My first ever post on Reddit:

I slumped down in my chair as I finally submitted my project to the Political Science professor here as Stetson, then looked across the room to my partner and best friend. She was a stunning woman just a year younger than me, bright red hair and pale skin. I moved my eyes past her freckled face and circular rimmed glasses, down towards her somewhat plump chest, then further towards the nether regions I so badly wished to see. I darted my eyes up to hers, which stared back at me. “Do you think we’ll pass?” She questioned, I responded worriedly. “We better, for all that damn work we put in.” She glanced towards the clock, it read 1:30 AM. “What do we do now?” She asked in a bored tone. “Well I can drive you to your dorm, unless uh. Well unless you maybe wanna stay here?” I began to inquire back, she giggled then spoke up again. “Ooh, with a boy? Sure I’d love too, I just don’t have a change of clothes or anything” Trying my best to sound confident I answered back. “You’ll be fine, if anything something I have may kind of fit you.” It wouldn’t “The only issue is a place to sleep, I have a spare bed set but just the one bed.” She looked past me towards the bed before speaking. “It is a queen. I mean, we could both fit. Of course, um if that’s cool with you and all. I mean I don’t want to intrude or anything-” I cut her off. “That will work perfectly.” She smiled “Awesome, cool. Well I’m going to hop in the shower if you don’t mind.” I got her a towel and some very baggy clothes to wear.

Around 30 minutes later she was still in the shower and I needed to pee like hell, I approached the door and knocked loudly. From behind I heard a voice call back “Yes?” Not really knowing what to say I responded bluntly. “I need to piss, so uh, I was wondering if you will be out anytime soon or-” She answered mid-sentence. “Just come in it’s fine, let me unlock the door real quick.” I stuttered for a moment but I could already hear the door clicking, I waited a second and tried the handle. The door swung open just as she began to close the shower curtain behind her, I couldn’t really help but stare at her bare ass and partially covered tits for the moment I had. “Oh sorry! I thought. I um-” Rose cut me off laughing. “Oh my gosh chill, it’s okay.” I looked in the mirror, cheeks beet red and responded quietly. “Yeah, duh. It’s all cool.” Just then the curtain pulled aside a bit as her head poked out. “You’re so awkward, it’s hilarious. Are you going to shower?” I finished lifting up the seat as I answered with some uncertainty. “Yeah, of course, just whenever you’re done.” “Oh come on,” She teased. “Does it really matter? Hop in now!” I was dumbfounded, She had to be flirting with me?! Or maybe I was just that fucked in the friend zone? I could barely even discern if she was joking right now, could it be possible that she’s into me? I must’ve looked pretty stupid as she began to laugh again. “Hey I mean, you saw me naked, only fair I get to see you right?” I joined her laughing as I agreed and began to undress, this has got to be some sort of sign. After taking off all my clothes and tossing to the ground by her own I pulled back the curtain. Now seeing her whole naked body I could feel the blood rushing to my groin as embarrassment filled my mind. After stepping in my dick was now nearly completely hard. She looked down biting her lip, hand across her boobs before speaking. “Wow, you are something. H-hard already.” Her perfect composure beginning to break as my cock grew to full size. She leaned in close and whispered. “If I wasn’t covered in water, I would still be dripping.” With the sexiest wink as I began to melt in hormones. I began to reach for a bar of soap, but she grabbed my wrist and began to move it towards her breast. I pushed away her hand before quickly grasping it within my own. I pulled it down to my throbbing erection while moving my other hand onto her tits, feeling her hard nipples. We pulled into a deep and passionate kiss before diving into a complete make out session. Things escalated and before long we were groping and grabbing everywhere, feeling each other’s entire bodies. This lasted for a few minutes before she released me and stepped away. Her crystal cobalt eyes gazed up as she said in a lustful voice. “You finish showering, I’ll be waiting in bed.”

To Be Continued…

I had alot of fun writing this and i hope u all enjoy it, please lmk what you liked or didnt like and in the next part I may adjust. have fun ;) <3


1 comment

  1. I must compliment you you on your writing. Nicely done! As far as adjustments? If it’s not broken don’t fix it! Thanks!

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