A Long Day (Part 2) [interactive] [humiliation]

To avoid confusion, I’ve named the characters. Tess is the female POV character, Adam is her boyfriend. The end of this part ends with a decision point. What does Mr. Stacey do? Does he even notice? Comment below and I’ll take the most like comment as the way forward.

Tess arrived two minutes late to work. Any other company may have forgiven the occasional tardiness, but Mr. Stacey, her manager, would not be forgiving. Tess knew she’d be called into his office within five minutes of settling in at her desk. Being reprimanded wouldn’t be so horrible if there wasn’t an element of public shame and humiliation involved. After each long and stern lecture from Mr. Stacey, he would then escort the employee in question out to the main floor, tell them to have a seat, and then lecture the entire office on why everyone else shouldn’t be like the employee sitting in the chair.

Just the thought had Tess standing nervously in the elevator as she rode to the third floor. She stood alone and began to rock and wiggle her hips. Tess couldn’t quite place it, but she had an unusual feeling with every step she took this morning, from her car to the building entrance, and finally to the elevator doors. With each movement of her hips she could feel a heat growing inside if her. An inviting warmth begging her to explore further. She began forgetting where she was, caught in the mesmerizing feeling each movement provided. A bead of sweat began to form on her forehead.


The elevator doors opened. The sharp ring snapped her out of the slight trance she entered. Tess regained her bearings, and she stepped off the elevator and into the office floor. She kept her head down and she hurried towards her cubicle at the far end of the office near the windows. She typically loved her cubicle. It provided a great view. But today as she tried to discreetly navigate through the office without drawing too much attention, Tess would have traded her cubicle for a dingy one next to the lavatories. Even with her head down, Tess still caught the occasional glimpse if coworkers clicking their tongue and flashing quick glances at each other with wicked smiles. That’s what Mr Stacey’s public ridicule had brought on: an office attitude where everyone thrived on shaming others, and anticipated the next opportunity with bated breath. Tess finally made it to her cubicle and sat down in a hurry. As she hit the uncomfortable chair, she gasped slightly. She felt something press into her ass hard. Before she had a chance to question the sensation further, Mr. Stacey appeared behind her chair.

“Everything alright, Tess?” Mr. Stacey asked, a mildly amused tone in his voice.

“Mr. Stacey!….yes….of course, everything’s fine.” Tess replied turning her head to see behind her. Mr. Stacey continued to stand behind her arms at each side and fingers interlaced in front of his groin. Mr. Stacey stood behind her as if he expected her to continue talking. Tess swallowed nervously and asked, “is there anything I can do for you, Mr. Stacey?”

“No, Tess, I’m fine,” Mr. Stacey responded, his words coated in an exaggerated sense of pandering sarcasm. “I just came by your cubicle this morning to have a discussion about some of my plans for the next fiscal year, but for some strange and inexplicable reason, you weren’t here. Would you happen to know why that is, Tess? Hmmm? Why I couldn’t seem to find you anywhere in the office this morning? I’m sure theres a legitimate explanation.”

“I…there was…it was-” tracy tried to clumsily provide an excuse before being cut off by Mr. Stacey. Mr. Stacey, despite his old age and hunched posture, had a way of making Tess feelmnervous and intimidated.

“Tess, meet me in my office if five minutes,” Mr. Stacey cut in. “We can discuss your performance more privately in their.”

“Yes, Mr. Stacey,” Tess replied begrudgingly.

Mr. Stacey gave her a wicked grin before turning around and briskly walking back to his office. He moved quickly for an older gentleman, Tess noted mentally. She hated going to his office. Mr. Stacey came from an older time, an ancient time of the American work force. His view on women in the work force was archaic, and although he treated all his employees like lesser beings, his treatment of women was anything short of dehumanizing. He always interrupted women, correcting the way they spoke, dictating when the spoke. Mr. Stacey spoke to women in a belittling and pandering manner, as if women were uneducated simple things merely allowed in the workplace to act as reminder of mens superior intellect. I’ve seen him try look down the tops of women’s blouses, but fortunately corporates’ dress code policies prevent Mr. Stacey from seeing much. He was a dirty old man, but corporates policies kept him in check. Despite this, what Tess hated most about interacting with Mr. Stacey, was how much she was aroused by his belittling and demeaning attitude. It was degrading, but she secretly loved every second of it. Being treated as nothing more than an idiot incapable of the simplest tasks made her feel warm all over, made her head feel fuzzy. As if, with every underhanded belittling comment, she began to believe it.

Tess checked her watch and saw she still had three minutes before she had to be at Mr. Stacey’s office. She reached for her phone to text Adam.

“You made me late for work this morning,” she texted. “I have to meet with Mr. Stacey now.”

“Uh-oh,” Adam responded. Adam knew all about Mr. Stacey from Tess’ continued rants about him every night after work. “Good luck. I hope you dont enjoy yourself too much ;).”

What did he mean, Tess thought to herself. Tess didnt have time to respond, and quickly placed her phone back in her purse. She stood up, and slowly began to make her way to Mr. Stacey’s office. As she walked, Tess felt everyone’s eyes on her, peering out from their cubicles. They all knew what was coming, and many if them smiled coyly at her as she walked towards the other side of the office floor. Tess began to feel warmth growing inside her again, she began to feel a sensation between her legs growing stronger. She initially assumed it was the shame and embarrassment she was feeling from being called to Mr. Stacey’s office, until she felt it. A small teasing pulsing feeling began to spread from between her legs, emanating from her ass. She instinctively stopped and reached her hand behind her skirt to feel for what was happening. She stopped suddenly, remembering all the eyes watching her, but not before her slender hand brushed against a hard surface protruding from her tight little ass hole. The memories from this morning hit her instantly. Amid all the rush this morning and Mr. Stacey’s confrontation, Tess had completely forgotten about the princess plug Adam had fit into her before she got dressed, and the crotchless thong. She was immediately away of her pussy lips poking through the slit in her soft cotton thong. But more importantly, she was aware of the now pulsating plug nestled within her hole, vibrating at regular intervals.

Tess remained motionless for a few more seconds in the walkway between the rows of cubicles leading to Mr. Stacey’s office. One if her Male coworkers drew her attention and began tapping his watch. Tess was out of time. She couldn’t be late to her meeting with Mr. Stacey, especially when the meeting was about how she was late to work. She didnt have time to go back and rush to the lavatory to remove the plug. This is precisely what Adam had wanted. What he had planned, and she was at his mercy until it was over. She didnt have a choice. She gingerly began walking again, almost tripping over herself every time Adam remotely triggered the plug to vibrate. With every step she could feel her pussy and ass grow warmer. Her labia sticking through her thong would vibrate with ever pulse in her ass, forcing the sides if her lips to grid against her soft cotton thong, increasing her arousal each time. She closed her eyes and bit her lower lip as she walked closer. Her eyebrows wrinkled and she inhaled deeply. She forced her eyes open, but kept her head and eyes down, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. As she stepped closer she felt her bipples growing harder, the tips brushing against the rough fabric of her work blouse. The impression of her nipples could be clearly seen through her blouse.

It wasnt until Tess was through the door and seated in front of Mr. Stacey’s desk did she realize how prominent her nipples had become. Tess sat in front of Mr. Stacey, head still down, fixated on the outline of her nipples through her shirt. Sitting down, she could feel the pulsing in her ass more prominently. Tess could feel how wett her pussy had become, feel her pussy dripping onto the back of her skirt dampening a small section if the fabric. Her inner thighs became wett with the fluid and she could tell her panties were soaked. She kept her thighs together, trying to hold the pleasure in, trying to prevent its release, her legs quivering.

“Tess, look at me,” instructed Mr. Stacey.

Tess nervously and slowly looked up, her face scrunched, her cheeks flush with embarrassment and arousal. The expression in her eyes almost blank, and her mouth slightly agape, as her breathing increased and she began to almost pant. She looked as stupid as Mr. Stacey thought women were.

Mr. Stacey looked at her, almost unfazed by her dumb expression, and then pointed to the still open door. “Close it,” he instructed sternly.

Tess sat there for a second, worry crossing over her dumb expression. She knew the rear of her skirt was likely soaked just below her ass, and she knew if she stood and turned around he’d likely notice the wett spot. She also knew, if she stood up the pulsating plug would likely shift, and send an additional waive of pleasure through her.

“Mr….Mr. Stacey…” Tess managed to get out softly. “Can….can we….leave it open?”

“Close. The. Door.” He reiterated, agitation creeping into his voice. “Its a door, Tess. I think even you can manage that. You just place your hand on the door, and push it closed until it clicks.”

It shouldn’t have had the effect it did, but Tess became even wetter, and moaned slightly.

“Yes….yes, sir.” She responded. Why did she call him sir? It was so unlike her to refer to him as anything other than by his name.
Tess slowly stood up, her knees still together and her body slightly shaking. Tess tried not to turn around and expose her humiliating secret. The pulsing seemed to intensify. The sensations came in quicker succession too. Tess the caution to the wind and rushed to the door, resting against it for support before closing it. She could feel her pussy dripping wett fluid down her legs. The wett spot felt warm against her ass and thighs. As she returned to her seat, awkwardly trying to avoid stumbling, she saw a small wett circle where she had been seated. She froze. She shot her eyes towards Mr. Stacey.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cr6nxc/a_long_day_part_2_interactive_humiliation