New Toys [MF] [Toys] [Romantic]

“Um….Blake? What exactly am I looking at?” asked a confused and slightly embarrassed Heather Cyrus.

“Well, I want to say it’s exactly what you think it is, but given your limited experience with this sort of thing…”

Her boyfriend’s careful words trailed off. She sensed him trying hard not to laugh. He should’ve tried harder.

Heather had planned on enjoying a romantic night with her lover, Blake Quinton. They had endured long week. Her workload at the marketing firm was more strenuous than usual. When she told her lover she wanted to share some private time, she thought he knew what she meant.

Initially, he got the message. He left work early, ordered some take-out, and set up a candle-lit dinner. He’d also set the mood in their bedroom. He closed the blinds, lit some incense, and put on some soft jazz music. After dinner, he led her into the bedroom where Heather expected to enjoy a night of casual lovemaking. Then, before things got heated, he pulled out a box from under the bed and gave it to her.

That was when she saw it. Blake, the man she loved with all her heart and planned to marry, had bought her a sex toy.

“You don’t have to be so immature,” Heather said, rolling her eyes. “I know what sex toys are.”

“Do you?” Blake questioned. “Because what you’re looking at is no ordinary sex toy. The lady at the shop called it the mini-wand deluxe. It’s supposed to be the ultimate accessory for compact ecstasy.”

“Is that really what it’s called?” she asked skeptically. “Or is that how she got you to buy it?”

“It doesn’t matter what it’s called. What matters is why I bought it.”

“Because you thought it would be funny?” Heather scoffed.

“No,” Blake said, “because it would enhance our love life. I definitely want that. Don’t you?”

He was dead serious. Sitting on the bed next to her, he slipped his arm around her waist and embraced her affectionately. Wearing only her underwear and nighty, she could feel his love through his touch. Blake wasn’t great with words, but he often spoke volumes with his gestures.

As the surprise wore off, Heather tried to get a grip on the situation. Blake was a great guy and a wonderful boyfriend, but subtlety was not among his strengths. He couldn’t lie worth a damn. He rarely thought things through. When he got an idea, he pursued it with reckless abandon.

It was how he got his first job. One day, he got it in his head that he wanted to work on movies. Without a second thought, he drove to the nearest movie studio and got a low-paying job working cameras. Six years later, he was in charge of his own production team. It was also how they first met. At concert, he just walked up and asked her out on a whim. She accepted, not expecting to fall in love with him. Two years later, they shared an apartment and an active love life.

That, alone, was quite an accomplishment. Heather had only dated one other man in her life. That man happened to come from the same very traditional, deeply religious community as her. Growing up in that community, the idea of having a love life before her wedding night was unfathomable. The idea of sex being more than a wifely duty was just as outrageous. Naturally, it fostered some unhealthy attitudes that ultimately doomed that relationship.

Blake was different. He’d grown up in a big city. His mother was a gynecologist and his oldest sister was a lesbian. He was in a better position to learn about sex than most straight heterosexual men. He willingly shared that knowledge with her as their relationship blossomed. Heather’s attitudes about sex changed considerably, as a result. Bringing a sex toy into the mix might have been too much, too fast.

“Enhance our love life,” she repeated under her breath, “that shouldn’t sound so daunting.”

“You’re right. It shouldn’t,” Blake told her.

“And yet, here I am…a functioning adult who still hears the angry voices of nuns, priests, and teachers whenever we do it. They keep telling me this is wrong…having sex with my boyfriend and daring to enjoy it.”

“They can yell at you all they want. That doesn’t make them right.”

“I know. Believe me, I know,” said Heather with a sigh. “It’s just…the more we do it, the more I realize how wrong they were. They taught me what sex was and what not to do. They never taught me how great it felt. Hell, I didn’t know what an orgasm was until I was 19 years old.”

“Yeah, I remember that story. You thought you were having a seizure,” said Blake in a humored tone.

“I can laugh about that now, but I’m still not over it. I’ve lived most of my life being ignorant about sex. You’ve gone above and beyond to change that. It’s just…not changing as fast as I’d hoped.”

She reached into the box and picked up the mini-wand, as Blake called it. Years ago, just touching it would’ve been an affront to her entire community. It was obscene, from its phallic shape to its pinkish color. Such a device couldn’t possibly improve anyone’s sex life. It was just a tool of illicit pleasure.

That was what her old health teacher would’ve told her. Having gotten her sex education from a religious school, using anything for pure pleasure was sinful. Even a married woman wasn’t supposed to enjoy sex beyond a certain point. She had to please her husband, but that was it. Nobody said anything about her pleasure.

That included her former boyfriend. He was never abusive, but he’d been taught the same as her. When they first had sex, it wasn’t that pleasurable. It wasn’t even that passionate. She didn’t come. She hadn’t even been aroused. Even though it didn’t hurt, Heather knew in her gut that something wasn’t right. Blake, being such a wonderful man, went out of his way to teach her what others wouldn’t.

“You’ve come a long way…literally, in some cases,” Blake told her.

“Your vocabulary is uncanny,” said Heather in amusement.

“Doesn’t matter what words I use. It’s true. You’re a different woman than you were two years ago. It’s not just that you have sex, enjoy it, and appreciate your own anatomy. You’ve really grown since we’ve started doing it.”

“Which is quite a feat. My mom told me the clitoris was part of a woman’s stomach, for crying out loud.”

“It’s more than that, Heather,” he said. “You’re such a wonderful, passionate person. I saw that in you the day we met. I also saw someone who repressed the wrong feelings for the what she thought were good reasons.”

“And that line of thinking caused a lot of problems…intimate problems that you helped solve,” she said with a light smile.

“I didn’t do as much as you think,” Blake retorted. “In most cases, I didn’t have to.”

He scooted in closer, taking her in both arms. Their faces now inches apart, she melted in his embrace. Still holding the mini-wand, Heather’s heart raced as the air became heated. She’d changed into her nighty expecting to have sex, but she didn’t expect it to carry so much weight.

Within his arms, he traced a path down her body. He grazed his fingers down her waist and hips, highlighting her feminine curves. When he touched bare skin, it burned with his love. It did plenty to get her inner thighs moist with arousal, which helped reinforce his point.

“I don’t know what you’re doing, Blake,” said Heather in a deeper tone, “but I’m starting to like it.”

“There’s a valid reason for it…other than wanting to make love to my beautiful girlfriend,” he said with a wry grin.

“As if I’d ever doubt that,” she chuckled.

“Then, this should cast off even more doubt,” he went on. “In my adult live, I’ve met many women who just aren’t very sexual. They’re content with simple, infrequent sex. That’s really all they need. It leaves them satisfied and fulfilled. At the same time, I’ve met women who are not like that.”

“You mean women like me?” said Heather curtly.

“You’re a special case, Heather. You had the desire, but lacked the outlet. Blame your schools, your teachers, and your conservative upbringing, but give yourself credit for retaining those passions. They’re what make you such a wonderful woman. And yes, they’re also what make you a passionate lover.”

For once, Blake was subtle. It gave his words greater weight. As she gazed into his eyes, she saw a reflection of the women that Blake helped her become. She was so proud to be that woman. She was just as proud to be this man’s lover. If his plan had been to make her want him even more, then he’d succeeded. However, Blake had a knack for overachieving.

“Oh Blake,” she said while lovingly caressing his face. “You could’ve told me all this without giving me a sex toy.”

“I know,” he said with a wide grin, “but it wouldn’t have been as romantic.”

“And you know I’m more flexible when I’m wooed,” Heather added.

“That too,” he admitted.

Between his touch and his words, she was putty in his arms. To leave no further doubts, she kissed him on the lips. She made sure it was extra deep, employing plenty of tongue. Still enraptured in his arms, she hooked her legs around his waist and pressed her body against his. Through such intimate touching, the stage was set.

She and Blake were going to make love. On top of that, she was going to enjoy it in all the ways she’d been told to avoid. She even had a new tool at their disposal.

“So…can we skip the part where I convince you to let me use this sexy gizmo?” said Blake upon breaking the kiss.

“Darling, you taught me everything I know about enjoying sex,” Heather reminded him. “I trust you to use the mini-wand to make it extra special.”

“Then, why the hell are we still wearing these itchy clothes?”

“Hmm…good question,” she said with a seductive purr.

They shared a playful laugh and kissed again. Passions began flowing more freely. Lips touched, tongues twirled, and hands roamed. Heather’s nighty wasn’t very heavy to begin with. After some minor foreplay, it was unbearable.

While kissing, she handed him the sex toy. From there, he guided her through the intimate motions she’d come to treasure. He led her to the center of the bed, removing his pants along the way. She pulled back the covers, giving them a soft, comfortable platform on which to celebrate their love.

Hovering over her amidst the candle-lit bedroom, Blake removed her nighty. Her breasts now exposed, her lover smothered them with his hands and lips. He knew how much she loved that. It was one of the first kinks she discovered with him. Once he licked her nipples and squeezed her mounds, she moaned blissfully.

“Ooh Blake!” Heather gasped. “Your touching…so soft.”

While he worked his magic, she eagerly lifted her hips and removed her panties. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d gotten naked so urgently. It further affirmed what Blake saw in her. She was a very sexual woman and she wasn’t ashamed of that.

After she tossed her panties aside, Blake followed suit. He reluctantly removed his face from her breasts so he could take off his boxers. In doing so, he revealed a fully-erect penis. Heather used to be so embarrassed by such a sight. She remembered blushing profusely the first time they had sex. She now appreciated the inherent beauty of male anatomy.

“And you’re hard…very, very hard,” she said, her gaze narrowing on his manhood.

“What can I say? I get really horny after a long week,” Blake said with a casual shrug.

“Is that why you picked tonight to try out a sex toy?”

“No, but trust me. There is a reason,” he told her, “and it’ll become abundantly clear very soon!”

Heather was as excited as she was horny. Every time Blake taught her something new, it expanded her sexual awareness. Greater awareness often made for better lovemaking. She and her lover could only benefit from that.

It often required her to trust her lover’s expertise. The way he held the mini-wand hinted that he’d used sex toys before. She was still somewhat nervous. Every time she thought sex couldn’t get more intense, Blake found a way to prove otherwise.

“We’ll keep things simple,” he told her. “Spread your legs. We’ll start with basic missionary. I’ll use this and my dick to make you come.”

“Is that a promise?” Heather asked playfully.

“No. That’s a certainty!”

His voice was so deep and masculine. It showed how certain he was. Heather’s heart skipped a beat. Blake Quinton was at his most sexy when he had great confidence. Being naked, aroused, and glowing in the romantic lighting of their bedroom certainly helped. She was completely prepared for this new experience.

Now longing for her lover’s flesh, Heather spread her legs. She remained flat on her back, resting her head on one of the pillows. She watched with bated breath as her lover got on top of her, his masculine form hovering over her with amorous intent. She held onto his shoulders, the heat between their naked bodies escalating by the second.

With a sly grin, Blake tapped the button the mini-wand and it started vibrating. It was louder than she expected. Her mind raced as quickly as her heart. She thought she knew how it worked, but when it came to sex, she assumed her knowledge was incomplete.

“Are you ready, Heather?” he asked her.

He always did that, giving her an out before their flesh merged. In the past, she’d hesitated before answering. There was none of that this time.

“I’m ready, my love,” she told him.

Having received her blessing, Blake aligned his hardened manhood with her moist folds. As soon as the tip grazed over her labia, he thrust forward and entered her.

It was so easy and smooth. That was a far cry from her earlier sexual experiences. Just being aroused during penetration went a long way towards making sex pleasurable. She’d come to appreciate this moment, feeling her lover enter her. For Blake, it was usually a prelude to something greater.

“Mmm…so hot,” he said. “Let’s make it hotter!”

What her lover did next might again change everything she thought she knew about sex.

With one hand, he gripped her left thigh. With the other, he guided the vibrating mini-wand to her pelvis and pressed it against her clitoris. When he did this, he began working his hips in a steady humping motion. An onslaught of sensations followed, which caught Heather by surprise.

“Whoa!” she gasped. “That feels…whoa!”

“That mean you like it?” Blake teased.

“Yes! Fuck yes, that feels great!”

If she’d used that language back home, everyone in her neighborhood would’ve recoiled in horror. While Heather usually avoided profanity, even after leaving home, she gladly made an exception.

It was incredible. The combination of her lover pumping his cock within her vagina while the mini-wand stimulated her clitoris triggered a rush of sensations that made her rethink the workings of female anatomy. It was as though her sex had been operating at half-capacity all her life. Now, everything was fully operational.

“Yes! Oh yes! Oh my fucking God, yes!” Heather cried out.

She wasn’t usually that vocal during sex. Then again, sex never felt this good.

Her enthusiastic reaction inspired her lover to step up his efforts. Blake dug his knees and feet into the bed and humped harder. He gasped and grunted with each motion, his manhood slithering seamlessly inside her vagina. He worked up a sweat as he rocked her body, as well as their bed. Through each motion, he kept the mini-wand pressed against her clit. That stimulation, along with the feeling of their sexual union, sent Heather into uncharted ecstasy.

It might as well have been an express lane to O-Town. She could already feel an orgasm approaching. It didn’t usually come that quickly or easily. That kind of pleasure often required significant effort. Even when she masturbated, she had to push herself to get to that magical threshold. The female orgasm was supposed to be a bonus, not an expectation. Her priorities had clearly been wrong.

“Oh my…ooh Blake! I think I’m coming! I think…oohhh yes!”

“Already? Whoa!” Blake said.

He had to steady his movements. Her body often took on a life of its own when she climaxed. Her toes curled, her lower back arched, and she let out moans that defied description. Heather used to think that was just a byproduct of being so sexually repressed. Now, she might have only been half-right.

The feeling was sharp and strong, like a shock to the system. It started in her core and ripped out from all directions, flooding her body with the ecstasy she’d come to love. As she soaked it in, she clung harder to her lover’s flesh. His gaze never diverted from her. She never looked away either, even as her face contorted to the intense sensations.

Blake’s love for her was never more apparent. He once told her that watching a woman climax was like watching a beautiful sunset while winning the Super Bowl. He might have been exaggerating, but at that moment, he was in awe.

“That worked better than I thought,” Blake said in amazement.

“Speak…for yourself,” said Heather, still breathless from her orgasm.

“In other words, sex toys are now part of our sex life?”

Heather answered with a beaming smile. He smiled back, indicating he got the message. She released her grip on his shoulders and caressed his face, pulling him into a loving kiss. She was still deep in an orgasmic, but was coherent enough to pursue more desires.

It was official. She loved sex toys. The mini-wand did what it was supposed to do. It enhanced their sex life. However, the extent of that enhancement remained incomplete.

“Is that a yes?” asked Blake when she broke the kiss.

“More like an almost,” said Heather coyly.

“Almost? What do you mean?”

“You’re about to find out!”

At that moment, the passionate persona of Heather Cyrus – the same that Blake had mentioned, moments ago – took over. She kissed her lover again, grabbed his shoulders, and turned him over so that he was flat on his back. She also took the mini-wand from him, which continued vibrating. Their flesh had only parted briefly, but Blake was still hard and she was still wet.

“Heather…this side of you,” he said as he gazed up at her in awe.

“I know,” she replied with a seductive undertone.

“I always knew it was there.”

“You’re damn right! And now, I have the tools to embrace it…literally.”

They laughed and kissed again. She’d trusted Blake to make sex wonderful for her. Now, she was poised to return the favor and the mini-wand was going to make it special.

As soon as their lips parted, she straddled his waist and aligned her body with his. Still holding the sex toy in one hand, she reached behind to guide his cock back into her. A smooth fleshly union followed. She was still so wet from her release and he was so hard, having not gotten his. Once her womanly depths embraced his manly flesh, basic lust took over.

She began riding him cowgirl style. It was a position she’d once avoided, mostly due to her limited understanding of how sex should manifest. She’d come to appreciate it, but she never pursued it so eagerly. That was before she had the aid of a sex toy. As soon as she set the pace of their sex, she put it to good use.

Using what Blake had showed her earlier, she pressed the vibrating tip against her clit. Some extra shots of bliss followed. She was a little clumsy with it at first, having to hold it in place while she worked her hips. She quickly adapted. In short order, she making love to Blake while pleasuring herself with every motion.

“Yes! Oh yes! Oohhh it’s so good! It feels so…so good!” Heather panted.

“My God, Heather…so beautiful,” said Blake in a deepening daze.

He squeezed her butt while she rode him, thrusting upwards to supplement every motion. The extra effort, along with the extra pleasure, inspired the most intense sex they’d ever shared to that point.

It was so hot and vigorous. The bed never rocked so hard. Heather had never moved with such fervor. By embracing her sexier side, she connected with a deeper feeling. The look on Blake’s face said it all. He gazed up at her as though she were a sex goddess. That was so fitting because she felt like one. There was no other way to describe the experience.

Together, their naked bodies moved and gyrated. Every intimate motion was perfectly synchronized. His flesh slithered sensually inside her, stimulating every sensitive spot along the way. At one point, Blake placed his hand atop hers to help press the mini-want against her clit. It added even more meaning to the pleasure. It also made a second orgasm inevitable.

“Blake…my love,” Heather panted. “Again! I’m going to…come again!”

“Me too, Heather. Me…too!” he grunted.

“Let’s…let’s do it together!”

It was ambitious, seeking to share a simultaneous orgasm. Blake told her early on in their sex life that it rarely happened that way. Every cheesy romance novels and pornos grossly overstated how easy it was for two people to time their peaks. Heather could count all the times she’d achieved that with Blake on one hand. However, thanks to the aid of a sex toy, it didn’t seem so impossible.

It was just a matter of riding his cock a little harder, drawing him closer to the brink, and timing her release accordingly. It took some heavy coordination. She had to read the twitches in her lover’s expression and the throbbing of his cock inside her. At the same time, she had to apply just the right amount of pressure to her clit with the mini-wand.

It tested everything she’d learned about sex to that point. When they came, she let the heavens know she passed with flying colors.

“Oohhh Blake!”

“Ohhh Heather!”

Their shared cries blended together seamlessly. In that wondrous moment, Heather arched her back and shuddered under the fresh onslaught of pleasure. This time, her lover joined her.

He clenched her hand and squeezed her butt as he climaxed, letting out sharp grunts as his member throbbed inside her. She felt that warm, intimate sensation as his manly fluids mixed with her womanly juices inside her womb.

It was like two hearts beating together.

It was like two minds sharing a single thought.

It was like two bodies becoming truly one.

Beyond the ecstasy was an intimacy that defied description. Heather, once defined by misguided attitudes, could finally accept it. This was who she was. It felt so good and so right. She just needed the right lover and the right tools to realize it.

“I love you, Blake,” she said through her orgasmic daze.

“I love you too, Heather,” Blake said with a loving grin.

“And I love this new toy of ours,” she added.

“Good to know!”

They smiled and laughed while absorbing the ecstasy. As the afterglow settled in, their lower bodies parted and Heather collapsed atop her lover. They shared an affectionate kiss, but she didn’t let go of the mini-wand. She had every intention of exploring its uses for the rest of the night.


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