The Bartender’s Pride – new lesbian erotic novel coming soon!

***Coming Soon*** (All puns intended!) – The Bartender’s Pride! (See below for excerpt…)

Book 1 in the Pride Series – a lesbian erotic novel featuring the Seven Deadly Sins!

When Lara’s boyfriend cheats on her with her best friend, she relocates to Edinburgh for a fresh start. She gets a job in an LGBT nightclub and starts to learn more about who she is, or more accurately, who she’s always been. What she doesn’t know, is that the building itself is managed by seven insanely hot women … who just so happen to be the Seven Deadly Sins!

Follow Lara’s journey to overcome her internalised homophobia, and get intimate with three of our sinful women along the way! What happens when Lust falls in love, Gluttony falls pregnant, and Envy gets, well… jealous! of other people fucking Pride?

Lots of fun, and delightfully dirty, can the Seven Deadly Sins help Lara become proud of who she is? Or will the “morally-good” Virtues step in to cause trouble?

**Excerpt – POV = Lust**

A week later, and I made my way up to the seventh floor. Harry had been pestering me nonstop for days, and I had reluctantly resisted her offers, each of her suggestions getting more and more downright dirty. She was sexually frustrated again, and I hated leaving her that way, but I needed to figure out my feelings. The past few times I’d seen her, something had changed between us. It was no longer a fuck for convenience.

I had queried it with her twice, but she hadn’t answered. Maybe she felt nothing for me, and I didn’t want to embarrass myself, nor face the rejection if that was true. I had decided to avoid her until I knew what was happening. I didn’t know what to do.

Eventually, I realised I wanted her, just as much as she wanted me. I stood in the elevator, pulling my long black coat tighter around me to keep off a chill. I nodded a greeting to the security staff at the entrance, and they pulled open the front door for me. It was going on 11 p.m. now and the club was in full swing. The dance floor in the middle of the room was full, the spectral disco lights glittering, and the bass thumping beneath my feet. I meandered my way through the crowd, heading toward the bar.

I spotted her, dressed in her distinctive white shirt and black tie, coming out of her office and locking the door. As soon as she turned and caught my eye, she motioned me toward her and unlocked the office door again, grinning wickedly. I followed her inside.

“What took you so long, pet?”

“Sorry, I’ve been busy,” I lied. She came closer, and it was a good thing she didn’t quest toward me, or my feelings would have been laid bare for her to see. I looked up into her eyes, and my heart stopped as I realised how beautiful they were. Her blue eye was sparkling, her brown eye deep and piercing. I let out a slow breath and captured her lips in a kiss before I could over-analyse anything. I grabbed her tie and pulled her toward me.

She kissed me back, her tongue grazing the inside of my lips. I spun around, pushing her back against her desk. Her hands found the belt of my coat, and she pulled it sharply, breaking the kiss to look down. Her shock was clear, and she swallowed hard, taking in the sight of my nakedness under the heavy fabric. She exhaled, a small wanting moan in her throat as she noticed the harness around my waist.

“Turn around,” I growled. For once, she did as she was told. I reached around and unfastened the buttons on her shirt before pulling apart the buttons on her jeans. I pulled everything to her ankles, and she bent forward over the desk. I knew she was already wet, and I angled the strap-on toward her.

She groaned as I pushed it deep inside her, the tops of her thighs hard against the wooden edge. My hand reached up under her arm to find her breast, squeezing through her thin bra. I bit my lip as I started thrusting inside her. She was hot and flustered, sweat starting to form on her chest. I felt my pussy soak as she whimpered, my spare hand finding her clit. She was ready, her pent-up arousal obvious. It wouldn’t take her long.

I pushed her head toward the desk, fucking her harder, and she groaned. Every muscle in her back was taunt, sweat glistening on her impressive shoulders, visible through the loose shirt as she approached the edge. I sensed she was going to groan again, louder, and I placed my hand over her mouth, stifling her screams.

*Your apartment might be soundproofed toots, but your office isn’t.* Harry’s hips pushed back against me, uncaring and relentless. I smiled, moving closer to her and angling the strap-on deeper inside her.

There was a knock on the door. “Harry?” *It was Cody.*

I didn’t stop. He’d been here long enough to know he shouldn’t walk into Harry’s office without being invited. I slowly released my hand from Harry’s mouth, trying not to laugh.

“N-not now Cody,” she replied, trying her best to keep her voice steady while I continued to fuck her. I sensed her wicked delight at the challenge. She dropped her head back down, exposing the tattoo on her neck.

“Madison is here to see you?”

Harry tried to stand up, and I forced her back down. “Tell her to fu–!” 

I covered Harry’s mouth again before she finished. “Cody, tell her we’ll be there shortly, we’re just finishing paperwork. Harry says to get her a drink on the house,” I called.

Sudden fury was raging in Harry now, and I had my work cut out for me, trying to keep her bent over the desk. I pounded her, harder and faster, keeping my hand over her mouth to prevent any vicious insults getting thrown. She was coming fast, and I released her clit to pull her hair, hard.

I held strong, my hand still trying to soften the cursing from her throat as the orgasm took over. I prayed Cody and Madison weren’t still standing right outside the door because if they were, they’d hear every word. Cody was still too young for such filth, especially half of the profanities Harry was coming out with now. Even I was impressed, and I’d heard her swear, a lot!



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