[MF] I followed an internet rabbit hole and ended up naked on cam with a bunch of strangers, then things got real.

Hey, I’m Peter. This story is a recollection from some years ago. If you’re a fan of detailed sexual encounters then this post probably isn’t for you. What follows is a true story of how I followed an internet rabbit hole and had the time of my life. It’s a rabbit hold that’s still open today, which might be fun to think about.

Some years ago, I had a great social and professional life but for one reason and another my relationship status was pretty bad. I’d spend evenings in my home office playing Starcraft 2, which was a lot of fun but ultimately lacking in human connection. Like many people on Reddit, I’d get my kicks browsing gonewild. I loved the fact that there was a real person on the other end of the photos. It seemed so much more real than regular porn.

One evening I followed the rabbit hole deeper. Like most things on the internet, if you’re willing to spend the time you find a whole subculture that you never knew existed. In my case, it took me on a sexual adventure I never could have imagined.

That evening, buried in a less-travelled part of Reddit gonewild, I found a link to a gonewilld chat room. My heart skipped a beat when I realised some of the people jn my favourite subreddit were there to talk to. Moreover, it was a cam chatroom, which meant they were live and on camera. Let’s do this!

I joined the room. Picture a four-by-four Hollywood Squares arrangement of webcams on the left and a chat window on the right. A pretty equal split of guys and girls. Everyone was in varying states of undress, chatting casually with one another like good friends. These weren’t camgirls; just people hanging out on cam and having fun. I continued to watch and was agog when from time to time those guys and girls would start putting on a show for one another and masturbating. To them it had become normalised, but it took a few weeks for me to get my head around. If you’ve been in a chat group for any length of time you’ll know that most of the time is just talking crap and teasing, but the underlying sexual undertones added a ton of energy.

People spoke to each other in text and I’d pass comment from time to time. I had yet to initiate my camera and despite everyone being comfortable being on cam, my heart was racing when I finally stripped naked and cammed up. One of the girls greeted me with a “Hey Peter!” and I did my best to pretend that I chat with naked people all the time.

Day by day, i got to know the 20 regulars in that room and before long I too was putting on shows. It was a ton of fun. It quickly became the best way to spend an evening. My Starcraft rating went from Gold to Bronze.

One of the girls in the room was Amy. She was 22, Asian and gorgeous. She lived in Los Angeles, I lived in the UK, so timezones were tricky but I always enjoyed our overlaps. We’d speak casually in the room but although we got on well, I always felt she was out of my league. She was a regular poster on gonewild and had a lot of fans. Her GW pictures never showed her face, but in the room she’d chat, eat, shower and masturbate on camera. When she sent me her first private message, I stopped everything I was doing and gave her my full attention.

I was older than Amy, Our conversations started about how to handle situations at work but before too long I could see we were developing a connection. She was electric. From time to time she’d tease me into putting on a show for her and she’d do the same. She’d tell me privately that she was using a vibrator and I loved to watch her try to hold down a conversation while secretly bringing herself to orgasm while on cam in group chat. She had a pretty face, a fantastic body and could work anyone into a frenzy just by teasing them. Her sexual confidence was a huge part of her attraction to me.

A month later and we were talking all day every day. With some trepidation I told her of a forthcoming business trip to Los Angeles. Chatting on cam we felt safe in our webcam bubbles; would she be willing to meet me in real life? She left me hanging for an hour before nervously replying that, yes, it would be fun to meet up. A month later I was on the flight from London to Los Angeles.

The anticipation I felt on that flight was surreal. A girl, who hundreds of guys fantasize about in the gonewild subreddit, was about to meet me on the other side of security. I had seen her naked nearly every day but meeting her face-to-face was so much more exciting. I half expected her to be a no-show, but sure enough, just on the other side of baggage reclaim at LAX was Amy. She gave me the biggest smile; she was stunning. Was this real?

We held hands in the taxi and headed for a sushi restaurant she knew. Neither of us had discussed what would happen and despite getting to know each other on cam, even holding hands felt like uncharted territory. I enjoyed the smalltalk over sushi, but I suspect both of us were thinking about what was coming next.

“Do you want to come back to my hotel?” I asked, which seemed a redundant question, but needed to be asked. “Sure!” she replied. I kissed her and ran my hand up the inside of her leg in the back of the taxi. I find it hard to describe the anticipation I felt in that cab ride and waiting to check in, while holding hands, felt like Christmas Eve. In the elevator to the room I pinned her against the wall and kissed her then giggled as we headed to the room. We were about to be alone together for the first time.

I wanted to freshen up after the flight so I took a shower and when I returned, she was posing for me naked on the bed. She was stunning. The same girl I’d seen every day on cam, but here in the flesh and waiting for me. My reaction to seeing her was something she subsequently teased me about for years to come – like someone lost in the desert who finally finds water.

I worked my way up from her toes, kissing every part of her but resisting the temptation to taste her pussy. I slowly kissed her breasts in a spiral, reaching her nipples. She was moaning in pleasure. Finally, with my hands on her breasts I kissed past her belly button and to her wet, shaved pussy. She put her legs over my shoulders and I buried my face in deep – it was ecstacy. She pulled my hair then pushed me deeper and moaned so loudly I’m sure everyone on our floor could hear. That night we fucked with an intensity I’d never experienced before. She was experienced, confident and up for anything. I consumed her. We barely slept. She got a thrill seeing just how into her I was. We checked into the chat room and blew everyone’s mind when we shared a cam.

Next morning she had to get to work. Again, we were in uncharted territory. “If you like i could stay with you this week?” she suggested. It was one of the easier decisions I’ve had to make, and when I met up with my business partner later that day I did my very best to wipe the grin off my face.

That week was an absolute fuck-festival. I had never experienced anything like it. She’d bring toys; she’d strap me up; she would howl as I brought her to orgasm; we cammed up for our friends in the chatroom who we’d put on a show for, fucking in every which way we could think of.

The end of the week was tough. What started as friend-with-benefits cam buddies had turned into something else. She waved me off at the airport and we reconnected in the chatroom when I was back in London.

I’d go on to meet with Amy every trans-Atlantic trip over the next couple of years. New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas. Fancy hotels, fancy dinners, shows and a ton of time in the bedroom. Every time was amazing. It never lost its thrill.

As fun as it was, a trans-Atlantic relationship isn’t a real relationship and I was way too old for her. Reluctantly, we eventually broke it off. We met up in London a year or so later and enjoyed talking about old times and our friends in the chat room.

I still stop by the chat room from time to time and I notice she does too. It’s in the past now, but I’ll always remember the sexual adventure Amy took me on.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cy2ci2/mf_i_followed_an_internet_rabbit_hole_and_ended


  1. Nice, somewhat wholesome story. Also, if you don’t mind sharing the link to said chatroom… ? i’d appreciate it very much

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