The time I was cheated on and took revenge. [MF]

Setup: took place in college. I was 21 (four years ago) at the time and my now ex was the same age as me. We met in college and had the same classes together as we had the same major. We partnered up for a project and things took a romantic spin.

I got back from Daytona with my friends. Our different friend groups decided we were going to do spring break at different locations. I went with the a mixture of some guys from the lacrosse team and even some of my fraternity brothers and she went with some girls from her sorority. I did Daytona and she went to Cancun.

We get back on the same day and I notice that she’s acting a little bit off around me and I’m thinking she’s just tired and hungover. I was horny as fuck as I did not touch a single girl all week and was ready to go at any time. I noticed that her behavior carried on for another week. I began asking her friends and they said I would need to talk to her. This was mostly done over text. I became very paranoid when I read that text from them.

I went over to the sorority house to try and talk with her and one of her very good friends answers the door. I pull her aside and ask her to please tell me what happened. I could see tears in her eyes as she told me that my gf had cheated on me over spring break and begged everyone to keep it a secret. She did not want me to find out because she treasured our relationship and that it was a drunken mistake and would never happen again.

I went right back to my place gathered her things out of my apartment and brought them back. There was no way I was allowing myself to stay in an unfaithful relationship. When I brought them back my gf was waiting on the front lawn ready to burst into tears. I dropped the bag said we are done and left.

That weekend I went around fucking three different girls, two of which were in her sorority house and one was the one who told me that my gf cheated on me. I straight up hate fucked them even though those girls did nothing wrong.

I have only been in one relationship since because I find it hard now to trust other people so I just go around looking for hookups and not giving a crap about my feelings. It has turned me cold and bitter.

(If you want more details about any of the girls I slept with after the breakup, comment below and I will prepare those stories.)



  1. Don’t see cheating revenge too much on this sub, but hey, I enjoyed the hell out of it! I love the psychology behind it. There’s a reason most people value monogamy the way we do; it is an intense bond. When one partner gives their body away in a random hookup, it sends a message to the other partner that they don’t value the sexual bond they share. The natural reaction is to respond in kind and show the cheating partner that they no longer value that bond either, and they sever it.

    Most cheaters have to go through this a couple times before they learn their lesson. Chances are your ex probably learned from this, because you left her immediately with no chance of reconciliation. It doesn’t sound like cheating is a fetish for her, since she acted guilty and tried so hard to hide it from you. I’d guess she probably won’t cheat again.

    I’d be interested in hearing more about how she reacted to you fucking her sorority sisters.

  2. I did the same years back. That is I dumped her on finding what she did. Except for fucking her friends. I was upset for a while but didn’t let it overwhelm my hopes of finding something better.

    There are other beautiful women (both inside and out) there for you to meet. Make friends of some decent ones, not to use them but to just get to know interesting souls. Maybe something will click, maybe not. But at least you would’ve met some genuinely nice ones.

    The pain will slowly subside. Don’t let the negativity feed itself. Shit happens to all of us. You got lucky, it was over before you got further involved. Move on from this hurt.

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