My [M] dermatologist [F] appointment last Monday

My wife got home Saturday, she is a Doctor that runs our local clinic. I would love to just let her be my Doctor, but I can’t, some ethics thing. She does take care of me though, and she knows everyone in the profession around here, so I get sent to the best physicians.

My skin check appointment was Monday, after having one Squamous Cell Carcinoma removed last year they check me every three months. I was going to cancel since Debra was home but she wouldn’t let me, so we drove the 70 miles from here on the Oregon coast out to the dermatology center in the valley.

My Doctor has always been a grizzled old guy about 60 or so, thus NBD. He is the one I accused of SELLING the meat he cut off my back by the pound a couple of years ago. From the size of the hole he cut in me I know it would fill a Big Mac.

Imagine my surprise to find I am assigned to his new office partner this time, a very tiny little oriental gal about 30 or so, cute as a bug’s ear. Her nurse was not the matronly woman that was there the last time, instead another slightly larger and also pretty oriental lady.

Skin checks are undress completely, gown open at the back, they check… everything, since a growth on the genitals is fairly common. Now the old guy I had before, no problem, but tiny hands and leaning down close by a cute lady physician started to set me off, I tried everything I could think of to not get hard but it didn’t work.

“Sorry” I said when she began to shove things around down there. I saw the nurse leaning over to check me out also.

“No problem, it gets the skin tight, easier to see everything.” She said, then she reached out and grabbed me, shoving me this way and that, lifting my testicles and peering underneath. She slid my foreskin back, leaned down to look, her face was less than a foot away. She took her sweet time about it too, not like the old doc who glanced and moved on. It seemed like a half hour but was probably maybe two minutes, which is a long time to have a lady Doctor with her latex glove wrapped hand around your dick. She was holding it out of the way while she parted my remaining pubic hair with the other hand, (I am partially waxed) looking for spots. Next, it was hands and knees, spread the cheeks, I was seriously beginning to leak, so I clenched my butt cheeks to try and not ejaculate.

She saw that and… giggled.

“Relax, please.” She told me, then she called the other nurse over to look, telling her something back there was just a (insert another long name here.) My face was flaming by then, but nothing I could do, her finger was almost on my butthole. Then her finger rubbed the spot a couple of times!! I couldn’t help it, I squirted some on the table at that. The nurse handed me a tissue like this was.. normal, (OMG) I was wishing I had someplace to hide but there was no place in that small room.

Finally, mercifully, all done, she told me to get dressed and she would come back in a few minutes. When she did, she talked to me about some spots she found, using big long names that meant nothing to me. She said that so far, harmless but she would see me again in three months and to come in sooner if anything changed.

On the way out, she turned to me with a big smile.

“That was fun.” She said quietly, then she.. winked. She honest to God.. winked at me!

In the car, Debra turned to me and asked, “Well, how did you like that one?” and laughed. So, of course she knew who I was going to see, of course she did. My wife is naughty and loves to pull stuff like this on me.

My next appointment is in three months.



  1. Do you think your wife knows the doctor enough to tell her to instigate like that?

  2. Quick FYI: Furniture and jewelry are Oriental. People are Asian. She’s not a rug.

    Hot story though!

  3. *” she would see me again in three months and to come in sooner if anything changed.”*

    — Not sure if that would be possible for you, Quick Draw.

  4. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  5. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  6. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  7. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  8. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  9. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  10. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  11. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  12. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  13. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  14. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  15. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  16. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  17. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  18. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  19. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  20. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  21. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  22. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  23. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  24. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  25. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  26. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  27. I had the same cancer, and have had to get yearly checkups since. Wish I had this kind of experience, they don’t usually pay much attention to the genital area though. Maybe because that part of me rarely sees sun.

  28. >a very tiny little oriental gal about 30 or so

    Dude, Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature!

  29. The valley.. Definitely a term everyone outside of Portland uses to describe the area in a nice way. Fellow Oregonian!

  30. Omg blah blah blah wahhh wahhh wahhh it’s garbage like this that’s making this world a complete mess.. Quit crying ? about each and everything how is everyone supposed to know what country you are from if you come from the Asian / orient area????? If we could all read minds and got your correct country and nationality correct you would start crying ? because we read that in your mind and offended you that way… Grow up people and get real lives no one is perfect and everyone even you make mistakes. If you don’t like people making mistakes about who or where you’re from either ware a sign around your neck or a hat on your head with the correct information or stay inside and away from the rest of the imperfect world of people you unfortunately live in.

  31. I’m a hygienist and I’ve noticed male patients putting their hands over their pants to cover up. It makes me laugh bec I can’t imagine being turned on by what’s going on but I guess they can’t help it.

  32. That’s a hot story! I definitely wouldn’t have been able to keep my cool. I find latex gloves really arousing.

  33. Everyone mentioning the oriental faux pa but no one gonna mention that this “sexy” story is about warts around the general area ?

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