The sex hotel part 2 [Mf] [lgbt friendly] [public] [blowjob] [part 2] [non consensual] [forced sex]

*note: if you haven’t read the first part i would recommend that you do just to be caught up []( *

***The sex hotel part 2***

*“What!”she gasped.* “You think I’m finished with you just because I came. You have so much to learn. Clean me up” he said.

His cock wasn’t as hard anymore yet the size was still alarming. She looked at it in confusion.”w-what”she let out. He leaned close to her swiftly, she jerked back in shock. He lifted her chin and looked at her.”I didn’t stutter.” he whispered, sending a chill down her spine. He brushed her cheek with his hand and smirked. He chuckled before falling back. “Hopeless”he mumbled.

She inhaled deeply closing her eyes before bending over. ”don’t expect the world” she whispered with an exhale.

Carefully she stroked his cock, dragging a single finger up and over the head then back down the side giving a gentle tease. She looked up at him before dragging her tongue along his flaccid dick. She went back to dragging a finger on it giving a gentle massage. His breathing became heavier. He liked it.

On the tenth pass his dick started to harden, rising and lengthening.”ready?”she asked. He cocked his head at her.”I thought you didn’t want it,”he said with a chuckle. “Go ahead buttercup.” holding it steady with her hand she put her mouth just around the tip.

It had an odd flavor. The sweet yet salty flavor slowly hypnotizing her tongue. New cravings erupting from the darkest most dirtiest places in her body.

She lowered her mouth on his cock using her tongue to circle around the head creating a nice suction between her lips and his dick. His gentle moans were music to her ears as she went lower and lower on his cock slowly evolving into a subtle deep throat.

He grabbed her head gently lowering it. “You can still breathe right”he asked letting out a mall moan still after. She gagged after an attempt of breathing through her mouth.”out through the nose”he moaned feeling her warm mouth tighten and loosen around his cock. His whole mood changed. He liked her.

He lifted his hips, holding her head still slowly thrusting in and out. He slowly got faster making sure she got used to each speed before increasing. She put her hands on his thighs to regain control. His gentle moans progressed to grunts masking his resistance.

“Swallow it…”he moaned as he pushed her head lower on his cock as he came. Her throat pushed out and in as she gulped. His warm cum spewed out of the tiny cracks between her lips and his cock. She lifted her head as he let out a breathy exhale.

She looked up at him and opened her mouth. It was clean. He smirked. “Good girl. Ya know, i would keep you for myself. But i think the boys would enjoy you.”he said grabbing her hand. He stood up. “Take a shower with me. You don’t have an option.”

She followed him to the bathroom. She peeled off what was left of the lace bodysuit and cracked open the clear sliding door to the shower.

She was in first. She turned on the hot water first allowing it to warm up before turning on the cold. Shawn soon joined her in the cramped shower and turned her facing him. Her soft breasts pressing up against his muscled chest. She blushed as she looked up at his face. He was almost a foot taller than her.

She tried to step back which pushed her further into his body. “S-sorry”she apologize. He reached down with both hands and squeezed her ass. He squeezed some soap into his hand and rubbed it in circular motions along her ass. He gently spread her open while making sure to clean her well. He rinsed off his hand before slipping a finger into her tight pussy. She moaned leaning forward into his chest more lifting her arms to her sides. She debated helping him clean off too.

She clenched her hands as she debated what to do. Clean him off or clean yourself. She shook her head of the thought and decided to take charge.”I can clean myself”she said grabbing his arm in attempts to pull it out. He grabbed her shoulder and spun her around to face the wall using his forearm to hold her against the wall. He lifted her leg over his shoulder. Instead of fingering her gently he went rapidly and quickly as a punishment. Water running down their bodies.

“Ah…!!”she moaned scrunching her face and body.

“Rule number one of working here. If someone wants to pleasure you or themselves always let them. They don’t pay you to be stubborn, in fact i don’t pay you to be stubborn. If you don’t behave i punish you until you get the lesson.”he started increasing the speed as her moans turned to screams.”these men. You have fetishes, paraphilias, different kinks, all types of little things that make them cum. You want money, you be their **dream girl.** And right now you be *mine.”*

She nodded, letting out one last moan before her eyes rolled back and her body tensed up. She had orgasmed.

He put her leg back down his arm still on her back. He kissed her neck, gently biting her. Her breathing slowed down as he removed his arm.

He put soap on her bag and cleaned her up. She left the shower, as he stayed behind.

She sat on the bed and dried off searching the room for lotion.there was a small brown bottle on the nightstand.

She started around her neck, massaging the smooth cream into her warm skin. Progressing down from her boobs to hips to thighs to feet. The bathroom door opened.

Shawn had the white towel wrapped around his waist. It felt like the aftermath of a one night stand.

“Do you, you know rape every person who applies for the job? Have any of them quit and tell the police”she asked slipping the body suit back on. He chuckled.

“Just the ones I like. The ones that quit and snitch get killed.”

She blushed as her jaw dropped. She didn’t want to die and didn’t plan on it. She’s stuck.

“So your saying you like me?”she asked trying to distract herself from the fact that if she had quit the job she’d probably die. How would they even cover it up? Is that why so many women have been reported missing or dead lately? How much money did this guy have?

”don’t get your hopes up. I hire the young and pretty. They bring in the biggest bucks. Were you an old lady, would have put you at the front desk for the actual hotel.”

“How does this hotel even work?”Brooklyn asked sliding her T-shirt over her head.

Shawn was putting his suit back on as he turned his head. “Regular hotel during the day. Sex, strippers, parties at night. Its funny how many men come here just to cheat on their wives. The last four stories is where the ‘magic’. Story number 1 & 2. Those are the rooms for lovers. Heart shaped beds, double baths, shit for couples at a higher price. Every room comes with, lube & and condoms with the exception of our lesbian lovers. The third story. For the romantic dates. Expensive wines, tables for two and roses. There’s a room in the corner where you can buy or rent dildos, straps, ropes, lube if for some reason you use it all. People are freaky.”he started.

“And you aren’t? You just raped me. And you even admitted to raping others” she said confused.

“It’s not rape its business. I don’t do it for myself it’s for your training. Besides you gave in. **you** were the one who sucked **my** dick. You could’ve stopped after I came but guess who didn’t. You kept going. You decided after I gave the uniform to continue trying out for the job. Everything that happened tonight was on you. You consented to doing the job, you consented to wearing the lewd outfit, you could’ve stopped any point in time but you didn’t. Yeah your life would’ve been on the line but hell, if you didn’t want it you wouldn’t have followed through. You gave in faster than any girl I ever met.” he said slipping on socks and shoes. She was starstruck. ‘Fuck he got me’she thought.

*note: none of these things mentioned make non consensual sex OK. If the person doesn’t say yes, in fact if the person says no, stop, please don’t, etc. that’s illegal and not acceptable.*

Shawn stepped toward the door, putting his hand on the doorknob before turning. ‘This is where you will be staying for now until i trust you enough to return to your house before shifts. Be outside at ten exactly. I don’t care what you do until then. If you go downstairs in the lobby you are to wear a cover up if you chose to stay in uniform. You talk to no one except people wearing the band that’s on the nightstand to your right. You where that wherever you go. Other people with the same position as you will be wearing these. If you’re smart you’ll ask them for advice. Be outside your door at ten. If you don’t you’ll spend a day in ***room 387.*** And you ***don’t*** want to be there.”he left the room, closing the door behind him.

“What’s in room 387”she asked herself deep in thought. She searched the room for any perks especially with how he acted. Her goal: make money, flee eviction, **DON”T GET KILLED.** She found a camera in the corner of the room. The red beeping light allowed her to know it was recording. Her face scrunched up.

“What if they recorded the… *shit”* she thought. It was a total business move. He could easily sell the sex tapes for money. Money money money, everything was for money. She didn’t know whether or not to panic. If anyone found the tape it would be humiliating.

After she calmed down she put on the band and the rest of her outfit before deciding to go downstairs.

She was on the very first floor and decided to sit in the packed lobby. It was game night apparently. She sat down and decided to participate. She saw three ladies with the band sitting next to each other, and they definitely saw her. They waved at her and flashed her a smile.

They all looked very different. The lady on the right had rich chocolate brown skin that made her sparkly green eyes pop. the one in the middle was a bit more mature and chubby with pale clear skin and wavy blonde hair. The one on the left was skinny and had fiery red hair and was wearing white contacts.

“Oh hello. You must be the newbie boss was talking about. Did you have the ‘training’. I’m melody by the way.” the lady with green eyes said.

“You got it too?I’m Brooklyn and yes. What did he say about me?”she asked. For some reason she felt attracted to him. She hadn’t even known the man longer for an hour.

“He said that he had a liking towards you. He felt like you could aid the needs of all the people who ‘party’ on the **fourth** story. I’m Cindy.” the lady in the middle told her. “That’s something good. All he said about me was that the lesbians would get a kick out of me. I’m straight” the girl with red hair admitted. “Get over yourself Lucy. You should be happy for Brooke. I can call you Brooke right?” melody asked.

“Yeah sure.”

Brooklyn had a good feeling. Despite the lewd actions the girls would later preform, seemed very friendly. “So fill me in on this. What did you and boss man do?” Lucy asked.

“Well um, he had me put on the uniform i guess you could say. We wrestled, he um, gave me head briefly. I rode him while making out and he eventually came. I gave him a blow job, swallowed the blow job. And he fingered me forcefully in the shower.” she admitted shyly.

“What!! Girl he likes you.”melody said with a enthusiastic smirk.”all he did was give me a pound and sent me on my way”Lucy said. “I just gave him a blow job. I didn’t even get to shower.”Cindy admitted her head lowered in shame. “Not only that, but he gave you head. Was it good head?” melody asked. “Yeah was it. I thought Shawn was to boujee for it.” Cindy asked. “Details sister details sister”

“I suppose you could say it was good. He only did it to provoke me. I must admit one thing.” Brooklyn started. She looked around the room and caught a man with brown hair staring at her. She leaned into the girls and shifted her eyes. “He tasted alright” she said with a giggle. The girls let out a shriek.”your nasty. You’ll fit in just right” melody exclaimed. Lucy looked back.

“You must be some sort of man magnet. Travis is staring at you.” Lucy said. All the girls turned to face him and sure enough he was staring at Brooklyn.”Yo Travis come over here we need you help to tech newbie a lesson” Cindy called out.

“Lesson number one. Teasing. The actual sex doesn’t begin until 11:00. In that hour your goal is to tease as many people as you can. However good you do it attracts people to you. The more people you attract the more money you get.” Cindy said. Melody let out a chuckle. “Your not gonna make her.”-”give a lap dance to Travis”

Brooklyn’s eyes widened. Travis hung over the back of the couch. “Whats up Cindy.?” he asked. Brooklyn couldn’t help but notice his eyes trailing over to her. “I see you checking out the newbie. She’s Brooklyn. Be honest. Don’t you want to help her out with training” Travis sighed.”seriously Cindy.” he said. He looked over at Brooklyn his eyes examining her body. “Dude your checking her out might as well.” Lucy agreed. “But in the lobby really? Doesn’t boss really like her. I’d be screwed if he caught us.” Travis said.

“Not only did you just admit to liking the idea, but your making me look bad. It’s simple, don’t get me caught” Mumbled Brooklyn. Melody giggled. “You got consent from the golden goose. Give in or give in. The options are the same.” melody said. Travis sighed. “Fine. but if I get caught, you better do whatever it takes to make sure I don’t get sent to **room 387.”** Travis said.

He sat on the couch, his legs spread a little. Brooklyn checked her surroundings. There were only a few people in the lobby left at they all went into the game room. She sat on his lap, her fat ass spreading on his lap.”sorry if i leak through my tights I’m not wearing underwear”she whispered to him in embarrassment.

“What”he mumbled.

“OK so. You want to move your hips. Back and forth, diagonal, circles. Really make sure your lady bits are pressed into his cock. You want to get him hard and horny”Cindy whispered. “OK”Brooklyn mumbled.

She moved her hips forward to back tilting her pelvis as she did earlier. Her warm pussy massaging his cock through his thin shorts. Travis gently moaned. She leaned back a little forcing her weight down on him a little. Her hips moved in circles as Travis grabbed her hips. “Fuck she’s good”Travis said. The girls laughed. Brooklyn felt uncomfortable having the girls watch but she continued on his way. Slowly Travis became erect his cock pressing against her clit. Her hip movements didn’t stop there.”I’m sorry but…”Travis said leaning her body forward.

“What?”Brooklyn said in confusion. Travis duck his finger into her tights tearing a small hole near her vagina. “Travis what are you doing. Your in the lobby” Brooklyn mumbled. “Please.”he asked.”you owe me new leggings. These are my only pair and I won’t be able to leave for the rest of the week.”Brooklyn said. She reached into his pants and pulled his cock out swiftly putting it inside her to make sure no one was watching.

“y’all are dirty. Travis you know if boss finds out your fucking with sugar tits your dead meat.”Melody said. The girls tried to circle around them to hide the hot mess that was happening here.

“Travis what the fuck are you doing with Brooklyn” Boss exclaimed


**To be continued. . .?**

*thank you so much for reading. Feel free to leave critiques as well as some things you would like to see if I continued the series*


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