The entire A-Team [F]inally has so[M]e [F]un

Those of you who read this []( and []( asked that I tell you more of what we got up to.

After Annie effectively walked in on Andrew and me I could see she’s bursting to ask but too polite to do so.

So, one lunchtime we went for a glass of wine and i told her everything that happened that night with Sue. To say her eyes popped is an understatement. She then told me a bit of her life, and it was so different from mine. She comes from a very conservative, absurdly religious family, never had a serious boyfriend until she met her husband to be, married as a virgin and fell pregnant on their honeymoon. The only dicks she ever saw were those of her husband and two sons! She asked a thousand questions about Andrew, how big he was, etc. She confessed her husband Dave only ate her out if he was drunk, and never after they had sex! She was really extremely naive, uninformed and just plain ignorant when it came to sex.

I noticed she became a lot friendlier towards Andrew after that, and she took a bit more care with her hair and looks in general.

I was still living with my brother, but regularly visited Andrew and we fell into a comfortable FWB situation – great sex and fun but definitely no chance of any commitment.

One day I saw an ad in the morning paper for an apartment that ticked all the boxes for me – distance to work, area, price, etc. I made an appointment to view the apartment. It was not perfect, but I could afford it and I could get out of my brother’s place so I signed the lease agreement there and then. I measured the windows to make sure I can at least move in and have some privacy.

Five weeks later my brother and a friend helped me move in. It was a hectic weekend, but by Sunday afternoon I was more or less settled in my new place. I called Andrew who was away on a golfing weekend and invited him to come over, but he said he’d be getting back too late. I was a bit miffed, but I got into a hot bath with a large glass of wine and relaxed for a while to ease the aches and pains out of my overworked body. I decided there and then that I’ll have a little get-together for the weekend to celebrate my new independence.

Monday morning I invited our manager, Andrew and Annie for the Friday night. I also called Sue, but she’d already made a commitment to visit a college friend going through a messy divorce the weekend. She was clearly unhappy to miss out on an evening in Andrew’s company, until I said I’ll have both of them over for dinner soon. Annie was equally excited, arranging that her two little boys can stay with one of her sisters. I also invited a few other friends and my brother and his wife.

When I came into the office after lunch I saw Annie looked devastated. Her husband was going on a week-long training course, not far from where his parents live, and he arranged to fly out on Friday to visit them before training starts on the Monday. Annie pleaded with me to postpone the party till the next Friday so they could join. I started calling around, but only Sue was available. Andrew would be away for work and if he made it, he would be very late. I then told Anni she’d better come on her own. She looked shocked – thing didn’t work like that in her marriage!

The next morning she was quite cheerful – David said it’s fine, she can come to the party on her own. I told her to keep the arrangement with her sister and bring her stuff along and sleep over. It’s way too dangerous to drive home alone after a party.

The week flashed by. On Friday I left at lunchtime to get some snacks ready, got some ice and make sure everything was right for the evening. I just had time for a quick bath and changed into a flirty dress before my brother and his wife arrived. They put down a bottle of wine and opened a bottle of bubbly to get the evening started. My sister-in-law then told me with a big smile she is pregnant! Another reason to party as they’ve been trying hard for a while. I knew that only too well – they were going at it like rabbits while I lived with them, which made me extremely horny…

The other guests arrive, all bringing liquor and soon there was a nice buzz. Our manager arrived, had a glass of wine and excused himself. We’re way younger and he didn’t fit in, but I appreciated the effort to show up and leave a magnum of bubbly. I noticed Andrew and Annie having a few glasses together during an animated discussion. They were clearly enjoying the party and each other’s company.

My brother and his wife left early as they were both working early. I personally though they were on their way to celebrate the good news in the best possible way – nudge nudge, wink wink!!

By midnight only myself, Annie, Andrew and a friend (Lucy) and her bf were left. Andrew started clearing away as the living room was a sea of glasses, paper plates and empty and half empty bottles. By the time Andrew carried the second bag down to the trash the place looked semi-livable again. When the fourth and final bag was gone the kitchen was clean, glasses washed and cutlery put away. Lucy and her bf left after helping to clear up. She’s a lovely person and her bf a keeper (They’re married now with twins, boy and a girl).

It was around one when Andrew sat down on the coach and put his feet on the coffee table, saying he’s knackered. Annie was nursing a cold drink in an easy chair, looking decidedly the worse for wear. Not being a big drinker the evening was clearly a bit rough on her. I was still keyed up, so put some quieter music on and dimmed the lights a bit. I flopped down sideways on the coach, my feet on Andrews legs. He was lying with his head back, eyes closed and slowly started massaging my sore feet, HEAVEN!!As my feet relaxed I started rubbing my heel on his crotch. I had to rub a while before I felt his cock stirring. Meanwhile I was talking with Annie about the evening, and I noticed she was oblivious to me rubbing Andrew’s cock with my heel. That obviously made me work harder on getting him in the mood!

I felt Andrew pressing on my foot, looked up at him, and when he could glanced at Annie. I just smiled, and pressed harder on his cock. He worked me feet harder, and every time he changed feet I made sure I gave him a good workout. I could see and feel he was in the mood to fuck me hard, and after more than a week without it – I wanted it too. How to get started was the problem! I couldn’t just get across to Andrew, unzipped his jeans and start sucking him – even though that’s what I craved.

As often happens, things worked themselves out. Andrew go up, saying he needs something cold and refreshing to drink. He strolled to the little kitchen, and as he walked pas Anni pushed his hand through her brown-blonde hair and said “Sleepy-eyed mama” She replied smiling – nope, actually quite awake!

I could hear Andrew opening the fridge – and like most men, keeping it open while he survey the contents. He called back “Well, it’s either milk, water, Coke or the bubbly X (our manager) brought”. Before I could reply Annie jumped up – “I know where the flutes are”. Decision made.

Andrew poured us each a glass in the kitchen and stoppered the bottle and put it back in the fridge, bringing his glass. We stood next to the coffee table, raised our glasses and Andrew proposed a toast “May Alli be very happy in her new adobe, may her bed springs not creak and her toilet never blocks”. We giggled, and clinked our glasses. Annie got a lecture from Andrew “If you say cheers to someone without looking in his/her eyes you’re doomed to seven years of bad sex!”. Annie’s eyes widened and she said – “So that’s what I did wrong!” She blushed furiously after saying that – clearly the drink loosened her up! Andrew suggested a group hug, which led to a group kiss, while we were still hugging. My feet were still killing me so I dragged both of them onto the couch with me, Andrew in the middle. He didn’t expect that and spilled a little of the bubbly on his jeans, very close to his crotch. Being in the mood and getting impatient to have him I apologized profusely and leaned over to make appropriate sucking noises on the wet spot.

While Annie was blushing again Andrew raised his glass to her and said “happy you could get away and join us in the fun”. This time she looked him in the eyes when she said cheers – quick learner our Annie! I started rubbing the wet spot on Andrew’s jeans, not really hiding the fact that I’m also rubbing his dick at the same time. I could see Annie watching my hand, trying to keep a straight face while her attention was riveted on my hand and the bulge in Andrew’s jeans. Andrew looked very relaxed otherwise, finished his bubbly and asked Annie to pour us refills. She jumped up, face a bit red, grabbed my glass and of she went to the kitchen. The moment she went out of sight I undid Andrew’s belt and zipper and released his hard cock. I licked around his head, then slowly swallowed it as deep as I could. (I’ve never been able to get the DT thing right, despite reading up on it and trying my very best – my gag reflex is just too strong.)

I could hear Annie close the fridge and her footsteps – then she stopped. “Oops, sorry, I guess it’s time for me to go to bed…” I lifted my head, made sure she could see Andrew’s shiny cock and said “Well, you either go to bed and wonder what we’re doing, or you stay and know what we’re doing. If you stay, you take care of the drinks.” She stood there, eyes fixed on Andrew’s very erect flagpole – the confusion and curiosity on her face clear to see. To her credit she just said “OK” and walked over and put the flutes on the table, acting like seeing a hard dick sticking out of unzipped jeans is nothing extraordinary, and sat down next to Andrew.

Holding A’s dick I said “so Annie. what do you think of it?” She gulped, took a sip and said “it’s so different, where’s the skin?” I realized she’d only seen David and her sons’ penises, never before a circumcised one! I looked at Andrew, he winked and I showed Annie where the foreskin was removed. She looked at him, “did it hurt a lot?”. “No”, he replied, “a nurse kissed it better every ten minutes so it was quite a lot of fun!”. Annie turned purple! Andrew laughed again “no, I’ve always been a tough kid so I don’t really mind the little snip at all”. I rubbed the mark where the snip was done and asked Annie to feel how smooth it was. She looked flustered, then rubbed it lightly with her fingertip. Andrew somehow managed to move his cock as she touched it, and she jerked her finger away, to laughs from both of us.

Andrew took Annie’s hand and put it on his cock and said “go on, feel it”. She played and a drop of precum appeared. She rubbed it on his head, and another appeared. “You have to lick that off, that’s the rules” I told her. She hesitated for a moment, lowered her head and the tip of her tongue flicked at the drop. Still holding on to his cock, she got brave and take the entire head in her mouth and sucked for a few seconds. When she lifted her head her face was flushed and her eyes had a dreamy look. I was not about to lose out, so I took his head in my mouth and sucked it and played all over it with my tongue. Andrew’s hand got busy on my boob, and I could feel my nipple hardening….

To be continued!



  1. I’ve been waiting for this and then get a to be continued? Torture.

    It’s so fucking hot though. I’m proper hard and wishes I was Andrew.

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