Their Little Secret [MFM] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

I’m posting here maybe asking for a bit of advice, or wondering if anyone else has ever been in a similar situation.

The wife and I have been married close to 5 years now. We’re incredibly transparent, with an amazing and healthy sex life, sharing all our fantasies early on and finding them more than compatible. There’s nothing we don’t know about each other. She’s an amazingly attractive woman, so much so that it’s always a bit surprising to friends and strangers that she’d say yes to a guy like me – all in good fun of course. She just has the warmest aura about her, and everyone picks up on it. Since I married her so quickly after dating, a bit under a year, I never got much time to spend with her family. Both her parents lived out in Colorado, and her brother was a crossfit coach in LA, a pretty successful one at that. When they invited us out to spend the holidays at their place, there wasnt much room to deny them. I felt obligated to take the time off of work, and Brenda was ecstatic. She told me I’d love them, and they were all sweet people. When I’d ask about her brother, however, she was not at all short for words. He was the kindest man she’d ever known. He was the handsomest Jack any girl could dream of, and had the firmest character you could imagine. He was more than just a brother to her, he was her best friend, she would say. I couldn’t help but notice a tingle in her eye as she described him. So the wife had a bit of a sibling crush on her older brother, no big deak. I even thought it was cute. When we finally got there, I’d soon learn a crush was really putting it mildly.

After exchanging hello’s and shaking a few hands, Brenda jumped into Taylor’s arms as he swung her around. They hadn’t seen each other in years, and for a moment, it’s as if they were lost in their own little world, while I awkwardly watched from the sidelines as her parents gently welcomed us inside. She had forgotten to introduce us, so I extended my hand out to shake his. With her still in his arms, he gave me a strong firm handshake, introduced himself as “this little one’s older brother” as she swooned all the while. When we finally made our way inside, I could tell Brenda’s face was blushed red, and it wasnt at all the weather from the Rockies. I gave her a short smirk and wink, and she returned for a moment just to give me a peck on the cheek and apologize. She just hadn’t seen him in so long, she said. But I could tell there was something else there from a mile away. At this time, I wasnt at all too worried about it. The folks gave us a short tour of the house, and showed us to our rooms. We were across the hallway from her old room, now occupied for the 2 weeks by Taylor of course. We were in her parents old room, as they had moved downstairs now to avoid the flight up. As I shuffled through luggage making my best effort to organize, I saw Taylor and my Brenda together over in her old room, swooning same as before. She’d never told me much about him, and it now only really made sense. I shook my head in disbelief, anxious to ask her about it later. We were then called down to dinner, and I made my way downstairs to help set the table. Of course, Taylor and Brenda had to be called back down a few more times – a common thing, her parents would say. “They were always late for dinner” her mom smiled, forcing me to give that Jim Halpert look out into the camera. Uh huh. The wife had a small fling going on, and I was desperate to find out how far it went. As we waited awkwardly a few minutes longer, Brenda was the first to come down, flushed and red just as before. Her brother Taylor followed a few minutes after, shouting out that we could start without him. After sitting down, I gave Brenda a small nudge and a curious glare, but she seemed to ignore it. I stared down the dining room clock, counting down the minutes till we could excuse ourselves back upstairs. I had a strange feeling about them two, though I wasn’t at all upset. We had shared some secrets before, and she knew I had the hots for a cousin of mine, one which I had my first kiss with. I was only slightly upset she had never mentioned Taylor, or any sort of crush she might’ve had. I get how taboo a subject like that might be, but we were open to everything as far as I knew. And never judged each other for our tastes. The clock felt like it was counting in reverse, as I quickly finished my dinner before anyone else, waiting patiently over countless inside jokes and family stories. Little did I know another family tradition would keep us all downstairs for a few more hours, and make things a bit more complicated.

As dinner wrapped up, I helped out with the dishes and made some small talk with dad. He was grateful we made the drive out here, and seemed appreciative of how Brenda and I got along. Hearing you’re approved of is always a great feeling, and I was desperate to share this small moment with the wife, making my way over to the living room trying to find her. As “The Mummy” started playing on a large flat screen, I found Brenda curled up on Taylor’s lap, both resting on a large sofa couch on the left side of the room. She jumped up a bit in embarrassment, and Taylor quickly interjected that they had always watched The Mummy as a family tradition during Christmas, and hoped their little set up didn’t bother me, as he motioned back towards Brenda firmly on his lap. She gave me the cutest smile, almost like asking for approval, with mom now waving at me from the large center couch, asking me to join her instead. Brenda mouthed a quiet “thank you” as I shook my head at them both. Taylor didn’t seem too worried about anything. “They’ve sat like that since they were kids, you know” mom pointed out. Again, Jim Halpert stared down towards the camera. Anyone with any experience on pornhub would know exactly what was going on here. As dad made his way to his own sofa couch on the right side, Taylor reached down to his left and pulled up a large winter blanket, covering it over Brenda to keep them warm. Are you kidding. It’s 75° F in here – it’s perfect. I shook my head again at how oblivious the old folks were. No one batted an eye. A few times throughout the movie, I’d look over at them both, and they were now almost fully covered underneath the blanket. With dad now snoring loudly on the right, and mom fully engrossed in the movie, I could make out small repeated movements under the blanket. I stiffened on my own, with no blanket to cover myself, I’d constantly reposition and adjust my jeans. Taylor absolutely had his hands down my wife’s pants. The blanket wasnt fooling anybody. I was amazed at how well they remained focused on the movie. I figured they must’ve been doing this for years. No one said a word. I thought it was the hottest thing I’d ever see.

When we finally made our way upstairs, I was smiling like a schoolboy who just saw his first upskirt. As Brenda undressed and put on her pjs, I smiled at her, obviously hinting that I knew, though she tried her best to ignore it again. “So? How long has that been going on?” I joked a bit. I could tell by her cheeks she’d been caught in a secret, an indicator I never shared with her and treasured. I liked being able to tell when she’d lie, or felt embarrassed about anything in particular. I sat her down on the edge of our bed, and put my arm around her, trying to be as comforting as I could. “It’s totally okay, baby,” I reassured her. “You have no idea how common this is. I’m not trying to toot my own horn here, but you really lucked out on ending up with someone that finds this whole thing incredibly hot.” I could feel her loosen up a bit under my arm.

She didn’t say much, but smiled a bit and laughed as she made her way under the covers. I gave her one last wink before she shut off the light, and she rolled her eyes at me in her usual cute way. As she curled up beside me, I immediately felt hard thinking about that entire night. Didn’t try too hard to tug on her pajama pants before she pulled them down herself and spread open for me. She was the wettest I had ever seen, just soaked entirely down her thighs. I knew exactly why. As I got ontop of her and fucked her, I made a comment about her brother sleeping on her old bed, and she moaned the loudest I’d heard in months. We laughed, and both shushed ourselves to keep quiet. It was all very cute. Brenda had the most incredible body you could imagine. She tightened beneath me as she wrapped her legs around me. I always loved when she did that. She then whispered lightly, asking if I could say more things about her brother, which I absolutely obliged. She kept a small bush, that tickled every time we’d fuck. Now, her mound was completely wet, and her short fur sounded amazing as I went in and out of her, highlighting just how wet she was. I never much liked it unshaved until I met Brenda, but now I was obsessed. We fucked for a solid half hour before I shot my entire load deep inside of her. We were trying for a kid, but we never openly discussed it. It was a fun little secret in the back of ours minds. She was off birth control, and I was no longer using condoms. Words sometimes tend to muddy things. And there was something incredibly arousing about us never acknowledging it. She tightened up around me, taking every last drop.

It must’ve been a few hours before sunrise when Brenda gently shook me awake. I kissed her, asking what time it was, but she ignored me and instead whispered that she had something to ask me. I was worried it was something serious, which I guess all things considered, it actually was. As I tried my best to wake up, she asked if I was really okay with her thoughts on Taylor, and I smiled and said absolutely. She then asked if it at all made me uncomfortable, and I replied that if it did, I wouldn’t have mentioned it during sex earlier. She smiled, but remained silent. She had never told anyone this. I felt incredibly happy she was choosing to share it with me. Minutes must’ve passed before she then asked, placing her hands around mine, now sitting up looking down at me nervously.

“Baby.. I love you so much.. is it alright if I maybe go sleep in bed with him a few hours?..”

I sat myself up, now fully understanding why she seemed so shook. I ran my hand up and down her thigh, she was wearing her usual pajama top with clean cotton panties, now that we had soaked her bottoms earlier.

“I promise I wouldnt do anything you’re uncomfortable with..” she then added, tightening her hold over my hands. I smiled and reached out to kiss her. “But if you’re okay with it..”

“Do you want to fuck him?..” I asked, hoping I could still make out her blush in the darkness of the room, if she chose to lie.

“.. I think I do,” she whispered. “If that’s okay with you?..”

The next few minutes, we kissed and hugged and reassured each other. I asked her to enjoy herself, and to tell me every detail as soon as she’d get back. She excitedly agreed. I asked if they had done this before, and she said no. This was the first time they’d have a chance to. As she slowly got out of bed, I signaled her back, and she returned, nervously asking if I’d changed my mind. I smiled and said no, but motioned her to take off her panties for me. She reached over for another kiss, as I pulled them down myself, with her gently stepping out and over them. They were damp. “I figured it’d be best to surprise him this way,” I whispered. She then quietly stepped across the room, making sure not to alert her parents downstairs. She opened the door and gently shut it behind her. I then made out Taylor’s door opening, followed my another gentle close.

As I laid there, mind running wild imagining all sorts of things, her phone went off on her night stand. My heart started racing. I reached out to open her phone, and went to open her messenger, now fully prepared to explore Taylor’s chat in a way I had never cared for before. As I opened up the app, I noticed she had his message marked for silent notifications, smart girl. Below are some screenshots of their messenger conversation.

[Taylor and Brenda’s Chat](



  1. Well this was by far the best read I’ve ever read on here thus far. I’m assuming all of this is 100% true? Super hot! Are you comfortable with it?

  2. Well, that worked. You have yourself quite the attractive wife. I’m not buying that was their first time, please dig out more details, and type them out for us, very slowly.

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