Time Traveling Temptations PT1 (MF) (Time Travel) (Squirting) (Creampie) (Facesitting)

(Short story written for my wife’s fantasies. Part 1 of a series. Comments and feed back are more than welcome. Otherwise hope you enjoy it as much as she did reading it and I did writing it.)

**Time Traveling Temptations PT1**

Diana wiped her forehead with the back of her hand as she took a step back from her lab table. She sank backwards into her battered but worn comfy chair and exhaled long and hard. Her fingers shook and her pulse raced. This was it. It was done. Finally.

Kicking backwards and spinning her swivel chair as she let out a celebratory cheer. The joyful celebration echoed around her large lab, empty save for the piles of machinery, cabling and power sources. She took it all in as she spun and spun before slamming her feet down and scooting back to her main table with glee. Her fingers gripped the edge of the table as her face was drawn close to an elegant hand and wrist device. The sleek white surface glowed with internal power, emitting a soft white light. She slipped it onto her hand delicately and fastened the wrist straps.

“After countless hours I finally fucking figured you out!” Diana triumphantly declared to herself and the device.

“TiMe TrAvEl iSn’T PoSsIbLe.” She mockingly spoke “Guess you don’t know as much as you thought you did, you creepy old fucker”

Diana had always been intrigued by the impossible and relished the chance to prove everyone else wrong. Her Professor however had always been less than supporting though and constantly belittled her in front of colleagues and students. Whether he was threatened by her or just a mean old bastard, Diana didn’t care, she only cared about proving him wrong.

“Doooooo, Doooooo, Dooooo, FUCK YOU TOO!” as she spun jubilantly around in the chair singing lyrics to an old song, flipping switches and punching codes into touch screens.

Generators kicked into life with a whir, then a roar as power crackled through the machinery. The main temporal housing was holding, and everything was going just like the test runs with the animals. She knew her calculations were perfect, everything was ready. This was it. She could go anywhere and anytime. But what should she do and when?

The time paradoxes and future event alterations had all been a real pain in the ass to figure out. Some changes would be negligible, and some changes could be catastrophic. She had already worked the theories of multiversal timelines against the single stream alterations. Without proof that the changes would in fact create a separate time stream and not create ripple effects in her present, she knew she could only observe. Observe and gather data till she knew for certain the effects of her interactions.

But what to see? When? To be safe it can’t be anything to important. Something small, but what? She thought to herself

Looking around the lab for inspiration a thought struck her, a smile crossed her face. She picked up the picture of her husband and three kids. They both met in their 30’s and she had always wondered what he was like as a younger man. He was a private man and often getting personal facts from him was like prying open vault doors. So why not? I can just go take a peek and see. He won’t know.

A quick search of historical records got her what she needed. A public event where there were plenty of people around and no one would notice another in the crowd. She rushed off to make final preparations. Before long she was back in the lab having removed any distinguishing items of clothing and technology, she was ready. Diana was sure the arts department wouldn’t miss one of their early 2000’s outfits from the England collection. Although in her late 40’s Diana was still in good shape. Diana had always been a beautiful woman and knew how to accentuate herself and even with old unfitted clothes she was still stunning. Not skinny, but James had always loved her curvy voluptuous figure and luckily, they had some decent clothes in her size.

“Ready or not UK 2002, here I come.” Touching the back of the device on her hand and with a rather anti-climactic pop she blinked out of existence.


Like getting slapped in the face by speeding train the World snapped into being around her. Diana dropped to the floor clutching her chest as she sucks in huge lungful of air. The world spun around her like a weird trip. Trees, grass and foliage melted together and reformed as she struggled to clear her vision. Regaining her composure and senses Diana led on the floor of the forest panting before she checked the time devices holographic readings. Everything looked spot on, the date, location, everything. Glad that she chose a secluded spot for her arrival Diana took a few deep breaths and began moving forward with purpose. The trees and bushes quickly thinned and then suddenly, the noise and cheers greeted her ears as she was on the side of a large field filled with people and 2 sets of rugby goal posts. The 2002 Rugby Union league championship match for her husband. She checks the device and the alarm is set to auto return in 10 hours in case something happens to her. Not that she will need it Diana thinks to herself; she will be long gone by then. Just a quick trip and a look see. A few quick inputs and the time device retracts around her wrist to look like a slightly chunky apple watch.

Her husband had given up rugby a while back, but she had always wondered what he was like in his prime. Making her way down towards the gathered crowds and the pitch she was nervous. Anything could happen and the consequences could be immeasurable. Checking her read outs on last time before she got to close everything seemed to be working perfectly. The sea of people sweeps around her as she nears the pitch and she was suddenly part of the crowd. The hustle and bustle jostle her as she works her way forward, finding herself on the edge of the pitch. The kickoff whistle blows, and the ball is launched into the air.

The roar from the crowd takes Diana by surprise as the atmosphere and energy of the crowd wash over her and the excitement takes hold. Scanning the players as they sprint up and down the field, Diana finds it hard to make out the faces until she caught sight of Him. Tall at 6’5 her younger husband James was even better than the few pictures she had seen, and he was significantly better build at 21. The day dreaming was cut short though as her husband received the ball shortly before one of the opposition drops his shoulder slamming it directly into James chest. Wrapping his arms around James the player lifts her husband clean off his feet, driving him backwards into the ground with an impact she could hear from the side lines.

Before she could stop herself Diana unleashes a colorful torrent of choice insults towards the ref and the opposition player. Before she gets too carried away, she reminds herself of why she is here and the possible ramifications of her actions. The match continues back and forth and before long she was lost in the buzz of the crowd, cheering and supporting James team and him. With a final blast of the whistle the match was over, James team won, just like they had all those years ago. As the players left the pitch they were clapped cheered before the crowds swarmed towards the club house to celebrate or commiserate their teams.

Diana knew she should get back, she knew it. She also knew the stories James had told her while remembering his club days. She had always wanted to see what it was like in his rugby club days and she may never get another opportunity. Diana let the flow of the crowd lead her to the club house bar. After a few short moments she was sat at a little table on raised side of the club house with a bottle of wine and a glass to watch things unfold.

The bustle of people in the club house moved below her as she scanned the crowd for signs of James. Normally picking her 6’5 husband out of a crowd was easy. In this crowd most of the people were over 6ft and built, so it was certainly a harder task. Until a loud cheer and laughter drew her eyes to the center of the clubhouse. There she saw him sat with the team, laughing and drinking as they celebrated the win. It was impossible to mistake that face as she soaked in all the details. Watching him as he sang, cheered, played and drank with those around him. Two glasses in and Diana still couldn’t take her eyes off him. The younger James was strikingly similar to her husband with his intoxicating confidence and his lust for life she had fallen in love with. Seeing him younger and in his prime was mesmerizing. She couldn’t help but stare.

Three glasses of wine in Diana was having trouble keeping her thoughts clean though. Even though she certainly had no complaints about her sex life with James, Diana couldn’t help imagining what he would be like at this age. Would he be better or worse? More stamina? More innocent or even kinkier? So many questions that she desperately wanted to know the answers to as she stared across the room at her future husband. The images and fantasies continued to play through Diana’s head in the most X-rated of ways. Soon it was all Diana could think about as she finished off the 4th glass and motioned for a replacement bottle.

“Thanks honey” Diana chirps merrily as the full bottle of wine is swapped with her empty one by the bar lady.

Turning back to look at the table her vision is blocked by a rather large man stood next to her ordering from the bar.

“Excuse me.” Diana politely intones as she taps the man on the shoulder to ask him to move. The man turns towards around as her words catch in her throat.

It was James “Oh My God J……”

Don’t say your own fucking name. Think god dammit, say anything but his name she thought.

“Ohhh my god J…. John?” The words tumble awkwardly from her mouth as she tries to hide her mistake. The wine isn’t helping either at this point.

“It’s James, but close enough.” Pushing out a large hand towards her James smiles broadly.

Taken aback by how similar yet strikingly different her husband is Diana is at a lost for words. Some of the scars on his face are missing and some are fresher. It’s like looking at some odd aging VR app back home. Then she notices the confused look on James face as he is still stood with his hand out to shake hers and the situation comes back into focus.

“Sorry, it’s Diana.” Fuck, she thought to herself as she remembered all the little rules she mentally noted before her journey. One of the main rules was no real names and certainly no talking to James.

“I mean Tracy pleased to meet you.” Diana spluttered as she shook his familiarly strong hand.

“Wait so is it Diana or Tracy?” James replied confused.

“Uhhr I mean Donna Tracy.” As she continued to shake his hand. “It’s the wine.” As she waves at the glass and bottle with a chuckle. “I’m just passing through and thought I would stop and see the match. Good win by the way.”

“Thanks Donna” James replies as the bar lady arrives with his disgustingly colored pint. Even from a few feet away she can smell the alcohol coming from it.

“What the fuck is that?” Diana points at the drink accusingly as she tries to not have a sense of smell any more.

“Ohhh this is just my reward for getting man of the match. It’s one shot of each spirit and then filled up with the spilled beer in the drip tray. Could be worse though at least I didn’t get ‘dick of the day’. It was a pleasure meeting you Donna Tracy.” Turning back to his table and sitting with the team to various cheers and demands.

To her shock Diana watches as her future husband drinks the whole pint in one go before turning the empty glass onto his head to an even larger cheer.

Transfixed with the evening’s activities Diana watches as the events unfold and the team get gradually drunker. Stupid games with bizarre rules force all manner of penalties on the players, songs that can’t be repeated in polite company reverberate of the club walls. Laughter and joy fill the room, even the losing team is joining in with all the games. Halfway done with the second bottle Diana can already feel its effects as her thoughts turn raunchier and raunchier. All her favorite fantasies play through her head with her younger husband center stage. Tracing her fingers down his younger, fitter body. Tasting him on her tongue as they kiss. The feeling as he pushes into her stretching her tight hole with his massive member for the first time and every time after. The images of their kinky sex sessions dance a cross her drunken mind like a carnival of lust, one giant orgy in her mind.

She knows she shouldn’t, but she can’t help imagining how good the sex would be. His huge frame pushing her down and ripping her clothes off. Leaving her vulnerable and naked as fucks her like an animal. Deep hard thrusts that threaten to split her in two as his strong arms pin her to the bed. The building pressure as the pleasure swells inside her. How full she feels when ever her husband is ravaging her. The tingling sensation that cascades through her senses as they overload with orgasm after orgasm. How intimately they know each other’s bodies, minds and kinks.

Distracted by the plethora of porn playing through her dirty mind Diana almost misses the last of the team getting up to leave. James is there by himself and she knows she shouldn’t. Two bottles of wine and way to long in her X-rated mind however has the winning argument of “You really should. What’s the worst that can happen.”. With the genius argument still triumphant in her head she grabs up her glass and heads over to her younger husband. Only to arrive just as he is standing to leave. James, worse for ware after the night of drinking and celebrating unsteadily stumbles out from behind the table.

“Hey there Donna! you still here then I see” his words slow and obviously difficult for him to put together. “I was just leaving to get the bus.”

“Me too” Diana purrs like a predator as she walks along side him “Lead the way” As Diana playfully slaps her young husbands ass.

The cold crisp English air is sobering as the club house doors swing closed behind them, leaving them standing in the cold moon light. Before James can take a step, Diana reaches out, taking his hand and dragging him around the corner of the club house and pushing him up against the wall.

Silencing his words with her hand over his mouth, Diana takes a second to look him up and down as he towers over. Weighing up her actions one last time she can’t curtail her urges any longer. She wants him, needs him and she is going to have him. The horny voice seems to have done away with her better angles as she pulls his head down into a passionate kiss. Their hands are all over each other as they drunkenly grab and kiss at each other. Taking charge Diana grabs James by the collar dragging him further into the darkness before she pushes him down to the ground. Their embrace continues as Diana swinging a leg over his prone body and mounts James. One hand pins his arms above his head and the other hand fumbling with his belt. He makes no efforts to break free from her grip as she stops the kiss and sits up to look down at him.

“I have been thinking about this for sooo long James. I need you inside me right now.” Her heavy breathing punctuates the silence as she finally unbuckles the belt and rips his jeans open.

There it is, in all its glory. Her husbands long thick shaft stands tall and proud in the moon light. Watching his expression as she lowers herself down, making him wait as she straddles him. The large head soon rests against the soaking wet entrance to Diana’s pussy and with one last moment to think if this is the right thing Diana relaxes and lowers herself down onto her younger husband’s rock-hard shaft.

James thick cock spreads her wide as she sinks further and further down the monster cock till Diana mercifully reaches the base and lets out a low groan of sexual satisfaction. The feeling of fullness is all too familiar as she slowly rolls her hips around enjoying the feeling inside her. James moans happily underneath her as his hips involuntarily gently thrust upwards forcing more of the massive cock deeper into her.

His drunken mumbles of pleasure drift up to her ears as she rocks back and forward slowly picking up the pace as she gets accustomed to the size inside her. Looking down Diana smirks happily at the site of her drunken future husband lost in pleasure beneath her as she grinds him into submission. Each bounce of her curved ass elicits a gasp of pleasure from James before his thrust makes her coo with lust. Her younger husband grows thicker inside her and Diana can feel her inner walls milking his shaft as it rubs her inner walls, pressing on nerves normally ignored.

Panting and gasping each time James bottoms out Diana picks up the pace, riding her younger husband harder and faster with each rise and fall of her hips. Soon the slap of her ass, wet sounds of their fucking and their moans fill the night air as they rut like animals lost in their desires. Each time she slams her body down onto his thick member it like fireworks going off in her mind. Shuddering with the pleasure of the embrace and the thoughts of how wrong it is, she wants nothing more than to be here in the moment forever.

Reaching one hand down her front she makes a show of groping her bouncing ample breasts, knowing how much her husband loves it. Further down her hand travels till her fingers dance little circles around her clit. Each touch like a bolt of lightning through her body. Diana tries to hold on for dear life as she pushes her body further. Her drunken husbands hips fucking up into her lift her off him with each powerful thrust. Mixing with her own stimulation’s it is too much Diana and she can already feel her body tighten. All too soon the orgasm explodes inside Diana like a white-hot super nova, shattering her restraint and resonating through every inch of her body.

Not satisfied yet though, Diana pulls his pinned arms up to and then around her throat to choke her. Lost in the pleasure and forgetting this isn’t her older husband.

“You sure?” James drunkenly questions.

“Yes, I’m sure you little bitch, now fucking choke me out you pussy. Trust me you love it. Will love it. Fuck it! Just choke me” as she punctuates her demands with a big gob of phlegm spat on to her Younger husbands confused face.

James hands close tightly around her slender neck, the breath catches in her throat. Her cries of ecstasy are silent echoes as Diana’s eyes bugle, the strong hands like a vice around her neck.

“That’s right, Yeees!” her guttural words rasp from her throat as they force their way out into the night air. The world begins to close in around her. Darkness creeping into the corners of her vision as her hearing begins to echo and fade. The orgasmic pleasure still washing over her body peeks as the sensation becomes too much for Diana and she blacks out.

Diana wakes suddenly as warmth is flooding into her womb. James’s eyes are squeezed shut as he is cumming hard. Diana’s own lusts keeps her hips moving, grinding and squeezing the shaft inside her as it packs her full of James’s seed. Her orgasm explodes again through her hips as her legs give out and she drops down onto James as the pair of them cum together. Whiteness begins squirting out around his shaft as his prick begins softening inside her. She sighs happily, content but too nerveless to stand for the moment. Looking down Diana can see James’s satisfied expression.

Determined to get one last ride Diana shifts up his body and clamps her soft thighs either side of his head and pulls his face up into her cum filled hole as she starts to ride his face. Whether he can hear her or not Diana moans directions into the night for his tongue as he is forced to eat her out. The situation is to much and before long at all Diana throws her had back one last time as James tongue pushes her over the edge of the biggest orgasm yet. Unable to and unwilling to stop it Diana comes hard one last time. Her body shuddering and convulsing on her young husbands face as she drenches him with her cum and his. Rolling off weakly to the side and smiling back over at his cum splattered face, Diana admires her work.

A loud klaxon shocks them before from their blissful state. The alarm on Diana’s time device blares loudly.

“Shit, fuck! Shitty Fucks. Not this, this was a great fuck. FUCK!” Diana scrambles to her feet as best her weak legs will allow. “I have to go, shit I am sooo fucking late.” As she rearranges her clothing and makes a break for it.

“Wait, will I see you again.” James calls into the darkness only to have silence returned to him.


The painful temporal reentry feels like it is trying to pull Dian’s insides out through her belly button as reality snaps into place around her leaving her doubled in pain in her lab, in the chamber. Coughing and struggling onto her hands and knees she looks around wearily. Everything seems fine and can’t see anything out of place. It worked. IT FUCKING WORKED. The familiar feeling of cum running out of her stretched hole and down her thigh brings a dirty smile to her face as she slumps back onto her backside. It worked better than she ever could have dreamed.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cnwgc4/time_traveling_temptations_pt1_mf_time_travel


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