[F]lirting with [M]y best friends dad – Part One

Part one of the affair I had with my best friends dad. Names have been changed to protect privacy, just in case. I’m a creative writer and I prefer to tell stories based on true events in my life.
This was nearly 10 years ago, so obviously the quotes and actions aren’t exact, but I will try to be as true to life as I can recall.

I had been friends with Lynna since middle school. We were always inseparable, and senior year of high school was no different. Lynna was going to go out of state for college and I wasn’t. She lived with her mother who held a modest lifestyle and her father was a wealthy business man. They were divorced and he traveled a lot so I didn’t see him much but when I did see him it was always something special. Every year he took Lynna on a trip, and as her best friend I got to go along. We’ve been to Disney, Six Flags, Universal.. but as a graduation present Lynna had convinced her dad to take a few of us to Cancun.
The drinking age in Cancun, was 18, and we had big plans of drinking tequila and dancing all night.

It was supposed to be Mr. Davis, Lynna, her boyfriend Mason, myself and my boyfriend. My boyfriend and I ended up in a fight and we broke up a few weeks before the trip. I didn’t mind being a third wheel, Lynna, Mason and I were all pretty close, and I was sure that I would have more fun without my ex anyways.

Mr.Davis rented a sweet villa for the week. 3 bedrooms, each with a en-suite. It had its own private pool, sundeck with a stocked tiki bar and hot tub. It was gorgeous. Out of a magazine beautiful.

I got a whole queen size bed to myself, and my room linked to Lynna & Masons room. Both our rooms had patio doors leading to the pool.

Mr. Davis had the master, which I wouldn’t see until later, but it was on the opposite side of the house. King sized bed, marine fish tank, and huge glass windows with an ocean view.

Our first couple days there we just hung out at the Villa. Swam in the pool lounged on the patio. Drank Margaritas.
Mr.Davis was cool. He let us be teenagers. He didn’t mind a little drinking or pot smoking “I was your age once” Mostly he just gave us our space. The kind of dad you wished you had. And he was attractive. Think like, Jeffrey Dean Morgan kind of sexy. Deep voice, dark peppered hair, but most of the sex appeal was from his personality. Man of few words but a cocky smile that proved silence doesn’t mean lack of confidence. When he said something it made an impression. We had exchanged slightly flirtatious comments and joked around, but it had never gone beyond that. He addressed people by their full names, which always gave me butterflies. Not many people call me by my full name – Marcella. I noticed his eyes would linger on me longer than they used to. I didn’t mind.

At 18 I was cute. My breasts weren’t huge, they were perky B cups. To make up for their modest size I got one of my nipples pierced. Average height 5’6 130lbs I had tanned skin, and a flat stomach, Thick thighs, and a nice round booty. I had long dark hair.
Despite being slightly pear shaped, I looked good, and I knew I looked good. I was young enough to wear what I wanted without giving too much thought to others. My suitcase was packed with skimpy bikinis and scandalous dresses. I liked the glances I got from Mr.Davis. I could tell he liked my body, so I started to show off a little more. I was a little more smiley, a little more flirty. I wanted attention, I was newly single and he was making me feel more & more confident. Lynna didn’t seem to notice or care. She rolled her eyes once when I jokingly asked Mr. Davis if he wanted to join me in the hot tub. All of our friends thought Mr.Davis was the most bangable dad. It’s like she learned to tune out the comments.

Turns out as cool as Mr.Davis was, he was not ok with us going out clubbing. We begged and pleaded for hours one night before he finally allowed us to go to a bar of his choice, but, he had to be there to chaperone.

He found somewhere decent . There was a live band outside by a tiki bar. People were dancing. It wasn’t a club like we planned, but we were excited to be out, and they had tequila.

Mr.Davis sat at the bar socializing, watching. We danced and played bar games, and dance more. I danced with Lynna, I danced with Mason, I danced with strangers. We did shots, I more than anyone. I was set on having a wild night, a fun night, the best night since my breakup. The night was a blur.

At one point Mr.Davis called me over to his seat at the tiki bar. He pointed out a few young Mexican guys sitting at the table right in front of us. They seemed nice enough, one I recognized from the dance floor. Mr. Davis slid his hand across my back and on to my hip, pulled me in closer and whispered, “These guys are assholes, predators. The reason why I insisted on coming out. Please be careful.” I was drunk and confused, they seemed fine, but all I could think about was his hand on my hip. It sent tingles up my spine. I just stood there watching him stare at the guys. He looked mad. It was sexy. I put my hand on his thigh, partly to reciprocate his touch, partly because I needed to hold my balance. The guys were clearly uncomfortable being watched and they left. He relaxed and his hand dipped lower, slowly ran across my ass and gently dropped. I felt a heatwave rush over me. He whispered, “Marcella. Go have fun. I’m sorry.” I headed back to Lynna and Mason, but looked back and smiled “Don’t be!” He smiled too. I don’t remember much after this. I got cut off, first by Mr.Davis, then my friends, then by the bartenders who actually enforce when someone is cut off.

The next morning I woke up back at the Villa in my bed. Lynna was at my door “Ella! You gotta get up were going to miss the bus!” I looked at my flip phone…7:30. We were supposed to catch a bus from the resort for a day trip to the Mayan Ruins. The sunlight hurt. I stood up walked 3 feet to the door, then turned an ran to the bathroom. All the tequila shots the night before were catching up with me. I way over did it. I cursed at myself, I wasn’t smart like Lynna. I wasn’t one of those girls who knew when to switch to water.

There’s no way I was going to make it on a crowded bus. I told them to go without me.

Next time I woke up it was 9. I heard footsteps and my door close. I ran to my bathroom to throw up again. On my nightstand there was 2 excedrin, a cold bottle of Gatorade and some toast.
I chugged the Gatorade, took the pills, nibbled the toast and passed back out.
By 1130 the sun was so bright I couldn’t sleep anymore. I felt slightly better, but not well enough to do anything so I showered last night away, put on my bikini and sunglasses and went to lay by the pool to sweat out the rest of the alcohol.

Eventually Mr.Davis came out and sat in the lounge chair next to me.
“How are you feeling Marcella?”
“Ughghhhhh” I groaned.
He shook his head, smiled and tossed me another Gatorade.
“How come you didn’t go?” I asked
“Someone had to be here to make sure you didn’t die of alcohol poisoning” he joked.
“But I thought it wasn’t safe for us to go off the resort alone?”
“Lynna is not alone. She’s got Mason. Plus they are with tour guides hiking, not downing shots. Lynna is a good girl, but I’ve got to keep an eye on you. Sometimes I think you look for trouble.”
I shrugged and smiled. It was true. “That’s why you like having me around. I keep things interesting.”
He chuckled, “Like having you around? Marcella you drive me crazy.”
“In more ways than one!”
He smiled, and shook his head. I was right and we both knew it.
“In all seriousness, Marcella, Its not safe to go out alone. Do you remember those guys? They were talking about taking you home. They said maybe you were drunk enough that all 3 of them could have a turn. Bad things happen in places like this… “

I foggily remembered the guys but I blushed because I definitely remembered Mr.Davis’s hand on my hip.. then my ass. Was that an accident?

“…They didn’t expect me to speak Spanish… I told them you were already taken and were coming home with me. They didn’t believe me, so I called you over.”
“Maybe it was just talk. Maybe they didn’t mean any harm?”
“Maybe, but I didn’t like it.”
“And it kinda sounds like you told a lie” I gave a side eye glance.
“White lie, maybe, but technically I did take you home… got you in bed too.” He smirked.
“I always knew you had game, Mr. Davis”
“If either of us has got game, it’s you. I feel like I’m just playing along. I don’t even know the rules.”
“Id just break them anyways.”
He sighed, “Marcella, you definitely drive me crazy in more ways than one.”

We never got to talk freely like this. Most of our exchanges were one liners, in passing, or conversations including Lynna. This was fun. We rallied off of each other. Smiling, challenging the other. He was quick, but so was I. Eventually it turned less playful, and more serious.

“Do you want me to stop?”
“Depends how far you want this to go…” my heart was beating 200 mph I couldn’t respond
“…Marcella, you’re gorgeous. You’re bright, you’re bold, you’re sexy, I know what I want but I’m not sure what you want. I don’t know if you just want to flirt, I don’t know if you want more… I don’t know if I misinterpreted everything. You tell me what to do.”

I wasn’t expecting him to be so forward.

I had a lump in my throat, but I wasn’t scared. I moved from my seat and sat next to him. Our legs touching. The ball was in my court. The man who always seemed so sure of himself, was a little bit vulnerable.

“Do you want to touch me? Like at the bar?” I whispered. I grabbed his hand and placed it on my hip.
His breathing wavered, he squeezed slightly. I slid myself onto my knees and moved between his legs. He put his other hand on my hip and began rubbing my soft skin, he slid his hands around the back, cupping and squeezing my ass.

I wasn’t a virgin, I had a few boyfriends. I liked it, I had never orgasmed from sex, but I always enjoyed it. It was about a month since my latest brake up. I didn’t realize how much I had missed sex. It felt good to have someone touching me like that. It was hot that this was taboo. I wanted things to go further, and I didn’t want to talk anymore.

As he was exploring my body, rubbing his hands over my ass, down my legs, up my waist.
I looked down and noticed that his swim shorts were doing very little to conceal the fact that he had a raging hard on.

I reached back and untied my top. It fell down, exposing my breasts. One of his hands immediately went up, and grabbed my left breast, he rubbed his thumb over my pierced nipple. “Marcella, you are so fucking sexy…” it was a raspy, deep whisper. It echoed in my mind.

His words, his hands, his bulge were all making me incredibly turned on. I could feel my pussy getting wet. I reached down to rub his thigh, quickly turned to me rubbing him through his swimsuit. I could tell he was larger than my ex but the swim shorts weren’t very forgiving, I wanted to see it. I wanted to feel the whole thing. I tugged on his shorts, hoping he’d let me pull them down.
He did.
His cock sprang out. It was big. Larger and thicker than I thought.
I must have looked intimidated, because smiled and he said. “Don’t worry, we can take it slow” suddenly the confidence that I always knew was back.
I lowered my head, and put my lips on his shaft. He leaned back. I started licking sucking and kissing everywhere. “Shit, Marcella, you…”

Then we heard a door slam.

“Dad! Ella! You’re not going to believe this shit!”
They shouldn’t have been back for hours. We quickly fixed our suits, Mr. Davis jumped in the pool, and suggested I do the same as he gestured towards the wet spot on my suit from my dripping pussy.

I slid in, just enough to wet my suit then went back to my lounge chair.
Mr. Davis started doing laps in the pool.

Lynna and Mason came out back.
“The fucking bus broke down! We had to wait for a rescue truck that could only hold 5 people at a time. We didn’t even get to see the ruins.”
“But we are rebooked for tomorrow. Ella, don’t get trashed tonight!” Mason warned me.

“Trust me, alcohol is the last thing on my mind” and it was. The whole rest of the night all I could do was think about Mr. Jack Davis. How sexy his voice was, how badly I wanted his hands on my body. The echo of how badly he wanted me.

I caught myself staring at him, practically drooling, he seemed surprisingly composed. My mind was going wild. What if the bus hadn’t broken down? What if Mr. Davis changed his mind? How was I going to make it 4 more days in the same house with him? How the fuck was I supposed to sleep tonight?!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/czh5ds/flirting_with_my_best_friends_dad_part_one


  1. Wow this is fantastically written. I wish I could write like this lol. You are so good at being descriptive.

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