To the Cabin

“Volunteers?” The man said.

I looked over to my coworker Beth, whose hand was trembling and imagined her son Grant over her bleeding body crying in the unselfconscious way only six-year-olds can. I didn’t raise my hand, but I raised my eyes and that was enough.

Suddenly a gloved hand was gripping me by the shoulder and forcing me up and shoving the small of my back so I took a stumbling step forward.

The man who had spoken earlier walked around to stand in front of me and I found myself staring through the black eye holes of his deranged pumpkin mask. My hands were roughly shoved behind my back and cuffed together with zip ties.

“We’re going to be a good little girl, now aren’t we?” He patted the top of my head before shoving a large wad of cloth in my mouth. The man behind me tied a piece of cloth around tight between my lips, securing the gag. My mouth felt dry, and it was all I could do to keep breathing as deep breaths as I could manage through my nose. My heart was racing. One of them took my arm in a solid grip and led me forward. A couple steps in and I found myself thankful of the support. Having my hands behind my back really threw off my balance. The leader with the pumpkin mask paused at the door, pulled down his mask and peeked his head out to check both sides of the alley. Apparently, they were clear. He replaced his mask, stepped through the door, and let the woman, my captor and I pass through. He held out a hand and I was handed off to him before being roughly shoved/ lifted into the back of a panel van. I squirmed as best I could to get with seated on the far side away from them with my back to the van’s wall.

There was an eerie sort of calm going through my mind. Amid background thoughts of statistics about being moved to a second location and images of the office blowing to pieces behind us I noticed the texture of the black plastic floor, and the way the alley brick looked almost homey instead of the sinister quality it usually took on when I was assigned to take out the trash.

The other two hopped into the front seat, my view of them mostly obscured by the tall chairbacks. The man in the pumpkin mask rooted through a duffel bag on the floor and came out with a length of leather with a hole in it and two straps. He moved towards me and I kicked at him. The van rumbled forth as he caught my foot and pulled me across the floor to him. He took a grip on my shoulder and another on my hip, flipped me over and straddled my back. The little room that was left to me I flailed about viciously in , panic proper setting in and unable to get any purchase with his weight pressing down on my and the floor lining sliding out from under the balls of my shoes. He took a hand in my hair, wrenched my head back and then it was dark. He forced my nose through the hole in the blindfold and tightened the straps down, one high and one low. The straps pressed my ears and hair to my face and the hole left just enough space for me to breathe through my nose. I tried rubbing my cheeks against the van floor but could not move the leather or get any light in at all. He wrenched my head up again by my hair and wrapped another hand on my throat, squeezing hard. I convulsed at the pain and lack of oxygen, letting out a large puff of air in my struggle. He took his hand off my hair and used in to clamp my nose, leaning down so my head was stuck still between his hands and his chest. He spoke softly in my ear.

“Now I’m going to let go in a moment, and when I do I don’t want any struggle from you. You struggle, you don’t get to breathe.” He held on a moment longer and then let me go. I curled my head down and close to my chest and breathed furiously through my nose. My vision seemed red and I felt dizzy and warm. He waited, completely still, until I caught my breath.

“I’m going to tie your ankles and then the rest of your legs. Remember – no air if you make trouble. Nod if you understand”

I nodded once, still breathing hard since each breath now felt like it might be my last chance at air. I rolled over to my side once he was off me and the less pressure on my chest helped. I could hear the fabric as he reached into the duffel bag near the front seats. Then felt him grab at my ankle. I pulled away reflexively before stopping himself and he held his hand on my ankle for a moment, waiting until I was still, before looping what felt like a belt around my ankles and tightening and latching it.

“Good.” He said. “Just like that”

He put another strap at my knees, lifting up my ankles to loop it all the way around.

“Now I need you to sit up. The wall’s behind you. I’ll help” I squirmed ineffectively before he grabbed my shoulders and helped me turn and sit. Just the little movement had me breathing hard again. He looped another leather piece around my thighs and secured it tight. I couldn’t move my legs at all now and a wave of helplessness hit me. A sob rose up in my throat and I could feel the hair pressing down under my blindfold, the cloth pushing at the back of my mouth. The straps on my legs. It was all too much sensation and my breaths came faster and shorter.

“Breathe” he said “Slowly. You’re hyperventilating. I’m just tying you up. You’re not hurt. We’re going for a car ride.” The only sounds for a minute were the road beneath us and my own sniffed and then sniffled breaths.

“One more and we’re done. Lean forward. I need your back off the wall.” I could feel my fingers shaking but did as I was told. He put a strap at the bottom of my chest, locking my elbows to my sides. The car jerked a little and I brought my knees up to steady myself, pressing the soles of my shoes into the van floor.

He let out a breath. “There” he said. I could feel him take a position on the wall beside me. We turned a corner and I nearly toppled over. He pulled my shoulders in towards him so that I was leaning against him. “Not far” he said. He stroked my hair gently twice and settled in for the ride.

It was a short one. The van stopped a little bit later. I stiffened as it did. He pinched my nose briefly. “Play nice” he said. I stayed still and was lifted at the shoulders and the knees and placed in the backseat of an adjacent car.

The car doors closed and he pulled over so that I fell with my head in his lap. He pulled some sort of sheet over me and as my cheek bounced against his lap I could feel him getting hard. He laid a hand over the side of my arm so that he was resting his fingertips on my chest. He pressed them lightly into my bra, moving down until he found me nipple. He pinched it hard, twisted and laughed softly to himself, then relaxed and sat back for the rest of the ride.

It was long. Smooth pavement turned to slower speeds with more stops. I know we got on and off at least two freeways. Then the way turned rocky, bumpy, and I knew we had entered rural roads. There seemed to be as much dirt road travel time as paved and I found myself dreading what happened when we stopped. Rape was definitely on the table as well as strangulation, starvation, or whatever else they might be into. I took a small comfort in that they seemed professionally criminal in the way they acted, but don’t know if the lack of drug-induced violence sounded better or worse than being in the hands of someone who soberly choosing to do this to me.

When we finally stopped and the fabric was lifted off of me I heard birds and smelled pine. He pushed me up into a sitting position, got out of the car and came around to open the door on my side.

“Turn your legs to the left and stand up” he said

I did, reaching out with my feet to try to find the ground. He pulled the strap at my thighs, yanking me out of the car then pulled at my shirt, sending my sprawling to a hunched over kneeling position as I hit the ground. A couple little rocks dug into my knees and I wondered if I was bleeding. I could hear the others unloading various bags from the car.

“Help me grab her” he said.

The other man came and grabbed my feet after the first lifted me from under my shoulders. It was strange and cemented the infantile feeling of powerlessness to be moved in this way, like a child, or a piece of luggage. I guess I was just a thing now. I felt another sob rising in my throat and did my best to press it down, trying to focus on what I could hear and smell. Birds, pine, dirt. They stepped up onto a wooden porch before opening a squeaky screen door that crashed back into place as soon as we were inside. I was laid on a leather sofa and listened intently to their footsteps as they moved in and out of the cabin a couple more times, silent but for a grunt or two as they hefted either their equipment or whatever it is they stole.

“Okay, I have to meet Campos in 2 hours. Let me talk to the girl before I leave.”

“Sure thing” the woman said in a light tone. I could hear the smack of a quick kiss she gave to the other man. The leader approached where I lay and reached around to the back of my head, trying to push my face toward the seat of the couch. I pushed back, not wanting to suffocate again. The man ignored it, it seemed, and took another hand to shove my face down. I managed to stay somewhat to one side, nose squashed but one nostril still breathable. He undid two buckles and removed the blindfold. My hair obscured some of my vision but I saw the wood walls and floor of a cabin, natural light streaming in from a window to the right. The man was crouched down before me, face about level with mine. I immediately averting my gaze so I wasn’t looking at him and instead the worn brown area rug that the couch was set on. He peered into my face as if he was trying my thoughts then stepped out of view for a moment and returned with a chair which he sat down on in front of me.

“Here’s how this works” he said “You stay calm, you stay quiet, or we cut off your air again until you pass out and are easier to work with. Your choice. Behave or die–that’s the stakes here. Nod if you understand.”

I nodded, staring hard at a spot of carpet off to the right of a leg of the chair.

“I’m leaving for a meeting. You’re in the middle of nowhere so no one will hear you scream anyway but if you’re good we’ll talk about removing that gag. Okay?” He didn’t wait for an answer, just paused briefly before getting up and throwing out an “I’ll see you.” The door opened, closed, and a car started up and drove away.

“Awww, baby, that was so fun” I heard the woman say. “Haven’t had that much fun in ages.”

The other man gave an agreeable grunt in response. “And this one, she’s so goddamn cute. Can we play with her?” The woman’s voice rose into almost a singsong tone.

“What do you have in mind?” the man replied.

The woman walked toward me and came into view. She was biting her lip and walking almost as if she’d start bouncing on her heels with excitement soon. “MMMMMmmmm” she said as she moved her head with her gaze to eye me head to toe. I stared hard at my spot of the carpet, trying to avoid looking at her face, and stayed as still as I could. On some level I knew it was ridiculous but instinct screamed at me to stay small and unnoticed.

“Let’s fuck on her” the woman said. She sat down on the couch at about my waist, back to me, and beckoned an arm out to the man. He came over and she leaned to drape herself over me and take one finger to sweep the hair out of my face. I could see them both better now. Particularly, I had a view of the thick thighs and bulge of the man’s jeans. She reached out a hand and stroked his cock over the fabric of his pants. “Should we make her taste you?” she said and ran a fingertip over my eyebrow, down around my cheek and onto the center of the gag.

“God you’re so hot when you do that” the man said.

She giggled and jumped up into his arms, curling her legs around him and pushing herself into a deep kiss. She shrugged off her fur jacket and let it fall off onto the couch, covering my face with the cheetah print polyester.
