[M]y girl[f]riend and I had [f]un with [m]y coworker and his SO [couples]

To get right to the point, this happened back in college and neither of us (me or my friend from work) are still with the people it happened with. Still, names are changed and compromising details omitted to protect everyone involved.

A coworker and I (both males in our twenties) became friends like people do when they work together. We ended hanging out enough outside of work that my girlfriend and his wife eventually formed a friendship of their own. In fact, it was their friendship that got a few increasingly interesting evenings started. Or at the very least their relationship ended up making several different nights a lot of fun. I’ll tell the story of the first one here. If it gathers interest, I’ll write up the other ones and post them soon.

There were evenings that led up to the one I’m about to describe. I think there was a game of strip poker one night at their place that had the usual awkwardness where, despite the alcohol involved, there were a lot of handbras by the women and some ass was only seen when one of them had to go to bathroom. A few weeks later came a game of truth-or-dare-without-the-truth at my apartment. That’s the night the girls eventually loosened up and some tits ended up being seen by the end of the night. The dining room table we were playing at was glass but was just tinted enough that you couldn’t make out everything, although it was nice to see the torso and legs of my friend’s wife.

The next exciting night happened a couple of months later when we ended up back at my apartment again instead of my friend’s and his wife’s house. Even though I’ve mentioned it happening twice, it was unusual to end up at my place. There were normally roommates to deal with so, even though my apartment was much closer to where we worked, his house was usually where we landed on the one or two nights a week we would hang out.

The game we played this time consisted of some ever-changing rules that grew more complicated as the night went on. It was the typical thing guys do when they want a game that involves sex or nudity to go their way. But it’s also the kind of stuff that women allow when they want to get naked, show off some skills, or otherwise be a little bit naughty and be able to blame it on the beer and the rules. My friend was doing well enough with all that and didn’t need my help. I think he got all the help he needed from the girls whose only protests were the intentionally over-dramatized tokens of “resistance” to each new rule change.

If we’d played strip poker before, this was like “dare blackjack” instead. It moved much more quickly. Even though they wouldn’t admit it, the women wanted it that way. Of course, we men did too. Soon, shirts came off because someone lost a hand. Next I was getting an unfinished hand job because of another round of bad luck on the part of my girlfriend. She insisted that my shirt that had been on the arm of the couch for the past few minutes be put on my crotch while she did it. Things slowly progressed to my friend getting a partial blow job from his wife who also insisted that I get a blanket from my room to cover up what she was doing. I objected of course. I didn’t want to leave the room for obvious reasons, but I relented and got the blanket.

I saw the blanket go up and down while my friend’s girlfriend (I’ll give her the name Amy at this point) was under there. While I didn’t really doubt that she was carrying through on her end of the bargain I wanted to see her in action. I teased that my girlfriend and I couldn’t see and didn’t KNOW if she was actually doing anything under the blanket. Knowing her personality, I expected her to throw off the blanket and put on exhibition. Instead, she just got sarcastic through the blanket and said, “Oh yeah, right. I’m not really sucking his dick. I’m just bobbing my head up and down over his crotch!”

We still didn’t quite get lift off toward the soft swap experience that, looking back, I think everyone in the room wanted. There is always a lingering doubt about whether anyone else, much less everyone else, in a room is interested in group sex with the other people in it. And, of course, people are raised to think there is something taboo about what we were headed towards. So, that night broke up without much more than a few other mostly concealed and completely unfinished sex acts along with some unabashed nudity. It was definitely unabashed compared to our strip poker night. There was even a little self-groping and some shaking and jiggling of parts. Dares can be silly.

Then came the night we’d all been waiting for (even if no one had yet said it). We didn’t know it would be that night. It was just another normal couples date night. We didn’t have to work that day, so we just made plans to go to go eat dinner before heading to a comedy club. We even had another couple going with us. However, the wife in the married couple had to work in the morning and the husband vowed to rendezvous with us after the comedy club when she had gone to bed.

Lots of drinking at dinner. The comedians were pretty good for a smaller comedy club. Then, we went to an “upscale” pool hall afterwards. I doubt the operators like the pool hall label because there is so much more to it, but the main attraction are the large numbers of tables.

At some point, the ladies told us they needed to go outside as it was loud and they’d lost interest in watching the men play pool. The bar had big glass windows that went about your knees almost to the ceiling. So, we could watch our significant others starting to deal with how unexpectedly chilly it had gotten outside. My girlfriend came and asked for the keys to my friend’s car. He protested and told their “drunk asses” not to get any bright ideas and try to drive. First, no drinking while driving. Second, it was a LONG walk back home and, apparently, on a night that was getting colder by the minute.

After another game of pool my friend (time for his name to be Brandon) says, “I think we need to check on the girls.” I truly think he was worried that Amy or Michelle (Michelle being my girlfriend’s name for the sake of this story) would try to drive away. He had other suspicions that he would share later, but his first reason was good enough for me.

We went to the side of the bar where the car was parked. The windows were fogged over, but that didn’t seem out of the ordinary given the conditions. But, since we couldn’t see anything, we didn’t feel comfortable that they weren’t just ready to start it up and drive away.

We still almost went back to what we were doing, but Amy started the car while we were standing there! You could see the exhaust start to come out and then, she later told us, accidentally bumped the brake pedal. When we saw the brake lights, we knew it was time to go as it seemed like they were going to try to drive away. Brandon goes back in to tell the guy who had, unbeknownst to any of us yet, become our FIFTH wheel that we had to go. I went out to the car and got in the driver side back seat to tell them not to leave and that Brandon would be right out.

In Amy and Michelle’s defense, they hadn’t planned on leaving. They just needed some heat. Brandon arrived and they explained it again as he got in the passenger side backseat and then he made a joke about the foggy windows. That joke had occurred to me before he had gotten in, but I wasn’t going to say it in front of Brandon’s wife without him there.

He said, “What have you all been up to? You’re fogging up the windows.”

As before when an innuendo was made with only the two couples around, Amy replied with sarcasm. “We were just in here making out. It was getting hot and heavy before you got here.” Also like before, when she actually was sucking Brandon’s dick under the blanket at my apartment but responded with sarcasm as a defense mechanism, she was almost certainly telling the truth.

I think Brandon knew it. Or, at least knew something. I think Amy had given hints that she and Michelle had talked about messing around before. With or without the guys. I think that was also why we had to “check on the girls.” I never had the nerve to ask him about it, but years later he did mention indirectly that he thought Amy and Michelle had physically involved with each other before that night. There were some situations where they were waiting at his house for us to get off work and that somewhere during those 2-3 hour windows they’d taken the opportunity to sneak in a kiss or two. Maybe a little more.

Whether he was right or wrong, his joke was a catalyst. After Amy’s sarcastic joke I clumsily retorted, “Don’t act like you weren’t. We know what you all you do when we’re not around.” I was kidding, but hoping it would keep the topic on life support for as long as possible.

Brandon didn’t wait. He blurted out, “Well keep going then.”

I saw Amy look at Michelle. Michelle looked right back and at her and gave her the I’m-down-for-it-if-you-are quick raise of the eyebrows, slight head tilt and shrug of the shoulders. They leaned forward and their lips met.

They knew what they were doing. Brandon had been on to something. They weren’t in the least bit embarrassed or hesitant. They even seemed comfortable with each other. There was a familiarity, even a passion, in their kisses. They were stroking each other’s hair almost right away. Tongues were involved almost form the moment started.

After a few second of shocked delay, I looked over at Brandon, shook his shoulder to get his attention, and then made what was probably the silliest face I’ve ever made trying to silently convey my excitement. He replied with an expression that, while also odd, was clearly one of approval and he spoke first. His suspicions allowed him to anticipate, even if just in some small way, what was happening. “I’m sober enough to drive. Amy, move over. Michelle, get in the back.”

After realizing that the new seating arrangement would prevent any more fun between Michelle and Amy, I moved to the passenger side of the back seat for them to have easier access to one another. They immediately made use of it and were clearly enjoying themselves. I think they did have a thing for and with each other. I think they enjoyed the naughtiness of it all even more. Now that their boyfriends knew, they were shed of any guilt about it and loved my and Brandon’s reactions.

While I was just admiring the scene before me, Brandon had other plans. He said that while we were on our way home, I could reach around the seat and feel Amy’s tits. After a slight pause, he said, “But, I have to be able to feel your girlfriend’s too.”

I was the one creating the drag in the situation. I was stunned and had been drinking a bit, so my responses were delayed and stilted. I just threw out an incomplete sentence, saying, “Well, I guess if they…” Somehow sensing that I was seeking their approval, Amy and Michelle parted lips just long enough to give it.

I reached around and went for a feel of Amy’s right tit. It was all I could reach without making strange contortions and her left one was pressed against the seat as she had turned to keep making out with Michelle. Even just feeling through her leopard print spandex shirt and her bra it was obvious her tits were bigger than Michelle’s. You could tell by looking, but that is different from being able to feel for yourself. Michelle was self-conscious about her breasts being a very middling B-cup. She was a thin brunette. The same thing that kept her stomach tight and almost always being on the verge of a six-pack without much work seemed to be the same thing that kept her chest relatively small. She was attractive. Skin not quite mocha, not quite olive. Long thick hair. But, smallish boobs.

Amy was of average build. Not thin, not thick. Or is it “thicc” these days? I really don’t know. But, she had tits that I’d guess were on the lower end of D-cups and Brandon really wanted things to move along and he encouraged me to “get under her shirt and feel her tits.” After a moment or two he asked Amy, “That is OK isn’t it, Amy?”

The eagerness of her “mmmmhhhmmm” into Michelle’s mouth was obvious. I didn’t need to see her slightly and quickly nod too. It took me a second get my hand down low enough to get under her shirt without it feeling like that I was going to rip it, no matter what it was made of, by coming back up to her chest. The seat belt complicated things too.

“It’s OK. Go under my bra.” Amy told me. “It is OK, isn’t it?” she asked Michelle.

“Oh yeah.” Michelle said.

I told Amy that I was having a hard time and that the seat belt only made it harder. She responded by pulling back from Michelle’s face more than an inch for the first time in 10 minutes and pulled the belt up over her head and put it behind her back. That made it easier and I finally got my hand directly on her right boob.

Still warm from her bra, I silently reacted to how different they were from Michelle’s. Not just size, but they were denser. Heavier. Shaped differently. Amy took a deep breath when I first contacted her skin. I could tell she was getting to the point where she only had one thing on her mind.

That was interrupted a bit when a group of three men and two women pulled up with us on the freeway. Their car was the perfect height to see in ours. Brandon saw them approaching from behind us and warned us they might end up next to us. Amy pulled back from Michelle again. I think it was frustrating to them that all they could really do was kiss until we got home, so when Michelle had that split second without Amy’s tongue in her mouth, she said, “Do I look like I care?”

Amy responded that if Michelle didn’t care if they saw, neither did she. The car caught up and it took a split second for the double and triple takes to begin. As they slowly passed us, the male driver tried to hide his wide grin as the man in the other front seat leaned over to get a look at what he was being told was taking place in the car next to them. The three back seat passengers each had their own reaction. Just like the man in the driver side back seat, the girl in the middle had to pick her jaw up off the floorboard of their vehicle, but after a few seconds put her face in her hands in disbelief at what she was seeing. The other woman on the far side of the car had curious mix of amazement and interest on her face as she struggled to lean over enough to get a better perspective on the action.

The car did pass. The driver probably didn’t know what to do other than just try to keep a steady speed and not let his driving be affected by what he saw. But, the other drivers must have prevailed on him slow back down. Brandon warned us again that the car would be next to us again soon. Amy guessed that they wanted to see more. Michelle responded, “Well, if they want to see, we’ll let them.” They clearly wanted to see. The driver gave us a knowing look and an exaggerated, approving nod as the car got next to us again. The front passenger was extending his arms to match the double thumbs up we were getting from the guy in the back seat. The woman in the middle was now looking intently a big smile on her face. The woman on the far side of the car was laughing, clapping, and rocking in her seat. After not quite a minute of this, they took the next exit.

“You lost your audience.” I told the girls.

Amy took off her shirt and bra and sat topless in the front seat. Michelle followed suit. I kept grabbing boobs. Now, it was one of each. Amy’s right, Michelle’s left.

Brandon lamented that he couldn’t really reach Michelle’s tits that well while he was driving and didn’t want to risk accidentally grabbing my hand while it was on his wife’s tits. Amy told Michelle to fix that and Michelle positioned herself as best she could between the seats, facing the driver side. It was awkward and created new difficulties for me in reaching Amy. But, I realized that it had forced Amy to lean back more toward the center of her seat and that I could now reach her right tit by putting my arm between the seat and right side of the car and I could now reach the other reaching around through the center.

This new arrangement made it more difficult for Amy and Michelle to kiss. I think Brandon might have felt that all the activity that had taken place so far might lead to other things now that the ladies’ mouths were free. The first restriction of the night came from Brandon. “No kissing between guys and girls, except with their partners.” The head rest was in the way, so it wasn’t going to happen for me then anyway, but that didn’t stop me from seeing the look on Amy’s face that became more obvious every time we passed under a street light. She had me on her mind. Or something in store for me. Probably both. I think Brandon saw the look I was getting and knew what it meant, so he put up some barriers.

Amy was always an obvious horn dog. She joked about sex in the way that you know is covering for desire, experience, imagination, or all of them. She was clearly attracted to me. Even before Michelle and I got together there were hints and signs. Occasionally I’d get off work earlier than Brandon and would head over to his house to set up the game board (there was a complicated board game we played quite often and was the basis of our early friendship). One night I’m there putting the pieces in place, both figuratively and literally, when Amy comes around the corner out of the hallway and I hear her say, “No, Brandon, we’re fucking it out hard in the bathtub right now.” in a very exasperated voice, presumably in reply to a something Brandon has said.

I never had any hint, at all, that my presence at their house without Brandon there could create strife or might be awkward. Brandon asked me to go there by him to help get things set up to save time! My age kept me from seeing the possible problems. I can only guess that Brandon, ever perceptive and apparently always one step ahead of me on things involving the sex drive of our partners, felt he needed to comment over the phone. Now that they are split and I have years of wisdom under my belt, I think the issue was much more with her than with me. Like I said. Amy was almost always horny and, I learned later, wasn’t always the best at controlling it.

That was playing into some good things that night. Brandon was not only there but encouraging most of it. Eagerly so. But, the “don’t kiss” line had been drawn. I honored it.

We get to Brandon and Amy’s house. For whatever reason, the girls put their shirts back on. I also discovered that after the positions had shifted to let Brandon have better access to Michelle’s tits, Michelle found it easier to reach down Amy’s pants. To this day, I still don’t know who undid Amy’s belt and unzipped the black jeans she was wearing, but I’m guessing Amy had been the one to pull them down 2-3 inches, just enough to allow Michelle’s hand down and in. The only reason I ever knew that had happened was that Amy pulled them back up and rezipped them. I knew it was going to be good night when she went ahead an pulled her belt out of its loops and said, “I’m not going to put this back on just to take it off again.” She could have meant that she was going to go to sleep when she got inside. She looked my way with an expression that made it clear that wasn’t what she meant.


I’ll post what happened at the house in the next couple of days, assuming this gets, or creates, any interest. We rounded a few more bases after we got inside.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cz9ihd/my_girlfriend_and_i_had_fun_with_my_coworker_and


  1. Now that’s a fucking Cliff hangar. Brandon sounds like a jealous cock block. Would love to hear how you stuffed his chick!

  2. I’m 49 and I still fantasize about being in situations like this. However, the wife would never allow it. In reality, I don’t know if I really even could fuck another woman even if given the opportunity and the wife’s permission. And if I’m being honest, I’m not sure how I would feel about her fucking someone else.

    Still, it’s a nice fantasy. Thanks for letting me live it vicariously through you. That said, this is really good, post part two soon!

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