That awkward time a childhood family friend caught [M]e receiving a blowjob.

So this isn’t going to be your typical sexy gone wild story, and for that I apologize.

So I was around 22, had just broken it off with my girlfriend and was looking for some kind of change. I decided the best thing was to move out of my parents house and into an apartment with my friend Jon a few towns over. We were polar opposites at the time. He was a big partier, a social butterfly, and very good with females. I was a typical awkward 20-something that just worked, played with my car, slept, and only drank very occasionally. The FIRST night we move into this apartment, Jon decides he’s throwing a giant party. I wasn’t for it at all. I just wanted to order Dominos and watch TV. Being the first night though, I felt like I had to go along with it so I relented and invited whoever I felt would actually show up on such short notice.

Some times passes and people start showing up, some of which I hadn’t invited including a girl named Ali. Ali & I grew up next door to each other, shared a lot of friends, and were generally very close for all of our lives. She was the typical girl who hung out with all guys, dressed like a “skater girl”, wasn’t the most attractive, and had to compete with everyone in the room no matter where she was. She also brought some other girls she was in college with that I didn’t know, one of which I was super cute; we’ll call her Hot Girl. I tried my hardest to flirt with her but it was going no where fast and I had a lot on my mind so I gave up pretty early in the night.

So as the night progresses people start to filter out and go to local bars with Jon because thats what he wanted to do. Most of his friends went with them, but some stayed behind along with my friends to order Dominos and soak up all the alcohol we had just consumed. While waiting for the pizza, almost everyone in the living room fell asleep watching TV. I heard the Dominos guy knock on the door, so I got up and started the walking over to the door. When I did this I noticed the Hot Girl get up as if she was gong to follow me, but she quickly broke off and went to the bathroom. My excitement quickly turned to annoyance when I figured I’d be the one holding this chicks head out of the toilet all night because everyone else was passed out. So I pay for the pizza, bring it into the living room so everyone can eat, and go back to the bathroom to make sure Hot Girl isn’t dead in my apartment.

I knocked on the door softly… no response. I crack the door a tiny amount and say, “hey, its James, the pizza is here. Are you okay?”. She replies back, “yes, but you’re out of toilet paper can you get me some?”. I thought this was weird because I had just moved in and put a fresh roll on there hours prior, but I wasn’t going to question her so I went and got another roll. I come back with the fresh butt paper, crack the door enough to hand it to her, and she grabs my wrist and says “I need your help”. She pulls me into the bathroom and we start making out. This was one of those aggressive make outs too where it felt like she was trying to choke me with her tongue and bite the lips right off my face, so naturally I let my hands wander, and she followed suit. Her hands hit my zipper and she starts basically jacking me off over my jeans. After about 5 minutes of this she abruptly stops and says “we should probably go eat”. So she heads to living room and I tuck my gentleman parts into my waistband and follow closely behind. No one in the living room is talking. They’re all basically zombies eating greasy pizza and watching reruns of Workaholics. We sit down next to each other, grab a plate and start eating, no one says a word. A hour or so passes, everyones done eating and back to sleep including Hot Girl. I figure my chance came and went so I grabbed a blanket out of a drawer in my coffee table, tossed it over the 2 of us and tried to go to sleep. Apparently when I did this it woke her up. She tossed a little but didn’t let me know she was awake.

A few seconds later I feel something warm on my still throbbing boner. Its her hand. Shes very slowly stroking my cock and being careful not to make it obvious incase anyones awake. She feels its still very much happy to see her, sits up to take a sip of soda to disguise her movements, and when she sits back whispers to me “I need to see it, do you have a bedroom?”. I grab her hand and lead her to my bedroom. We jump into my bed and start making out and doing that weird dance where you both struggle to pull the clothes off of each other while laying down. I get my pants off so I’m just in my boxers and she immediately death grips my dick and starts jerking me off as if $100 bills are going to come out of the thing. She pushes my shoulders back as to get me to lay down, and starts kissing down my stomach working her way towards my cock. I’m so excited at this point I’m trying to think of puppies or something to get myself to last because this girl is so fucking hot. She starts licking and teasing, and eventually wraps her perfect lips round my cock and starts administering what is still one of the best blowjobs I’ve ever had the privilege of being present for.

About 2 minutes into this, I hear a toilet flush. My bedroom is literally right next to the bathroom, so we pause and try to not to make too much noise. In the rush of getting into my bedroom I hadn’t noticed we left the door mostly open. I see the bathroom light go off, and some quiet footsteps that eventually stop at my door. I turn my head, and it’s Ali… She leaning on my doorway not saying anything. I wasn’t sure if she was just checking to see if we were sleeping or what, but she wasn’t moving and didn’t say anything for what felt like 10 minutes. Finally Ali says, “is it true?” to this girl I’m currently trying to bang and she replies, “yeah, not bad. Wanna see?”. I’m fucking dumbfounded because I have no idea what they’re even talking about or whats happening. Ali walks to the foot of the bed, looks at my dick thats shiny and covered in a strangers spit and says, “told you”. Meanwhile I’m having a mini panic attack because I’m very close to Ali and never once in a million years ever thought she’d be staring at my hard penis. She then lays on the bed and starts weirdly touching it with 1 finger and looking at it closely. I’m laying in complete silence not knowing what to do and feeling really weird about whats happening, so I lay my head back into my pillow hoping this is all some kind of drunk hallucination. Then it happens. I feel a warm sensation on my previously cold, wet, confused dick. I look down and it’s Ali. I’m kinda grossed out at first because this isn’t anything I wanted, but hot girl seemed really into it and starts to join in. I’m starring at them both going at my dick trying to wrap my head around how the fuck this is all happening. I keep thinking my family will find out, or someone will see and tell the whole town, or my ex will catch wind of this and try to get some kind of revenge. After a few minutes the panic attack subsided, and I enjoyed what ended up being an awesome experience.

I found out years later that Ali had been telling people she saw my junk at a pool party when we were kids and I had a giant cock (I don’t).



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