My wife’s best friend and I [sleep play] [cheating] [vacation]

My wife and I have been married for 4 years and we have two kids together.

She’s 31 and i’m 27, we met at work the first day I started my new job and have been together almost ever since.

The sex we had was amazing from the very start. We would stay up late into the night and enjoy the sex for hours, it was hard to keep our hands off eachother.

She loves bondage and would let me tie her up all the time. It just doesn’t seem like we have that sort of time or drive anymore since the kids.

A lot of the time we sleep in separate rooms just to be comfortable because our kids sleep in bed with us. There is no time for us to fool around unless the kids are gone.

I still love her however I find myself thinking about her best friend more and more when we make love. The truth is I know why I can’t stop thinking of her friend…

A little back story on her friend Katy, we graduated high school together. Katy and I have known eachother for about 12 years in total now.

Back at a high school party Katy and I were introduced through some mutual friends one night and got to drinking with eachother.

Once the party died down one thing lead to another, we got to making out and touching.

That night we didn’t do anything besides touch eachother with our clothes on and kiss. Actually I had completely forgotten about this night until she came into my life again years later.

We still would talk to eachother casually when we seen eachother through mutual friends, but after high school I didn’t see much of her until my early 20’s.

Our paths would cross later in life after I met my wife.

The city we live in isn’t small but everyone sort of knows eachother, especially if you went to school here.

While celebrating one of my wife’s birthdays (she was my girlfriend at the time), Katy showed up as a guest to my suprise. Apparently they had been close family friends for years.

Since I can remember from that point on Katy was my wife’s drinking buddy and they would do things like go to music events together. I would only see Katy about once a month or two since we have been

so busy with work and the kids.

Last 4th of July it worked out that a few of my friends wanted to coordinate a vacation together.

We decided to do a beach camping trip to watch fireworks and hike some trails with our group. I ended up having to rent a beach house for the wifi to catch up on some work.

Katy was going to stay with us at the beach house for the weekend while the rest of our group camped. We arrived on July 3rd and relaxed the first day of our vacation taking it easy.

The second day of our trip was the 4th of July and that’s when things got interesting to say the least.

The day started out with all 3 of us getting ready at about 10am to go down to the water.

On our way to the beach there is a bar just off the side, almost right on the sand. The girls wanted to stop and get a couple drinks before we went to meet up with the rest of our group.

We each had 2 cocktails at the bar and took one with us down to the sand. The girls layed out their towels and stripped down to their bikinis to lay in the sun.

Katy has a beautiful round ass and has perky boobs that are just the right size, I can’t help looking at her while shes changing.

I joined the rest of our friends in the water for a while. As I walked back to finish the extra drink we got from the bar, Katy looks at me and casually asks “How often do you guys have sex?”.

This questions wasn’t out of the ordinary, my wife and Katy are very open with their sex lives. So I tell her the truth “Maybe every couple of weeks, sometimes once a month”.

I could tell Katy was surprised and responded simply with “Why?”. I went on to explain that work and the kids are mostly why, but also we are not always in the mood for sex when the other is.

Katy stopped asking questions after that and went back to lay on her beach towel. About an hour later the girls were ready to drink more, we each got another drink and made our way back to the rental.

There were 2 showers in the house we were staying at, one upstairs where Katy was sleeping and one downstairs where my wife and I stayed.

Both of the girls went to shower while I stayed in the living room trying to catch up on work. About 2 minutes after they split up Katy comes back downstairs to make herself a drink in the kitchen.

The couch i’m sitting on is only about 8 feet from where she is standing in the kitchen.

While making a cocktail and without even looking up to glance at me she asks “What positions do you two like?”. Again, this did not immediately surprise me because of how open she is.

I gave her a lot of detail into the positions my wife and I have sex in and what we like to do in the bedroom. After a minute or two of back and forth she takes her drink back upstairs and showers.

We went back to meet up with our friends to watch the fireworks together. Both my wife and Katy were noticably intoxicated from drinking all day by time the fireworks came around.

I was tired by the end of the firework show from the sun and drinking, which was around 9pm. I told the girls i’m going back to the room to sleep and i’ll meet them there.

My wife wanted to keep drinking so her and Katy took off on their own.

On my way back to the room I can’t stop thinking about how good Katy looked at the beach and how open I was with her about my sex life. I start to think about what it would be like to sleep with her…

The thought of it had me really turned on. I was back at the room by myself and started to stroke myself to the thought of her while laying in the dark.

About 45 minutes later I hear my wife and Katy come through the door, they talk for about 10 minutes in the living room and then I don’t hear anything.

At this point my dick was still hard because I did not get myself off. I was so tired it seemed like a better option just to go to sleep.

While barely awake and facing the wall in bed, I hear the door to my room open and close. The mattress presses down next to me and I feel a hand placed gently on my hip.

As they get their body closer to mine I could start to smell their hair product. I know immediately its not my wife’s but Katy laying next to me.

While still pretending to be asleep, I can feel Katy move her hand from my hip into the boxers I have and gently hold my erection.

At this point she had to know I was still awake, why would I be that hard in my sleep? But she was so gentle when holding me in her hand, I think she was trying not to wake me up.

She started slowly stroking the head of my dick with her thumb while holding my shaft with the rest of her hand. I had so many feelings going on.

There was pleasure from her touching me, worry about my wife finding out, but another strange feeling from the girl I was just touching myself to in bed laying with me.

Katy put one of her legs over me and continued to hold my thobbing dick in her hand. After a few minutes of letting her do this, I completely relaxed and forgot about how taboo it was.

I moved from laying on my side to laying on my back, this was a reaction from her stroking me. I wanted her to keep going.

She pulled my erect cock through the hole in my boxers, got on her hands and knees, then placed her mouth over it. She wasn’t moving her mouth at all, she just had her lips over the head.

Then she started to slowly move her tongue around the tip in circles but still not moving her lips. It felt amazing but such a tease… it felt like she was doing this for minutes!

Before I knew it she started to move her lips down my shaft and slowly back up, still like she was trying not to wake me up. Eventually her lips got a tighter hold around me,

she started to move them up and down even faster. Her lips were so soft going down my cock and so hard to suck on the way back up, I couldn’t hold back.

I climaxed in her mouth after trying with all my will power not to. She didn’t say anything, just got up, walked into the bathroom, and back upstairs.

I came out of the room some while later to find my wife passed out on the couch from drinking to much that night. The next day when I seen Katy she acted like nothing happened, although she would sit

a lot closer to me for the rest of the vacation and talk to me a lot more than usual after that. It makes me wonder if she had a crush on me since that high school party.

Now I can’t stop thinking about her and I think her plan worked.



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