Filling my (sisters best friend)/(neighbor)/(childhood babysitter) with baby batter. [MF]

Obligatory Prelude:
My childhood babysitter also happened to be our next-door neighbor and my older sisters best friend. My family and the neighbors family became friends over the years, and to this day we still have the occasional BBQ or pool party with them.

It all started one day when I was going to pick something up from their house (I believe a tool that needed borrowing for fixing something or other?) I saw her and we were making small-talk, the typical how have you been, etc. Then I started to notice something about the way she was speaking, almost a sultry tone. It was something I hadn’t heard before in the years I’d known her. She laughed way too hard at a stupid joke I told, and was telling me how good it was to see me. I’m no genius when it comes to women and what they want. I’d always been the nerdy kid, and try as I might, I’d only successfully gotten laid on a select few occasions. That didn’t mean I wasn’t going to shoot my shot!

“Yeah it’s really great chatting with you too, you know we should catch up sometime, I don’t know if I have your number?”
I send my shot, with my perfected phone-handoff maneuver with a blank contact page at the ready.

A couple of nights later I messaged her a few times. I’m trying not to be too obvious. Her family is close friends with mine and if I’d misread the situation which I have done far too many times in the past, I could be walking through a field of landmines filled with disappointing looks from parents and years of teasing from siblings.

“Haha yeah, those were the days, although I was always a little brat when you used to babysit me! You were a teenage girl, the first girl I met who had boobs and I remember you always used to yell at me for staring so Apologies for that, no hard feelings I hope?”

She responded with something along the lines of:
“There’s nothing to apologize for, you aren’t a little kid anymore! Although don’t think I forgot about the time you pulled my bikini top off on *accident* when we were in the pool!”

My mind starts racing at the possibility. Inside my head I’m getting a pep-talk:
Ok, good work me. She’s not changing topic, push it a little bit. Just a tiny bit. Test the waters

“Hey, I like boobs, what can I say? Plus what guy wouldn’t fantasize about their hot babysitter? Just saying :p”

A quick response follows and tells me that I’m on the final stretch.
“So you’re saying I’m hot huh? Too bad you didn’t get to see the latest addition when you pulled my top off. I’ve told you I like piercings right?”

At that point I was laying in bed, sweating, and nervous. I’m 19, she is 27 now but she’s only gotten better looking. Brunette, 34 DD’s, 5’3 and probably 110 lbs. I gotta play it cool, but I know she’s freaky, I’ve heard crazy stories from my sister and I’d always been interested in BDSM. I’d had multiple online interactions involving BDSM but if I wanted this to work I’d have to play my cards just right. I knew she was into BDSM and I knew she was submissive.

“Woah there, slow down missy! As much as I appreciate the offer, it would be a shame to corrupt a sweet girl like you.”

An intriguing response follows:
“Oh I’m much closer to demon than angel, I’d better not say any more details or I may end up corrupting you! Try me.”

I’ve known her for years. I’ve heard the stories, It was time to put that knowledge to work.
I let the following message fly out like a fisherman casting out his hook, baited and ready. It was time to take control. She wanted me, and I was going to take her and use her as I wished. Just like I knew she wished someone would do to her.

“If you insist. You will follow these instructions to a T. Friday evening you will arrive at *hotel name* and get a room using money I’ll send you via *money app*. You are to arrive at *specific-time* and you will request 2 room-keys. One room-key will be placed in the center console of your car, with the door left unlocked. You are to head to the room and you will place the Do Not Disturb sign on the door. You are to wear clothing you do not care about. You will put on a blindfold you make with an old shirt sleeve, and you will lay on the bed, face-down. Once you are lying down you will send me a message that says “I’m ready sir”. Your instructions are that you are not to move no matter what you hear. No matter what you feel. You will lay completely still. If you understand, respond with Yes Sir, and your *money app username* otherwise simply do not reply.”

A tense 2 minutes later:
“Yes Sir”

Now I’d been learning about BDSM for a couple of years now, and although I’d learned a lot from online communities and even had a decent amount of experience in naughty online situations, my IRL BDSM experience was 0. But I didn’t let that stop me. I used some things I found lying around along with a few things I bought from a novelty shop to put together a decent arsenal of kinky things. I placed them all into a black leather bag and I waited for that night to come.

When the night arrived my nerves were cool as steel. I’d always struggled at getting girls into bed, but never at keeping them there. I pulled up to the hotel and walked over to the car, I was starting to wonder if maybe she had decided this wasn’t the best idea when my phone buzzed.
“I’m ready sir”
I grabbed the hotel key from the center console, and I walked into the hotel.

When I walked into the hotel room, I made sure to latch the lock loud enough for it to be heard. I could see her body almost trembling in anticipation mixed with a tinge of fear. I knew that right now, I was working with 4 senses as her sight was gone, and I was going to tease those senses beyond her wildest imagination. The first sense to play with was sound. I set my bag down on the table and began unpacking my tools. With each thump of an object set down I could feel the tension in the air growing. She was being a good girl, laying completely still. I took my time, taking out and organizing an array of items. I made it a point to loudly remove my belt, and crack it together. The sound of the leather smacking causing her to jump slightly. I plugged in a small speaker and put on a playlist I’d previously made. A slightly foreboding yet erotic mix of wordless songs. The kind of songs that make a person think something could jump out at any second. After about 15 minutes of slow and deliberate planning I walked over to the bed.

I pushed my hand down onto one side of the bed. Not touching her, simply causing the bed to shift from the pressure. I watched as she squirmed a bit from the unexpected yet immediate feeling that someone was there, someone was very close. I lifted my hand and walked to the other side of the bed, and again applied pressure. I could hear her breathing picking up and I knew by now she had to be dying from curiosity. I walked away from the bed and I got a glass of ice water, and walked back over and sipped it, before setting it on the bedside table.

I leaned in and inhaled deeply at the base of her neck, the slight breeze causing her to shiver as I watch her hands clench the comforter in a tight fist. Her body screaming to move and take the blindfold off and see what was happening but her willpower prevailed as she laid still. I walked down to the foot of the bed, and I reached out and hovered a single finger above her thigh, slowly moving it right above her skin. Close enough that she could feel the presence yet not touching her. I was going to tease her relentlessly, and I was just getting started.

After a few minutes of ghost-like touches on her legs and arms and back, I reached out to her thigh, and I slowly drug a fingernail across it, before gripping it in my hand and giving it a squeeze. I felt her body tremble as she finally felt my touch. She needed my touch, but I would only give it sparingly. I reached over and grabbed an ice-cube from my cup of water and I placed it firmly on the base of her neck. I heard her gasp, upon which I leaned in and whispered into her ear a simple “shhhh”. I watched her shiver as the ice slowly melted and the cold water slid down her cheek.

I reached a hand out, and I gripped her ass. Squeezing it, my fingers inching closer to her pussy but not giving her that satisfaction before giving her a hard spank. I spanked her a couple additional times and then I walked back over the the table where I retrieved a pair of ankle and wrist restraints.

I started with her left ankle, I attached the Velcro ankle strap and then tied the rope to the bedpost, followed by the right ankle. I then proceeded to tie her hands together, and tie them to the headboard. She was trembling by now, but it was trembles of excitement. The fear and lack of sight had aroused her to a level she hadn’t been to more than a few times and I knew she was already soaking wet.

I went over the the table where I grabbed a pair of scissors. I went to the bed and pressed the cold steel against her leg, before quickly moving to her shorts. I knew the feeling of cold steel as she was tied up and helpless could quickly turn the “scared arousal” into a “just plain scared” and so I made the purpose of the scissors quickly known as I began to cut her shorts off her body. I made sure to take care not to snip at the panties, as those wouldn’t come off until later. Upon removing the shorts, I saw that her panties were soaked, and I leaned in and inhaled deeply, taking her scent in and enjoying it.

I set the scissors down and tugged her panties upwards, tightening them as the tucked into her ass-crack exposing what could only be described as the definition of a “bubble-butt”. It was firm and round. I grabbed the paddle from the table, and I pressed it against her ass. I don’t know if she knew what it was, but I’d have to guess that she did judging by the way her body tensed up and her hands balled into a fist.

I began to spank her with the paddle, with each spank eliciting a quiet yelp as she tried her best to stay still as I had instructed. I have her 7 spankings on the left cheek. Slowly, as I knew she must be counting them in her head.
I then gave her 7 spankings on the right cheek, and as soon as the 7th landed I felt her body relax. She didn’t expect the 8th and her body squirmed in surprise.

I retrieved the scissors and I climbed onto the bed, straddling her ass. I began snipping at her shirt, cutting it off carefully. I deliberately allowed the scissor to glide across her skin and felt her body tense at the feeling of the metal pressing against her. Upon removing the shirt I climbed off the bed and stood next to it, where I slowly began to plan kisses on her body.

The first kiss was at her ankle, as I left a small trail up her leg and planted a kiss firmly on her ass. I reached my hand out and gripped her upper thigh, so that my fingers were pressing against her pussy and I felt the wetness on my hand. While still gripping her ass I leaned in and kissed her neck, before the kiss turned into a bite as I let out a low growl. She let out a small moan upon feeling my teeth gripping her skin.
“Please sir” she whispered.

I quickly gripped her hair and yanked her head back. Upon which she squealed. I leaned in and gripped her by her throat. “Shhhh” I whispered into her ear, before shoving her back down to the bed. It was then that I grabbed the scissors and quickly snipped off her panties, balled them up, and shoved them into her mouth. I took care to make sure her tongue would be pressed against the wettest part. And I heard her let out a slight moan realizing what I’d done. I proceeded to trace my fingers over her ass. Circling around her clit, but never touching it.

The circles began to close in and within minutes my fingers were pressing against her clit tracing out small circles over it. She was moaning lightly, trying to keep herself under control as she became more soaked with every circle. I took one hand and I reached over and I grabbed her by her hair, pulling her head back. I then took my fingers that were covered in her juices and pressed them into her mouth. And she immediately began sucking the juices off, a smile forming at her own taste.

It was time to start teasing her. I tugged my shirt off, and then I removed my pants and boxers. I climbed into the bed, and I slowly began to play with her pussy. A finger circling her clit at first, before leaning in and flicking my tongue out against it. I placed my hands onto her hips, and felt her body responding. I experimented with different motions, until I found a particular zig-zag pattern that made her gasp and squirm the second I started it. I sped up, flicking my tongue in the zig-zag while slowly inserting one finger into her pussy and reaching for her gspot. I pushed against it but didn’t move my finger, still teasing her, while flicking my tongue against her clit. I felt her body tense up and I waited…

The second I knew she was about to explode I pulled my finger out and removed my tongue from her clit. I heard her whimper and she immediately started begging. She couldn’t keep quiet anymore and the primal lust she felt was overwhelming her. She begged me to fuck her, pleaded and based on her voice it sounded like she was near tears. All I could hear through the panties shoved in her mouth was a muffled “please” over and over.

In response I grabbed her hair and yanked her head up, I yanked the panties out of her mouth and I leaned in and kissed her hard. I didn’t start out gentle, I shoved my tongue into her mouth, and began exploring. I flicked at her tongue and then gripped her throat and lightly began to choke her while at the same time biting her bottom lip until I tasted blood.
I released her throat, and gripping her hair turned her head and whispered into her ear.
“I own you. You are my little slut, and I’ll use you as I please.” To which she responded “please fuck me sir.”

More than happy to oblige, I undid her ankle restraints, and then undid her hand restraints, I turned her over and then re-attached the restraints so that she was now laying face-up. I positioned my cock at her entrance and I rubbed it back and forth, slightly pushing just the tip in. She moaned out begging me to push it in, and in response I pulled it out, and quickly switched positions so that my cock was dangling above her lips. I slowly lowered it and she immediately began to try sucking.

I lifted it and she let out a moan of frustration, as I teased her. Lowering it just enough that she would try to suck it, then lifting again so she couldn’t. “What would you like to do baby girl?” I said.

“I want to suck daddy’s cock. I need to suck it. My purpose is for daddy to use my mouth for his cock”

Hearing her call me daddy hit a button in me, and immediately I was thrusting into her mouth. My thick cock was hitting the back of her throat and she was gagging as I thrusted into her face hard. After a few minutes I let up, giving her time to breathe. I walked over the the table and I grabbed the scissors and a candle. I went back to the bed, and now that she was face-up I snipped off the bra, and lit the candle.

I watched as her nose wrinkled and I knew she could smell the candle burning, and in what may have been one of the most satisfying moments of that night I watched the first drop of wax land on the side of her breast as she gasped out in a mix of pleasure and pain. I proceeded to paint her chest with the wax, and while I did, I began to slowly grind my cock against her entrance.

After a few more minutes and a lot more wax, I blew the candle out, and proceeded to remove some of the wax from her perfect nipples with my mouth, before nibbling them lightly, and sucking on them. I’d been teasing her for damn near 2 hours at this point, and even I couldn’t handle much more.

With that thought in mind, I gripped her throat, and lined my cock up against her pussy. Before pushing in I threw on a vibrating cock-ring I’d grabbed just to add a little extra sensation that I knew would drive her crazy. I turned it on, and I pushed into her tight pussy with ease as she was so wet I might as well have used a whole bottle of lube.

The very second my cock pushed in and the cock-ring hit her clit she exploded. She came harder than I’ve ever seen anyone cum in my entire life. Her juices covered the bed and her body shook violently. Everyone in the hotel knew she was getting fucked because she screamed a porn-star worthy scream as her body quivered and she came for a solid minute straight.

As she came, I proceeded to thrust into her, pounding into her pussy, and I quickly had to undo the Velcro holding her ankles so I could throw her legs up over my shoulders. I thrust into her fast and hard, like a jackhammer while gripping her thighs in my arms to throw her body forward and backwards onto my cock. Feeling her pussy throbbing as it tightened with her orgasm pushed me to the edge, and I shot stream after stream of hot steamy baby batter into my former baby sitter. ;)
As we both started to relax I quickly leaned in and tasted her, slurping at her juices mixed with my cum before moving up and kissing her to share the taste.

After she came that first time I took off the blindfold and I untied her. She looked at me and just started laughing.
“The person I used to babysit just fucked me better than anyone ever. Better than I knew was possible. Your sister NEVER finds out about this. Otherwise both of our families will kill both of us.”
She said between the giggles.

“Well, I mean.. you are my former hot neighbor babysitter who’s also one of my sisters best friends, pretty sure that’s every guy’s fantasy all rolled into one, all my sexual fantasies checked off in one night! Also they’d better not find out!”

The mood definitely changed as we laughed and talked and she kept asking “who was the person fucking me?” To which I just replied: “not every dominant is brooding and quiet, sometimes there are dom’s hidden in plain view that nobody would suspect.”

We fucked all night long. It was the best sex of my life by far. She came 17 times that night and I pulled off 11.

Strangely enough, that was the only time we ever hooked up. Everything felt kind weird after that. Her being my older sisters best friend. Our families being so close. To this day it’s our secret and every time I see her I give her a little wink and she just giggles.



  1. I really enjoyed this story! Thanks for sharing! I even learned a few things!

  2. A+ experience and A++ right up. I fondly recall some thicc babysitters I had in the past , super jealous lol.

  3. >>At that point I was laying in bed, sweating, and nervous. I’m 19

    >>We fucked all night long. It was the best sex of my life by far. She came 17 times that night and I pulled off 11.

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