She Won’t Let Me Stop (Erotic Horror)

She keeps begging for more and I don’t know how to stop it. I feel like if I say no, she’ll just sink her teeth deep into my flesh and tear the skin and muscle away until I’m just a heap of bloody carnage. She’s not living. Not like you and me, anyways.

It started last month. I moved into a new house. It was a rather popular house, known for being the location of not one but two major murders in the area back in the 40s. Both crimes were suspected to have been committed by the same person. An actress I believe, but I’m not sure. The details surrounding the cases are shrouded in mystery. The murders happened so long ago.

My friends tried to urge me not to move into the house. “It’s haunted man,” they’d say. I could tell they believed it, too. They truly felt that they were doing me a service by perpetuating these lies. Of course, I didn’t listen. I mean, I’m here aren’t I?

It took a couple weeks for me to get settled in and get all my bags and boxes unpacked. Once that was done, it finally started to feel like home. Sure, it was awful creepy at night. The lights seemed to short circuit quite often. A couple times it even seemed that the bulbs burst, as if the electrical charge they were receiving was much too high. Of course, this wasn’t enough to convince me the house was haunted. It was old. It had to be faulty wiring or something of the like.

Things only got worse…

I awoke one night to the sound of my kitchen cabinets slamming shut. I roused from my slumber and quickly grabbed my stereotypical baseball bat from my closet. I was going to show this intruder just how well I could use it, too.

I slowly began to traverse down the stairs. The creaking of the hardwood beneath my bare feet seemed to betray me. As I stepped off the final stair, onto the first floor, the slamming came to an abrupt halt.

“Hello?” I shouted into the darkness, trying to sound intimidating and masculine.

I reached my hand over to the wall beside me and frantically searched for the light switch. My fingers grazed the plastic cover and I quickly flipped it up. The light shined through the darkness brightly. It seemed to be getting brighter and brighter until finally-


The light burst and glass spilled out onto the floor, clinking as it fell to the ground. My eyes struggled to adjust to the change as I stared down the hall. I noticed something. It looked to be the silhouette of a person standing in front of a window at the end of the long, dark corridor.

“Hey!” I shouted, moving toward the shadow.

It didn’t move.

“Get out of my house!” I yelled again, continued to advance on the figure.

Still, there was no movement. I halted, steps away from what I believed to be the silhouette of a woman. She stood in front of me, breathing rapidly. I could hear the slightest moan escaping her throat. I expected it to be a moan of pain or anguish, but as it progressed, getting louder and louder, it seemed apparent what the sound actually meant.

She was having an orgasm. She stood in front of me, her frantic, shallow breaths continued and the moan escaped her mouth. I saw her body begin to quiver in the darkness as the moan turned to a scream. I dropped the bat and threw my hands over my ears. It was too loud. I shut my eyes, cringing from the sharp noise that invaded my hearing.

Then, suddenly it was over. The room fell silent. I opened my eyes and the shadowy figure was gone.

“What the fuck…” My words trailed off as I slowly rose to my feet. I stepped through a small doorway to my right, into the kitchen. As I reached over and flipped the light switch, the soft white glow illuminated the room. I scrunched my eyelids, only allowing a tiny sliver of light to enter as they adjusted. When I was finally able to open them, I was met with a bone chilling scene.

Every cabinet in the kitchen, over the counter, under the counter, all of them were open. Wide open. The refrigerator and freezer doors hung open on their hinges as well. Fog poured out of the freezer, spilling onto the ground and rolling away, dissipating into the air as it made its way into the center of the room.

A sharp spike of panic flowed through my body as adrenaline began pumping into my veins. I took a deep, slow breath. Inhaling through my nose, holding it in for a second and letting it out equally as slow.

“Calm down, Simon. Calm down,” I told myself as I continued taking the slow, thoughtful breaths.

Soon, I was able to calm myself and began shutting the cabinets. I continued to tell myself it was all in my head. My friends constantly telling me the house is haunted got to me. That had to be it.

I went back upstairs and tucked myself into bed again. I laid there with my light on, staring up at the ceiling. No matter how badly I wanted to or how tired I was, I could not find sleep. Fear pulsed through my veins as I continued replaying the incident in my head. Before I knew it, the sun was out.

I looked out my window, staring into the blue skies. The light provided comfort for me. It made me feel safe. I closed my eyes and drifted off.

I opened my eyes to pure blackness. The day was gone and it was night once again. My light, which I had never actually switched off, was no longer glowing bright.

“Fuck, I slept through the entire day?!” I said, dumbfounded at how this was possible.

I swiped my phone off my nightstand and quickly unlocked it. 17 missed calls, all from my boss.

“Son of a-“


I silenced myself as the familiar noise found its way up the stairs into my room once more.


“No, not again,” I whispered to myself as I averted my gaze toward my door.

The slamming wasn’t coming from my kitchen this time, though. It was footsteps falling hard on the creaky wooden staircase that led up to my room.


The footsteps drew closer. I heard my doorknob began to jiggle. Suddenly, it opened with a pop and sat still for a moment, remaining partially closed. Then, it slowly creaked until it was fully open.

A dark silhouette stood in the doorway. I fumbled with my phone, quickly turning the flashlight on. As I shined it up, pure horror encompasses my body.

There, in my doorway, stood a woman with long brown hair that covered her face. My eyes continued downward, noticing that she wore nothing. She was completely naked. Her pale skin glowed in the reflection of my flashlight. She began to move towards me, letting out the slightest moan with each step she took.

“Oh my god,” I said, jumping from my bed. “Stay back!”

She continued walking towards me, giving the slightest note of audible pleasure with each step she took. She came closer and closer. I stood back, cringing as she made the approach. Finally, she was within inches of me and the moaning subsided. She spoke. Her words were quiet, but the rest of my house was deafeningly silent.

“Fuck me,” she whispered.

She reached a hand towards me and stroked the outside of my cotton boxer briefs, rubbing her hand slowly over my manhood. The caress aroused me, but I quickly shifted away.


She moved in closer to me and reached her hand inside, gripping my member and stroking it gently.

“Don’t you wanna fuck me?” She asked in an almost playful tone.

She continued stroking slowly, bringing life to my flaccid tool and forming a rock hard, throbbing cock before my very eyes. As she slowly stroked, my underwear found their way to the ground and soon, she knelt down onto her knees. She gripped my dick in her hand and placed her lips around the head. Her soft tongue swirled around the tip in a teasing movement. I closed my eyes as she moved her head further down the shaft. The warm, soft embrace of her mouth settling over my rod sent me into a trance. I tilted my head back.

Suddenly, the pleasant movement stopped. I opened my eyes and found myself alone. My underwear laid on the ground beneath my feet but the beautiful woman was nowhere to be found. I snapped back to reality and quickly pulled my underwear over my waist. I stumbled back toward my bed and fell onto the mattress.

“Seriously, what the fuck…” I asked aloud, viciously rubbing my eyes and rubbing my hands through my hair.

“What’s the matter?” The petite voice startled me. It came from behind. She was laying in my bed. “Don’t you wanna fuck me?”

I jumped up and turned to face the voice.

“Who are you?” I asked in a panicked frenzy.

She didn’t reply. She simply moved up out of the bed and walked towards me. The glow of my flashlight cast a shadow on her hourglass figure. She took my hand and led me back to the bed. All the while, she continued to lay her lips on my neck and chest. The warm caress of her lips pressing over and over again against my skin silenced me.

I ran my hands over her soft skin. Her plump breasts moved gently as I wrapped my hand around them and laid my lips over her soft nipples. I swirled my tongue around the areola and began gently sucking on her nipple. I moved my lips up her torso, then her neck until finally our lips touched.

They were soft and warm. I opened my mouth wide, passionately laying my tongue atop hers as I hastily moved between her legs. My cock continued throbbing. It ached to be inside her.

“I don’t have a condom…” I said in a defeated whisper.

“Just fuck me,” she said, wrapping one arm around my neck and using her free hand to guide me inside.

I thrust myself against her body and she quickly dug long fingernails into my back. The sting was unpleasant, but only for a second. I continued moving my hips. The dripping wet pool of moisture between her legs seemed to pulsate as she let out a soft moan into my ear.

She gripped me tighter and in a warm, breathy whisper she said, “Don’t stop.”

I moved my hips faster. Soon, I felt the urge to reposition. She did not oppose as I pulled out and guided her onto her haunches. I placed my hands on her hips and inserted my staff once again. She moaned louder.

“Yes,” she said. “Yes… please don’t stop.” She begged. She tilted her head down and gripped the blankets tightly.

I felt the tingle deep in my loins. A surge of pleasure overcame me and I knew my time was limited now. I would reach climax soon. I held my breath and continued thrusting my hips.

“I’m about to come,” I said through bated breaths.

“Don’t pull out,” she replied.

I stopped thrusting, leaving my pulsating member deep inside. Even still, I felt the tingle continue.

“What?” I asked. “I’ve got to-”

“Don’t you fucking dare!”

Her voice changed. It was no longer petite and womanly. It sounded like multiple voices. Demonic voices. I shook my head and continued for as long as I could, but I felt like I couldn’t go any longer. I began to slide out, only to find my member stuck inside like a Chinese finger trap.

“I told you not to fucking pull out!” She shouted in the demonic voice once again.

I felt the pleasure give way and my seed spilled out, into her mouth of arousal. It pulsated and throbbed as the sperm evacuated. The deed was done. I felt the grip release from inside her and I slid out, falling to my back on the bed.

I quickly scurried off in horror.

“What the… what the fuck are you?” I asked in a trembling voice.

“My name is Fyrryna.” She said as she laid there, staring up at me. “You are going to father my child.”

She stood from the bed and slowly walked out of the room. I could do nothing but stand there, jaw agape, frozen in horror. I noticed as she turned her back to me, there were 2 small dimples in her waist just above her perfect, apple shaped ass.

“See you tomorrow…” she said as she closed the door behind her.

For 3 weeks this has been an ongoing activity. Every night she comes into my room, seduces me and just as I attempt to pull out, something inside her grips me and holds me inside until I climax.

Come to think of it, it seems to have stopped recently. She hasn’t come into my room the past 4 or 5 nights. I’m so scared of what that means….



  1. Holy shit, that was a creepy read. Actually scary a couple times, too. Raised goosebumps that haven’t quite gone away yet.

    Excellent writing!

  2. Congratulations. This marks the first time I’ve ever been turned on by a fucking demon. Quality writing.

  3. You’re a good writer I’m just on the second paragraph and I’m already interested.

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