Spycraft Lessons: Sexual Interogation [F/M, BDSM]

Hey everybody; here’s another short bit that I’m not really sure what to do with. Could be a decent setup for a longer story, but it’s kind of long winded for an intro. Hope people enjoy it!

“Seduction, temptation, and pleasure. These are the tools of the trade, and you will have to master them to pass this class.” Professor Gerfrid pulled down his glasses and looked around the room.

A few of the students had to suppress a giggle, and most of them were failing to hide nervous grins. I was too nervous for any of that. I swallowed, continued taking notes, and tried to keep my heart rate normal.

“Spycraft is dangerous work, and every one of you knew what you were signing up for. ‘The Honeypot’ is an extremely effective way of gathering intelligence. We will practice how to seduce someone and get them to spill their innermost secrets to you at a later time. For this week, we will be focussing on welding pleasure as a weapon.”

Shit. OK, look, I’d heard about Violet Szabo, so I knew there would be a possibility of having to walk in her silk stockings at some point in my career as an “intelligence gathering operative.” I’d just hoped that I’d have a little more …experience before having to fulfill some random guy’s wildest fantasies was all.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a virgin. Technically. It’s just that the last guy I was with didn’t really last long enough for me to experiment with anything. He was also the first guy I was with. Long story short, I can count how many seconds I’ve had sex on one hand.

“For our next assignment, you’ll be attempting to extract information from a fellow classmate, and they will have full knowledge of what you are attempting to do.” Professor Gerfrid taped a few buttons on his computer. “I’ve just emailed you the details of your assignment, as well as your assigned partners. I expect everyone to be ready for when we meet up again two days from now. Dismissed.”

Nobody started to pack up. Everybody was scrolling through their phones or their laptops, trying to figure out who they were paired with. I found the email on my phone after a split second, and began frantically searching for the name of the classmate I was assigned to. My heart froze for a second when I saw Jeriah Tate.

I looked up at him, my eyes wide like a deer in headlights. He was already looking at me, a predatory glint in his eyes. I noticed that he didn’t have his phone in his hands, and that his laptop was closed. How did he already know?

Had he arranged this somehow?

I was frozen in my chair as everyone got up to leave, everyone except the two of us. I could dimly hear in the background a fight breaking out. Apparently, someone was upset that his girlfriend was partnered with another guy. The girlfriend didn’t seem too bothered by it, until someone pointed out to her that her boyfriend was also assigned to someone else.

I couldn’t look away from Jeriah, his eyes an inferno of heat, threatening to consume me. Without looking away, he calmly stood up and slung his bag over his shoulder. He walked past me, heading towards the door, when he said something so quietly that I had to strain to hear it.

He said, “I won’t be gentle.” I whimpered slightly.

I got back to my dorm and began reading through the assignment more carefully. Every student had a three digit code that they had to memorize. Their partner would try to extract the information via sexual coercion. Grades were based on your ability to withstand and deliver temptation.

I was grateful to see that I would be “performing” first. If I could get into his head, maybe I’d have a chance. I tried searching for anything he posted online to see if I could figure out his fetishes. When that didn’t work out, I tried asking around, trying to discover who his ex girlfriends were, see if they could give me any ideas.

There was nothing. Jeriah was a complete ghost. An asshole ghost, with a six pack and a cute smirk and a closet full of bespoke suits and some sort of vendetta against me.

My research about him hadn’t gone great on the basis of what he liked, but I did manage to find out a little about his background. The guy was filthy rich, for one thing. When I first saw his net worth, I confused it for a phone number. He apparently had a hand in running his parents company after their deaths, but most of the actual decision making was left to a trust.

If Jeriah had wanted to target me, he could have pulled a few strings no problem. Why fixate on me, though? Did he think I’d be an easy win? Maybe he thought I’d be a challenge? I couldn’t think of any reason why he’d go out of his way to be my partner, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that he had.

The day I’d have to give my interrogation, I decided I’d keep things simple. I put on a short skirt, high heels, a tight blouse, and sultry makeup. If I was lucky, I’d have him begging for release before I’d even unbuckled his pants.

Everyone had a list of “requirements” they would give their partners. Clothing choices, how the interrogation room would be set up, that sort of thing. I’d requested that he be handcuffed to his chair, with a button down shirt. In case I wanted to open up his shirt and run my hands along his muscular torso. Because that’s something I assume he would like, of course.

I arrived early and checked in with Professor Gerfrid. He was monitoring all the rooms, recording the interrogations for later review and critique. He wished me luck, and told me which room Jeriah was set up in.

“Listen, what are the restrictions on this kind of thing?” I asked. “There has to be some rules about this, right?”

Professor Gerfrid turned his full attention to me, and smiled. My heart melted a little. My teacher was a handsome man, barely old enough to have a touch of grey in his hair. If I’d had to pick someone to help guide me through the confusing maze of carnal pleasures, I’d want someone I could trust, like him.

“You’ll be fine. He won’t be allowed to hurt you when it’s your turn. If you don’t want to go through with this, you can drop out. Nobody will judge you. Not everybody was meant to be a spy.”

I flushed red, lowering my eyes. “I’m one of the top students here, you know that right? Do I really have to go through with this as well?”

Professor Gerfrid put a hand on my shoulder. “This is tough, nobody is denying that. Serving your country isn’t all fun and games. You have my full confidence. If you don’t mind me saying so, you’re a very charming young woman. I’m sure you’ll do well at this exercise.”

My skin felt hot and sweaty where his palm and fingers rested. I felt a strong urge to rip his tweed suit off of him. Instead, I bit my lip and nodded. “Thanks,” I said, turning to leave. I heard him wishing me luck again as I went through the exit.

I went into the interrogation room assigned to me and Jeriah and saw that he had honored my request to wear a button down shirt. Unfortunately, he was also wearing an undershirt underneath it. I’d have to remember to be more specific in the future.

He was sitting, calmly staring at me with his piercing blue eyes. His strong, muscular arms were down at his sides, his wrists bound to the legs of the chair with two pairs of handcuffs. The table had been pushed over to the side of the room.

“Do you have your code memorized?” I asked.

“Naturally. Think you’ve got what it takes to make me talk?”

My stomach was fluttering in nervousness as I looked him up and down. I licked my lips, struggling to think of a reply. I nearly jumped when I heard Professor Gerfrid’s voice over the intercom. “You may begin whenever you’re ready, Ms. Aileas.”

I looked over at the two way mirror along the side of the room. I looked at my makeup, my outfit, and tried to summon a little bit of the courage I’d felt when I’d picked it out earlier that morning. Swallowing hard, I marched over to Jeriah and ran my fingers through his short hair.

I leaned down and whispered into his ear, “What’s it going to take to get you to give me the code?” My face was so close to his I could practically feel him grinning against me.

“I want to see what you’re capable of.” He turned and flicked out his tongue, catching my earlobe and gently sucking it between his lips. I gasped and stood back up, feeling my blood hum with energy and heat. “What’s wrong Kim, never had a guy that didn’t instantly melt in your hands?”

I tried to focus my energy into anger, avoid letting him get into my head. I ripped open his shirt, letting a few buttons fly off. I grabbed the bottom of his undershirt, and yanked it upwards, letting the bottom come out from being tucked into his jeans. I managed to wrangle the bottom of this shirt over his head, exposing his powerful chest and stomach.

I swung my leg around his front, and sat on his lap. I could feel the hard bulge of his erection pressing through his jeans and against my silk panties. I leaned forward and kissed him softly, closing my eyes.

He seemed surprised, taking a moment before he kissed me back. I pulled away just as he began to reciprocate. I could feel the tension spiraling in his body as he fluctuated between confusion and frustration. I began to kiss him again as soon as he relaxed, and pulled away again when he tried to respond.

“It’s been thirty seconds, and you’re already pulling at the handcuffs like a dog on his chain,” I whispered in his ear. “You really think you can last a full hour?”

“I can last as long as I need to,” he replied, but he was already breathing heavily.

“Good,” I replied. “Then you won’t mind me having a little fun then.”

I scooted back and unbuckled his belt and pants. I pulled his jeans and underpants down just long enough that I could free his throbbing erection. I had to suppress my reaction when I saw it.

It was thicker than I had expected, so much so that when I wrapped my hand around it my fingers barely touched. I stroked him softly, trying to estimate the length. Eight inches, probably. I was trembling at the thought of having to pleasure this monster.

I got down to my knees in front of him. I looked up at him, gazing into his eyes as I stuck out my tongue and ran it from his balls to the head of his cock. It honestly took a while.

“Tell me the first number of the combination, and I’ll suck it.”

Jeriah clenched his mouth shut. I continued teasing him, licking him softly, focusing on one testicle and then the other. His breathing was fast and ragged, sweat beading on his forehead.

I was surprised at how much I was enjoying myself. Knowing that I was torturing him with pleasure was a thrill, and I could feel my body lighting up like fireworks at the thought of getting him to bend to my will.

I reached down and felt inside of my panties. I gasped when I felt how absolutely drenched I was. I moaned softly as I played with my pussy, letting the vibrations of my lips reverberate against his stretched skin. I brought up my coated fingers and rubbed some of my potent juices on his sensitive head.

“Five!” he barked out, his voice on edge. “The first number is five. Now suck me off you biii-aaaa-” his command was cut off mid sentence as I sank my warm mouth over his throbbing member. I rewarded him for telling my the number as best as I could, stroking his hard cock with one hand, going as deep as I could with my mouth.

I could feel him getting closer to orgasm. His cock was throbbing, growing between my lips. I pulled myself off of him, letting his rod go with a loud pop. I stood up in front of him, and pulled off my panties. I took the soaked bit of clothing and let him smell it. His entire body shuddered as he moaned.

I straddled him again, but didn’t sit myself down. Instead i teased him with my pussy, letting his cock briefly rub against my steaming loins. “Tell me the second number,” I whispered in his ear.

“Fuck you,” he snarled.

“Tell me the second number,” I repeated, “and I will.” I lowered myself down half an inch, catching just the very tip of the head of his cock in between my lips. He bucked his hips, succeeding in sliding a delicious millimeter of thick cock into me before I managed to raise myself out of reach.

“Don’t you want to feel me?” I said in my best pleading voice. “Don’t you want me to squeeze you inside of me? Don’t you want to see the look on my face when I force myself to take you into me?”

“S-sss….” The struggle was etched into his face. “It’s seven. The second number is seven.” He had his eyes tightly closed, his chin to his chest. I took his face in my hands and lifted his head up gently. I kissed him softly, with just a hint of passion, before I slid down on him.

I gasped loudly as I felt his girth stretch me. I sank down a few inches and had to stop to catch my breath. “Oh my God,” I began chanting, as I slowly rose myself up and down, fucking just the first half of his cock, going down further a little bit more each time.

Jeriah leaned his head back, moaning loud as I rode him. The orgasm I had denied him earlier was quickly approaching him again. I was surprised to realize my own orgasm was swiftly growing inside of me. Every fiber of my being wanted to keep railing him until I screamed his name, but if he came I’d never be able to get the last number in time.

I stopped my hip movements. I stood silently over him, letting him violently pump his hips the tiny fraction of an inch, stimulating both of us closer to a violent climax at a painfully slow rate.

“The last number,” I growled.

“Let me cum,” he said, half begging, half ordering.

“Tell me the last number, so we can both cum,” I replied.

“I can’t, I don’t remember.”

I reached down and tweaked one of his nipples, hard. The pain flashed through his sensitive body, causing him to buck. “Don’t you dare lie to me. Talk. Last number.”

He pushed his head forward, trying to kiss me. I pulled away for a second, then kissed him.

“Show me your breasts,” he said. I could feel his cock swelling inside of me. I stood up, jumping off his cock before he managed to work himself into an orgasm despite my restrictions. I started undoing the top few buttons, then quickly ripped open the whole garment. I grabbed the cups of my bra and pulled them up, freeing my breasts enough for him to enjoy them.

I stepped forward again, placing my flushed breasts against his sweat soaked face. He immediately began sucking at my stiff nipples. I moaned loudly as he eagerly serviced me.

“Tell me the last number,” I said, my voice a husky whisper. “Please, I need you so bad. Just say it.”

“Three,” he said, his voice thick with lust and frustration. The last number is three!”

“That is correct,” Said Professor Gerfrid’s voice over the intercom. “Congratulations Kim, you got him to spill the secret. The exercise is complete, you may leave now if you’d like.”

I didn’t pay any attention. I bent my knees and slammed myself back down on Jeriah’s cock. I kissed him fiercely as I rode him with all my strength, forcing more and more of his immense manhood inside of me.

I came just as I managed to reach the bottom of his rod, feeling more full than I ever have in my life. I screamed as I squeezed him inside of me, heard him moaning my name loudly.

I felt him convulse inside of me as I came, felt his hot load seep into me, fill me from inside. I kept contracting around him as he shot himself into me. After we’d both climaxed, he just sat there, him handcuffed into immobility, me clinging to him and struggling to catch my breath.

After what felt like an eternity, I stood back up. I cleared my throat as I tried to get myself in some sort of order before I left the room. I’d lost a few buttons, but my outfit was mostly unscathed. I was about to leave when Jeriah spoke up.

“Not bad. Don’t get cocky. I’ve still got my turn.”

“Looking forward to it,” I replied without looking back. I left the room, went to the nearest bathroom, and cleaned myself up a little bit more. I realized then that I’d forgotten my panties.

I decided not to go back for them. I wanted Jeriah to have something to think about until our next interrogation.

The few days that passed until our next class together where a blur. I went to class, I studied, I exercised, and every moment I was thinking about Jeriah’s amazing cock. I found I was looking forward to our session together, even if there would be the stress of him trying to earn an A while teasing me.

The morning of my interrogation, I received an email detailing the requirements for how I was to be dressed. I turned bright red just reading it. Clearly, Jeriah had been busy planning things out since our last encounter.

High heels, stockings, garters. mini skirt, thong panties, white button down shirt that isn’t buttoned buy merely tied closed using the bottom of the shirt, no bra. I guess I found out what his fetish was.

I had to go shopping that morning in order to actually accommodate his requests. I tried to think of a way to be defiant, disobey him the way he’d worn an undershirt to defy me. His request was so specific that the only thing I could think of was to add a choker to the ensemble.

Hey, if he didn’t like it, he could take it off. And if he did like it, then there was a better chance of him losing control and not be able to tease me into submission.

I arrived at the interrogation room nice and early, feeling my heart pound in my chest. There were a couple people already there, setting up the room. I was surprised to see Jeriah there, overseeing the placement of the equipment.

“Like what you see?” he asked. I looked around the room, feeling myself grow smaller.

“I only needed a chair and some handcuffs to break you,” I said softly, my face turning bright red.

“That’s true,” replied Jeriah, “but I’m not taking any chances.”

The interrogation room had been completely transformed. The sturdy metal table had been tipped upwards, resting against a wall, it’s legs protruding from the bottom. The cuffs that dangled from the legs told me that I’d be chained there, spread eagle.

There was some custom made furniture as well. There was a device that looked something like a horse’s saddle that had a dildo sticking up from the middle of it. There was a rack of items that had been brought in, proudly displaying various instruments of sexual conquest.

What the hell had I gotten myself into?

“Is this all really necessary?” I asked, my voice higher than I wanted it to be.

“Necessary? No. It is fun though. You ready to do this?”

I froze up, thinking about turning and running and never looking back. I didn’t even know for sure that Jeriah was interested in acing the class at this point. What if he was only in it for revenge.

I thought about Professor Gerfrid, knowing that if I dropped out now I’d never attend his classes again. He’d told me that nobody would judge me for quitting, but deep down I knew that wouldn’t be true. If I ever saw him, he’d only see me as the girl that couldn’t hack it. I wanted him to be proud of me.

I clenched my fists, and tried to look at him with a mask of defiance. “Let’s see what you’ve got, rich boy.”

Jeriah smirked, then waved me over to the table. I walked over to it, struggling not to tremble. I leaned back against it, trying not to let the cold metal give me too much of a shiver. He leaned over me, gently taking one of my hands and lifting it over my head. He connected my wrist to one of the restraints, than did my other hand.

He then knelt down in front of me and carefully bound each of my ankles. I noticed that the people who had showed up to assist him in setting up the room had now left.

Professor Gerfrid’s voice sounded over the intercom. “Alright, Mr. Tate, if you are ready, your time begins now.”

I expected Jeriah to pounce on my restrained body, to maul me with his hands and force me to take his absurdly large dick. I’d certainly been sassing him enough to provoke that kind of reaction. Instead, he stayed kneeling in front of me.

I was surprised when he kissed my leg, just on the inside of my knee. He slowly traveled upwards, giving my stocking covered flesh tiny little kisses and quick brushes with his tongue.

I felt a flush of heat build in me as Jeriah slowly crept up my legs. He’d wanted something else from me. It wasn’t about the grade. It wasn’t about anger. It wasn’t even about lust. The way he was slowly, tenderly kissing me, it seemed he had some other need of me.

“You realize you’ve only got an hour, right?” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. “Are you hoping to bore the information out of me?” I needed to push him, find out what he was really after. This had stopped being a class exercise. I didn’t know what was going on, but I was damn sure going to find out.

Jeriah stood up quickly, leaving my short skirt barely touched. He cupped my face in his large, powerful hands, and dipped his lips towards mine. I had expected to be able to read a few things from him. I had expected anger, callousness, even derision. Jeriah, the aloof pretty boy with a bank account like a small nation, what else could I expect?

His lips told a different story. His lips were…sweet. Kind. He kissed me with an almost nervous bravado. Like he had some sort of internal emotional wall that he’d been building up all his life and now something was breaking out of it. Something he’d been trying to hide with snark and juvenile taunts. What was it?

My focus began to drift as he kissed me, to be replaced with a warm fuzzy happiness as he caressed my hair and slid his hands down my body. His fingers worked apart the knot in my top, slowly spreading open my shirt without damaging it. My nipples were already hard when he exposed them to the cool air.

He broke away from our passionate kiss, to leave a trail of smaller kisses going down my jaw, down my neck and over my collarbone. He knelt down in front of me and slowly kissed my breasts, feeling my shudder underneath his tender ministrations.

His powerful fingers slid up my legs and under my skirt, groping my ass roughly with both hands. He massaged my ass for a few moments, kneading me hard and pushing my pelvis against his muscular stomach. My head was already swimming as his hands lowered slightly and he focused his strength on the backs of my thighs.

He lifted up my skirt, revealing my thong. He detached himself from my breasts and knelt down lower, taking a deep whiff of my damp pussy before he slid the thong aside. He pushed his face forward into me, and began running his tongue along my inner lips.

My breath caught in my chest as he worked his magic on me. Everything he did seem to be different than what I’d been expecting. Was he toying with me? Or had I fundamentally misunderstood him? All I knew for sure was that what he was doing to me felt incredible. I could feel every nerve ending in my body quivering in delight.

I could feel an orgasm slowly unfolding inside of me, already beginning to push against my skin from the inside and blossoming like a flower in the morning sun. Was this going to be his tactic? Torture me with an endless stream of orgasms until I gave him the code to stop? I nearly fainted just thinking about it.

Jeriah stopped when he felt me beginning to convulse. I was breathing hard, sweat beading across my body as he stood to go collect something from his armory of pleasure. He picked up a large white rod that had a bulb on one end of it and an electrical cord hanging off the other. The side of it said “Hitachi Magic Wand.”

He plugged the device into the wall and approached me with it like it was a weapon. He slowly slid the bulb of the wand between my thighs, until it was cradled against my pussy. He leaned in and kissed me again.

I kissed him back, feeling his soft lips massage mine with a tenderness I didn’t think he was capable of. Then he hit the switch on the wand.

My vision, my thoughts, every nerve in my entire body turned to static.

He turned it back off, and I was back in the room with him, my mouth hanging open, my breathing hard and fast. Jeriah was still kissing me, apparently enjoying the effect the wand had on me. He leaned closer to me, and whispered in my ear, “That was the low setting.” He ran his tongue along my earlobe. “This is high.”

The world turned to static again, my body feeling like it was a bottle of carbonated soda that had been shook up hard and was now frothing out of the bottle.

Reality rushed back with the click of a button. Every limb in my body was hanging loose while every muscle was tight. I could feel that my pussy was absolutely drenched, and my mind was screaming with need. I could hear a low, deep noise… and realized I was moaning.

“What do you think?” he asked.

I bit my lip, using the pain to force myself to think. The truth was, as great as the wand felt, it was way too much for me to get off on. It was too overwhelming. If he tried to use that on me for the next…however much time was left, I’d go completely insane. I had to get him to switch tactics. I just had to think of how to do that.

“Your cock felt better,” I said, trying to make my voice sound sultry or pouty or whatever the hell guys liked.

It worked. After a half second of shock, the wand slipped from his fingers and fell to the floor. Jeriah had his cock out a second later, and was rubbing it against me, coating his impossible rod with my juices.

I was giddy with anticipation. I’d been thinking about this moment constantly the last few days, feeling empty without him filling me. When he pushed the head of his fat cock into my drenched tunnel, I screamed his name.

I’d honestly forgotten that this had been a class exercise as he worked his immense member into me. There were sparks in my vision as I shuddered, feeling more alive and free than I ever had outside of this room.

He slowly pushed more of his cock into me, kissing me roughly, groping my sweat slick body with his powerful hands. When he broke off the kiss, my head flopped back, me mumbling “yes” repeatedly.

He had half of himself in me when he stopped, my body impaled on him and incapable of escape. “What’s the password?” he asked.

“Huh?” I said, staring at him blankly.

“The passcode for class, what is it?” he asked again, his voice strained, his ability to think rationally barely clinging on for dear life.

I answered without thinking. “Seven-Nine-Eight, seven-nine-eight, it’s seven-nine-eight-” My mumbled confession was cut off as he thrust hard into me.

Jeriah repeated the code loudly as he thrust hard into me. Professor Gerfrid confirmed that it was the correct code and that Jeriah was now free to end the exercise.

That wasn’t technically true for either of us. I was still chained up for his pleasure, and Jeriah had completely lost his ability to walk away. Instead, he roughly grabbed me by my ass and thrust into me harder than before.

I managed to slip my hands and feet free from their restraints, he was bucking against me so hard. I coiled my limbs around him as he railed against me, pulling him harder into my body, whispering encouragement into his ear. When I felt that he was about to cum, I bit down on his shoulder, letting the pain mix with his pleasure.

His scream of passion, the thickening of his cock as he pumped into me, the deep warmth as he flooded me with his seed, pushed me over the edge. I yelled his name as my entire body convulsed, my orgasm burning hot enough to blind me. There was nothing that existed in my world except pleasure and Jeriah.

Jeriah lost his footing and quickly slid to the floor. I tried to catch myself but my limbs were jello. In the back of my mind, I knew that Jeriah had beaten my time, had gotten the code out of me easier than I’d extracted it from him. That irritated me, but not as much as the mystery.

I snuggled against him, letting his powerful arms encircle me and hold me close. I tried to ignore how wonderful he felt, how perfectly our bodies fit together, and tried to focus on the real questions. How did Jeriah know that we were partners to begin with? What had he done to bring us together? And what motivated him to do so?

As we rested, slowly regaining our strength, I realized that this was not the last time I’d be interrogating Jeriah Tate.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cs2xln/spycraft_lessons_sexual_interogation_fm_bdsm


  1. I really hope there is a part two to this! This is one of the best stories I’ve read on here. Well done!

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