sensation for Buddy. He had never had sex while high and now as he stroked, his cock felt so sensitive yet still in control. He kept stroking, all the while thoughts of replacing the dildo with his cock raced through his head.

Lady was thinking Buddy had had enough time watching, plus if he was stroking himself, like she hoped he was, she didn’t want him cumming just yet. She stood up straight suddenly acting as if she heard a noise and called out, “Hello? Buddy?”

She made an effort to scramble around collecting things and making a lot of noise as she did, so it would give Buddy enough time to make an escape and Buddy obliged, quickly backpedaling as quietly as he could then turning and running to the couch when he thought it was safe enough.

Lady hearing him far enough pretended to look out the door for him. Seeing nothing she closed the door a bit stronger than normal to be sure Buddy heard, and smiled satisfactorily and went to take her actual shower.

On her way back to the bedroom she picked up the phone that had been recording the hallway from the time she went in until just then. Slipping into the bedroom she skimmed through the video then stopped it when she saw Buddy step into the bathroom. To her great pleasure she saw him reach into his pants and knew she timed it right. If not he may have blown a load in his pants and would take some of the fun out of teasing him.


Buddy turned up the volume a bit more on the television and leaned back into the couch as if he had always been there. His heart was thumping with worry and excitement, the scenes of Lady in the shower replaying over and over again.

“Just play it cool. You didn’t see anything. You were right here on this couch watching TV the whole time. Yup nothing to see here.” He kept repeating, this time all in his head.

Lady smiled to herself as she crept to the couch, observing Buddy trying to act as if he’d been on that couch the whole time. “Turning up the volume on the television was a nice touch,” she thought.

“Hey, how you doing over here?” Lady asked as she touched his shoulder.

Buddy jumped out surprise and nerves. “Y-yeah, um, I’m doing good.”

Lady came around the couch and sat next to him, turning her body to face him. “So enjoyed the show?” Raising one eyebrow as she asked.

Buddy coughed, stunned at the question. “Um, what?” He asked trying to play it as cool as he could.

“It must be really hard right now, huh” lady responded with a sly grin and eyes traveling down to his crotch. Buddy’s hands slowly covered his crotch a bit embarrassed.

“I, uh, you know…” Buddy began.

Lady grabbed the remote and turned the volume down. She answered before he confessed. “It must be really hard to hear right now, with the TV so loud. Hmm, guess that must’ve been what I heard earlier. Anyways you find anything interesting to watch on TV?”

“Oh, haha,” Buddy laughed nervously. “Yeah right, the TV. There was something on but I kinda just zoned out.” Trying to play on the fact he was still pretty high.

“Mmhmm” she sounded through her lips. “Why don’t I get us something to drink. I can at least give you some alcohol since that’s why you’re here in the first place, right? I’ll be right back.”

As soon as she got up, Buddy’s attention was immediately taken by the rhythmic motion of Lady’s gait. The view of her backside was already arousing when she stood but when she pulled her light gray yoga pants high up, giving the effect that her ass was swallowing them up, combined with an exaggerated sway, it was simply put, hypnotizing. Side to side they went and cheeks bouncing up and down was so intoxicating . He hadn’t realized he was holding his breath until she was out of sight and he blew a sigh of relief.

“Cmon Buddy keep your cool she doesn’t know you were watching her in the shower. Like a giant perv. She’s Hank’s girlfriend, for goodness sake.”

“Ah fuck him. If he had done like he promised none of this would even have happened. Still you’re staying at his fucking house.” He argued in his head.

A clank of glasses shook him from the argument he was having in his head and looked up to see Lady holding two glasses in one hand and the other holding a full bottle of Johnny Walker. She stopped in front of the coffee table across of Buddy and set the glasses and bottle down.

“Look Buddy, I know this isn’t some posh club, but I figure I could make up some for Hank. This is the good stuff, so savor it ok?” She said as she leaned over pouring liquid into both glasses. Lady’s loose blue top hung down as she bent over, exposing two grapefruit sized breasts, ripe for the taking, begging him to lean over and come take a taste or two. Again he couldn’t stop himself from staring.

Lady smiled as she looked up noticing her attire had gotten the desired response. She let him stare for a little while more then got his attention.

“Ahem. You like what you see, I assume?” She asked as she offered a glass.

“No. I mean yes. Uh wait, um, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to stare.” Buddy stammered his answer.

“Sorry? Why? Is it because I’m like a train wreck you can’t look away from no matter how hard you try? Am I disgusting to you?” She stood there hand on one hip, finger tapping the glass in the other. Evident anger on her face as she stared down at him.

“Oh god, no that’s not what I meant. You’re very beautiful. Hank is such a lucky man to have you.” He tried to appease Lady. Then dropped his head down like a puppy that just got caught chewing a slipper.

Lady tried to stay in character but it was too funny watching him squirm. Her head flew back letting out a good hearty laugh. Buddy looked up curious at the turn of events.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t resist. Oh honey, I don’t lack confidence in my looks. I work hard for it. But to be honest, Hank has looked at me that way for a long time so it’s nice to be appreciated again.” She said as she grabbed the glasses and moved to sit next to him.

Buddy just stared at Lady incredulous at what had just happened. Lady just shoved the glass in his hand and raised hers up. “Cheers” She said as she took a long slow sip.

“Cmon Buddy. I saw you staring while I ate that strawberry at dinner. I looked back when I went the kitchen and saw you so focused on my ass, you didn’t even see me look back. It’s all so very flattering. Thank you I really needed that.” Her eyes ventured down to Buddy’s crotch and began licking her lips.

Fingertips trailed along the top his thighs. The combination of seeing her tongue run along her upper lips and the feel of her fingertips caused his pants begin to tighten. He squirmed uncomfortably unsure of what was going on.

Lady leaned in closer. Her lips almost touching Buddy’s ear, she whispered, “I know you were outside the bathroom when I was showering. It was so exciting.”

Buddy froze as Lady grabbed the glass out of Buddy’s hand and leaned toward the couch, putting both glasses on the table and grabbing her phone. She then swung her leg over his lap and pressed her pussy on top of his cock. She could feel his hardness pressing back. She looked through her phone ignoring the stunned look on Buddy’s face.

Moaning began echoing through the living room as Lady played the video and held it up so Buddy could see. There on the screen was Buddy with a hand in his pants stroking his cock as he peered into the bathroom.

“So naughty of you watching me in the shower. I’m sure you wouldn’t want Hank to see what a little pervert his little brother is, do you?” Lady asked as she began grinding her hips slowly feeling the tip of his cock through their clothes.

Buddy just shook his head slightly.

Lady leaned in closer pressing her chest onto his. She dropped her phone to the side, video still playing, moaning still echoing through the living room. Her cheek on his cheek she whispered, “I thought not. This will be another one of our little secrets and if you want it to stay that way, you’ll do as I say, understand?”

Lady kept grinding and Buddy’s hands slid down and gripped Lady’s ass and pulled her in. Immediately Lady reached behind and gripped his wrists, pulling his hands off and pushing them to the back of the couch. Lady shook her head, hands still holding Buddy’s arms back, she said, “I didn’t tell you to do anything yet. Just sit there like a good boy. I will tell you when and how you can move. Understand?”

Buddy just nodded as he stared into her eyes.

“Good. Now tell me how much you liked watching me in the shower?” She said reaching for the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up over his head. Kissing and nibbling neck, collar bone and chest.

“It was so hot. I got so hard.” Buddy tried.

Lady sat up and side eyed Buddy. “Stop. My god, I hope this is only because you’re stoned. You know what on second thought let’s see if your mouth is better in other areas.” She turned, put her hands on the coffee table and straightened her legs.

Buddy had noticed the tights had perfectly contoured Lady’s puffy lips. He also noticed those lips were a darker shade of grey. He reached down and felt traces of wetness and licked it off with his tongue.

Lady looked back and said “What are you waiting for? These pants aren’t coming down by themself.”

Buddy didn’t need to be told twice. He got up and slid them off slowly, kissing as more of her flesh was exposed. Then watched as he peeled the tights off her wet pussy. He saw that she was not shaven but the hair was cut short and perfectly manicured.

“Slap my ass hard. Leave your mark on me.” Lady instructed.

He obliged and brought his hand down open wide. Smack. Then a squeal left Lady’s lips and a giant red handprint was left where Buddy had brought his hand down.

“Now spread me open and show me what your tongue can do.”

Just then they heard the garage door open.


Hope you all enjoyed and it wasn’t too much of a tease. ?

As always please send me any criticisms, I’d love to improve. Praise also very much welcome lol.

Special thanks to muse u/LadyMcghee If you haven’t checked her out yet, I encourage you to do so.

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](
