Office Supplies [PE BE]

This is a short simple heterosexual package and boobs growth story. Please leave a review and let me know if you’re a woman because I am trying to make this story appeal to both men and women.

“Oh my god! I can’t believe this is happening!” She thought to herself. Her name was Jesse and her previously almost completely flat boobs had just instantly grown a little bigger again. She was overflowing with happenis and excitement standing inside the officedepo that she worked at. She was black, 5 feet and 5 inches tall, had flat hair that went down to the bottom of her head, brown eyes, a skinny body, a fairly sexy face, and was 20 years old. Suddenly it happened again. “Yes! Bigger! Bigger!” She thought to herself has she looked down at her breasts with extreme excitement. Everytime her boobs got bigger they also instantly became more sensitive and pleasureful, especially her nipples. She was now getting constant pleasure from feeling her nipples pressing against her bra and the pleasure keep getting better as her bra kept feeling tighter on her. She loved it. She now noticeably had a small of boobs inside her bra where before nothing could be seen. She knew she couldn’t fit inside her shirt and bra for much longer and couldn’t wait to get off her work shift which ended in just about 15 minutes. Everytime her boobs got bigger they also became more perfect and sexy just like she wanted. Earlier that day as she walked by the computer department she noticed something on the screen of one of the display models that she had never seen before. It said (wish granter: type in your wish below. you only get one.) She thought it was a silly kid friendly screen saver program or something like that and because she was an extremely horny pervert that desperately needed sex she typed in something rather elaborate and hit enter. To her surprise the screen just simply returned by to it’s normal display state. She walked away thinking nothing of it. Later on that day after she felt her boobs go through a few instant growth spurts she realized that her wish was actually coming true and couldn’t contain her excitement. Just then and young 6 foot tall white guy walked into the store. She saw him looking around at the USB cords for a long time and walked I over to ask him if he needed helped finding anything just as she had been taught to do. “Ya um I’m looking something like this but with a thicker plug.” He said holding up one of the clear boxes. “Oh right this way.” She said as she lead him to a different section. She was getting excited because of how cute he looked. He was admiring her aswell. After she looked all the other boxes she said. “Sorry we don’t have it. You could try looking at wal-mart. They usually have a better selection of cords than we do. Is there anything else I could help you with?” Instantly as she talked her boobs noticeably grew bigger again into big perky well developed C cups. She noticed his eyes glance down for a second and thought to herself. “Ya that’s right boy! THEY GREW!”   “Um ya do have any cheep pens?”   “Yes actually we do. You came just at the right time. You can get whole box for 99 cents.” She lead they way and he followed. He looked at her boobs more as they walked he couldn’t explain how but I undeniably they looked much bigger. “Is that all you need?”   “Ya.”   “Ok I can check you out over here.” She smiling the whole time and standing straight up right to show off her boobs in her close fitting little T shirt. As she checked him out she said. “I’ve seen you around in here a lot before. Here’s my card if you ever need anything.”  She while smiling. At this point he realized she was hitting on him and asked. “Hey do you want to go out sometime?”   “Sure. Actually I get off work in just a few minutes. Do want to go somewhere together then?”    “Sure.”
Later on they both got fast food and ate together while they talked at a near by park. They sat across from each other at a park table talking about themselves and what they did and plan to do as they ate. She put her berger down on the table and said. “Oh yes. I can feel it. It’s going happen again!”   “What’s going to happen?”  “Look at me!” She said with excitement. Suddenly he saw her boobs instantly growing much bigger into big bubbly double D cups right in front of his eyes. They protruded out further over the table as they grew. She felt great pleasure from feeling them grow and bit her bottom lip as they did. Everytime they grew that day she felt pleasure from it and the pleasure kept on getting greater and greater each time they grew. After they finished growing he said. “Woah! Are you inflating balloons in there or something?”  “No! They GREW BIGGER!! Here see feel them!”  He was shocked as she suddenly grabbed his hands and pressed them up against her boobs. He squeezed and felt them on his own and realized how real they felt. “Woah!” He said. “See! They’re growing bigger!”  “How?” And so she proceeded to tell him the long story of what had happened that day. “Are you serious?”  “Yes!”  “Do you have any ideal where it came from?”  “No.”  

Shortly after that both of them were in his apartment kissing, hugging, and taking their clothes off. She took off her thin stretched out ripped fabric bra with pride and thought to herself. “Hah you can’t contain me anymore! I’m too big for you now!” As they kissed she playfully asked. “Are you ready to grow big for me?” “Definitely!” “Good! I wanna make you fucking HUGE!!!” Suddenly she grabbed her boobs and said. “Oh yes! I can feel it happening again! Bigger! Bigger! Bigger!” They started growing. She got extra pleasure this time from feeling them grow inside her hands. After they finished they saw a tiny drop of milk appear on the end of each of her nipples. “Yes! Milk! Just like I wished for!” she said. He pushed his computer out of the way and grabbed and lifted her big sexy bubble butt her onto his home office desk. He pushed his rock hard 6 inch dick into her pussy, started humping her, and sucking on her left nipple. By now her nipples had become so sensitive that she moaned constantly and uncontrollably from the pleasure of him sucking on them. Her boobs could never shrink smaller because of the milk being drained from them and she could never run out of milk. Her milk supply was infinite and eternal just like she wished for and it tasted like a delicious vanilla milk shake to him. Suddenly as he thrusted forward he felt his dick and balls instantly grow bigger as she also felt his dick instantly grow bigger inside her. In just a few seconds his dick had grown from 6 to 7 inches. “Oh fuck yes! Bigger!” she said. Soon she felt him grow inside her again as he pounded forward from 7 to 8 inches. “Yes! Bigger!” she said. Each time he grew his erection became permanently harder, stronger, and longer lasting just like she wished for. Suddenly as he thrusted forward he grew again to 9 inches. “YES!! GROW!!” She said with a large smile. Later on he thrusted forward and held his dick there for a few seconds as it grew from 9 to 10 inches. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!” She moaned in response as she felt it grow inside her. He continued pounding and sucking. He got great pride from feeling how much smaller her pussy now felt to him. It felt like she was constantly shrinking smaller to him and he loved it. “Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Drink as much as you can!” she said. She thought to herself. “Oh my god! It’s growing! It’s actually growing! Don’t stop! Don’t you dare ever stop! I wanna make you so big that you’ll never be able to fit inside a white girl ever again! Then I’ll have you all to myself!” She knew there was absolutely no limit to how big her milk could make him just like she wished for.

Suddenly as he sucked she started having another growth spurt that was greater than any she had before. She looked down at her boobs with love and admiration and cheered them on smiling and saying. “YES! GROW! GROW! GROW! GROW!” She was thrilled with excitement as she saw and felt them growing into the super gigantic boobs that she always felt like she should’ve had. When they finally finished growing they were slightly bigger than extremely large watermelons and they covered her entire chest and hung all the way down to her belly button. “YES! I’M A GODDESS! YES! YES! YES! I’M A BIG MILK GIVING GROWTH GODDESS! FEED ON ME!! I WANNA MAKE YOU BIGGER!! FEED ON MY BIG HOLY GROWTH TITTIES!! YES!! DRINK!! DRINK!! DRINK!! DRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINK!!” she said. Suddenly his dick started growing again. “OH MY GOD IT’S GETTING HUGE!!” she said as she felt it growing inside her pussy reaching 12 inches long. She tried to look down at his giant dick but couldn’t see past her enormous boobs anymore. A moment later she felt his dick growing inside her again, getting bigger each time that he thrusted forward. He started reaching the limit of what she could fit inside her. “YES!!! BIGGER!!! BIGGER!!! BIGGER!!! BIGGER!!!” She said as he pounded inside her and grew. When he finally stopped growing he was 15 and a half inches long and his balls were slightly bigger than the largest chicken eggs there were. “You feel so fucking tiny now! Oh my god you’re so small!” He said. He gulped down her milk as fast as he could as they both started to have the greatest orgasm they had ever felt. She had already felt several mini orgasms inside her boobs from feeling them getting sucked and played with by him but this one was many many many times greater than any she or he had ever felt before and it continued going on constantly with both of them for well over 5 minutes. 

The next morning she woke up in his bed beside him. “Good morning.” He said. She looked down and saw his 15 and a half inch long freakishly hard erection pointing straight up into the air and said “Holy shit!” As she got up she felt great pride from feeling the incredible weight of her giant boobs on her chest. She felt so full and fulfilled. Like a tiny caterpillar that had finally finished turning into a huge beautiful butterfly. She sucked on his gigantic balls for a while and then licked his entire length from the base to the tip and said. “Dam! Look how much you’ve grown! You’re huge! You were so much smaller yesterday! I turned you into a fucking monster! I feel so powerful!” She rubbed her pussy against the base of his dick as she jacked it off with her giant boobs that she held in her hands. She licked and sucked on the tip of it as she did. She was amazed by how ridiculously strong and hard it felt. She tried hard but discovered that she couldn’t fit his entire dick head into her mouth anymore. “Oh wow! You’re too big to suck on now!” she said. “That’s ok. Just keep sucking on my tip.” He said. She continued playing with his massive cock and balls until finally he started cumming but unlike last night this time the incredible tightness of her pussy wasn’t there to hold back his load so he came and kept on cumming and blowing his giant freakishly huge loads everywhere. Most of his loads shot straight up and hit the ceiling with extreme force before spraying back down all over the room and all over each other. He kept on cumming and blowing his loads for over 5 minutes. By the time he was done both of them, his bed, the ceiling, the walls, and his entire room were drenched in his cum.

Later on as she was walking around finding her clothes and putting them back on she picked up her bra and drapped them over her boobs to compare. “Hah! Pathetic little thing! I’m way too big for that now! l’m gonna need a real bra!” Her boobs were now way too big to fit inside her shirt so he let her barrow his big baggy hoodie. 

Two years later he was in office depo looking for supplies. Him and Jesse turned out be a great couple. It took them both a lot of time, forplay, and hard work to be able to force his giant dick head inside her pussy but after that the sex was fantastic. He had to wear gene shorts or baggy oversized genes whenever he went out in order to hide his gigantic penis. Even so he still had a huge bulge in his shorts that was impossible for anyone not to notice. Suddenly as he walked by he saw a page appear on the screen of one of the display computers that said (wish granter: type in your wish below. you only get one.)  He typed in: I wish I very rich and pressed enter. He and Jesse lived rich and happily ever after. The end.
