Sandi’s situation

Sandi laid and bed and stifled a scream as her hand cramped and her orgasm eluded her. Nothing did the trick any longer, and she just couldn’t make herself cum. Finals had come around; exam season was robbing her of sleep and free time to pursue any form of pleasure. Even; it seems her own pleasure.

Sandi was a cute 20’s something med school student and single. Being single, she didn’t dwell on it much as so was pretty much everyone else in med school. She rarely slept more than 5 or 6 hours a night, and that was in the slow period. Exam season was something else, cram sessions and studying taking up over 20 hours a day of her time. No one had time for relationships and it seemed sometimes everyone was just fucking someone for the raw release it gave them. It was urgent, passionless, and forgettable. She’d become numb to hook ups and ever her own hand. She was stressed and couldn’t barely think straight from exhaustion and now her only release no longer worked for her. She sighed, the air from the ceiling fan creating ripples of goosebumps across her naked body.

She heard bass suddenly thumping from outside her bedroom window, and she walked over and opened the blinds to investigate. She saw across the street the frat house was keying up for some type of celebration. Some had early exams and she flushed with envy at those who were done with the semester. Students walked in empty handed and walked out with red solo cups of some type of drink or another. She sighed, resigning herself to one hour, two TOPS of distraction there before hitting the books again.

She stood up from the bed, seeing herself in the mirror attached to her dresser. She adored her body, the way her breasts hung, her hips formed the bottom of the hourglass that made her figure. Sandi stretched, working out some of the stress that made it’s way into her shoulders and neck. Her aches soon dissolved as she bent this way and that, feeling her back loosen and the knots stretch and suddenly release. She stepped back, turning to her dresser and running a brush thru her hair several times and applying lipstick. She reached for closet and grabbed a slinky little spaghetti strap shirt type dress, the thin cotton settling snug over her breasts. She reached for her dresser, pulling open the top drawer and tried to decide on a thong or regular pair of panties, before grinning and deciding on none. “Maybe I’ll get laid, but I guess that would be too much to ask knowing my luck”.

Sandi was shy, very much so. She didn’t like the silly small talk, the false bravado frat boys spewed to fuck ignorant little coeds. She liked a dominant man who knew what he wanted and took it. In fact, she’d skipped out on many men who asked her, ASKED her if she wanted to fuck. Her little secret, was that you needn’t ask. Just TAKE it, and if you’re bold enough for that then fella, you’ve earned this pussy. She dreaded the small talk, the impish and stupid little grins the frat boys all had, as if they had the whole world figured out. It was something she’d tolerate, if only for a while to get free booze. She had very little confidence that she’d find someone fuckable there who wasn’t a giant douche.

She smoothed the thin fabric of the dress and slipped on her heels and walked out of her room. She walked across the street and queued in the line to get into the frat house. The big fella at the door was collecting donations for the party but winked at her when she walked up. He eyed her breasts straining against the dress, the chills of the night making her nipples poke thru and he wasn’t shy about it. She flushed while his lingering eyes crawled all over and Sandi felt a shiver of pleasure and revulsion shimmy thru her, liking the attention but feeling a bit creeped. He looked up at her, and smiled, pointing towards a window in the building across the street. “that was a nice view up there.” He smiled, and guided her inside, his hand a little too low on the small of back, right above her ass. As she passed thru the doorway he gave her a good smack on the ass, surprising her. She jumped forward, smiling a tiny bit and yet a bit angry. She didn’t know if she liked it or hated it more.

She looked back, first at the guy taking donations and then past him to where he was pointing and turned beet red as she realized she had stood naked next to her window with the blinds open. She had showed everyone in the yard of the frat house an eyeful. She felt eyes on her, men smiling and pointing with hushed whispers. Some had their phones out, and she felt dizzy knowing that her one mistake meant that there might be a video of her standing there naked. She couldn’t help that she was so horny and frustrated and stressed that she couldn’t think straight. She had stretched and admired herself in the mirror and never once thought to make sure her blinds were closed. She felt herself growing wet as well, and the flurry of conflicting emotions made her stomach churn. She was amazed to find that she liked the idea that men were going to stroke off to that video later, that most of them had seen her naked. Her cheeks red, she slowly walked through the throng of undergrads, a bunch of kids acting as if they owned the world. Someone put a beer in her hand and laughed crassly as they said “NICE TITS”. She blushed further, and mustered a response of “THANKS”. It was loud, and crowded. She could barely move. People were packed into the frat house and Sandi fought to make her way inside.

She felts arms, shoulders and elbows and something else. Someone somewhere had reach around and squeezed a breast. Playfully at first, then harder. Sandi twisted, trying to see who did it but all she could do was get jostled back and forth within the crowd. The unseen hand withdrew and she felt a pang of disappointment. She knew part of her should be angry for the assault but she couldn’t help but like it. She kept her face neutral and acted like it didn’t happen. She managed to shove her way again forward but she was thrust forward against a couple making out. Someone grabbed her ass, squeezing one ass cheek hard, fingers sliding between her thighs and she felt the back of her skirt riding up. Fingertips grazed her pussy, sliding forward and pressing against her clit before the hand yet again disappeared. She was wet, and soaked, yet heard herself muttering out “no, please don’t”. No one could hear her – the bass was pumping, the lights were low and the crowd was shuffling. It was no good, she couldn’t move, she couldn’t turn, and she couldn’t tell who was behind her.

Arms grabbed her by the waist and pulled her backwards, and she felt a large cock grind her thru some guys pants, pressing insistently against her ass and thru the thin fabric of the dress. She grew wetter still, imaging this man taking her roughly, making her his bitch for the night. His hands pinned two of her hands behind her and pulled her back forward still as her ground her ass into him. She moaned, losing herself in the moment and letting her skirt ride up higher and higher. Just when she back to grind back he was gone. She felt the pressure of the crowd loosen and she turned around quickly, and was unable to determine who it was. There were several guys around her, all dancing and drinking and none of them could definitively be the man who just groped her. She breathed heavily, craving his touch and more.

<more to come>


1 comment

  1. Sandi drank from the cheap plastic cup to calm her nerves. Her skin was on fire, her pussy was wet. She felt moistness on her thigh and she felt so dirty. She was surrounded by drunk frat boys, in a crowded house where they kept jostling and bumping into her. Occasionally someone grabbed her ass and she would twist away for appearances sake. She loved it. She was very glad she came, and the lewd looks and leers made her giddy. All that stood between her and one of these horny assholes was a thin cotton spaghetti strap dress, that barely covered her ass. She wore no bra and no panties and it would be trivial for one of them to rip it off right there in front of everyone. Just the mental image of that happening made Sandi light headed.


    She slowly made her way into the kitchen, pushing her self thru the crowd with a feeling of being watched. Almost hunted, and she knew he was out there. Her stomach was churning and doing flips while her mouth was dry and cottony. Her palms were sweaty and she couldn’t help but be jittery. Even so, her thighs were slick from the wetness her pussy made, and she ached for cock. If only one of these dickheads would slam her against the wall, flip her around, push her face against it and shove it in. Even just a few times to take the edge off. No luck though, as the guys were all content to currently look, but not touch.


    She entered the kitchen to find a keg sitting in a trash can, starting to float on the ice. She realized that there were so many people here that they’d nearly floated an entire keg. The boys were animated and holding another little coed upside down as she struggled in vain to do a keg stand. Beer squirted all over her face and she choked, face red and sputtering. They let her down and she exclaimed in between deep breaths that “I just couldn’t swallow it all!” Everyone laughed and someone in the rear quipped “that’s what she said” Sandi just rolled her eyes, smirking at the stupid joke. Someone pointed at her, and yelled out “Hey, that’s the naked slut in the window earlier”. Her face reddened, and her body tensed. She felt the hot flush of shame and embarrassment with the thrill of being watched all over again, and her first reaction was to try and turn around and flee. “Oh no you don’t!” says the big guy that was at the door a little while again. He effortlessly picked her up and carried her up to the keg. The boys began chanting “CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG” as they reached the front. She tried to wriggle free but the big guy laughed and flipped her upside down and held her by her ankles. She tried to protest, her little black dress falling down over her shoulders, revealing her naked body to everyone in the room. Someone shoved the tap in her mouth and beer sprayed down her throat. She struggled but managed to swallow, keeping it down and chugging. She couldn’t believe that she was being held upside, naked for the room to see. The room went wild, and she saw the light from dozens of cell phone camera flashes going off, and as many more videoing the event. She chugged, while struggling to break free.

    The big guy held her up with one hand, and smacked her on the ass hard. The crowd cheered as Sandi sputtered and choked. He reared back, and smacked her ass again and she spit the tap away and coughed, and once again all the guys cheered. He set her down, and she quickly pulled her dress down and covered herself, her knees weak and unsteady. She smoothed her hair and looked out at everyone still videoing her. Slowly the lights winked out as the normal noise of the party resumed and everyone carried on like nothing had happened. A couple guys walked by and slapped her on the ass, and she twisted away and tried to find a quiet place to rest a minute. So much was happening so fast, and she didn’t think she wanted it to stop. Above it all, above all the eyes on her, she felt like someone else was watching. Watching her, and waiting. She shuddered, and smiled.

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