DBZ, Harry Potter, Hotel transylvania…


I’m looking for a regular and longterm partner for doing this RP. I’ll play a Oc character and are looking for someone playing a canon for me.

Contact me by private message


– No underage, or fetish as vore, etc…
**- Rp in the third person**

**- Don’t control my character, don’t kill her**
– Open to kinks, but I have limits just ask
– Do not contact me for this if you are not a roleplayer, the same if you are not sure to handle a longterm Rp and if you will stop it after two days…
– I’m french, so be patient with my English thanks you


**Cooler x human female (my Oc):**

Cooler defeated the Zteam, it’s an AU. instead of destroying the earth he made it a colony. My character is a human woman who worked at the capsule corporation and was sent as a slave directly for the maintenance of the Cooler’s base ship.

She is a small fearful nerdy who is intelligent and thinks constantly to flee. She is gifted in making machine and with informatic. Bulma was her teacher after all. It can make funny scene, and it’s about romance/ero too.

**2. Perfect cell x human female (my Oc)**

It’s the same character, but instead of thinking negatively about the cyborg, she’s intrigued and wants to understand how his body work. He could be intrigued of being spyed by the small geek and save her from human assault (mostly because they were annoying him when he was trying to concentrate on the tornament that will come on few days) but then she got more a glue pot.

It can make funny scene, and it’s about romance/ero too.

Transylvanya Hotel

Dracula x human geek woman (my oc):

My character travels around the world in the hope of capturing evidence of cryptides or paranormal evidence. She would fall on the hotel.

It can make funny scene, and it’s about romance/ero too.

Harry Potter

**1. Severus x my female Oc:**

My character is a french human woman who was suicidal, but survived after a suicide attempts. A wizard was a blood donor, but he was a renegade / traitor of Voldemort. The fact of having received his blood allows her to see what Muggles can not see, etc.

In short she became a hybrid muggle/witch, it’s a little different than muggles born since they are created. It’s very rare, and because the origins of it, it’s normally forbidden to gave blood or organs to muggles.

As the traitor was a pure-blood who gave his blood to a Muggle, Voldemort asks his men to find her to kill her in the first place.

Dumbledore would have decided of taken charge of her protection by having her come to Hogwarts to learn how to control her new powers, and ask Snape to teach her the basics of magic. In exchange of their protection and other help, she’ll have to work as a professor of a new class to learn about the Muggle society.

Severus will be choiced to be her tutor to learn magic and get a place on the magical world.

**2. Lucius x my female Oc:**

After the blood transfusion, her body does not really tolerate the powerful magical flow that flows through her veins.

As she read a book about the rare species of animal, she falls asleep. With fever, she became a rare snake animagus (Cropan boa).

The next day. The muggles did not understand where the patient was, called the authorities to take the sleeping animal. She was illegally resold to a wizard, then offered as a gift to the Malfoy family unaware that it was an animagus. She became Lucius’s new mascot.

In her misfortunes, she could hear many things about Voldemort, and should have not heard them.

She resumed her human appearance, at the wrong time.

**3. Xenophillius Lovegood x my female Oc:**

This a little different version…

My character after receiving the blood transfusion, is transferred to St Mungo’s . But at the same time, she turns despite herself into a animagus. As they tried to control the flow of magic from a muggle adult body that is not used to it with spells.

From fear. She will manage to flee in the corridors and run into Luna who accompanied Neville to visit his parents.

In bringing her home, the girl tells her father the meeting with this strange animal in the hospital. She tells him that she thinks it is an animagus and surely the human who was in the newspaper a little before the fall of the ministry.

They know it’s an animagus and Luna’s father helps him get back to normal.

As the ministry is corrupt, they hide my OC because they know she would be executed by the Deatheater, since she was a monstruosity to them.

While Luna is kidnapped, my character will support/comfort Luna’s father and romance can come from there.

*Others idea can come soon*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cv5yhy/dbz_harry_potter_hotel_transylvania