So I’ve debated writing this as I’m an awful story teller but you guys have given me so much enjoyment I thought I would try to return the favour. Warning t
So a bit of backstory:
Me and my ex (I will call her M) dated for about 2 months a year and a half ago. Now the age old saying “don’t stick your dick in crazy” has never been more true with her. She’s one of the best lays I’ve ever had but what came out of that relationship was not worth it. She would stalk me at work, start arguments over everything and belittled me to the point I constantly felt angry and insecure. My friends noticed and promptly nicknamed her the mermaid because she was sweet, everyone loved her and found her incredibly attractive but would eat your soul away if got with her. So M is 23, average height (around 5”7), long dirty blonde hair with an amazing rack (at a guess their D’s at least) an ass that jiggles in the all the right ways, toned legs and abs and a cute as a button face. As for me, I’m 22, 5”10, solid build but not muscular, medium length dark blonde hair and a package I’m more than happy with. So back to the story, after another night of arguments, this time on a night out, she accuses me of the one thing I can’t stand, cheating. Why you ask? Her best friend pecked me on the cheek goodnight. I had enough kicked her out my car and that was that.
Present day:
I’ve just got out of a year long relationship and unfortunately had several ex’s message me, mostly just to talk as I made the same promise to them as I had all others, I will always be there for you. M also messages but nothing more than asking to be civil if we see each other in public, that’s fine I’m happy with that. That conversation ends there. That’s until one of ex’s reveals that her mum treated a girl at rehabilitation centre (for suicidal tendencies) and she blamed her ex for it. Now my name isn’t usual especially in my area. If my name gets brought up, I’m usually the first person people think of, so when my ex’s mum was told her ex had the same name as me, I panicked and thought it was me. For a week I was racked with guilt. I decided to message the only ex I thought it could be due to the timeline. This ex was M. Luckily she denies it and a conversation starts over Facebook, just normal boring chit chat, catch up sort of talk. After an hour or two she’s asked to meet up. I work from home meaning I don’t get out much so without thinking I agree.
Once we meet I realise she hasn’t changed a bit, she’s looks exactly the same and we talk like old friends. nothing of any importance gets said until near the end where she asks to go to the cinema after she gets back from holiday. I agree as again I don’t get out much plus I’m an idiot. With her going on holiday the next day, we agree to the cinema the day after she gets back. I’m here thinking everything is still innocent and good, we can be friends because hey I’m friends with other ex’s. So we keep messaging while she’s on holiday and things start to get a little flirty, she’s paying me compliments, talking about our old sex life and how amazing a massages from me would be. Again I’m an idiot I didn’t pick up on this till later, considering I’m happy to give anyone a massage including my guys friends and have joked about my sex life with other ex’s. Whilst she’s still on holiday, she wakes up and tells me about a dream she had that night. She was dreaming about getting changed in front of me until I bend her over in front of the mirror and start fucking her (her favourite position). Now I get the hint but it ignore thinking it will pass. Now it’s getting to the last couple of days of her holiday and she’s getting serious about this massage, so I agree. We arrange it for the day she gets back as it’s not a high energy activity and after hours of driving a massage is possibly the best thing in the world.
The day finally comes to give her the massage and she turns up, says hello to my dogs and we sit on the sofa having a chat for about 20 minutes until she asks, let’s go chill. She then proceeds to get up and walk to my bed. I follow bringing a laptop to put something on and chill until she wants her massage. We start watching Shaun of the dead and about 30 minutes in, we’re cuddling up together, just making jokes about the movie until she asks for the massage. I obliges, leave the room so she can take her top off and cover herself up while I get the cream and change into more comfortable trousers. When I renter she’s laid down on her front facing the laptop so I straddle her and start rubbing in the moisturiser. Things stay quite innocent, she’s moaning saying how good it feels and when I’m hitting the right spot. After 20 minutes I’m bored and decide to finish, roll off and tap her bum. She says “I thought you were a good boy” to which I let her know what I could have done to that amazing arse instead. I’m rather happy when she gives me permission to play with it (I’m an ass man I can’t help it). I play with her back side for 5 minutes before lying next to her again. This is where she starts to spoon me. Now guys and girls we all know what happens the instant a girls bum touches your crotch and sure enough I starting to get erect she knew it, I knew, the dogs probably knew it. She rolls her top half over to face me, leaving her ass facing me while she faces, gets a good grip on it and asking “what do we have here.
Now another thing about M is she’s a tease, always has been and knows how to do it very well. For the next ten minutes she rubbed herself on me, grabbing next to my dick but never actually touching and breathing heavy, accentuating her gorgeous mounds. I couldn’t take it anymore, I dived in and kissed her. We started making out like horny teenagers until I ripped off her tights and slipped a finger inside her tight, wet cunt. I could feel how amazing her vagina was with just one finger as she started moaning my name and getting very loud. She was starting to get into it as I slid my head between her legs and starting flicking her clit with my tongue until she was ready to sing my praises. I decided it was time for revenged and left her on the edge of orgasm. With that she grabbed hold of my head dragging me up to hers begging for me to fuck her. Obliging her request I slid my dick into her as she let out one long moan as I went balls deep. From this point it was just a blur of rough nasty sex in every position we could think of. We didn’t stop until we were both dripping and panting from the pleasure.