Blindfold Girl [MF]

It was early 2016 and I had come across an interesting woman on OK Cupid. While she wasn’t overtly sexual in her profile, she had some interesting keywords: rediscovering herself, enjoying new empowering life directions, stuff like that. I’ve learned that women who are re-finding their empowerment often have a sexual side to it and that they are frequently a good match for me.

I sent her a nice note and she responded in kind. She was witty and smart, a good combination. And the (one) picture I had seen of her (face) on OK Cupid was attractive. I was definitely interested. After messaging a bit, it seemed she was as well. We arranged to have a date on Tuesday the following week. A glass of wine at a place not far from her apartment. Both of us knew if that went well we would likely proceed back to her place.

While I maintain an OK Cupid profile and have met my share of women there, the nature of my wife’s and my marriage is not known to friends and family. So I try to keep it somewhat discrete. Part of that discretion is a lack of imagery on my profile. I have a single picture that’s a zoom-in on my right eye. So if a woman wants to see what I look like after we match we have to do a picture exchange. It’s become the modus operandi.

So we were all set. But Ruby is an adventurous sort, which makes her my kinda gal. So at one point SHE brings up an idea to ME, that instead of meeting for a drink, why don’t we skip all of that and why don’t I come straight to her apartment. And because we have never met, I have seen only the one picture of her, and she has not (really) seen any pictures of me, she suggested we amp it up even further.

I was to knock on her door at the prescribed time, and she would open it a crack and hand me a blindfold. I was to put it on, enter her apartment, where she would be already blindfolded and naked, and we would proceed to fuck. Without saying anything, or seeing each other. Just flesh on flesh and carnal sensation. Then when we were finished, we would remove our blindfolds, view each other for the first time, and introduce ourselves.

Well, my personality type is that I love adventures. Particularly of the sexual variety. And if there’s an item on life’s smorgasbord that I have yet to try I am all over it. So I enthusiastically agreed. What a great bucket list item!

It was only after I told a couple of my FWBs about this great plan that this cool new woman had proposed that it even dawned on me that this might not be the best idea. I got lots of “What, are you crazy? How do you know you won’t get mugged and raped?” and one friend literally told me “You have a brave cock, Dean.”

So I did a bit of homework. As much as I could do. I found her on Facebook (I knew her last name by that point) and I reviewed all of our communications for internal consistency. Nothing was setting off my warning radar. But I still took a few precautions like parking a block away and leaving my wallet in the car. And setting up a buddy system with a couple of friends who were expecting an all-clear text later that evening.

I showed up at the prescribed time, my heart beating like a racehorse. I was as nervous as I had ever been prior to a sexual encounter and I felt like my heart was in my throat. But the moment was on me and I would know soon enough if I was about to have a sexual liaison with a lovely lady or a 6’4″ bruiser was about to beat the crap out of me. 

I knocked on the door.

It opened slightly, and I saw a hand stick out. Holding a blindfold. I went with the plan and donned it, then went inside.

She was standing just beyond the door, and embraced me as I came in. I felt the smooth skin of her back under my fingers – and not a stitch of clothing. I started kissing her, gently at first, then with growing passion, my arms embracing her firmly. I ran a hand up to her cheek and through her hair, and in so doing felt the blindfold that she herself was indeed wearing.

She unbuttoned my shirt and unzipped my pants to find my already rock-hard erection. She took me by the hand and navigated us through her apartment to her bed.

I laid her down and began kissing her. First on her lips, then down her body to her neck, her breasts, her stomach. I slowly made my way closer and closer to her pussy, taking my time and enjoying the ride. When I got there I discovered large, incredibly wet inner labial lips and a swollen clit ready to be licked and sucked.

After a while, she returned the favor, providing me with an amazing blowjob, deepthroating my entire cock. She had condoms on her bedstand and put one on me (blindfolded), and we proceeded to fuck in every position imaginable. Neither once saying a word. Neither once peeking.

Finally, after well over an hour, I allowed myself to climax and we collapsed in a heap on the bed, removed our blindfolds, and looked at each other for the first time. While I had the advantage that I had seen the one picture of her (and she did look like her picture) she was truly seeing what I looked like for the first time. Fortunately she didn’t run screaming.

“Hello, Ruby, I’m pleased to meet you.“  “Hello Dean, I’m pleased to meet you as well.” We spent another good hour or so chatting and then went to round two, which was equally as amazing as round one.

It was a crazy fun first date, and is still the coolest initial meeting I’ve had with another human being. Ruby is an adventurous but level-headed soul, and remains a fun adventure partner to this day.

And oh yes, after our initial fuck, after our initial “hello,” when we paused to get a drink of water, I pulled out my phone and told her I had to text a couple of friends to let them know I was alright and not axe-murdered.

She pulled out her phone and said, “Yeah, I have to do the same thing.”



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