Stealing my best friends innocence [FF], the soft lipped Russian girl

This is my first time writing a story here. It is true, although it may sound awkward as I am unaccustomed to writing on Reddit. Sorry for the length!

My best friend in middle school was an absolutely gorgeous petite Russian girl. I’ll call her Violet. She was pale, with shimmering blue eyes and a soft round face. Her skin was fair and cool to the touch. We were both lonely middle school girls, I would often see Violet having lunch alone. I was not very different, I sat at a full lunch table, but I couldn’t call anyone there a close friend. I was just as lonely as she was eating at a full table of other girls. The day I left my table for hers was one of the greatest decisions I ever made. Violet was kind, funny, beautiful, and she loved all the same things I did.

Over the next few years, we did everything together. We had sleepovers every week, some times multiple days in a row. I had had a few boyfriends during this time and subsequently lost my virginity. Having hopped over this milestone, I was looking to explore my sexuality more. By this time Violet and I are in high school. I had developed rather quickly, my mind was immature but my figure was that of a woman. My breast had grown to a C cup. They often received envious stares from Violet. My hips, thighs, and butt grew too. I remember always hitting my hips on doorknobs because I wasn’t used to the width of my hips. Miraculously I retained my thin waist, giving my body and hourglass silhouette that I still have today. Violet stayed petite, with small breasts to match. She despised her small figure but I thought it was adorable. Her small loli like figure fit her timid personality perfectly.

In our later teens, I started staring and Violet more often. Concentrating on small things like the scent of her skin, her silky hair, her small pink lips. My heart would race when she snuggled up against me. I started thinking of ways I could romance her into kissing me, but I was never the kind of person to be indirect. So on an afternoon Violet had planned to stay at my house, I sat her down on the floor of my bedroom and the conversation went something like this (B is for myself):

**B:** “I have something I need to ask you about, you trust and like me don’t you?”

**V:** “Of course I do. Your making me nervous, is something wrong?”

My face was flushed red before I had even admitted anything to her. I may be frank when speaking, but I am a terrible actor. I’m the kind of girl who volunteers to present in class first, but stutters once I get on stage.

**B:** “You know that I’m interested in girls already. For a long time I’ve wondered what its like to kiss a girl, and I was hoping you would be my first”

**V:** “I couldn’t! I’m still a virgin anyways”

Ahh – shock – despair. No matter, I’d try again

**B:** “Haven’t you wondered what it’s like too?”

**V:** “Yes. But kissing you is different, what is it that you like about me anyways”

This took some time, so I wont quote myself. For a full 20 minutes I released all my feelings about her. Our bond, our long lasting friendship. I spoke proudly, towering over her. I knew she hated herself for being small and underdeveloped, but I loved those qualities that made her appear like a snow skinned princess. I said everything I could besides openly admitting to being in love with her.

**V:** “I guess you can kiss me, but you have to stop if I ask.”

**B:** “i’ll be as gentle as I can.”

By now my hands are shaking. We’re still on the floor of my room. I crawled over to where she was sitting, her back pressed against the bed. I could hear her breathing heavily as I approached. Sitting beside her now, I placed my hands on her shoulders and waited until I saw her face relax. The kiss that followed was the most magical thing I had ever experienced. I felt like my body was light as air and the only thing keeping me from floating away was her lips pressing on mine. I pulled her in closer, kissing her again and again. I almost didn’t notice her hands on my shoulders when she pushed me away.

**V:** “that’s enough!”

Her words sounded harsh, but she didn’t let go of my shoulders. Her mouth was open, panting. A faint line of saliva was glistening between us. We continued staring at one another while she caught her breath. ‘I can’t take it any longer,’ I thought to myself. I dropped my hands to her waist and hoisted her onto my bed. She whimpered as I got on top to straddle her. ‘I told her I would be gentle, what am I doing?’ I couldn’t help it. She was a sheep and I was a wolf, it was in my nature to be rough. I leaned down to kiss her while I pinned down her wrists. I started with my tongue, gently licking her bottom lip.

**V:** “No stop that, this is wrong.”

I let go of her wrists but didn’t stop my pursuit. Her hands lay still on the bed. I pecked sweet kisses down the side of her neck. Her neck was sensitive causing her to moan softly underneath me. Once again I pressed my lips to hers.

**B:** “Open your mouth.”

She obeyed. I slipped my tongue into her mouth. I felt guilty, I was dirtying her, but she tasted so delicious I couldn’t stop myself. Her petite hands reached behind my neck and pulled me in to deepen the kiss. Was I dreaming? My moans were muffled by her lips. My skimpy pajamas hardly covered my body, yet I was burning. My panties were soaked when we pulled away from one another.

**V:** “I can’t anymore, I’ll die.”

**B:** “As you wish”

I was afraid I might lose control if we didn’t stop. This was all that happened on this particular day, but we continued our sexual relationship for years. This was our first encounter so it’s pretty tame! Let me know if you want more, and how I can improve my writing.



  1. I’m laughing now that I’m rereading the last lines. I did in fact say, “as you wish.”

    I like saying that phrase, when I do I’m quoting Westly from The Princess Bride. But in this context, I’m replying to,”I can’t anymore, I’ll die”. It sounds like my intention is to let her die in the same literary tone as the “then perish” Obama meme.

  2. Would definitely love to read more; little moments that seem awkward or not-smooth don’t detract in the least, they just add to the charm of the memory.

    Please do continue. Lots. :)

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