[MF] Celia saves her nails [OC]

“Oh! Oh, Da Deeee!”

Celia’s plaintive cry was filled with that sorrowful timbre that alway worked on her father. She had stumbled on it as a toddler and, through diligence and determination, had tuned it to perfection by the time she hit her teens. All it took was timing. Too soon and he could resist, to late and the opportunity would have been lost. But deployed at just the right moment the results were guaranteed. The properly timed and executed call had yielded a closet full of the latest trendy clothes, replenished of course often enough to protect her position on the leading edge of fashion. The shiny red thing in the garage that went so fast and *looked* so good had taken a double dose, one to procure a trip to look and another to get the sweet old man to sign on the dotted line. And then there was all the latest electronic gadgetry, especially all those sexy things that looked so good. Celia always studied the manuals, well, not the *manuals*, but those startup thinggies that told how to turn them on. After all, they did look so much better when the screens had some color on them.

“Oh, Da Deeee! Doing all these gross things will get me all yucky. They will just absolutely destroy my nails. Can’t we just hire someone?”

Something was different this time. Her father was really upset and his aggravation generated an angry rumble way down deep in his throat that modulated the register of his voice. Celia knew she was in trouble when her father threw his hands to his head and groaned. Dad was steamed. Maybe it was the steam coming out of his ears that made him immune to her pleas.

“Do you think I’m made of money? All you had to do was register for summer session. A class or two would have kept you on track to finish in six years, but, no, you decided to spend the summer at home. I’m still stuck for the rent on your apartment and we’ll lose your maid if we drop her for the summer. And will this mean a seventh year of tuition?”

“You will do some chores around here to earn your keep. That’s final. End of discussion.”

As the old man grabbed his clubs and headed out to wait for Roger, he pointed to a sheet of paper on the foyer table. It was a silent gesture, but the way he thrust his finger at it said a lot.

Celia scanned the note and her spirits dropped. Every item was something hot and sweaty and dirty. She was not happy. Celia was very spoiled, but she was a pragmatic princess. Instead of pouting and grumbling, she decided to buckle down and handle the list. The first item was wash her father’s car. He had underlined the word ‘today’ so, that was where to start. Celia smiled as she went to her room to change. She was confident she could handle getting a car washed.

In just a few minutes she had the car out of the garage and parked near the end of the driveway. She pulled the hose down, stood on the sidewalk and waited. It didn’t take long. Tom Lee came around the corner and it looked like he was cooling down from his morning run. Celia smiled brightly at him as he neared and greeted him. “Hi, Mr. Lee! Great day for a run!” Mr. Lee ran in place as he took a few minutes to chat with Celia. He tried not to be obvious when he snuck glances at her long legs. They seemed to go on forever sticking out of those shorts. He hoped she would turn around, but first he had to get a quick look at the way that tee shirt draped over her breasts. Oh my, he thought to himself as he noticed the girl was braless. Celia started to struggle with the hose she was holding. Her arms pushed against the sides of her breasts and then she arched her back. Mr. Lee reminded himself he was several years older than the girl when it happened. Celia’s thumb hit the lever on the nozzle and she caught a face full of spray. She laughed and shook a bit. That’s when he noticed the spray had soaked a lot more than Celia’s face.

It didn’t take long for Mr. Lee to volunteer to help. Celia was happy to stand by and point out areas he had missed even if she had to bend way low to find them. She told him it was the least she could do. Tom wondered about the other end of the continuum but chased the thought from his mind when his shorts started to, uh, become a little too tight. It took him quite a while to wash that car. Celia was impressed with his effort so she thought he might be a good candidate to make a regular.

“Hey, Mr. Lee, you must be thirsty after all that work. Come on in and we can get a cold drink.” Celia made sure to walk just slow enough for her companion to get a good view of the way her hips shifted and filled out her very short shorts as she walked toward the house.

Celia handed him a glass and a pitcher of lemonade and suggested he help himself. She moved behind him as he poured and hugged him as she told him how much she appreciated the help. She told him she would return the favor if he ever needed help. Then she rubbed her breasts against his back and reached down to pat his crotch.

“I’m going to get out of these wet things. You can come along if you need some help now.”

Tom swallowed hard. He knew he should get out of there as fast as he could, but … those shorts were so short and, well, the least he could do was be neighborly.

Celia sat on the end of her bed and called Tom over. She ran her left hand up his leg as her right snagged the waistband of his shorts and worked them down. Tom watched her lick her lips as she did so.

“Here, Mr. Lee, you get out of these clothes while I get out of this wet shirt.”

Tom did as instructed and was sitting on the edge of the bed with his knees spread when Celia suggested he lie back and propped his head with a pillow. The bare breasted beauty started stroking his huge erection with her left hand as she licked her lips repeatedly and smiled at him. She suggested he close his eyes and relax while she got him ready.

As soon as he did, she pulled her phone out of her back pocket and got several good photos of her very feminine hand playing with him as he smiled blissfully in the background. Celia could be prudent if it was in her best interests so she checked the photos carefully. Once she was satisfied, she stood up and looked down at the confused man after poking around on her phone a few times.

“There, now they are safely stored in the cloud. Oh, would you like to see?” She turned the phone and showed him the best shot. “Now, unless you want Mrs. Lee to see these, I’d suggest you make the time to help me with some chores this summer. Lawnwork, window washing, uh, well there’s a list.”

All this had gotten the girl a little worked up so she pulled her shorts off and stepped up between his knees. She asked him to sit up and guided his head as she said “Of course, all work and no play makes Tom a dull boy.” As he got into it Celia closed her eyes and let her excitement build. She started breathing faster and faster.

“Oh! Oh Tom Leeeeee!”

[Thanks for reading. Comments and criticism are appreciated.]

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cmbqox/mf_celia_saves_her_nails_oc