My best friend claimed my [FF] cherry while rolling

Lily and I go WAY back. When my family moved into this neighborhood, Lily was the first person I met. I think I was four or five at the time that I was playing in my backyard and the gate swung open and she came strolling in asking who I was and where the previous owner’s went. Apparently there was a girl that lived here that was her friend.

After like 30-seconds we became best friends, and it didn’t hurt that she literally lived one door down. Our folks also became really great friends and dinner together in the backyard was pretty much a weekly thing.

Fast forward a whole lot of years and we’re seniors in high school about to graduate and we found ourselves in the – totally ridiculous, now that I look back on it – PLUR Brigade. Seriously, we were those annoying af rave chicks that dressed up like crazy and went to every damn show and snuck in and talked dudes into buying us drugs and drinks and all of that starting when we were like 13.

Anyways, this story isn’t about our horrible fashion and friend choices, it’s about our horrible life choices! Well, it wasn’t really that bad to be honest. There’s an underground warehouse rave held every year in my city that moves venues all the time and it’s only announced via text like a few days before. It’s like the holy grail of raves and usually lasts until about midnight because it always goes overboard and gets shut down, but it spins off some amazing after parties – so much so a lot of local bars offer deals that night for people that were there.

Because this is the big one, we always go all out with outfits, which means we have to get dressed at a gas station because our parents would murder us if they caught us wearing something half as crazy as what we actually wear. We always match, so we went fishnet one piece, rainbow circle pasties, bikini bottoms that were bright pink, ribbon leggings, and our custom rainbow boots we painted. It looked like a pride parade threw up all over us, and if that wasn’t enough, Lily covered herself and I with rainbow glitter handprints all over the place. The look on the old lady at the gas station as we walked in wearing gym clothes and walked out looking like Rainbow Brite was hilarious.

Anywhoo, we end up not even having to sneak in because they’re being less strict about age this year and there are everyone from 13 year olds to 50 year olds going balls out.

Because we knew we’d be leaving early we dropped 150mg each in the bathroom at the gas station – which was a sizable amount for us because we’re both under 100lbs. Lily is a super tiny asian chick who I constantly tease for looking like a thai ladyboy and I’m basically the white version of that. I don’t think any of our parents break 5’5″.

Due to traffic and lines, we’re already coming up as we get in the doors and it’s the busiest this party has every been. Normally it’s held in a large open warehouse or a field space or something like that, this year it was way too many people crammed into an old grocery store. It was claustrophobic just walking in the door – and, I didn’t mention, Lily is super claustrophobic and scared of stampedes, which is kind of funny for someone who loves raves. But, it explains why she loves the outdoor ones so much.

The customer service area was converted to a bar with a million mile long line, so Lily slipped around the back and begged two of those wine cups that are sealed with foil on the top off a guy. We drank and danced on the edge of the crowd. The lights were pretty shitty and the sound really sucked. It was annoying, but we were rolling hard and it made it kind of alright.

After about 20 minutes we’d met up with some friends from school and we were dancing and partying. The place just kept getting hotter and hotter to the point where I was feeling light headed. Lily took one look at my eyes, then vanished and returned quickly with a handful of freezing cold water bottles. We sat and drank as I caught my wind and she was like, “this year kind of sucks, want to blow off and go somewhere?”

“Where would we go?” We were not going to be passably normal for many hours.

“Cameron is out of town, I have his keys,” Cam was her boyfriend and he and his family traveled a lot and Lily took care of their salt water aquarium that was slightly larger than my car.

With a nod, Lily and I cut through the crowd, out the door and into the cool air. With people just arriving there were a ton of Uber’s picking up, so we got one and we were off.

Cam’s house is what you’d call a McMansion. It had nine rooms, four or five bathrooms, a huge pool, and stuff we probably didn’t know about. But, the coolest part was in the downstairs living room where Cam’s dad had a several thousand gallon aquarium. Lily knew how to do the daily basics, and she had the 24/7 hotline number for problems. This thing was taller than me, and as long as a small truck, it was really cool. I wish I knew more about the creatures that lived in it.

Fish aside, we got there in about 15 minutes and were still rolling balls. Lily was dancing while opening the door and singing, Pool Pool Pool Pool Pool. So I was assuming we were going for a swim.

She dove right in without even trying to wipe off the glitter. I am a bit more polite and stood under the outdoor shower and tried to get as much off as possible while she yelled and splashed at me.

She jumped out and said, “Actually I think these ribbons can fuck things up,” and then she yelled, “STRIP!” like a drill sergeant. I was already half out of my sticky outfit when she came over and was pulling at it.

I swatted at her hands and ran off to dive in the pool once I was stripped naked. She followed a second later. We floated in the shallow end, deciding that swimming around was way too much effort, and it just felt nice to sit there. I had my butt on a rung of the ladder and Lily was lounged over my side holding on.

After talking about how much the rave sucked we decided to host our own damn rave, with good wine and better music. We got out of the pool, draped some towels over us and went into Cam’s room where he had a crazy setup. We clicked on the lights and started his stereo which was hooked to an entertainment laptop setup, so I pulled up spotify, logged him out, logged me in and found the right list.

Within seconds we were dancing like crazy waving our towels around still really feeling it. Lily looped her towel around my waste and pulled me against her, and it was suddenly the first time I’d really been grinding against a girl fully naked. She had her thigh between my legs and I could feel her deep breaths on my neck. She dropped the towel and put her hands on my hips, guiding me closer to her and her lips, slightly open, grazed my neck. I could just feel the wetness of her full lips against my hot skin. She closed her lips against me.

The track changed, and I looked her right in the eyes and said, “What are you doing?”

She stared right back at me, “Nothing,” but she moved her hands up my back. I felt so nervous. I was covered in goose bumps and I could feel my everything tingling. I had no idea what to think or do. She didn’t smile or anything, she just stared at me intensely.

She ground against me and held me tight. I did the same. “What are you doing?” I asked again.

“I don’t know, what are you doing?” she said.

“I don’t know,” I said.

She kissed me lightly on the lips, then held her mouth against mine, “What do you think?” she asked softly.

“I don’t know,” I repeated.

“Does it feel nice?” she asked.


“Is that bad?”

“Have you done this before?” I asked her, she’d never brought up being with a girl before.

“Yes,” she said.

I wanted to jump back and be offended, we were best friends, when did that happen. But, my whole body was electric tingles as she touched me and all I could manage was an, “Oh.”

She didn’t hesitate. She slid her hand between my legs and found how wet I was, and she took advantage of it, she ran a fingertip around my clit, and I almost fell over. I leaned into her and she didn’t slow down. I felt myself getting wetter.

“Lay down,” she ordered, smiling at me now.

I was warm butter in her hands, she lowered me to her boyfriend’s bed and instantly buried her mouth between my legs. Up to this point, no guy had gone down on my yet, and I’d only used a vibrator a few times, so to say this was groundbreaking was an understatement.

She moved my legs around and seemed like an expert because within minutes I was moaning loudly and gripping the bed hard, I didn’t even feel the orgasm building up before I came hard, like a sudden explosion. It was one of those inner core orgasms where I had to roll into a ball, and I almost started crying.

Lily hugged her body against mine and ran her hand through my short hair as she kissed my shoulders. I couldn’t move, it was a long rolling orgasm that barely seemed to stop. I was so wet I thought I had pissed myself.

“Wow,” I said.

“I will take that as a compliment! Thank you!”

I didn’t know what to say, was it my turn, what happens next? I was confused and spent and felt like putty. It was definitely the best orgasm in my life.

Lily left and came back with wine and we started slowly dancing again and drinking more wine. She put on a shirt, so I followed. Then we eventually jumped in the shower, but there was no more kissing, it was like the time passed and this was a thing Lily wanted to do and that was that. She was like that sometimes.

After we started coming down we ended up getting an uber back to our houses where we crashed out. I really wanted to text her and ask her what that was all about, but I couldn’t make myself do it.

A little while later she texted and it just said, “Ni ni,” with a little heart. But we always sent those hearts, so I didn’t know what it meant. I eventually fell asleep, but that orgasm was like getting off of a boat that was on the ocean, I kept feeling phantom waves from it and I couldn’t sleep. I ended up sneaking into my mom’s drawer and getting her vibrator so I could cum again and finally go to bed.



  1. Great story and you tell it really well. Did I mention hot as fuck? I hope you have more.

  2. I stopped reading not long after the dancing towel scene. It’s just my opinion, but not enough tension built up before things started to happen. I mean, the title already tells us what’s going to happen, so obviously the story is about how the characters get there. I just think it needs more buildup before the narrating character realizes where things are going. I want to see the gradual change that takes place when two friends with boundaries realize those boundaries have vanished. To me the tension is what makes the action exciting…

  3. I wish more people would write about stories on Molly.

    My wife and I are rolling tomorrow. Check back next week ?

  4. It’s not weird to borrow your mother’s vibrator to get off. As I guy, if I borrowed my dad’s whatever…

  5. Came for the article, left to discover a McMansion rabbithole. Thanks for enriching my vocab and for the lols in google images!

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