Mrs. Bennett is such a tease

I was about fourteen years old when my family moved into a two story house on Maple street. I remember the neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and their son, who was the same age as I was, coming over to the house and welcoming us to the neighborhood. All of them were friendly and we made friends with each of them accordingly. My dad and Mr. Bennett would stand on the line that seperated the yards and shoot the shit, beers in hand, admiring their freshly cut lawns. My mom and Mrs. Bennett would gossip as they watered their flower gardens. Their son Josh and I played on the local youth football team together. Growing up, I enjoyed alot of childhood firsts with the Bennett family. I smoked my first cigarette with Josh after he snuck a few out of his old man’s pack while he was asleep on the couch. Mr. Bennett gave me my first beer one night in his garage when I returned a rake I had borrowed. And Mrs. Bennett. Mrs. Bennett was the first real woman I had masturbated to.

I still remember the first time I saw her. Not the first time I met her, but the first time I really saw her. I had stayed home one day from school on account of a sprained ankle I suffered the day before, at football practice. My mom had set me up in bed, making sure my leg was elevated and that I had plenty of water. She gave me the TV remote as she left for work and said she would be home later. I dozed off to something on the TV, waking up an hour or so later, sweating. My room was too hot so I got up and limped over to crack the window. The Bennetts had a pool in their backyard and something caught my eye that made me realize I had a perfect view of it.

Laid out on a lawn chair next to the pool, in a very small bikini, was Mrs. Bennett. I was coming up on fifteen and at that point, definatley interested in the ladies, but something was different about her. I was mesmerized. Maybe it was the fact that she didn’t look like the girls my age. She looked more like the women in the dirty videos I had seen at that point. Plump breasts, covered only by a triangle of fabric. Her skin reflected the sun from the sheen on her body, probably a mix of tanning lotion and sweat. I would later come to find the smell of this aroma intoxicating. She was wearing large sunglasses and I could see her drink on the small table next to her. I started to feel myself grow in the basketball shorts I was wearing. I didn’t know how long I had been standing there staring with my mouth open, when she moved. I almost fell over, thinking she saw me, landing on my hurt ankle, gasping in pain. I quickly recovered and peeked back out the window. She had reached for her drink and was turning over to tan her backside. The view from the back was just as good as the front, her butt almost completely swallowing the tiny bikini bottoms, her cheeks soaking up the sun. She then reached back and pulled a string on her top that untied the knot holding it together.

I glanced down, tent fully pitched, a wet spot forming at the apex of the mountain contained in my shorts. I waited for what felt like ten minutes but was probably more like thirty, until she got up, showing me her bare breasts as she picked up her bikini top and her drink, heading inside. I hopped back to my bed as fast as I could and masturbated like horny fifteen year olds do.The image of Mrs. Bennett laying out that day was enough to get me through a couple of weeks of not getting the chance of seeing her in a bikini again. Throughout the next year, no matter what she was wearing, I always waved and greeted her, usually running up to my room to masturbate afterwards.

As a younger kid I always thought what I felt for Mrs. Bennett was love. I thought I was truly in love with her. But now, at 20 years old, as I stand in the same window, I realize this whole time I had been consumed by a basic carnal emotion. Lust. My feelings for Mrs. Bennett were unhealthy.  Never giving my all in any relationship I had with girls my age. I had sex with a few different girls when I started going to college parties, but the thing that always pushed me to orgasm was the mental images of all the times I had spied on Mrs. Bennett by the pool.

I had decided to attend a local college while Josh had moved away to attend an out of state school. I was home alot over summer break, mostly because I knew Mrs. Bennett’s tanning schedule. I loved tuning into the Mrs. Bennett’s tanning show, but my favorite broadcasts were the late night, special editions. I guess with their son being out of the house, the Bennett’s turned up the heat on their sex life. They had hosted a cookout with a few of the families around the neighborhood. It was a hot day, the pool was open for all to use. The kids splashed around and the adults drank and laughed about things that didn’t matter. I wore sunglasses so I wouldn’t get caught staring at Mrs. Bennett, who was wearing another one of her fantastic bikinis under a long, crotcheted cover up. I guess she was trying to look a little more modest in front of the other housewives, who would glare at her enviously when she wasn’t looking. The cover up wasn’t covering up much though, you could see right through the damn thing.

The party went from 5 in the evening until around 9:30 at night. During that time I had snuck off to “use the restroom” at least three times. It was the only thing I could do to keep my erections at bay.

After everyone headed home, I offered to help clean up. The Bennetts politely declined and I started to head back home. As soon as I had shut the backyard gate I heard a giggle and Mrs. Bennett saying, stop it and help me clean this mess up. I knew they both had plenty to drink that night and I had a feeling things were going to get interesting. I snuck around the back of their fence that lined a patch of trees. I quietly climbed one until I was able to see over it. Mr. Bennett was sitting in a chair by the pool, with his hand on the back of Mrs. Bennett’s head, which was bobbing up and down between his legs. She had been stripped of her over garment and the reflection of the lights from the pool danced on her half naked body. She looked like an expert. Not too fast, not too slow. No hands, just mouth, steady strokes from his tip to his base. From where I was perched in the tree I had a free hand to stroke myself. Mr. Bennett let out a grunt, like he was coming, but she kept going. She kept sucking until his flaccid member slid out of her mouth. She stood up, wiped her lips, and rubbed her breasts in his face before heading inside, with him close behind.

I started checking out their pool at night periodically after that incident. Turns out they liked to play by the pool quite frequently. No two nights were the same, one day she would straddle him on the reclining lawn chair that she tanned on. One day he would have her bent over the patio table. Sometimes they would just jump in the pool naked and make out. Watching her was better than any porn I had ever seen. She seemed like a natural, I could feel her sensuality all the way from my surveillance window. I took the trash out late one night to see if I could get a front row seat again like the first time I saw them together. As I was putting the lid back on the metal trash bin I heard a low voice and giggling. My stomach flipped. I picked up the trash can and moved it to the side of their fence, quietly climbing on top of the lid. Mr. Bennett was kissing her, untying the straps on her bikini. My legs started to wobble as I lost my balance on the trash can. I fell over, the can making a huge racket. I ran back inside, chest pounding.

All these years of watching from my window, I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to smell her, touch her, make her mine. Since I didn’t have alot to do in my free time, when I wasn’t spying on Mrs. Bennett, I enjoyed working out. I always imagined her while I was lifting as an inspiration to look good. At this point I felt like I was in decent shape. Decent enough to try and make a move.

I put on a pair of swimming trunks from a few summers ago, so they were a little smaller than I would normally wear and they hugged my package perfectly. I knew she would be alone for at least the next couple hours until her husband came home from work. I took off my shirt and headed downstairs, running the game plan through my head. Thinking of how this situation always played out in porn videos. Hey lady, need me to trim your bush?… nah… too lame. Hey Mrs. Bennett, do you need help rubbing tanning lotion on your back?… nah… too forward…

Before I knew it I was at the Bennetts’ backyard gate, standing in full view of Mrs. Bennett. I had no plan. Nothing prepared. She must have heard me approach, she sat up and slid her big movie star sunglasses down to end of her nose, looking at me a little confused. She yelled over to me, Hey David, what’s up? She motioned for me to come in. I opened the gate and took a few steps, my eyes trying to process every inch of her tan, glistening body. I still hadn’t said a word and stopped walking towards her when her hand went to her mouth, almost as if she was going to laugh. I looked down and realized the small swimming trunks were a bad idea. Standing fifteen feet from Mrs. Bennett, there I was, with a huge erection.

My heart was racing as I stood there, not knowing what to do next. Mrs. Bennett’s face of amusement slowly turned sensual, her eyebrows dropping and a sly grin taking over her mouth.

She started to speak in the same tone she had with Mr. Bennett the few times I was close enough to hear, it was her sex voice. She said, so you were the one spying on us the other night, huh?

I didn’t know what to say, I stuttered, um no ma’am, I wasn’t…

She cut me off. Come here, she said. I walked over to her as she sat up in her chair. The bulge in my tight shorts a foot away from her face as she looked up at me. I’ve seen you up in your window, she said, running a hand up my leg. All the hairs on my body bristled from goosebumps. She pulled the little triangles of her bikini top to the sides, exposing her chest to me. I was throbbing.

Is this what you wanted to see, she asked. I dumbly nodded my head.
Her hands grabbed the legs of my shorts and pulled them down until my penis sprung out, rigid as a steel rod. One hand cupped my balls while the other rubbed the side of my leg. She moved in closer and her tongue started dancing all over my shaft. She flirtatiously sucked my tip in her mouth, never inserting me fully. She was teasing me. I wanted so bad to grab her head and pour myself down her throat. I started to move my hand to the back of her head but she pulled back.
No no, she said, don’t be a naughty boy. She was in control here and we both knew it. She leaned back in and continued suckling my tip. The smell of lotion and a sweet tinge of her sweat filled my nose. Almost like she could read my mind, just as I was about to come, she pulled her mouth off my head with a little pop noise, like a suction cup. She patted my penis and said, that’s all for now. She got up and went inside. I watched her the whole way and only came to my senses when the door shut and I realized I was still standing there like an idiot, fully cocked.

Back in my room, balls aching from the tease, I relieved myself. Several times. The erection wouldn’t go away.

My fascination immediately turned to obsession. Playing that moment over and over in my head. That’s all, ‘for now’, she had said… for now… what did this mean? When would I get to see her again. Did she want to see me again?

Second part:
