Practice in D Minor [mF] [Teacher] [Oral]

Alli had the most perfect little body. Our new music director was fresh out of grad school, and her small figure matched her youthful personality. I call her Alli, because calling her Mrs. Lastname made her feel old. This would be her first music job since graduating, but she was definitely not inexperienced. With the firmest of personalities, she stood at just about 5’4″, short red hair, freckles and gorgeous green eyes that sometimes turned blue, with an ass that deserves its own few sentences. She was an avid runner, and had a body that confused her as a PE teacher. We weren’t used to it. Alli wore the tightest pants that just barely hugged around her waist. She couldn’t find jeans that fit both her ass and waist respectively, this part here is very true, she’d complain about it frequently, and we were all the more grateful for it. She couldn’t walk away without an entire group just ogling her entirely. Her waist was just unbelievable. And on the days we performed, I’d feel envious of the audience behind her, witnessing her in her usual skirts. For a high school full of dry old men, she was more one of us rather than an adult. She demanded we all call her Alli the first day we met, and was just the coolest teacher we’d ever have. We all wanted to fuck her immediately.

They tell teachers not to mingle with students. Not to add them on facebook, or share too much about their personal lives. But Alli was different. She was the youngest in our school district, and the way she talked to us was just a breeze of fresh air. She called us her kids, although she had none of her own, and hung around after practice to talk about sports, video games, and school drama. I don’t know what she saw in me, but Alli took an interest in me rather quickly. Freshman year, she asked to tutor me privately, for no reason other than bettering our brass section. I jumped onboard just to look at her. The way she sat on her chair, flipping it around with her perfect tits brushing against the back, and her thighs squeezed around the sides. I’ll savor that image for the rest of my life. Alli was just plain cute. If only we were just a few years older, we all jokes. She could practically be our girlfriend.

When senior year came around, our relationship was at its peak. We kept in contact throughout the summer, meeting up to practice and prepare for that year’s class. We texted back and forth. All professional of course, but with an overall friendliness that fired up my own sexual tension. We shared memes and music videos. Even started running together a few times a week after school. Seeing your teacher in work out clothes is a dream in itself, and I worshipped every bit of her, dragging behind just to witness her ass running in her usual shorts. I don’t think you all understand how big of a deal this all was to a teenager. I was only 17. And I had the biggest crush on my music teacher. Every day, I’d head home and jerk off just to the thought of her. I’d stalk her facebook just imagining what photos she might have behind that private wall. I would cum buckets at the thought of how perfect she’d look on all fours, her pleasant eyes just staring back at me. To all you porn fanatics, Allie Sin was her exact resemblance. And you bet when I first found her, I obsessed more and more about my Alli. You’d think the porn doppelganger would keep those thoughts occupied. But it only forced me to want her more and more.

Sometime towards the end of the year, she was more stressed with personal life. She was constantly fighting with her husband, the word “divorce” came up a few times, with my teenage self imagining all sorts of luck. The school didn’t pay enough, and bills were stacking up. This was a lot to share with a student, yeah, but I tried my best to comfort her. She let me put her arm around her after one of our runs, as we sat down on a bench. She slid closer towards me, and I felt her heat against my side. I was instantly hard with her smell, I just wanted her so badly. I prayed to God she wouldnt notice me bulging through my own shorts, I was ready to burst just by smelling her alone. This was the closest I had been with her till that point. I went home and locked myself up without acknowledging the parents. Clothes still on, I laid back and came harder than you could ever imagine. I felt sore, and porn could no longer satisfy. I could still smell my Alli brushed up against my shirt. I must’ve jerked another 3 times that night just to the thought of her.

The morning after, Alli texted me early to meet her in a practice room. This wasn’t unusual, we’d sometimes meet before the bell to get a bit of practice in. But I was nervous after the previous evening that she’d tell me I had maybe crossed a line, or worse, that maybe she had, and that our runs could no longer work. I grabbed my things and left for school before the sun was out. Her car alone was parked outside, and I parked a few rows away as if that somehow made things more casual. The school was a graveyard, maybe an hour and a half before people started strolling in. I made my way inside our band room, she wasn’t in her office, and my anxiety was through the roof. I locked my things away and took out my instrument, making my way towards the practice room she mentioned in her text at the very end of the music hall. It wasn’t one we used frequently. “You’re just here to practice, you’re not in trouble,” I kept telling myself. “It was just a run. Nothing happened. It’s no big deal.”

She was waiting for me inside, sitting back against the wall on her phone. Her hair was still wet from her shower, and she was wearing a sweater and my favorite pair of jeans that had a few rips on her thighs.

“Hey kiddo” she winked. Her winks were rare but always calculated. I must’ve sighed loudly, because she noticed, and gave me the slightest head shake as if telling me not to worry; that we’re okay. She was sitting with her legs forward, slightly spread, looking up at me all the while.

“Hey Alli” I nervously answered back. She reached her hand out, as if asking for help up. I was confused when instead she pulled me down beside her, almost having me stumble onto her when I tried my best not to land on my horn. That’s not a euphemism. You always protect the brass.

“There there, still waking up huh?” She laughed. I carefully placed my instrument down on my left side, now having her close beside me on my right. We must’ve sat there for ages without saying a word. She kept turning as if ready to say something, then changing her mind. I had never seen her act this way before. As if she was hiding the biggest secret you could think of. Placing her hand on my thigh and using me as leverage, she slowly got up, her ass the closest it’s ever been to my face. She quietly walked towards to end of the practice room, opened the door and used her keys to lock it from the outside. She then turned off the light, and slowly walked back towards me, getting down on the floor on her knees, sitting back against her heels.

“Can you keep a secret?” she whispered in the dark. I knew immediately the intensity of my luck that day. Caught completely unprepared, I tried being suave and saying something sexy. She didn’t seem at all interested, placing her finger right against her lips to keep me quiet. My eyes adjusted to see her closing her eyes, almost hesitating. I was worried she had changed her mind. I sat up and moved closer to her, reaching my hand out towards her cheek to kiss her, but she brushed my hand away and pushed me back up against the wall. “No, we don’t kiss. That’s not okay, hun.” She had called me hun before, but never in this way. I prayed the darkness in the room hid my confused and nervous expression. I was unsure if this was all really happening.

Alli reached out for my jeans, and began undoing my belt in such a smooth manner. I tried to help, but she again hushed me away and told me to relax. The only light source being a dim hallway light, piercing through the room by a narrow glass on the door. She quickly unfastened my belt and unbuttoned my jeans, leaving the top open just enough for her to reach down without much warning. Her hand was warm and smooth. She had me cupped entirely in her hand over my boxer briefs, and began squeezing over and over, so gently. My heart was ready to burst out of my chest. She placed her palm on my chest to relax me, while she massaged her way up and down over me with her right hand. Her lips looked glossy and wet.

After a few minutes of her stroking me over, I was having difficulty staying erect. I felt so embarrassed I would ruin my wildest fantasy, stuck in a mental loop, from “fuck this is amazing” to “fuck this is really happening” back and forth. That had me anxious and distracted from her fondling me in all her perfect ways. I had imagined this very situation for years now, always pictured during some band trip or after a concert, maybe backstage or even at her place. The intensity of this happening at school, in a practice room, on a Wednesday morning had me distracted. Growing impatient, she grabbed my arm and pulled me up, leading me towards her with her back against the wall, almost rushed.

“You can’t kiss my lips. And I can’t leave any marks. Understand?” she ordered calmly. I nodded. She then pulled me towards her, all the while guiding my hands onto her hips. I had her cornered in this locked room, all to myself. It felt like I had her locked away with me in a closet somewhere, and I could do whatever I wished. Instinctively, I reached back around with both hands and just immediately groped her ass. I had been wanting to for so long. It was tighter than I could ever imagine. I pulled her close as a groped her over her jeans, and she locked her arms over my shoulders, not saying a word. With my breathing growing heavier, I cupped her ass with one hand and reached back around inbetween her legs, squeezing her pussy over her pants as she let out her first moan. I continued mauling her over and over, loving every moment of it, as she carefully held onto me. The room was silent other than the sound of the fabric being brushed up against harshly and forcefully. All the while she held on, eyes closed, as I molested her, realizing years of private desires. I reached around and pulled on her jeans, and she hesitated, whispered a light “no”

“We only have a few more minutes,” she moaned. “Please. I need this.” She started again squeezing her warm hand over me, I was hard as a hammer and she knew. She turned me around so that now my back was towards the wall, as she slid back down onto her knees. My pants still undone, she brought them down to my thighs in one swift motion. I’m not large, but in that moment, it didn’t really matter. She took me in her hand, stroking up and down, and kissed me gently all over, her warm breath tickling my thighs. She then opened her mouth, and let out the quietest moan as she swallowed me whole. I was in heaven. My knees began to shake, but she placed both hands on my thighs and steadied me. Her head rocked back and forth, never letting a single inch escape her throat. She was eating all of me. She clutched at my shirt and my thighs as if she was unable to breath, but she was doing this all on her own. I reached down and felt the cold of her wet hair, and she moaned again, almost like a cry. The sounds of her wet gagging filled the room. I was deep down her throat and she kept wanting more and more, twisting and turning her tongue in ways I’d never felt before. She wasnt just blowing me. She was swallowing me. She was tasting every bit of me on her own drool. She was devouring all of me down as if this was her last meal, and she was using my precum to wash it all down. I couldn’t possibly last. She was sucking the life out of me.

When she felt me tense up, she cupped her hand around the base, and kept stroking back hard and deep while she unbuttoned her own jeans. There was no possible way I could fuck anyone right now, the nervousness came back. I was still hard, but was struggling to think clearly.

“Please.. I need this right now..We don’t have long,” She kept stroking me as she pushed her jeans and panties down just enough so I could see her mound. She was neatly trimmed, and smooth around her thighs. She placed my tip right up against her mound, as she stroked deeper, now practically pulling precum out of me onto her beautiful wet skin. “Just right here. I need you to cum right here. Please.” Hearing her beg had me right where she wanted me. I nearly collapsed as I moaned and came at her direction, dripping onto her small bush, and cotton panties, all slipping down towards her warm lips. She held me there as I throbbed, guiding it all perfectly towards her slit, squeezing me gently now with just her thumb. Circling the tip as she squeezed, making sure she got every last drop.

With the lights still off, I saw her pull up her underwear with my cum now soaking through, slowly drizzling down her thighs. She was looking right at me with her eyes now mostly gray in the dark. She pulled up and fastened her jeans, and motioned me to do the same.

“Now I get to carry you in me all through the day,” she whispered, right before leaning in and kissing my cheek. “We never kiss on the lips. We never tell. And we only do this in the mornings.” I nodded in disbelief, feeling completely exhausted yet hardening a bit all over again.

As we got ready to leave, we turned on the lights, and checked each other for any marks or accidental wetness – surprisingly we found none. With a hard knot in my throat, I asked if she’d let me feel her ass one last time before we left. She rolled her eyes at me as my heart sank, but she pushed me back into the room with her usual smile. As she stood by the door, she quickly unbuttoned her jeans again and slid them down to her thighs. The panties I thought were gray were actually light blue. Alli pulled her arms over me again as she positioned her small frame against me. Fuck, she was tiny. She rested her head on my shoulder, and I could smell the strawberries in her wet hair.

“Do what you need. We only have 3 minutes.”



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