NSFW – Blue Ribbon at the Fair (F/M) Part 1 ~ the meeting

It had been a long day, and one of the best I had had in a long time. The kids and families were all milling about the aisles congratulating each other on another successful fair. The heat had been oppressive for most of the week and the fans were focused down and into the stalls allowing the horses some much needed relief. As for me in the aisle, I was a sweaty puddle. Taking a sip of my lemon shakeup I notice the neighboring barn on the hill has gigantic fans focused on the stand where people were sitting in the shade, jackpot! My friends have been so welcoming and understanding of my last minute visit, I politely excuse myself while giving River, their horse, a loving scratch on his withers. His response is to promptly smear green alfalfa spit on my shoulder placing his head perfectly for me to reach his ears. I oblige in more scratches, then hugs to people this time, and make my way to the other barn.

There were a few people sitting in the stands watching the current group of kids walk their animals around the small arena, I took a spot at the end about halfway up and in the direct path of the fan breeze and settled in for the show. This barn held the arena for various different animals, it was fun for me to see what some of the other livestock criteria was. I was always so deep into my horses when I was younger I barely knew other animals were even at the fair, or people for that matter. It was fun to hear, what I assumed to be family, discussing the work the kids put into the fair prep or complaining about a placement or ribbon. I noticed after a few rounds that one man stayed in the stands with me while the others would leave to meet the participants. His back was to me but I could hear people asking questions and laughing and even once he stopped a man from shouting at the judge with nothing but a quick sentence. I had no where else to be, my friends had a pot luck banquet with their daughters group and I wasn’t exactly thrilled to spend the evening in my little hotel room so I quietly moved closer to him when the next round of people came in. My guess was this guy knew what he was talking about and well, I was curious. Much to my horror he noticed.

“Hey there, you have a kid in this class?” Well crap, now I’m really gonna look weird.

“Ha, hey, um yeah no, I mean no, I don’t know anyone in this group.” He shot me a kinda half smile sideways look. “I was just curious who you think will win?”

He turned to me and smiled, oh shit his smile, he had perfect teeth like ridiculously perfect and man did he have a great smile. I also noticed his blue or were they grey, eyes under his ball cap and they were so genuine, I could only hope they liked what they saw. Oh geez, what DID they see? A disheveled ponytail, green horse slobber on the shoulder of a white t-shirt, and most of my makeup sweated off. I suddenly felt very self-conscious.

“Are you from around here?”

“Pretty obvious I’m not huh?”

“You could say that,” he didn’t break eye contact with me oh God I was sweating again, but not from the heat.

“Let me guess, ‘You’re kinda a big deal, people know you.’” I laughed a little to help drive the quote home.

To my relief he laughed, and suddenly my nervousness was gone.

“I just know a little about what I see here, that’s all.”

“Perfect, do you mind teaching me? I have no idea how they are picking the placements and I’d really like to know.”

“Well first off, they aren’t groups, these are classes…..” and he continued on about confirmation points and the preparation needed, and well honestly I lost track of all the information. I listened and asked questions and had the best time watching animals stand still or being walked in a circle. When he was chatting with another couple next to him I realized this was the most conversation I had had with a man in ages. I mean I spoke to men, but not casually, and definitely not in public alone, the reprimand would have been too great. I felt a quick shiver as I absent-mindedly rubbed the space on my left hand where my ring use to be. I catch myself and look up and remember I’m in a place where I can be myself again, when I remember who she is anyway. It was refreshing, and fun, and I really didn’t want it to stop.

“Here comes the final class,” he said turning back to me, “come sit next to me, I’m tired of turning around.” He flashed that smile again and I happily slid down a step to be near him. “SO, lets see how much you have learned, let me know your pick.”

I broke my gaze from him and focused on the arena, my heart swelled for the kids and their stock, they were all so proud and happy to be there. I noticed one boy who I could tell put a little extra into his own appearance and was speaking so softly and lovingly to his animal I picked him, regardless of the criteria I had just learned. “Number 293, that’s my pick.”

“We’ll see…”

The joy on that boys face when he was presented that big blue ribbon permeated the crowd, well except the pouty couple in the corner who’s child wasn’t the winner. I look over and see him smiling at me and I instantly feel my heart rise up in my throat, deafening my ears. What is happening? I’m not 16, far from it, and here I am feeling that jittery crush feeling, get. it. together. woman! I also realize the show is over for the day and I don’t even know his name, and apparently he doesn’t care to know mine. As sudden as it began my jitters were replaced with, what is this, disappointment? Ugh, I need to get a grip on myself.

“Wanna grab some food?” he asks as I quickly silence the voice in my head. “oh by the way my name is Tyler, sorry for not introducing myself sooner.” He extends his hand and is awaiting my answer. My heart is now in my ears and I can hardly focus, just breathe, you are being silly I tell my inner-self.

“Oh that sounds great! My name is Erin, nice to meet you sir.” And I give him a firm handshake back. Oh god now I am sweating again. ‘Tyler is just fine.” And he gives me a wink. What feels like lightning shoots right down into the core of me and my chest feels slightly tight. I realize despite the heat my nipples are fighting against my bra, I take my hand back and cross my arms over my chest. Getting aroused at a handshake, I know it has been a while but this is ridiculous. I hope he can’t tell how flushed I am amongst the heat and sun as we walk away from the barns.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cpnd3a/nsfw_blue_ribbon_at_the_fair_fm_part_1_the_meeting

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