Professional Indiscretion[MF]

Professional Indiscretion

It was only one time.

I guess now that I look back on it years later, I’ve stopped using that as an excuse for my behavior, but for a long time I told myself that. I guess whether it was okay or not is up to you.

I was a massage therapist at a resort in the Florida Keys. It was a place that was passed it’s prime, but for whatever reason it had enough word-of-mouth business and reputation that it stayed afloat despite the rising water line of competition from more places abroad.

Most of the time our clientele was solo executive business types traveling alone. But occasionally they would bring their families for various reasons.

So the patriarch of this particular family was the heir of some New Jersey based chemical/pharmaceutical company that if you were “in the industry” you’d know was a huge deal, but unless you were the type that went to, or at least knew about the trade shows then it would be like “Who the F?” but that’s besides the point. This company was still privately held and a majority of the stock was owned by this one guy’s family and he was actually the son of the original founder. I guess he still brought his family here because he came here as a kid (back when families still came) but at this point he just dragged his kids along, and for whatever reason they still came, I always assumed it was because a trust fund was being dangled or whatever.

You might wonder why I brought this up, he had a daughter.

She was quiet. I thought she was smart because she studied at Princeton, but that was before I knew what money could do, but maybe she was. Anyway, I was walking on my way to my massage room and I saw her sitting by the pool. She had brown somewhat curly hair that was just below her shoulders, and she was wearing a racer back swimsuit. She was probably a swimmer. I could tell that because of her sold muscular shoulders and really nice thighs and legs and petite round perky breasts.

I also knew she was a swimmer because she was putting on a swim cap and goggles, but I digress.

I didn’t have a lot of contact with the guests outside of my job, so I don’t know how she ended up booking a massage or anything. I just remember seeing her a few days later when she walked into my office. This time her hair was pulled back into a pony tail and she was wearing a cute dress that was the type you could see through if she was back lit by the sun.

As she filled out the questionnaire, she had a sort of flat affect, but she would occasionally look at me and smile, I thought she was very cute, and I was sort of knocked out of my groove because we were almost the same age, and I wasn’t accustom to that, for the first time in a while I felt nervous.

She seemed really chill and comfortable with the whole process so I was sure she had had a massage before.

I told her she could get undressed behind the folding partition and lay down on the table. I turned around to wash my hands and I saw out of my periphery that she immediately slide her dress over her head as she walked into the dressing room/bathroom and was completely naked underneath. The flower pattern on her dress made it difficult to tell earlier that she was not wearing a bra. She came ready I guess.
She laid on the table face down, as I draped her.

I started with her right hand and wrist and slowly worked up her right arm to her shoulder then did the same with her left arm. Her skin felt suprisingly warm to the touch. I was surprised by how muscular she was underneath her soft skin. It was a nice change of pace from the squishy and de-conditioned bodies that I was used to seeing on my table at the resort.

I skipped her feet “too ticklish” she said. I was massaging her calves and thighs, and sliding the drape out of the way as I was moving up her leg. I began to hear her rhythmically breathing in time with my movements and she was beginning to feel really really relaxed. It was nice when someone was comfortable enough with massage to really get the most out of it.

I guess this is the point I can tell you, I’ve got a “thing” for swimmer girls. I think it stems from my time on a rec swim team when I was thirteen, but whatever. I don’t know if I can describe exactly what a “swimmer bod” is on a girl, and maybe I just have a thing for racerbacked one piece swimsuits, but I was having a hard time focusing because I was extremely turned on.

It had started when she walked in with the dress and as soon as she pulled it over her head I felt myself get rock hard, at this point though, luckily, I could tell that my penis had retreated to a semi-flaccid “fluffed” state, so hopefully it would behave for the rest of the session then I could go back to my bunk room and furiously jerk off, but that’s besides the point, I had to get through this massage first.

I moved up her thighs and lower back, and I don’t know how long she had been doing it for, but I could tell she was pressing her crotch into the table synchronized with my movements. I could see her flexing her glutes together as she did, it was very subtle, she was definitely trying to hide it. Her breathing began to pause after she inhaled, shortly at first but the pauses became longer and longer, with each subsequent exhale becoming more pronounced as it seemed to become harder and harder for her to hide it.

I’ve known for a while that sometimes people become aroused during massage, and I’ve come to realize that little rhythmic motions like these are the tells.

I ask her to turn over and I hold the drape up and lay it back down. I could tell her skin was flushed and she was breathing somewhat heavy, my view of her naked body was occluded by the sheet I was using the drape that I laid over her then began massaging the front of her right leg. I slide the drape back slightly to massage the front of her right thigh, and I notice that she is completely shaved. I glance up at her face, she has her eyes closed and as my hands move closer to her crotch she blushes and gently bites her bottom lip.

At this point, almost without conscious thought her body begins to push her crotch towards my hand as she opens her legs slightly allowing the drape to slide off her mons pubis even more. I slide my hands further towards her inner thigh (athletes are always tight through their pelvis) and I gently press firmly to release the tension, trying to ignore her obvious state of arousal (as well as my own).

“Keep….going” as her eyes were closed and and she began to tense up slightly with every breath hold.

I continued to massage her thighs with firm pressure, ensuring my hands remained professionally distant from her delicate parts…

This was the moment she held her breath and tensed her whole body for about before relaxing with a slight moan/exhale.

She had an orgasm. I wouldn’t be one hundred percent sure about it except my hands were a glance away from her bare shaved pussy that was in full view thanks to her continually moving the drape aside with her other leg. Would I have done a better job of covering her if I wasn’t so aroused? Maybe.

My body was facing away from her as I worked on her legs, I usually worked around the pelvis from the other direction, but that this point there was no way that I was going to hide the massive hard on that I had from this whole situation.

She was panting slightly, her chest rising and falling as she let out small restrained vocalizations with every exhale, she had mild perspiration all over her body and her face was flushed.

After the waves of pleasure subsided, her breath was so quick, if I didn’t know what was happening to her I’m sure I would be concerned that something might be the matter. But she opened her eyes, bit that lip again and looked down at me making eye contact for the first time since the massage began, I was utterly hypnotized.

As I looked slightly over my shoulder at her face, not entirely sure how I was to react she moved her right hand up to my waist and before I could even register what was going on she had gently slid her hand into the waist band of the pants I had on and grasped my hard cock.

I tensed slightly as she began to slide her hand up and down my member as we looked at each other not entirely sure how to respond, I turned around to allow her better access as she reached over and pulled the waist down off my cock and began to rub me with both of her hands.

It felt amazing to have this gorgeous naked woman touching me as she was in such a vulnerable place, I don’t know how I didn’t just cum right then and there, but after a few moments she removed on of her hands from my cock and put it on my hand (still on her thigh) and slide it up to her delicate swollen bare pussy.

I think she might had had another orgasm when she placed my hand on her, but it didn’t seem to last long before she started to use my hand to get herself off, she manipulated my fingered gently across her as she took my thumb and grazed it across her clit which was flushed and warm to the touch.

She took her other hand off my cock and pulled my hip towards her and opened her legs, sliding the drape sheet off her body leaving her completely naked and exposed on the table. When I felt my warm thigh press against hers I didn’t know how that this could be happening but I just accepted because I wanted it so bad.

She slide on leg off the table that allowed me to get between her legs on the table as she used both her hands to slide my pants off my waist completely allow me to feel my bare skin against hers. I looked her in the eye as I felt her hand in the small of my back as she pulled my body into hers as I felt the tip of my stiff cock slide against her bare pussy lips as she began to arch her back and my tip entered her.

She let out a moan and a sharp inhale as I rocked my hips forward and entered her farther, slowly.

As I entered her she slide her hands up the front of my chest under my shirt and I felt my skin electrify from her touch. She pulled up my shirt so she could feel my bare skin.

Our eyes locked on each other as I entered her fully and she began to quiver as the base of my cock pressed against her clit.

I reached my hands up and cupped her bare gorgeous tits as I rocked my hips back until I thrust into her again, this time slightly harder. She was so wet, feeling her bare naked body pressed against mine was so amazing.

I laid into her feeling her tits and hard nipples pressed against my bare chest as my shirt was still pulled up.

I paused my thrusts at full depth as she shuddered and moaned and held her breath, feeling my stiff cock deep inside her. At every subsequent thrust apex, her reactions got more and more intense. I knew that she would cum again if I continued, it only took maybe 10 more thrusts (maybe, I lost count) before another orgasm exploded and I felt her cunt rhythmically pulse around my stiff cock and she wrapped her arms around me and pressed her body against mine.

I felt it building inside me quickly, she must’ve known, feeling my body tense…

“Cum inside me, it will be okay”

When she whispered that in my ear it was too much, I exploded inside her, thrusting forcefully while I felt my cock empty deep inside her, all I could hear was her saying “yes, yes, yes” as she felt my hot load fill here.

I slumped down on the table, on her, she gently stroked my hair and my neck and back before I felt her gently push me away and off her, she smiled at me as she quickly waddled to the bathroom and she closed the door. We had a shower in that bathroom so it was convenient for clients to clean up after a massage, I never expected it to be used for THAT sort of clean up though.

I pulled my pants back up and took a moment to just try to process exactly what happened. I was probably standing there with a dumb look on my face the whole time until she came back out of the bathroom. She had that cute dress back on, and a smirk on her face.

“Thanks for the massage, it was really lovely”



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