The Homewrecking Babysitter [MF] Part 2

Over the weekend I decided it would probably be best to stay late at the office and avoid working from home as I usually do once or twice a week but by Thursday my wife had noticed the change in my routine and asked if I’d be at home Friday. “Yeah that was my plan.” I lied.

“Perfect, me too, maybe we’ll let Avery go early and take the boys out for dinner?”

“Sounds great!” I answered maybe a little too enthusiastically, relieved that I wouldn’t have to face any alone time with Avery and possibly explain what I had done despite the fact she hadn’t seemed bothered by it.

When Friday came I was in my home office with a coffee before she even showed up. I opened my browser to a few stocks I was keeping an eye on and dragged them onto my wall monitor while on my desktop I scrolled through reddit. My wife typically left me alone when I worked from home. Whatever the time of day I think she pretty much assumed whenever my office door was closed that I was masturbating considering she had caught me twice in the past. Our sex life at this point was fairly non-existent, maybe once or twice a month so she never made a big deal of my private time seeming to appreciate that I could *handle* things myself.

Some time in the early afternoon she knocked softly on the door and then opened it slowly. Luckily she hadn’t just walked in because I had been napping in my chair at this point for probably an hour. “I made a lunch if you want to come get some? Oh, also did you pay Avery this week?”

“I thought you did?”

“Ughhh, I’ll have her bring in your lunch.”

I went to say something as she was leaving the room but I had no reason to protest so instead went to our safe on the bookshelf and took out some cash. I realized I hadn’t once been the one to pay Avery yet and so took out the $700 dollars we had agreed we were going to pay the live in nanny and placed it in an envelope. I sat back behind my desk just a second or two before Avery walked in with a tray looking as cute as ever. She was wearing jean shorts that were just short enough that you could see the bottom of the pockets on her thighs and a loose white tank top.

“I was ordered to deliver lunch.” She said smiling as she placed the tray on the edge of my desk.

“I have something for you too.” I handed her the envelope.

“This feels like a lot for lunch.” She joked as she folded it once and pushed it into her pocket.

“I wasn’t sure what you and Mrs. J agreed to but I figured I might as well give you what we were going to pay the nanny?”

“I’m not complaining,” She quickly glanced over her shoulder “Maybe I’ll buy some new underwear.”

I paused and took a deep breath, I should have known this was coming “Listen Avery, I’m really sorry… I don’t know what I was…”

“Don’t worry about it,” She cut me off “You’re just lucky I’ve been doing the laundry.” She gave me that naughty smile again and bit her lip. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure.” I answered trying to keep eye contact and not check her out as she came a little closer.

“Why do you have condoms in your sock drawer?”

I sighed and decided I might as well give her the real answer “Mrs. J has a bad reaction to the pill and thinks that condoms are the cleanest form of birth control that we could use instead. She doesn’t like… you know…”

“Cum?” Avery whispered. I could feel myself shaking a little with nervousness. “I’ve always thought if a guy needs to wear magnums he shouldn’t have to use condoms at all.” She joked quietly before turning to walk out. I could have sworn she shook her little ass a bit as she did. After she left I got up and locked the door, I had sworn to myself I was going to stop jerking off thinking about her but now that seemed impossible.



  1. Can we hit fast forward to the part where you plow her? Because I’ve seen this one before; that’s how it ends. Happily, of course!

  2. > I’ve always thought if a guy needs to wear magnums he shouldn’t have to use condoms at all.

    Really? Close window and move on.

  3. Considering the title…this ends with your cheating ass being divorced right?? Just skip to the part these Reddit folk jerk off to and move on.

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