Summer’s End [mf] [piv] [rom]

“To another great summer!”

“Here, here!”

That was the toast that Calvin Price’s father gave an hour ago. It capped off his family’s annual Labor Day barbecue, much to the praise of their relatives, neighbors, and friends. Many of them were still outside in the backyard of his suburban house, drinking whatever beer remained in the several coolers his Uncle Ronnie brought. He could still hear them laughing and chatting from his bedroom window.

In every previous year, Calvin – or Cal, as most people called him – would’ve been down there with them. He’d been at every one of these Labor Day parties since he was a kid. His father, a successful financial consultant and prominent community leader had been throwing them since before he and his two younger sisters were born. They acted as a definitive transition point, ending summer and everything with it.

That used to not bother Cal. He enjoyed a good barbecue as much as anyone. However, a lot had changed this past summer. A lot was going to change over the next nine months as he entered his senior year of high school. Looking out into yard from his bedroom, he contemplated the breadth of those changes.

“My last summer before my last year of high school,” Cal said to himself as he leaned next to the window. “Is it supposed to feel this daunting?”

That sounded like a loaded question. The last year of high school was supposed to be daunting. More than one relative had already asked him about college, careers, and all sorts of topics that reminded him he wasn’t a kid anymore.

He usually smiled and gave them a generic answer about focusing on the upcoming school year. What he said didn’t match up with how he felt. If anything, the end of the summer left Cal feeling something other than the pressures of another year in high school.

“Burned out already, Cal?” came an unexpected, but welcome voice. “If so, then I fear for your attendance record this year.”

“Hey Briana,” Cal replied with a humored grin. “I take it you got tired of my Aunt Grace’s scrutiny.”

“What makes you say that? I just love spending hours with your bitterly divorced Aunt,” she replied with scathing sarcasm. “What girlfriend wouldn’t enjoy her endless scrutiny?”

“She’s just being protective. I am her favorite nephew, after all.”

“That’s just because she doesn’t have kids of her own to baby. I swear she thinks I’m just with you because my dad partnered with yours last year.”

“Well, that is how we met,” Cal reminded her. “I guess she just doesn’t believe people can form healthy relationships from random circumstances.”

“For a woman who met her ex-husband in traffic court, that’s just hypocritical.”

They both laughed and it felt good. Cal needed something to take his mind off the end of the summer. Brianna Westly had a knack for doing that. It was one of the many reasons they got together several months back.

If anything, this past summer had been defined by his first girlfriend. While Cal had pursued cute girls before, Brianna was the first girl he formally dated. She came into his life unexpectedly. Her father moved into the area earlier that spring as part of a deal with his father’s company. They first met at a formal meet-and-greet that he didn’t even want to go to. From there, sparks flew, phone numbers were exchanged, and things got serious.

His mother and friends thought it was just some summer fling. It certainly had all the qualities of one. They met suddenly and progressed quickly, so much so that they snuck out a few nights to hang out at strip mall several blocks away. They’d even been intimate a few times. While she wasn’t his first sexual experience, she was his most meaningful.

Now, on the eve of Labor Day, a burning question remained. Would that meaning go beyond summer?

“You’ve got that brooding look again,” Brianna said, taking on a serious demeanor as she approached him.

“I hate that you know me that well already,” Cal said with a half-grin.

“What can I say? You’re that transparent,” she said as she leaned on the wall next to him.

“Then, I’ll skip the part where I lie to you about everything being okay,” he told her, “because honestly, this year’s Labor Day party feels different. And it’s not just because school is starting and I already miss sleeping in on weekdays.”

“So what is it? Does it have to do with us?”

Cal shifted awkwardly. He wasn’t ready to have this conversation, but Brianna wasn’t the kind of girl who brushed things off. That just wasn’t her style. It might have been for the best, given the situation.

“It partly involves us,” Cal conceded.

“How big a part?” she asked curiously.

“Bigger than I can put into words, but not enough to cover the full story,” he answered. “All my life, Labor Day was just the day I capped off my summer, prepared for school, and daydreamed about next summer. It was bittersweet, but in a good way.”

“It probably helps that your dad throws awesome Labor Day parties,” she pointed out.

“It certainly doesn’t hurt, that’s for sure. But this year, it’s not just the end of summer. It feels like the end of something more. I’ve been doing things a certain way all my life. And it’s worked, for the most part. But next summer, I can’t do things the same way. I have to figure out a new way.”

“It’s daunting, I know. I imagine everyone in our class feels like that today.”

“That’s just it. How I feel about school, this summer, and next summer is so different,” Cal said in a more serious tone, “and you’re a big reason why, Brie.”

He reached over and slipped his arm around her waist. He invited her to get closer and share his intimate warmth. She accepted without hesitation.

Being so close to her reminded him just how different this past summer had been. He’d never had a serious girlfriend before. Much of their relationship had been formed by the events of the past few months. It completely changed how he saw the events that awaited.

“Remember when we first went out? And your sister just rolled her eyes when I picked you up?” he asked. “I believe her exact words were stupid puppy love.”

“It was actually bullshit puppy love, but close enough,” Brianna replied.

“That’s what a lot of people thought. They saw us and they still saw a couple of teenagers who didn’t know what the hell they were doing. Maybe we didn’t at first, but then…”

His words trailed off. As the memories of the past summer played out, he deepened his embrace with her. He recalled their first date, their first kiss, the first time they had sex, and even that embarrassing time his mother caught them fooling around in his dad’s shed. Altogether, those moment came to define his summer. Holding her in his arms, Cal entertained ideas on how it might define his life beyond that.

Brianna must have been entertaining similar ideas. She affectionately wrapped her arm around his neck and caressed his unshaven face, gazing into his eyes with affection that did not match that of an immature teenager. It was a look he’d seen a lot more frequently as the summer neared its end. Now, it had even greater meaning.

“And now, here we are,” Brianna said, putting into words what he could not, “still together and sharing more than just fond summer memories.”

“That’s what makes Labor Day feel so different this time around,” he continued. “I’ve got something from summer other than good memories. I’ve got something…someone that I want to take with me into whatever comes next. And with this being our last year in high school, a lot is coming.”

“That’s for sure,” she said. “The fact you want me along for that ride says a lot about us.”

“It says even more about what you mean to me.”

Still standing so close, the warmth of their bodies mixing despite the summer heat, he caressed her face with both hands. As he looked into her eyes, he tried to convey just how much she meant to him. Cal wasn’t good with words. It was one of the reasons he hadn’t had a serious girlfriend before Brianna.

She was a special girl. She could sense what he was trying to say, even when he couldn’t say it. She must have sensed quite a bit because he could feel her trembling in his arms.

“Damn it, Cal. Why do you have to do this when I still smell like barbecue sauce and brussels sprouts?” Brianna asked, her voice cracking under the emotions.

“It’s your fault for cutting in line to get my mom’s burgers,” he teased curtly.

“Guess it’s also my fault I fell for a guy like you…a guy I just thought would show me the ropes in this town. Now, I can’t imagine getting through the next nine months without you.”

“You won’t have to,” said Cal strongly. “Everyone else keeps calling us a summer fling. But we know it’s more than that. I want to make it more than that.”

“So do I, but we picked a hell of a time to get serious,” she added. “High school, college applications, fall sports, our dads working together…we’re basically jumping over this cliff together and hoping we don’t land on jagged rocks.”

“I’m willing to take that leap. I’m even willing to bet we can land on those rocks and come out stronger. You’ve made this past summer so special for me, Brie. Now, on the day our summer ends, I’d like to make every other season just as special.”

It marked the first time that Cal had ever articulated a complicated feeling in just a handful of words. It was both fitting and cathartic, telling Brianna the depths of his feelings for her. It had been a laborious struggle, but with it being Labor Day, his timing couldn’t have been better.

“Oh Cal,” Brianna said with that beaming smile of hers, “that’s the sweetest, most heartfelt thing I’ve ever heard.”

“Thanks,” he said, blushing somewhat under her gaze. “I’m honestly surprised I managed to say it.”

“It’s a good thing you did,” she said, “because now, I can tell you how I feel about this past summer too…and how I feel about everything else moving forward.”

She made her point, as only she could. In the light of the setting sun on Labor Day, she kissed him. It was no ordinary kiss, though. Through her lips, warmth, and touch, she told him everything she needed to say.

That was another thing about Brianna that Cal had come to love. She could convey so much with so little. Sometimes, she didn’t even need words. Her actions conveyed the necessary meaning. With her, there was no ambiguity.

She loved him.

She loved him every bit as much as he loved her.

This past summer might have brought them together, but on the eve of Labor Day, they saw just how far they’d come. Moreover, there was still time to do more.

“Brianna…the door,” Cal gasped as the kiss intensified.

Their lips parted briefly and she cast him a knowing smile. They’d shared enough tender moments in his bedroom to know when their passions escalated beyond a certain point. That often meant taking a few precautions to preserve the moment.

Without saying a word, Cal broke the embrace and closed his bedroom door. He quickly took her in his arms again and resumed their heated kissing. He also grew bolder with his touching, trailing his hand down her waist, hips, and thighs. She returned the favor, feeling around his arms and reaching up his shirt. With each intimate touch, affection turned to desire. Before long, he began guiding her to the bed.

“Cal,” she gasped in between their heated gestures, “your parents and mine…they’re right outside.”

“So long as there’s beer in those coolers, they’ve no reason to come back in,” Cal told her.

“It’s not just that. If this is the end of our summer…the end of the summer that brought us together…then I want it to be special.”

“In other words, you don’t want interruptions.”

“Not for this. Definitely not for this.”

She kissed him again. They’d reached the bed. By now, his pants felt uncomfortably tight. He also noticed Brianna rubbing her thighs together. She felt it too. The desire had escalated beyond that special barrier. To fully express their love, they needed more than simple kissing.

“The sun is still out. My dad hasn’t turned down the music. We’ve got time,” Cal said with a confidence he knew turned her on.

“You sure it’s enough?” she asked curtly.

“This is the official end of our summer,” he said. “Don’t you want to end it with a bang?”

“Of course, I do…in more ways than one.”

“Then, we’ve all the incentive we need to make sure it’s enough.”

He made it sound like he wasn’t the least bit worried about someone barging in, just as they were in the middle of getting intimate. In the back of his mind, it was a concern. His parents had rules about him and Brianna being behind closed doors for extended periods. However, there was a time and place to break those rules. This was definitely one of them.

“That might be the sexiest logic I’ve ever heard,” she said to him while pressing her thigh up against his groin.

“I had no idea that turns you on,” said Cal in his manliest tone.

“Make sense of it later. Right now, let’s get out of these itchy clothes!”

They smiled and laughed playfully as the passion resumed. Together, they climbed up onto the bed, kissing and pawing one another, building arousal and loosening clothes. Their love was real, but he and Brianna were still a couple of horny teenagers.

Once on the bed, clothes started coming off quickly. His shirt was the first to go. Brianna’s tank top, sandals, and shorts followed suit. In just her bra and panties, she practically tackled him to the bed so she could get his jeans and boxers off. By the time she tossed them across his room, he already had a semi-hard cock. As she so often did in their intimate moments, Brianna made it a point to maximize his arousal.

“Lie back,” she told him. “Let me add to the incentive.”

“Incentive…right,” Cal said, already breathless.

Trusting her and her motivations, he laid down atop the comforter and let his lover work her sensual magic. She looked like an angel in the late afternoon twilight, hovering over him and tempting him with her loving gaze. She kept that gaze squarely on him as she trailed her lips down his neck, chest, and abdomen. Along the way, she grabbed hold of his growing cock and stroked it.

He tensed under her firm, yet loving grip. She knew how to get his blood flowing in all the right directions. As Brianna stoked the flames of his arousal, she removed her bra, revealing her perfectly round breasts. She used both them and her lips to step up the passion.

“Cal…my sweet, caring boyfriend,” Brianna said through seductive purrs. “You’ve given me so much. I want to return the favor.”

She did plenty to deliver. With the utmost care and sensuality, she licked and suckled his hardened cock. She wasn’t hard or sloppy. She never made oral sex look dirty or lurid. She approached it like any other loving gesture. It was part of what made their love lives special.

“Oh Brainna…so much,” Cal gasped. “You give me…so much too.”

With each subtle act, she heightened his desire. She even used her breasts as well, sliding it between her fleshy mounds to really maximize the arousal. It worked perfectly. Cal grunted and panted in accord with her gestures, reaching over and lightly running his fingers through her hair. Her eyes never diverted from his every step of the way.

They hadn’t been together for very long, but he and Brianna learned quickly how to set the mood for sex. She knew what got him going. He knew what turned her on. He had every intention of maximizing his intimate knowledge. For his lover, she deserved nothing less.

“I’m ready,” he told her.

“Mmm…so am I,” she said.

With more motivation than most teen lovers, Cal drew his love back up into his arms so that she was on top of him. From there, he rolled her over so that she was the one on her back. He then removed her panties and tossed them across the room, rendering her as naked as him.

Now hovering over her, her naked body glowing in the warm twilight, Cal looked at her with love and awe. If it hadn’t set in earlier, then it certainly set in now. He loved this woman. He loved her and he was going to make love to her.

“Cal…I want you. I want this,” Brianna said to him.

“I want it too,” he said to her, already breathing heavily.

“Then, please…take me.”

Rather than waste time putting his emotions into words, Cal let his actions once again do the talking. He followed the intense love and lust between them. She eagerly welcomed him into her intimate embrace, wrapping her legs around his waist while holding onto his shoulders. Their naked skin now touching, he aligned his hips with hers, the tip of his manhood rubbing against her moist folds.

With their eyes locked and so many wordless sentiments flowing between them, he thrust forward and entered her. As soon as he felt her hot, womanly depths embrace his masculine flesh, a more profound act unfolded.

“Cal…ohhh Cal!” Brianna gasped.

“Brianna…my sweet Brianna,” he replied.

The connection was complete.

The flow of passion commenced.

He and Brianna began making love.

He began working his body along hers, digging his knees and feet into the bed to help set that perfect sensual rhythm. It wasn’t too rough or too fast. He and Brianna weren’t that kind of couple. They learned quickly that they preferred a gentler, steadier form of sex. It was quality over quantity, making each thrust, touch, and gasp count. It gave harmony and spectacle to their love. For a moment like this, there was no need to push their bodies or their hearts.

As they settled into that balanced pace, they shared soft kisses and loving gestures. Brianna playfully tickled his shoulder while nibbling on his lower lip. She knew he liked that. He squeezed her butt and caressed her face. He knew she loved that too. They went the extra mile in making their sex special, giving every blissful sensation greater meaning.

That involved more than just standard missionary style sex. Brianna usually let him set the tone, trusting him to get those sensual feelings going. Then, she stepped in and shared in the effort. They mixed things up, orienting and arranging their bodies in various intimate configurations.

For a while, she was on top, working her hips and riding him like a sex goddess from Heaven. After that, he laid her on her side, making love to her at a different angle that helped her show off her flexibility. They made the most of his undersized bed, moving and working their naked bodies in an intimate heat. It was as though they were capturing that last bit of summer heat. Based on the sweat they’d worked up, it was safe to say they succeeded.

“We’re doing it. We’re really…really doing it,” Cal said in the heat of the moment.

His impassioned words went beyond the sex. He and Brianna weren’t just making love. They were completing a journey that started at the beginning of the summer came into focus. While another one awaited them, it was a journey worth celebrating.

“Cal…I’m close,” Brianna said as the heat and the passion prepared to culminate. “I’m really…really close.”

“So am I,” he said, his voice laced with masculine grit.

“Let’s share this…together.”


As he and Brianna neared their final peak, they found themselves in the center of his bed. They were each in an upright position, their naked skin glowing under the light of the setting sun. She clung to his neck while rocking her hips with his, her throbbing womanhood slithering along his manly length. He clung to her hips, bracing himself for that coming release. He could tell she was close too.

The way her expression shifted and her body trembled made it clear. She was about to come. They were going to take a dip in that special ocean of ecstasy and they were going to dive in together. It was a challenge, coordinating their bodies and passions in just the right way. For a couple horny teenagers, it was next to impossible. For him and Brianna, it came together perfectly.

“Oohhh Cal!”


In a moment that felt like the ultimate Labor Day celebration, they both climaxed. It was almost simultaneous. His dick throbbed and his lower body trembled under the weight of his release. Brianna dug her nails into his neck, arched her back, and curled her toes as she got hers.

A wave of ecstasy washed over them.

A culmination of passions came pouring out.

Together, they lingered in that moment, holding and caressing one another. He didn’t say a word and neither did she. Their eyes and gasps told the entire story of their blossoming love. What began as a summer romance had become so much more. While Labor Day meant their summer vacation was over, their love was just beginning.

Once the orgasmic fervor passed, their flesh parted and they fell back onto the bed together. Cal kept her in his arms while she curled up next to him, resting her head on his chest. As they panted heavily, their bodies trembling within their intimate embrace, he gazed into her eyes. In a moment that was an entire summer in the making, he made his feelings for known.

“I love you,” he told her.

“I love you too,” Brianna replied, casting him another beaming smile.

“This…was a summer to remember.”

“That, it was. And we capped it off with a hell of a Labor Day!”



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