My [F] orgasm marathon. :)

Alex, my last bf, loved porn.

I know that is not, in itself, particularly strange or noteworthy, but… while I might stop short of calling it a full on addiction, it was certainly safe to say he was a very enthusiastic hobbyist. He even had paid memberships to his preferred sites – (which makes him the only person in my – admittedly limited – sphere that I know of who actually pays for pornography). But whatever.

Alex’s tastes ran almost exclusively to female dominated material. Videos of girls masturbating was his clear favourite. This preference – now that I think about it – ran true to character. Alex is very much an outdoorsy nature lover and a bit of a hipster in his love of things being original and authentic. All to say that he enjoyed watching ‘real girls’ have ‘real orgasms’. That said, he also seemed willing to slum it with the more professionally produced offerings so long as they were two or more female actors and a lone male performer (which I imagine he fantasized to be himself) among them. All good, all fine, all ‘normal’ enough, I suppose.

But, as many enthusiasts, he was also keen on trying to spark the same sort of interest in others. Which in this case meant me, his gf. And so I ended up watching a fair bit of (it often seemed to me) more attractive young women than I am reaching climax in an astonishing variety of ways. (A real education in that regard! I mean, wow! If I’d only dreamt of the uses stuffed toys and pillows could be put to – I might well have changed my entire sexual trajectory!) But, no matter. And anyway I was fine with it. I’m super straight, but who doesn’t like to see attractive people do fun things regardless of their gender and of ones own leanings? And also, as it almost always served as a foreplay shortcut to real sex between us I was happy to indulge him.

But then after about three months together – and our relationship was already starting to wobble noticeably – the jellybean girl came along.

He had come across the profile of a young woman on one site who could orgasm over and over and over and over again. She did a mammoth session that the site had to break into a bunch of different videos they were so long. Just all of her in bed masturbating while she kept score of all her orgasms by putting a jellybean in a cup (cup? jar? bucket? gallon drum? I don’t remember) after each one that she had. And make no mistake – she was clearly not faking. Each one was a solid body rocking event (you GO girl!!) I think she called a stop when the cameras ran out of batteries and she was up in the high 40’s or maybe even 50’s? (I think). (Wow! I mean WOW!)

So it is relevant to note that I felt very much that Alex was absolutely ‘way out of my league’ kind of material. Super fit, over six feet tall, very, very attractive in a studly beach body kind of way. Chiselled jaw, smouldering blue eyes. Panty-droppingly easy smile. Dressed well but always made it look like something he’d just thrown on. The kind of guy who can stroll into any bar and 99% of females do an automatic flip of their hair to draw attention to themselves. But, back up girls, (holy fucking shit) this one is keen on little me!!!

Now, it is also relevant to note that my own physiology allows me to enjoy plenty of orgasms as well. I cum easily and often. And I was a bit (over) eager for Alex to think me special. So when he began to get somewhat infatuated with the jellybean girl I was quick to point out that it was probably rare but hardly unique. I boasted in an offhand way that I’d sometimes hit 30 if I had the time and energy and wanted to. (This was a lie. Or a pretty healthy stretch of the truth at the very least! But I was feeling threatened somehow.)

And while I don’t think Alex was challenging me to ‘put up or shut up’ necessarily I think he just locked onto the idea that watching me masturbate would be sort of like having his current favourite porn video come to life right in front of him. So he began pressuring me to do the same thing for his enjoyment. He also, at first, wanted to make a video record of my attempt to recreate the scene for him.

So we had been (to me somewhat inexplicably) dating for a few months and while I had begun to see the cracks in his facade I also was still very much wanting the sort of fantasy that being with him in public seemed to continue. And so…eventually I agreed to do it for him, but with the condition that he could only watch – (no video or photos or any of that sort of nonsense).

I was super nervous. Not because I was worried about reaching anywhere near the jellybean girls sort of numbers, that was almost certainly not going to happen. But I had actually never masturbated for anyone before, ever. Sure I had helped myself out along the way during the sex from time to time (it’s very nice to have that little extra from my fingers during sex for a more full body orgasm result) but never just lay there start to finish while he watched kind of thing. Which is exactly what this was going to be for as many times as I could. Gulp.

So I picked a weekend when my roomie was away so I knew there would be no interruptions. Alex and I had a leisurely lunch and then it was time to get busy. I made us shower together first. A bit of making out in the warm spray helped relax me. Soaping each other for more procrastination was fun too. He was (clearly) very excited about the plan. I kind of wondered if I could get away with a blowjob and he’d lose his enthusiasm for the project but he was not to be distracted.

Out of the shower I padded naked to the kitchen and got an oversized coffee mug that I sometimes used for hot chocolate. It’s hand made and has a sea otter on the side. It’s cute. (That is not relevant to the story, but I do like that mug).

Now, the girl in the video used jellybeans. And not that the point was to eat them, but as far as jellybeans go, I’m not a fan. And I hate even the smell. But I do really like peanut butter and chocolate so Alex had come prepared with a big bag (HUGE bag – the optimist!) of Reese’s Pieces. (If you don’t know them they are just small little candies, chocolate and peanut butter flavour round things, and look like M&M’s or Smarties or Skittles, or any of those other sort of things).

And so to my bedroom we go. This was last early December and as I knew that for what he was expecting to see I couldn’t very well do it all hidden under the covers – so I had borrowed my roomies space heater and cranked it up to full. Which worked well – the bedroom was actually quite toasty. I lay down on top of the bed as it was. I was hoping he would lie, or at least sit on the bed with me so that it was a bit more intimate in a shared experience kind of way but he sat just beside the bed on my desk chair, big grin and full erection eager for the show.

Ooh boy here we go.

I had taken the precaution of shampooing and conditioning my hair in the shower while we were in there (see earlier stories for relevance if unclear). So even though I wasn’t fully in my head ready to go at least my system had been given a bit of a kick start.

I fluffed my pillows. I laid back. I pulled out a small bottle of lube that I sometimes use with my vibe as as a ‘just in case’ precaution. (Did the jellybean girl use lube or just her own? I can’t remember) Then I sprawled my legs a bit in my standard bed masturbating position. Alex had opened the bag of candies and arranged it within reach on the bedside table beside the mug. I tried establishing meaningful eye contact to help but it actually wasn’t working. His eyes were all over my body. He gave his cock a casual stroke every now and then and it was difficult for me to think this wasn’t exactly like he was while watching porn. But then, I suppose, wasn’t that the point of this for him really??

Sigh. Okay. I closed my eyes and started running my hands over my stomach like I do. Just lightly, fingers dragging over my midriff. Gradually my hands got further on their travels and I’m brushing my fingertips over the lower rise of my breasts at one end of their movement and to either side of my mound on the other. After a bit my hands are travelling further and their dragging over my nipples that hardened and bounce stiffly at each touch. And past my mound to over my thighs, then inner thighs, then brushing my outer lips. My legs parted further on their own and then I realize I’m swallowing repeatedly (see blow job for relevance if unclear).

Time for business.

My breaths deepen as my left hand falls open over my right breast and my right hand focuses on my pussy. A slight drag and push of two fingers to part my inner lips and they are instantly coated in hot slickness. I slide them up to my clit and feel the hard little bean yield to the pressure and the delightful sensation of slippery fingers rubbing. A catch in my breath and I steal a glance at Alex. He seems totally transfixed. He’s just sitting rock still his eyes glued to the tiny circle pattern my fingers are making over my clit. Over the whir of the heater fan I can hear the increasingly loud wet sounds of my pussy as my fingers push hard and rub faster. I close my eyes again and let the wave break. Despite the weirdness of the situation my body is now on autopilot and my mind disengages – it’s a very nice normal, leg clenching, hip rocking, hard panting, upper body spasming orgasm. I let the sensation slowly fade for a few long moment and then open my eyes. He’s got a very satisfied smile on his face and is now, again, stroking his cock. Our eyes meet for a moment and then I reached over and dropped my first Reese’s Piece into the otter mug.

Rinse repeat! (as the shampoo instructions always say)


I’m on number nine and time was blurring when I a new sound cuts in. I open my eyes and Alex is bright red in the face and panting like a dog. In all honesty I had almost forgotten he was even there! I was dimly aware that he had been occasionally giving attention to his own privates. When I drop my eyes I saw that his erection was as red as his face, leaking with precum, the veins were distended wildly and the whole shaft seemed to throbbing – pulsing with each heartbeat – at an almost dangerous looking maximum pressure. Never seen him like that before.

But I really had been lost in my own world and while the whole point of this was doing it for him (in theory), it was now honestly something of a disappointment to interrupt my flow and bring him into it. But I did. Of course.

“So…ya wanna fuck?” I said with what I hoped was a playful tone.

We had never discussed anything outside of him watching me masturbate so I wasn’t sure if he had a plan for himself. But when I made the suggestion he just nodded sharply with a look of pure animal intensity. I felt more like a lioness submitting before a randy alpha lion at that moment than anything else! He was on the bed a moment later and eagerly thrusting his cock at my open pussy. Certainly we were both very well prepped for it! He got the head in and a few short strokes quickly lengthened as his shaft lubed up and then he was all the way in …and pounding!! Bam! Bam! Bam! The whole bed was shaking and then within a matter of seconds later with a final, very hard thrust, he sank as deep as he could and held position. Ordinarily I would wrap arms and legs around him at this point, wanting to have that super intimate fusion. But this time…no. I just lay there more as a spectator. I didn’t mean it maliciously, I just…didn’t feel like moving. I felt his body tensing though and he groaned and shuddered and shaked and then collapsed onto me. Spent. Totally.

After a minute or so his breathing became normal and he rolled off to one side. I remember his cock lay on my thigh still leaking a bit of cum that formed a small glob that stayed behind when he rolled further onto his back a moment later. He lay with the back of his right hand resting on his forehead – his classic, “I’m done.” pose. Alex always was very much a ‘one and done’ kind of guy, so no surprise there. I wasn’t though.

I looked down after a moment and used a fingertip to slide the cum glob from my thigh over to my pussy – might was well keep the mess localized (though I need to do some laundry anyway obviously). And picked up where I’d left off.


I fumbled another candy into the mug.

“What are you doing?” He said with a tired laugh as though it was obvious that ‘we’ were done.

“Just keeping track.” I said and closed my eyes (probably with a wicked grin on my face I’m not sure). Alex’s cum has been oozing out of me and I used my fingers to draw much of it up to my clit and spread over my lips. No need for my bottle of fake lube for sure now. It’s all super gooey and slippery down there. Yum!


Alex gets up to use the bathroom.


He returns and sits in the chair. “You going to keep going?”

“Uh huh. Wasn’t that the point?”

“Oh…right….okay.” 13…14…15…16…

Alex is getting restless. I sneak a glance to see if he’s ‘reinspired’ as I sort of hoped we could have a real fuck. One with intimacy and passion. If that happens then I would definitely stop. No luck. He’s limp. And actually looking a bit bored. I should stop. I closed my eyes. Just one more.


Oh well I just have to go for 20. It’s so close. A nice round number and one I’ll remember.


Alex’s phone rings. He goes off to get it. I hear him talking to one of his friends.


As I’ve been doing the candy thing into the mug but I’ve also keeping track in my head. Did I miscount though? I pause to do a count to double check – poking the little candies around the bottom of the mug with my gooey fingertips. Yep 20! Yay for me! Totally new respect for the jellybean girl though. I am wiped.

I guess I’ve been in the same position for so long that my hand just naturally falls back to my pussy. Fingers lightly moving. Mmmm still feels nice.

Seems to shame to stop just yet though. I’m was 22 yrs old. Why not go for my age to celebrate that? Seems like a reasonable goal. As I start to move my fingers a little more purposefully I realize that I am definitely feeling not sore exactly but certainly very tender. Hmmm. It’s all been clit focused stuff exclusively. I fumble in the bed side table drawer for my vibrator. I give it a squirt of fake lube from the bottle just to make things super easy. With a quick spread around of the lube with my fingers, and then against my pussy I switch it on to my favourite pulse setting and – with a pretty audible gasp as I recall – slip it in..and cum immediately.


My g-spot was apparently feeling neglected or something. All that external stimulation and none (aside from the very brief visit of Alex’s cock) was internal. All those neglected pleasure nerves crying out for attention. OMG. This is absolutely a FULL body orgasm in comparison to what was before. I can tell because my head is lifting and falling to the pillow over and over again, my neck muscles clenched, my upper body bucks. Oh fuck! Man oh man. Intense.

It’s like the clit alone orgasms were skipping stones and now I’m swimming with the dolphins.

I eventually try to find a 21 candy out of the bag worthy to add to the mug. But the vibe is still doing it’s thing and it makes it difficult to focus. My hand is shaking.

22 follows soon after and this one I actually cry out (something I never do).

Alex comes running in, still on the phone, but knowing I’m typically just a moaner and a panter so maybe he’s thinking I’d hurt myself or something. My eyes are glazed I’m sure, and I don’t respond to his questions. He figures out soon enough I’m ‘fine’ and walks away still talking.


And I’m done. Done. DONE. DONE!! I reach that overstimulated hypersensitive state and I can no longer be touched by anything, anywhere. I lean up with a frantic motion and haul the vibrator out of me and all but throw it across the room. My pussy is just fully completely amped. Every nerve seems to be maxxed out. I collapse into the bed and I realize I am absolutely soaked in sweat. The bedspread under my ass is a gooey mess and even the pillow is soaked from sweat and saliva. I fight my way weakly under the bedspread and into the sheets.

I get these interesting orgasm aftershocks that I’ve never had before. Like I’ve cum, it’s over and I’m in that happy afterglow and then…a nerve fires somewhere randomly and sets off a cascade reaction and then I’m still somewhat cumming all over again. This happens maybe four or five times 10 or 15 seconds apart and I remember giggling as I consider whether or not they should ‘count’ or not to the total.

I glance at the clock and do the math and realize I’ve been masturbating almost without stopping for an hour and a half. I think I was asleep in under a minute.

When I woke up sometime later Alex was gone. I dragged myself to the shower to clean up and I realized there had been a shift in our power dynamic. I had absolutely held him on a bit of a pedestal but he was just a guy. And maybe not even that special of one after all (how right I was about that!).

We broke up a few weeks after that, which was my doing. And while the masturbation marathon turned out just fine (super fine!) it also opened my eyes and taught me to never again do anything I wasn’t fully excited about myself beforehand. So definitely an empowering thing overall! :)


Anyway, so that was just before last Christmas and probably the last of the stories I have to share – I’m off to school soon where I’ll be staying off reddit and all social media things to focus on my studies!

I tried to make it all consistently in the past tense but I realize when I was re-reading it just now that I sometimes slipped into present tense when I was describing sexy parts as I guess I was once again ‘right there in the moment’ in my mind when I was typing. I went back and edited some but I know I missed bits. So sorry if any of that causes confusion. (I doubt somehow that my 12 grade English Comp teacher is reading this but, if so, I was paying attention in class Ms. R. honest I was! Hmm. Interesting thought…I wonder what grade she would have given this?)



  1. I wonder if Alex will ever realise just how lucky he was!

    Thank you for sharing a delicious memory.

  2. That is an excellent story – I’m a guy that can repeat quite a few times too. It would be fun to have a marathon session watching each other even if I can’t keep up one for one.

  3. That is an excellent story – I’m a guy that can repeat quite a few times too. It would be fun to have a marathon session watching each other even if I can’t keep up one for one.

  4. That is an excellent story – I’m a guy that can repeat quite a few times too. It would be fun to have a marathon session watching each other even if I can’t keep up one for one.

  5. You can call me chad if you want especially if you are letting me watch you cum or want me to make you cum.

  6. You can call me chad if you want especially if you are letting me watch you cum or want me to make you cum.

  7. You can call me chad if you want especially if you are letting me watch you cum or want me to make you cum.

  8. I usually need to cum twice to even take the edge off my horniness. If I have the time when alone cumming 4 times in a session isn’t out of the question, with help/stimulation from an enthusiastic partner I’m sure it would be many times that before I’m spent. The quantity of cum is usually less after the third one, but it still feels good.

  9. I usually need to cum twice to even take the edge off my horniness. If I have the time when alone cumming 4 times in a session isn’t out of the question, with help/stimulation from an enthusiastic partner I’m sure it would be many times that before I’m spent. The quantity of cum is usually less after the third one, but it still feels good.

  10. I usually need to cum twice to even take the edge off my horniness. If I have the time when alone cumming 4 times in a session isn’t out of the question, with help/stimulation from an enthusiastic partner I’m sure it would be many times that before I’m spent. The quantity of cum is usually less after the third one, but it still feels good.

  11. Currently a teacher. I’ll need to see you after class about this…essay.

  12. Wow. Sounds like an amazing time. My wife recently found r/jilling and loves to watch ladies cum. Usual leads to her having a few orgasms herself. I’ll make sure to forward her your work.

  13. Awesome! I love everything about this. Sharing kinks, you being willing, the successes you had but mostly your realization about him. :)

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