Mommy and a “glorious” day with the boys on the beach [milf] [mature] [teen boy] [age gap] [glory hole] [risk of getting caught] [MF]

Hello again! My third ever erotic short story. Thank you so much for your feedback, the help with becoming a better writer and all the encouragement! I absolutely loved to read that my writing had made some you readers really turned on. It feels amazing to hear that my writings can move and induce such feelings. This story continues the familiar theme from my previous stories: a maternal figure getting carried away with her own sexual urges and seducing a young man, barely of age. I hope it’s easy and fluent reading, since English isn’t my native language. And if you also enjoy pornographic videos or are just otherwise interested in seeing me, you can check my videos on Pornhub with the same user name.

Okay, here goes:

Mommy and a “glorious” day with the boys on the beach

It was a warm summer’s day. A heat wave was hanging over the city and the suburbs. There was not much to do besides hide inside, in the cooling comfort of the air-conditioning. Mommy had decided to have a day’s rest and escape the house and its endless demands for chores, and she had taken her kids to the beach. Mommy had asked her friend to join them and taken her mother-in-law, too, to help look after the kids. Mommy had the baby to care for and the kids could get pretty wild in the water, so a pair of extra hands was always needed at the beach. Mommy’s friend’s kids were already a bit older and they had their own interests, friends and things to do, and hanging out with old ladies and little children sure wasn’t one of those things. So Mommy’s friend had come alone to enjoy the refreshing coolness of the lake and the good company. She would never miss out a chance to tell her latest gossip about the neighborhood’s other mothers. Mommy wasn’t really into gossip and wouldn’t rather hear about her friends speculations about who was having an affair with their boss or babysitter or postman. But some adult company would do Mommy good, and give her a chance to think about something else than legos, race cars and Waldo’s whereabouts.


Arriving at the beach Mommy set up a blanket a few feet from the beach line to be able to be as close as possible to the children playing in the water and watch over them. Mommy and her friend had brought snacks, drinks in a cooler and a beach umbrella to give some shade from the blazing sun. The mother-in-law went for a stroll with the baby carriage, happy that she could spent some time with the baby, her newest grandchild.


There was an old shack of a changing room maybe a hundred feet away from the beachline. While her friend looked over the children, Mommy went in to get changed into her bathing suit as well. It was a two part bathing suit, covering more than a bikini would but leaving more skin exposed on the body than a one-piece, especially on the back. Shopping for a bathing suit Mommy had tried to pick up something suitable for a mom spending time on the beach or the pool with kids, but still something that would let her have some sunlight on her skin. That is what she told herself, at least. Mommy had a curvy body with a little extra on her hips and quite large breasts. Her breasts were normally the size F, but now with the baby having a growth spurt the increasing need for lactation had swollen her breasts even bigger. Mommy had always subconsciously enjoyed being watched and shining some light on her best sides. But now, getting older and undergone several pregnancies, she had become self-conscious and afraid that her body wouldn’t look as good as it used to when she was younger, so a little extra fabric on the bathing suit covering her up wouldn’t be too bad. After getting changed, Mommy realized she had bought the bathing suit before getting pregnant, and now the milk filled bust looked almost like going to burst out at any minute. Mommy hesitated. Her big bosom easily got attention and looks, but now it would look almost too suggestive. Mommy peeked from the changing room. The beach was pretty much empty at this time of the day. It wasn’t noon yet, and usually people would start coming to the beach in the late afternoon. “Besides”, Mommy thought, “people won’t look twice what a little worn out mom like me is wearing”.


Mommy got back to their blanket, where her friend eagerly continued her favorite story about how one of their neighbor’s son had been caught in the back seat of the car, kissing with a girl and their hands groping and petting all over each others. The friend seemed to really enjoy the imagined embarrassment and shame this incident had brought on the boy’s parents. “It is just horrible how these innocent young men are corrupted by these thoughtless and careless girls. Me and my husband have done our best to keep our son away from these young temptresses. Our precious son is leaving for college this autumn and we have made him promise to wait till marriage.”, the friend rambled on about her virtuous ideas about parenting teenage boys. Mommy listened half-heartedly to her friend, agreeing out of politeness.


Watching her kids play in the cool and refreshing water Mommy decided in her mind that it was time for a swim for herself, too. But just when she was going to get up and go jump into the water from a simple pier nearby, a group of teenage boys drove there with their bicycles, stopped right at the pier and settled there. The boys were loud and in an upbeat mood. Mommy saw how they took their shirts off, leaving their shorts on, preparing to start doing swim jumps from the pier. Mommy felt a bit disappointed. Now that there were other people on the beach she felt too shy and self-conscious to go onto the pier with her stretch marked tummy and top about to burst open. Mommy settled for the situation and started to apply more sunscreen on her. Her friend was lying on her stomach besides her on the blanket, endlessly going on about all the good qualities and good and how she as a parent had managed to keep him unadulterated by the enticements that other teens had so easily fallen for. Mommy listened, not commenting much. Mommy asked her friend to help her apply the sunscreen on her back where she couldn’t reach. But her friend wasn’t listening. She had just spotted that one of the boys who had arrived at the beach was her oldest son she had been rambling on all morning. “Marcus!”, she yelled, “Marcus, sweetie, mom is here, come say hello!”. The boy hadn’t realized her mom would be at the beach, and he looked a little uncomfortable. After a second’s hesitation he headed their way. Mommy looked the shirtless young man coming their way. His chest was still pretty hairless, but a patch of dark hair under his belly button, leading to his shorts, and the wide shoulders told Mommy that this

boy, just recently turned eighteen, had begun his trip to manhood. Mommy looked discreetly from the corner of her eye, while trying to look like concentrating on watching her kid play. She liked what she saw, but it just wouldn’t be right to ogle her friends son in front of the friends watchful eyes!


“Oh, Marcus, hun, you didn’t tell me that you and your friends were coming here! Say hello to Mommy, you remember her, she lives on the next street from ours, we are here with her younger kids”, Mommy’s friend talked without giving anyone a chance to interrupt, “Mommy just asked me for help with the sunscreen, but I just got comfortable here, so would you be good boy and help her.” Mommy was too nonplussed to say that he wouldn’t have to, that she would get it on by herself just fine. But on the other hand, having a shirtless young man rub lotion on her would be an opportunity not to miss.. “Errmm, yeah, okay mom… Errm, mrs, c-could you turn your back my way”, the boy said, readily but clearly a bit nervously taking the job his mom told him.


The young man’s fingers, moist with the lotion, landed tenderly on Mommy’s upper back between the shoulder blades. Mommy swung her long hair aside, over her shoulder and dropping over her bosom. The touch was light at first, but that only enhanced Mommy’s feeling of an electric spark hitting her. The boy’s fingertips sent quivering chills up and down Mommy’s back. Blood started flowing and her pulse ran. The boy’s whole palm started doing a slow circular motion on Mommy’s back. Mommy felt his hand leaving her skin tingling for more as he carefully spread the sunscreen on her upper back. “Wait a minute, I’ll have to take the straps off, otherwise it won’t spread evenly”, Mommy heard herself say, almost whispering in a lecherous tone. “O-okay mrs”, the boy responded. Mommy slowly opened the shoulder straps, cupping her breasts in her hands in order to prevent the top part of the bathing suit falling off. The boy started spreading the lotion again, now with a trembling hand. The devil in her let her hand slip a little, as if it was an accident, letting the fabric on the right breast drop just a little to give a quick peek at her areola and hardened nipple. Mommy knew the boy saw it, since at the same time the motion of his hand stopped just for a little while, giving the impression that the boy was too preoccupied with what he saw. When he finished Mommy turned around. The boy stood there with his palms crossed in front of him. Mommy noticed he tried hiding quite a bulge in his shorts by hanging his hands this way in front of him. It looked unnatural but the poor boy had little options other than let his mom and Mommy see – if they would look – he had a throbbing erection from helping an older lady apply sunscreen. To his luck, his mom was still lying there with her head pointing at other way, now babbling about her award winning pet chihuahuas. Mommy, on the other hand, was sitting right in front of this young man, head on the level of his pelvis. Mommy stared right at his bulge he was trying to hide behind his hands, smiled, lifted her eyes to meet his and said “thank you, sweetie”. The boy blushed hard. “You’re welcome mrs, it was nice meeting you, got to go now mom”, he said and turned on his heels and rushed to his peers.


Mommy tried getting her thoughts together and cool down, but there was no denying it. She had gotten quite aroused from this encounter with that young man. Mommy put out snacks from the picnic basket and invited her kids to come eat a little. They had been shooting each others with water pistols and reluctantly came to eat a little before getting immersed in their play again. Mommy’s thoughts wondered again to the glimmering drops of lake water on the young man’s hair on his tummy… And where that patch would lead… And the bulging shaft at the end… and maybe there would be a glimmering drip of some other, sweet and salty liquid at the end of that shaft… Mommy snapped out of it. She noticed that she had gotten so wet that she could feel it even through her bathing suit. Mommy told her friend that she would go take a swim, too, after all. Her friend stayed there sunbathing and watching over the kids.


Mommy walked over to the pier, where the boys were standing and leaning against a handrail, playing loud music on their bluetooth speaker and some of them were doing showy and splashy swim jumps into the lake. The arousal and throbbing in her vagina had made her forgot all about her previous insecurities about her body and the worries about if her squeezed and gushing cleavage would look obscene to onlookers. She let her hips roll in a wide arch from side to as she walked and she felt her but plump up on every swinging step she took. Arriving on the pier, she could feel the boys eyes on her body. “Want to race with me Marcus? From here to that buoy and back”, Mommy asked her friends son. “Okay, sure!” the boy responded, eager to have an opportunity to show off. Unfortunately Marcus didn’t know that Mommy had been the star of her swim team in high school. As they dived into the water Mommy quickly took the lead, staying just feet or two in front of the boy. Mommy let her but, which was now covered by the tight, wet swimsuit glued onto it, surface in front of the boy, trying really hard his best to catch up. On the way back, Mommy switched to backstroke. Her large breasts rose above the water level. The cold water had made her big nipples show through her top. Marcus was just a feet behind her, almost getting on her level. Mommy could see that the young man’s performance was impaired by the view. He constantly tried to turn his head to see Mommy’s big tits rising over the surface, nipples glaring through the tightly pressed, wet fabric of her swimming suit. Water splashed all over her tits as she stroked gracefully next to the young man.


Mommy got on the pier just before Marcus, and she grabbed the ladders and started climbing them up. He started to climb up just behind her. Mommy knew that he had a straight view right up to her but, covered by the wet bottom of the suit. She paused for a quick moment and pulled the seam of the bottom of her swimming suit, as if letting excess water drip off, and then, let it snap right back onto her but cheeks. Mommy could feel how her vagina and its lips had swollen from arousal, and she knew the bathing suit couldn’t hide it. Rather the wet fabric would be pressed tightly on it, finely revealing the shapes and figures of her hidden garden. Mommy could feel the young man’s stare on her, hot like it was a laser beam. The other young men were standing on the pier, watching with their mouths open as Mommy rose from the water, dripping wet. “Dripping wet on the skin and hair, and dripping wet downstairs, too”, Mommy thought and smiled at her own pun. She glanced quickly over the shoulder at the young man behind her. As Marcus got up from the water, Mommy could clearly see the shape of his throbbing erection, pressed tightly against his wet trunks. It was standing big, despite the cold water. Seeing this made Mommy feel a longing, yearning pulsation inside her vagina, that at the same time felt almost unbearable but also very pleasurable. Their eyes met and Mommy gave him a big smile. “Thanks for the sparring, maybe the next time you’ll be stroking harder”, Mommy said, not being able to resist to say something flirtatious to the young man.


After the encounter, Mommy felt so horny that she had to do something about it. She went back to her friend who was still sunbathing, watching over her kids while skimming through a women’s magazine. “Hey, I’ll go to the changing room and get my dress on”, Mommy told briefly her friend, and headed straight into the old shack that was used as a changing room. It hadn’t been maintained for a long time, and the rotting board walls had several holes in them. There were two doors in, one into the men’s side and on into the women’s side. They were separated into two stalls with a board wall. It was a bit dark inside, as there was no electricity or a light bulb. It was lit only by the daylight that could pass through the gap between the door and the door frames and a small window on the top of the wall.


Mommy sat down on an old wooden bench. She dropped the bottom of her bathing suit. It was wet from the lake water but also gooey from her own fluids. She stroked around her mound a few times, shivering from yearning to feel something inside her and slowly pushed a finger in. A silent moan escaped her lips. At the same time, Mommy heard the floorboard slightly clatter on the men’s side. Mommy pursed her lips and stopped. Suddenly she could see something on the wall that separated the men’s side. Something emerged from a hole in the wall. Mommy gasped. “What the -”, she almost yelled. It was a half-erect penis. It was big and swollen, hanged heavily from the wall. There was a pinkish, almost purple knob at the end of the bulging, veiny shaft. “Marcus?”, Mommy thought to herself. She had been playing with the young man, but this wasn’t something she would have even dared to imagine. “There’s no harm in taking a look”, Mommy thought, “besides… i don’t know whose that is… for now, it is just an object on the wall…”. Mommy pulled the bench nearer and sat in front of the stiffening cock, her face just inches away from it. Mommy admired the young looking, beautiful cock. Her breath got heavier and she noticed that her breath on the cock made it grow even bigger and throb in the air. Now it was sticking out from the wall almost in an horizontal plane. Mommy just had to touch it. She let her finger run up and down the shaft, from the base all the way to the tip. That seemed to please the cock, as it grew even bigger. The cock seemed now fully erect, pointing slightly upwards. Mommy gave the tip a soft, tender kiss with her lips barely touching it. It made the cock swing and throb in the air. It was all the encouragement Mommy needed. The hard cock in front of her, for her to examine, to play with and to do whatever she pleased made her extremely horny. She gave the cock another kiss, with more lips and a slight twirl with the tongue. How delicious it was, a young man’s eager and innocent cock, beautiful and hard like having been sculpted from a piece of marble. She catched a glittering drop of precum the rock hard penis was forcefully pushing out. “And I can be the first one to introduce him to the pleasures a woman can make him feel”, Mommy thought. She took the tip of the cock fully into her mouth, sucking it, playing with it with her tongue. She grabbed the cock in the palm of her hand and started stroking it. She got the cock deeper into her mouth, swallowing it. Mommy was feasting on the cock, in a state of ecstasy she sucked it deeper almost to the point of gagging herself on it, covering the cock with thick spit.


A loud knock on the door woke her up from her trance. “Mommy, are you there? I need your help!”. Mommy heard her friend shrill voice. She quickly got up, turned her back to hard cock, standing from the wall. She tried the hide her friend’s son’s spit covered hard cock behind her back. With the back of her hand she swiped off the dribble – spread on her face by the passionate deepthroating – from her jaw and cheeks. “Y-yea, come on in”, she mumbled. The door opened and her friend hurried in. “Oh, don’t worry, your mother-in-law came back with the baby and she’s watching over the kids. But, oh my gosh, I got sunburnt! I’m bright red all over my back and I need your help spreading this soothing lotion. You must apply it quickly so it will be the most effective!”, she talked without pausing to breathe. “Oh good, there’s a bench. I’ll sit down here in front of you, you’ll see my back better. And here’s the lotion! Don’t rub it in too hard, my skin is so sore!”. Mommy was stiff and terrified from the idea of getting caught. She couldn’t even begin to think what would happen if it dawned to her gossip loving, conservative, hypocritical friend that her own son was being corrupted and introduced to the carnal pleasures way before the holy marriage. And not just by some misguided and virginal teenage highschool girl, but by a lustful and horny older lady who is supposed be an example of a good housewife and mother. The light in the shack was so dim that her friend’s eyes hadn’t gotten used to the dark and she hadn’t noticed that Mommy wasn’t wearing her panties nor the bottom of the swimming suit. Either that, or then she was just too preoccupied by the idea of getting her perfect tan and smooth skin ruined by a sunburn. Mommy’s friend sat in front of her on the bench, with her back to Mommy, thus her face was also turned away from the hole in the wall that Mommy was hiding behind her back. Mommy squeezed some lotion on her palm and bent over just a little to better reach her friends upper back. Pushing her but just an inch back she felt the hard cock press on her buttock. Mommy gasped. She hadn’t realized it was still there. She had to admire the nerves of the young man. He must have heard his mother walk in and ramble on about the advices her dermatologist had given her about treating sunburn. The hard cock pushing against her soft but cheek made the arousal come back and surge over her like a tidal wave. She knew her throbbing, swollen pussy was so wet that it was dribbling love juices on her thighs. She just couldn’t resist. As she muttered short responses to her friend’s stories and kept slowly and carefully spreading the lotion, she slowly bent over a little bit more and felt the hard cock settle first between her buttocks, swipe down along the valley, finally reaching her vagina. The tip of the cock pressed against her soft, wet, heat glowing lips. She felt her pelvic muscles yearning the hard, young cock in so bad that she could’ve sworn that she almost felt like her vagina had sucked it in. Mommy bit her lip not to moan out loud. The hard cock slid in painfully slow but Mommy didn’t dare to take it in faster, not being sure if she could contain herself. Her friend didn’t notice anything and just continued on lecturing about how carefully planned solarium was better and healthier than a day at beach. Her friend’s voice felt like coming from a distant world as Mommy started to slowly go back and forth on the mighty shaft penetrating her. Inch by inch she got the cock deeper in her until she finally felt her but cheeks hit the wall behind her and the tip of the cock hit the bottom of her vagina as well. Being fully filled felt like heaven. She pretended she was reaching for the lotion bottle with her other hand, but in reality she put her two finger on her clitoris. She knew she didn’t have long but a few circular motion on the swollen clit was all that she needed. She felt like passing out from trying to hold the scream in as a massive wave of orgasm swept over her. Her pussy was pulsating and throbbing and the milking motion caused by her orgasm was also too much for the hard cock inside her. Mommy felt the young and virile member explode inside her shooting its eruption into the depth of her.


Mommy recovered in seconds but felt still dizzy. Her friend turned her head to look at mommy. “Everything alright? Are you daydreaming, you’ve been rubbing the same spot for a minute now?! And you didn’t respond my question about where you want to have lunch! You look funny too, maybe you’ve gotten sunstroke?”, her friend said, concerned. “O-oh no, no, it’s nothing, just got lost in my thoughts, I’m perfectly fine!”, Mommy said. Her friend turned her head back and lifted her bikini straps and started to recite all her favorite places to have lunch. Mommy felt the fully satisfied cock being pulled out from her and disappear to the hole and back to the other side. Mommy got her summer dress quickly on, still having blush all over her face. As Mommy walked with her friend back to their picnic blanket she felt thick lumps of cum trickle out from her pussy and cover her panties. She hoped that it wouldn’t leave a revealing stain on her dress. Mommy thought to herself that she would have to organize a visit to her friend’s house some afternoon pretty soon.



  1. Very hot ! Wish something like this would have happened to me when I was younger :)

  2. Dude. *Space out your paragraphs.* I can barely read what’s in them because they’re so goddamn huge!

  3. This is utterly incredible. Every teenage boy’s favourite fantasy written smoothly enough to coax the cum out of anyone. It’s not based off a true story is it? Marcus is a lucky boy.

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