Night of the Living Tits [F/Her Breasts] [Short Story]

*A reply to [this prompt.](*

“Sarah.” A small voice whispered.

Sarah stirred lightly in her sleep. It had been an exhausting day of moving in and she was deep in slumber.

“Sarah.” The small whisper again.

“Wake up girl!” A second, much louder voice joined in.

Sarah sat up in bed, blinking her heavy lids. She gazed groggily around the room, swearing she had heard something. But she saw nothing moving in the darkness. She yawned and started to lay back down.

“Oh no you don’t.” Barked the second voice.

Sarah’s heart hammered and she whipped her head around frantically. “Who’s there?”

“Don’t scare her.” The soft voice scolded the harsh one.

Panic was starting to set in. The voices sounded like they were right in front of her. 

“Down here.” The harsh voice said.

Sarah looked down and thought she saw the source of the voices, but it couldn’t be.

“Sorry to wake you.” Sarah’s left breast said, making her squeal in shock.

“But we’re very horny.” Her right breast added, ignoring her fright.

“Oh um… sorry?” Sarah stammered, staring down at her tits.

“It’s quite alright.” Leftie said.

“Just touch us already.” Said Rightie.

“Ok..” Her tits, Sarah was talking with her tits.

Too tired to fully comprehend the situation, she layed back down and cupped her breasts. She started to squeeze and caress them.

“Mmm that’s nice.” Leftie jiggled under her hand.

“The nipples, get the nipples.” Rightie instructed impatiently.

Sarah nodded and took each nipple between her fingers and thumbs. She pulled and pinched softly, unable to help a gasp as her nipples stiffened under her touch.

“You’re good at this.” Leftie cooed.

“Harder, really go at it.” Rightie bounced excitedly.

“Uhnnn..” Sarah moaned, clamping down tightly on both nipples.

“Too rough!” Leftie squeaked.

“S…sorry.” Sarah rubbed the left gingerly with her fingertips and twisted the right firmly.

“There you go.” Rightie encouraged as she smacked at its nipple with her hand.

“Much better.” Lefty sighed while she massaged and lightly squeezed its nipple.

It was hard to be heavy handed with one nipple and gentle with the other at the same time. It didn’t help that the stimulation was starting to turn Sarah on. She tugged and twisted the right while she rapidly, but softly, flicked the left.

“Fuck yes. Pinch it hard.” Rightie heaved up against her attention.

“Feels so lovely.” Leftie jiggled, quivering in delight.

“Ughhnnnn..” Sarah’s breath quickened.

Her nipples throbbed. She slapped at the right, abusing the demanding tit. She squeezed the left, a single fingertip rubbing the nipple.

“Yesss…  we’re going to.. ” Leftie whimpered.

“Cum!” Rightie cried out triumphantly.

The pair of tits bounced up and down. Sarah yelped in shock as milk spurted from her hard nipples, spraying up into the air then cascading down onto her chest and face.

“Just what I needed.” Leftie sighed in relief.

Sarah blinked drops of breast milk from her lashes. “B…but I’m not pregnant!”

“It’s not always about you, you know.” Rightie grunted.

“Thank you sweetie, I’m exhausted.” Leftie said.

“Yes. See you in the morning.” Rightie snickered.

Sarah laid in bed, letting milk drip down her tits and face. Her breasts remained silent, so she got up and cleaned their “cum” off of her before going back to bed. She thought the bizarre event would keep her up all night, but soon she was deep in sleep again, cupping her tits. All three snored softly.


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