What I saw in the back of my limo [FM]

I used to drive limousines, the kind you see lined up at the airports. I prided myself on being quiet and smooth. Sometimes I got a call to a house for a ride to a convention center or some kind of event.

A man came out by himself dressed in a tux. He was about 55. He directed me to another house 20 minutes away. A few moments after we stopped, a woman about 33 came out the front door in an evening dress. So did her two kids and her husband. There was a lot of congratulating going on as she tried to leave. She gave her husband a long hug and came to the car. The husband waved like she was leaving for a year.

She was not surprised at the man already in the car. She was on her way to an awards ceremony to do with her work. The man seemed to be a couple rungs up the ladder there. She was nervous but also excited. He appeared cool and relaxed.

They weren’t overly familiar with each other. There were times when the conversation dropped down to tones deeper and quieter than I could eavesdrop on. At least once I heard her giggle. It was dark already but I thought I could see some kind of motion. At a red light, I heard her voice halfway from whisper say, “Not now.” We rounded the street into the parking lot of the event centre.

He told me he’d need the limo back at 10. They exited opposite doors and walked with distance between them to the centre.

I flipped the master switch in the front that disables the switch in the back that puts up the window between the two compartments. They came out the same way they went in, separated and using opposite doors. There were more congratulations from well wishers on the sidewalk. He smuggled in a bottle of champagne he must have swiped from the tables. The limo came with glasses. We pulled away.

He made a brief toast but she demurred, saying shyly, “Oh Rob!” She said something too quiet to him, and then he asked me if I could put the window up. I explained that it was broken, my apologies. I kept my eyes off the rear view mirror knowing he’d spend the next minute checking to see if I was the prying type or not.

They drank their champagne. Whatever he was saying to her in his low tone made her giggle a lot. Things fell quiet and on that stretch of the trip, there were no streetlights. But after about 10 minutes, I thought I heard a slight moan. When we began passing street lights again, I chanced a peek in the rear view. They were sitting closer together.

I struggled to keep my eyes on the road. I heard her whisper loudly, “Oh Rob!” I heard the unmistakable sound of clothes shifting. She giggled more, but now with champagne abandon, and louder. I checked the mirror as I drove, searching for what I could see. That’s when I noticed the whites of her eyes: she was looking right back at me. I looked away, not quickly enough though. Instead of being accused however, I suddenly heard garbled moans. I took my chances and peeked again. She had swung around to face him and they were engaged in a full-on kiss.

Something else was going on too, because even when the kiss broke off, she was breathing hard enough for me to hear. Her lips were parted and her head had fallen back. Her pretty face glowed in the passing streets lights out the moon roof.

Every move of his seemed to be a surprise to her, every step forward a new step taken. It was hard for me to figure out who was initiating and who was receiving anymore. I heard a “No” but it was the coy kind, and in any event, I saw her legs up in the air helping him remove her panties.

Her voice caught and she said louder than she should have, “I’m so wet, Rob.” His body disappeared from my view so it looked as though there was only one person in the back. But she had by now given up trying to be quiet and discreet about the driver a mere five feet away. She moaned and groaned with her head either rolling back or falling forward. There was a repeated “Oh god,” and “Oh my.”

I thought I also saw her eyes watching mine again through the mirror. It was hard to make out in the dark, but there was a flash of clarity as a streetlight passed overhead. I didn’t avert my gaze, feeling safer with him out of view. It appeared as though she wasn’t averting her gaze either. And she seemed to be smiling. I stretched my back to see lower. The back of his head was between her bare legs.

There was then a lot of shuffling and grunting before things settled down again. By the looks of my mirror, he was now slouching in the back seat and she had straddled him. She bounced on him so fast and hard, I could hear the slapping of thighs in the front seat. She began to moan loudly, saying “Yeah? yeah?” like little questions.

We approached her area. I drove the car slowly through the sharp turns left and right typical of suburban areas. All fell still and quiet for a second. Then he grunted and she yelped with surprise. She kissed him hard. I watched her dismount and land on her seat. She stroked her dress smooth and back into shape.As I made the final turn into her street, she crossed the back to sit in the backward seat right behind my head. She said, “This one on the left, with the light at the driveway.”

I turned to face her as I pulled up. “Right here?” I said.

“Mm-hmm!” she said nearly too quiet to hear and she smiled at me.

I stopped in front of the house. The man said “See you Monday?” to which she laughed. After she opened her door, but before she swung her legs out, he said “Patty! Patty!” and pushed her scrunched up panties into her hand. Her husband and kids had already heard the car and were outside on the porch. She turned her back to her husband as she walked and shoved her panties into her handbag. She gave the man a wicked glance.

She said loudly enough for her husband to hear, “Goodnight Mr. Taylor, thank you again for everything.”

He said, “Congratulations again, Ms Anderson.” She hurried up the driveway to hug her husband and children. The man in the back and me both watched her kiss him and wrap her hand around his waist as they all retreated back inside the house. She flicked back one final glance just at the door frame. Without comment, he said to me, “Home please.”

The tip he left me included quite a bit more than normal. I learned the reason why when I retuned to the shop. In the back of the limo was a pile of tissues they’d used to wipe themselves up, just left all over the seat and floor. The tip covered that too, I guess.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/clcjbn/what_i_saw_in_the_back_of_my_limo_fm


  1. I dont know if it’s TRUE or not… but this story is exactly what I’d hope for if I was a limo driver. And one day I want to fulfill the fantasy of fucking a woman while my driver steals glances.


  2. Can confirm the “broken window.” I drove limo in NYC before I got married. For a wedding present my former boss gave me and my bride a night on the town. I went straight for the window control when we got in the back but I was locked out. I asked the driver if we could put the window up. He said, “Mr Brooks says you need to fuck in your hotel room.”

  3. For some that needs to share those stories should live them out. I can tell you from many rungs up but no one will find out who I am here… but I might tell you what one does when he has made it….because that is just the start

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