Date Night [MFM] (Bi) (First time) (Questioning sexuality) (Hotwife) Pt. 1

It was the second time that week we’d hung out with Nick, a lithe architect a few years our junior. It had taken a grand total of 15 minutes for him to come up as a match for our joint tinder profile; you liked his wry, almost pouting smile and the dumb joke in his bio. I liked his tousled brown hair and to my everlasting shame, the shirtless rock climbing picture hidden under tamer snaps of him posing with friends or his dog. He matched your swimmer’s build and I felt a heat rise in my cheeks when I pictured myself between the two of you.

Our first outing had confirmed a mutual attraction between all parties; drinks turned into dinner which turned into more drinks as we chatted, my hand running up your thigh under the table. Plans to hang out and watch a movie at his townhouse later in the week were firmed up as the cheques were being taken care of, and before I knew it we were all awkwardly hugging goodbye on the street corner before heading to our respective vehicles. We drove in silence before finally looking at each other and bursting into peals of nervous laughter. That night I rode you hard in the back seat of my car, whispering all the things I was going to do with you and Nick when I got the chance. You came, grinding into me from below as I buried my face in the crook of your neck, smiling at the moans and frantically bucking hips.

Let’s just say my productivity at work was low this week as the flirty texts between the three of us ramped up to near-explicit. More than once, I teased you about your blushing, which as we both know, only makes you blush more. For all my bravado, you know me well enough to tell when I’m nervous and so we all talked through what we were and weren’t interested in trying, with the understanding that this was your first time really exploring your attraction to men. I needed Nick to be comfortable with us stopping if you wanted to, and he assured us he was excited to be part of your first experience. With that out of the way, we continued joking and flirting, until day-of arrived and the “on my way” texts had been exchanged.

Date Night.

Conversation flows free and easy, you sipping on the offered scotch with Nick while I enjoy a diet whatever. It’s one of those barely flavoured waters that taste mostly like carbonation and disappointment, but I don’t mind because I want to stay sober and enjoy every minute of this. A terrible 90’s anime plays on the television – one of the things we had found in common was an interest in Japan and this was Nick’s hilarious, awful suggestion for the evening. It is neither good nor bad enough to keep our attention and so we chat away as I sit between the two of you on the couch with my legs tucked underneath me, skirt splayed out over my lap. I’ve been nervously toying with the hem, wondering if either of you can hear how hard my heart is pounding. Catching my eye, you pull a slight face realizing that something is off.

During a break in the conversation, Nick excuses himself, getting up to let his dog out into the yard for a moment. We stand up to stretch and he’s barely out of the room before I turn to you with a panicked whisper, eyes wide. “How do I get this started?! I have no fucking idea what I’m doing!!”

“Jeeez, I thought you were going to pull the plug!” Your shoulders slump as you realize why I’m worked up. You suddenly jump, ready to give me an out. I’m no stranger to sharing you with other women on your own time, but this is a step further.

I step closer, putting a hand on your chest. “No, I’m just awkward and weird and want to fuck both of you tonight but I don’t know what to say-“ but you cut off my rambling with a kiss, pulling me into you.

“Let him find us like this”, you whisper into my open lips. I giggle (damnit) and pull you back into me, kissing you in return. Soon I hear Nick ushering his dog inside and into her crate. He steps into view and breaks into a lopsided grin at the sight of us. “See?” You reassure me, sliding your hands down to my ass and squeezing gently.

“So, what are we thinking?” Nick takes a few steps forward, looking us up and down appreciatively. He runs a hand through his wavy mop of hair and pauses, his eyes coming to rest on your hands kneading me. You dig your fingers into me slowly through the thin fabric of my dress, pulling my cheeks up and slightly apart. I sigh and lean into your chest.

“She wants you to come here and kiss her” you state flatly before laughing at my tiny gasp of outrage. Traitor. Still laughing, you turn me around as Nick reaches us, shaking his head and chuckling along. No funny quips or retorts, he cups my face and kisses me, pressing into me hard enough that I’m sandwiched firmly between both of you.

I relax into the kiss as it deepens, excitement finally overtaking nerves. I kiss Nick back hard, and only stop to take a breath when I notice that his hand has moved from my arm to yours. I swear I can feel your heart pound as you squeeze my hand and lean forward to kiss Nick’s upturned face. Tentatively at first, then with more urgency as I grind my ass into your crotch. Buffeted between the two of you, I undo a couple of buttons on Nick’s shirt so I can bite and suck gently on his neck. He moans, sliding a hand up to my breast and I feel you pull away. You draw a breath through your front teeth the way you always do when you’re drinking in the scene in front of you.

I wiggle my ass against you and look back at you playfully overtop of my glasses. I’m the only one who knows how hard you both are right now and I revel in it. Feeling you both grow and stiffen against my buttocks and belly as you kissed each other nearly drove me crazy. Emboldened by my cheeky smile, you wrap an arm around my chest, pinning my arms to my sides. “Her turn.” Without a word Nick’s mouth is on mine and he slides his hand up between my thighs. No underwear, because I’m a good little girl who followed your instructions. He moans slightly when he realizes there’s no barrier to his fingers exploring me and I feel your chest rumble with laughter as you watch the little scene play out. Slowly, his fingertips trace up and down my wet slit, teasing me. Within moments I feel all the tension in my body begin to melt away and I relax back into your chest, forcing you to readjust your grip. Suddenly the fingers are gone and I open my eyes in time to see you grab his wrist with your free hand and pull his fingers into your mouth, tasting my wetness.

All I can do is stare at you sucking Nick’s fingers, my mouth open. I nod dumbly as you instruct me to hike up my dress and Nick kneels in front of me, planting kisses on my thighs. You hold me tightly as his face disappears between my legs, keeping my now-shaking knees from buckling. I lean back against you again and soak in the feeling of hands and tongues roaming over me. You pressing into me with your erection draws a happy sigh from my lips which turns into a sharp gasp as Nick gently sucks a little more firmly on my clit, flicking it with his tongue. “Having fun, are we?” You murmur into my ear. I nod and slip an arm out of your grasp – before you can grab me and pin it back down again I reach back between us to grab your erection, stroking you through your jeans.

Your breath catches but you’re over it quickly, undoing your belt and zipper, pressing your now throbbing cock into my open palm. I notice Nick has had the same idea, and has taken to stroking himself as he kneels on the floor in front of us, licking me greedily.

After a few awkward behind the back fumbles, I manage to press your cock downward so that it slips between my ass cheeks and then between my thighs as you push your hips into me. You groan, sliding forward slowly, pressed into my dripping sex, my lips and thighs enveloping you. Short, slow thrusts begin to build in urgency and I feel you coming closer to popping out from between my legs where Nick is still lapping away. I put a hand in Nick’s hair to steady him, and adjust my stance so the tip of your erection finally peeks your from where it’s nestled up against me. Nick and I both look up at you questioningly.


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